The Quarter Mile Podcast

Redline (2007)

Drew Davis and Friends Season 2 Episode 7

This episode had more twists, turns, and high octane thrills then the movie we reviewed, REDLINE!  Drew and CJ are joined by friend, guest, and temporary host Andre Churchwell as they accidently review not one, but TWO Redlines!


The Quarter Mile Podcast
Drew Davis
CJ Walton

Special Guest:
Andre Churchwell

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Welcome back to the quarter mile podcast gang.
It's been a weirdis episode. We've done yet. We are talking about red line.
We haven't even started. We're, we're, we're, I just want you all to know that this is
in the situation. None of you driving or watching us on YouTube or whatever care about this,
but you, you, I feel like you need to know.
Our, our regular co-host, CJ is currently dealing with some car stuff.
And she's like in line and she said there's an old man in front of her taking forever.
So she, she's like, go ahead and start the episode because we're filming another one after this.
So that brings me to part A, which is we have a wonderful guest, Andre Churchwell.
So what's up, Andre? How are you doing?
Hey, I didn't have car stuff. My life is, my, I got here super fast.
His life is super easy. He got here like a fast and fierce name.
Oh, no, no, so, so our guest is Andre and we'll get to hear more from him in a second here.
But here's the mixes episode even better.
Today we are reviewing the movie red line.
I almost want to say we're reviewing the movies red line because did you know there is a,
the 2007 or whatever, which, what year's it? Yeah.
Oh, they know 2007 movie that were actually you came here to watch a review on.
That's a little fast and furious rip off.
But there's also an animated movie.
Here's the situation. My sub in co-host now.
I have watched two different red lines.
You knew there's an, this is an actual and actually this is great.
Our other host isn't here. So we're just going to, we're going to try a podcast where we,
half of us have seen the movie that we're reviewing.
And we're going to see how it goes.
But before we get into everything red line related, I am excited to have Andre Churchwell has been a friend of mine, a comedy friend for,
I mean, honestly, if you think about it, we've known each other for over a decade.
Yeah, I knew you when you were a different name. You were Andrew?
Yeah, that's true. My real human name is Andrew Davis.
And I realized sometime into comedy that Drew Davis,
illiterates better and sounds better on stage.
So like in my mind, I don't know if anyone else thinks this but like if Drew Davis sounds like someone who's going to tell you jokes.
Andrew Davis sounds like that's the guy you got to do like file your taxes.
Oh, I was literally thinking.
So yeah, so, so yeah, so I, anyway, but always be.
You can apps you and my mother and other people can absolutely still call me.
Andrew Davis is totally fine.
Talk about Andre. This is our quarter mile podcast tradition. We love to get to know you as a guest slash ghost.
In telling us about you, we also want to hear your relationship with the fast and furious.
My sister thought Paul Walker was hot.
So I was forced to watch the first movie sort of.
And then it was years later when I listened to a podcast called the giant bomb podcast, a video game podcast.
Love it.
That went off on this huge almost two hour tangent explaining why the fast appears for a size is the wildest out of sink out of contingency with their own movies.
Yeah, so argument.
And Hollywood history and I was like, percent.
Oh, I, okay, I'll, I'll look into this and I watched.
Hook you drip. I started there and then I watched fast five solid. It's the talent job with fast and furious saw good reviews. And it's like, no, this is like wrestling matches is one guy on the cover versus other guy in the cover.
Let's go. Let's do it. Yeah, it's not even. Hey, let's, I don't have to know who's baby is this or anything. Let's just have at it.
And then what was it? I think I skipped six six with the planes.
Six six six six six with the plane six has the plan and seven is it was made me cry that the ending it will make every grown man.
And it was the same year, the hobbit came out and it was like more emotional than the frickin Peter Jackson. Yeah, I was waiting for when COVID happened and we were all shut down.
And that was about the same time that fast nine came out. So I did my usual fast and furious marathon.
Um, both, you know, hitting and this sound. Yeah, I do. Every time there's a new fast and furious, I watch all the movies except for hops and shall which speaking of which we're viewing in a couple of episodes.
And the Leros. Yeah, we've already talked about it. That we did that. We did that. We had a, we had a, we had a one. I don't do it in my run. I actually just saw it for this first time.
What a wonderful movie. And it's he directed it. Yeah, it, it, but it, which isn't a culture of the Dominican Republic. So well, which is not something I knew if go back Andre and everyone else.
Um, go back and listen to our episode review of Los Bandoleros. It's the fourth one in season two because when you listen to it, I go into it, talking to the CJ and Dustin our guest with the attitude of this wasn't that good of a movie. And then when they explain to me the culture behind it all as people who know more about Dominican Republic culture than I do.
Can you join my completely is a great 30 secret of indies. He's a great like his short that he made where he talked about how he's like a mix actor. He can't get roles and like he had to.
I'm up with a role for himself in the short. Yeah. Unbelievable.
Listen, I think especially back in the time when the Spandoleros came out, he does have a gift for directing it in a real way to tap into the heart of the people that are in his, just people groups that are in his movies.
I do think at some point maybe between fast five and fast eight maybe she came in and like when you watch the fast and furious movies, it does kind of become like the diesel verse.
And I think that gets I might and is that gets in the way of the really good gift of directing that he's shown in earlier stuff.
It's almost like he stopped doing other movies that weren't like a billion dollar franchise. Yeah, crazy, right? What to be fair.
It's not had the opportunity that I would I would do that as well. So he'll come around. He'll come around.
Okay. Listen to this podcast and we'll remind him of his. He'll start trying.
Well, let's let's talk about should we talk about red line? Yeah, then I cried and then I watched the fade the furious and then I watched the cliffhanger one and then that let me down.
Oh, yes. So no, that it's okay to be let down my faster furious sometimes because that from first to second, this is the whole thing is about getting the bumps in.
Yeah, absolutely. So it's okay, as long as I'm with the family.
Everyone who's ever like, oh, they're so dumb. They don't make any sense. They're they're watching it. It's like as a fan, we're like, that's what makes it awesome.
That's good. Cheers that they're done. Yeah, that is they are doing what they promised to do.
My image was like, I can't watch these movies as I don't know anything about item not in the car.
You have to. This isn't all right. It helps in the first three. They do kind of hold on to some car culture, but honestly by four, it's very tertiary.
It's like watching lawn order because I'm it want to be a lawyer. So yeah, certainly or scrubs because I want to be a doctor.
That's an out there. That is a long. No, it is those scrubs is you. That was a great show.
Anyways, the reason we're covering red line in our fast and furious adjacent season two is because actually when the first love fast and the
years came out, red line was one of the titles that they were going with this movie in addition to having a title that fast and furious almost had is other is other title was race wars, which they
got they didn't go. Oh, they should have. Race wars. We'll be up to like race wars. 9 now, dude. Yeah, I don't know about that. I think that would have.
That's what the title would be in Japan. It would be so interesting to see. Anyway, so this movie has the same title as fast, furious, almost had, but also you can
look at this movie and not think that they were, you know, writing off the co-tails. It was it's a fast and furious knockoff. This should have been called race wars. I would have actually could it still could have fit.
In another little side note about this movie, and I'm going to give a plug for next week's episode. We are actually doing a two part on red red line. This is red line part one.
We will have a red line part two. It's going to be a special bonus episode. And I don't want to give all the tricks away to you all listening or watching.
We do have a very special surprise and a very special thing that we're doing in that episode. And the reason we're even covering this movie is actually because of the next episode.
And I can't say anymore. Otherwise, I'll give a massive spoiler, but all this to say if you're currently listening to red line part one, stay tuned for part two and check it out.
And if you're especially if you're a long time fan, long, but a year long fan of this podcast, then you'll really appreciate what we're doing next week.
But we're not on next week. We are on this week. So here's some just fun facts about this movie. It came out in 2007. It's budget was 26 million. We only made 8.2 million.
So why? That's the bad sign.
And when you look at the movie, it doesn't look okay. I should be I my my expectations have been changed because I was going to say it doesn't look like a 26 million dollar movie.
But I recently learned when we reviewed super fast that that was a 20 million on the movie. So maybe it maybe it does maybe it does.
We're fast. That is not no. No, it is not. I'm telling I'm telling myself that they paid the actors really well.
So speaking of actors, here's here's the cast of red line. At least the red line that I watched, not the red line that Andre watched.
And I'm going to mispronounce at least our main stars name Nadia the Jorot Lynn who played Natasha.
Here's the thing about Nadia the things that she's known for she was in one episode of NCIS as attractive wife.
As she should. Yep. I think she could pull off that role very well. But if you're a big Nadia.
But Jorlyn fan Nadia head. You'll know her from days of her life. Which she was in 1567 episodes.
Not a lightweight. Not a lightweight. See that was her that must have been a real money maker. Also in this movie we have Nathan Phillips who played Carlo.
You might know from snakes on a plane. Probably other stuff but that's a to me. That's the movie that stuck out. He griffin played in famous.
And he was my favorite and the first thing I think of when I think of Eddie Griffin is undercover brother.
And I learned earlier before we started filming for today that there's a sequel that Andre told me about undercover brother.
And I know idea that I existed direct to streaming with the guy from black dynamite.
Does it do the first one justice? He's playing a trying to be funny black dynamite. Oh.
I've seen black dynamite. I haven't seen black dynamite. Oh my god. I'm jealous.
The first when you know what black dynamite is you're like in it but when you want it's like it's like kind of rocket.
I can't wait. Anyway, so we also had Angus Mac.
And Michael and she might have had the best performances in this movie, which I know matters not at all to you.
But not surprising. He's one of my favorite actors. He definitely. Yeah. I mean, I can't list like three movies and virtues.
Here is a virtue. Brave art. Red line. He must have. I don't know what he was doing to be on this.
But he did great. And then lastly, we had Tim Matheson as Jerry.
And he seemed like a big name for this movie. Like he seemed. But then.
And the whole house is back. Yeah. He's though. So this is a fun movie. When I started watching it, I was like,
this is such a dumb, poorly made movie, but they got me got got soaked into their universe.
And then by the end, I was actually like, what's gonna happen? And we'll talk about that later.
You'd watch it again. Might. Here's the only way I'd watch it again.
If I was with like a friend who I didn't see it as like let's watch Red Line together.
That's how I that's how I am with human synopeed. Once you know the plot, I don't feel like it's rewatch value has a lot.
To experience it with someone else. That's where the fun is. Well, those of you who are regulars, you know,
we do have a quarter mile tradition, which is the guest or in this case guest.
Coast. You're the first ever by the way guest. Coast. Yeah. Well, you know, exciting.
Is not like someone for sugar or tank or anything. Yeah. So yeah, it's not like the van.
And all that made it happen. So we'll check on CJ after this episode or maybe Andre's the news season two and beyond.
Coast for the quarter mile. Bog as he took it over. Anyway, it is a tradition for our guests to read the AI plot summary.
This maybe didn't lend itself to a lot of gimmicks where I could tell the AI to do. I tried to do like read it from the perspective of Eddie Griffin.
And it did not do it justice. So this is just a fun upbeat. Hopefully with jokes.
I was like, I'm not going to have anyone read this. So yeah, I'll try to remake it and send it to you.
So Andre, the floor is yours for our AI plot summary for red line. Our story kicks off with Natasha Martin, a rock star mechanic and racecar driver played.
Eerie ed Natasha is the kind of person who treats high speed chases like Sunday drives. I'm still recovering from that first sentence.
When she's not hooting up cars, she's tuning out common sense behind the wheel in her Carlos, her swab mysterious love interest with the pinchal for speed and secrets.
They're quickly roped in the underground racing world by none other than the shady billionaire Jerry Brecken.
Gary's got money to earn and a taste for illegal by steak street racing.
The stakes get wild when Jerry and his equally unscrupulous pals Michael and Marcus hold those guys decide to bid Natasha and Carlo against the Fremdell and Crem of beard,
Evel drivers in cross country. No holds barred race. The prize a mountain of cash and ultimate bragging rights.
What follows is a whirlwind of screeching tires, fiery crashes and heart pounding near misses are heroes navigate treacherous terrains, dodge-cutting rifles and deal with back.
Stabbing twisted every turn, Tasha's cannibal genius comes in clutch more times in a car at day.
Hey, I think it's funny.
While Carlos charmed and quick thinking,
keep them one step ahead of the saster.
The grand finale are daring duo faces off against their arch and imis and a hair raising race to the finish line.
It's an all-out showdown leaves your pulse racing and your core flying.
Red line, that's just a movie.
It's a madcap joy right where the only thing faster than the cars is the pace at which you'll be entertained.
Hey, so strapping.
Strapping? Okay, so strapping and enjoy the ride.
It's with red line, all gas. No, break.
That was perfect. Thank you so much. Sure.
For that, I hope that review made you think, man, I really want to go watch this movie.
Do you like it when it has like the miss the miss stuff in it and the periods in the middle of sentences?
I think it's fun. I think most people don't acknowledge it when I do.
I like, I like, I like the AI tries to do it.
The whole thing just disintegrates in my hand.
Sometimes with other movies, it's so clear that has no idea what the plot is.
But then again, it is not be reviewed.
Then again, I am judging a computer for writing a review on a movie that I'm not writing.
In this episode, we didn't do fast-fanned feedback.
We decided to do my new favorite segment of the show, which is Bad Movie Reviews.
Of course, this movie does have good, nice movie reviews, but I brought out a few bad movie reviews.
I'd like to read you all.
So here's the first one. It says, "Bunch of be-list actors making our lives shorter by watching their pathetic attempts to act and entertain."
If I could convey one message to the cast, it would be this.
Or a lot.
I'm to look inward and become what your destined to become.
A clerk at the gas station.
I like because, hey, if you're giving $28 million, there's responsibility.
You have to live up to this money, dude.
Thank you.
In this movie, though, I think the chance maybe where the money went was the really nice cars.
I think maybe that's where they put the money in because they did have, unlike super fast, which was a parody, and did not have what I thought was $20 million worth of what I've seen.
But this one, you would see some really nice cars.
So maybe that's where the most sense is.
Who did that running for me?
Someone from Rotten Tomatoes, or I'm just finding the long line.
No one I know personally.
This is just friends online who I've never met.
I like this next review.
It says one of the worst movies of all time.
I've seen it five times.
That's Armin White.
He's a troll, I think.
It's Armin White.
He goes like, "I hate Boy Story because it didn't make me cry and stuff."
And then it'll say, "I think this is the greatest fast."
Like, "Hell, do you shit, Luke?"
Oh, I think, I think, by movies or views or fun.
This review is just weird.
This is horrible.
Full frontal nudity when it saved this film.
Not even naked people could save this.
You're right.
There is no nudity in this movie that I know of based off of the version I saw.
Also, it just feels like it would be out of place, although Natasha was so freaking hot.
I think it maybe could save the movie.
This review says, "See this movie if you were looking to reevaluate your existence on Earth
and realize that life isn't as bad as this movie."
Oh, that was a nice little, that was a sweet way of letting you off.
Yeah, that's like the one that's like, "It's fine.
You'll be okay."
Whoever wrote that was feeling nice that day.
Yeah, this is my favorite review that I found, which is, this is the kind of movie you do
when you're late on child support payments.
I'm pay.
I could feel that from the intro that I walked from the title screen I walked.
So, you know, like, I should say Andre while we were setting up did watch the first three minutes of Red Line.
So, you know, first three minutes, man.
What did you think about this movie?
You know, they say in the book story that the first ten pages of your script are the most important.
It sets the tone, it sets the setting, it sets the tone.
And I got to say the first three minutes, it's like, is this like predicting Uber eats?
Right, yeah.
And he paid us to get it there in under an hour, but it's a four hour drive.
Oh, my God.
And like the clock is going when he's throwing the Viagra knockoff?
Yeah, well, I wrote down what they called it.
Hi, I agree.
Well, God will buckle my boots.
Or seat belt, buckle my seat belt, awesome, Jerry.
I don't know.
I had a thought based off of the first three minutes, which I think you can relate because this is the part of the movie you've seen.
Jason, the driver who was like kind of the one of the, he was like a, the small timing antagonist.
He was like a troubled guy on the wrong side.
He was like, he was the brother of the love interest.
He ended up liking him, but he also ends up dying.
Oh, good.
That's a bummer.
It's pretty sad.
Then car accidents.
But anyway, he puts on that super cool sci-fi red monocle to help him race and get to, I don't know, get to the thing faster.
I don't know if it was like a GPS on a monocle, but it looked cool.
It looked futuristic.
It was fitting the vibe of the opening scene when you're thinking like, wow, that's a cool technology thing that's going to come into play.
Maybe this is part of the universe where they have like futuristic car technology.
Literally never comes up and then as the only, he's the only guy that somehow has a red monocle.
He never brings it out.
They left it out that this was just for high agra.
That you only use that when you're, you're racing the high agra to people.
You're on high agra delivering high agra.
You need this monocle to the CGI moment.
That was the most, yeah, that was the most serious business you had to do in that whole movie.
Never mind the fact that later you had to do a race that his life depended on it.
And he lost it.
I'll say this about this movie when I started watching it and I would get say about 75% into it.
I am making fun of it.
I'm enjoying it, but I'm enjoying how bad it is.
There is a tone.
There is terrible dialogue.
Do you do like film directing and filmmaking and stuff like that?
I went to film school for like a second.
Okay, so you know things.
I don't know things, but sometimes I watch these kind of movies and I'm like, I feel like this is done very poorly.
I can't explain why.
And so when you're watching movies like this, it's like, it's like they took myself on and went out to it.
It's not like it's also you can feel that the tone is not quite like, oh, we think we're all north blooty in '11.
There's also a tone of check out this.
I can't really have the balls to show this next thing about to do it.
And it's like it wasn't that impressive.
But that being said, that being said, I found myself getting brought into their world.
And there's a point in the movie I'm going to spoil it because shame on you for not seeing the right.
I don't care.
I'm a grown man.
I can handle.
You're going to handle spoilers.
You don't get how excited about them.
But there's a point in the movie where suddenly the stakes just escalate so quickly and it gets so weird.
We're like, you know, the main girl, she's an Natasha.
She's in a race.
And first they're betting a lot of money.
But then the bad guys like actually to the other guy to Eddie Griffin's character.
He's like, actually, if I win this race, I want you to give me Natasha.
And at no point does anyone say something like human trafficking is not okay.
Everyone's like, okay, because this is 2007 and this is a racing, fast and furious type movie.
So sexism and misogyny is totally fine.
We is this underground.
They're they're dealing chagras.
Yeah, absolutely.
And then they're okay.
So I guess you're right.
In this world, reading in this world, trading people maybe not shame on me.
And come up in the movie.
Shame on me for not.
So not giving the culture.
I don't want to step on the culture of underground.
Isn't America.
It's it's it's well.
I know that's their culture.
But at some point she, she rooted the race.
She gets drugged.
Oh no, no, no, she is in a car.
She doesn't get drugged.
She does wake up, you know, goes unconscious of wake up in this man's house.
And then she's officially like a kidnapped prisoner.
So we randomly just paused our episode and picked it back up again because our amazing co-host
and other like our person who usually is on this podcast finally made it back with her car intact.
I think I don't know.
It was good.
And now I broke my mic stand.
So this has been a fun day for you.
It has been a horrible day.
She got a broken car, a broken mic stand, a broken heart.
I feel like I have been a lot of gas right now.
Just this emblematic.
This is the world showing you your inside.
That's that that what's happening.
It's like a full of it.
Everything on the outside.
What's happening on the inside?
You got to talk about red line.
This is the, she's like, how do I feel about red line?
My life is falling apart.
And that's how I feel about it.
My life is going to pieces.
So see how we doing.
I mean, you know, I'm good as compared to what everything.
I'm just looking at you guys can't see it, but I have something in my house that everybody
in the school wrote how they feel about me.
And I think it's the best thing ever was someone I'm feeling sad.
I look at that and there's one thing that makes me feel really good is one person that says
you're annoying, love you.
The real person who knows me.
I love that.
That's how you know.
That's the people in your life that like really know you.
They don't feel comfortable saying like you're annoying.
You're annoying, go away.
When they mean it like loving makes it.
I feel like once you know people well enough, you have no problem really.
Who thought you wrote that?
For me?
I thought you wrote you're.
And writing is not that good to yourself.
For the information CJ just puts in the middle.
You're annoying.
No, you are.
I know but not in the end.
No, my hand writing is not that good.
I'm trying to know.
No, that's from all the teachers in the school.
Let's continue this riveting conversation on one of the greatest movies ever to exist in 2007.
A seed day to catch you up.
Andre watched the wrong red line.
And in our break, we learned that there's actually in fact three red lines out there.
Yeah, I didn't know that.
But we are eventually going to give him some space to talk about the animated.
The anime.
The Japanese red line that he watched.
Very snazzy today by the way.
Why are you talking about your red line?
This is what they forced me where it were.
It looks good.
It's a good look.
What did you think about red lines?
I thought it was hokey.
That was hokey.
And I was okay with that.
All you in?
No, because the person I know.
No, because that way you'll know my scene.
Oh, you're not going to get me.
You're not going to give me.
No, it was cool though.
It was cool though.
The opening scene that something was raw off that something was wrong.
For three minutes.
That's all he's seen of the movie.
Yes and no.
And I'm going to tell you I did not like the main guy.
The main guy like the love interest or okay.
Yeah, I didn't like it much either actually.
I did not like him.
What was that?
Where they're thinking.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I didn't like him.
What was that?
Where they're thinking.
No, that's not the one that died.
He survived.
Brother died.
Which other girl on me and I got the medal to my guy.
I ended up liking.
I mean, he was annoying at first, but he was like redeemable annoying.
And then they're like, no, killing him for a blind eye.
I have two or three issues with the play.
I'm going to call it a play.
This is very theatrical.
What were your issues with the movie?
As long as it doesn't give away CJ's best bits.
I don't want to take that away from you.
I didn't like the brother.
He was so weird.
My issue was going to give away a best bit.
It was going to give away a best bit.
We can talk about it.
I'm through the best bit.
If you want to hold it.
I want to hold it.
We'll put a pen on that.
This was funny to me.
I don't know if this is funny to you all.
It's not funny to you, Andre.
But the villain was this terrible.
You didn't.
This wasn't in the first three minutes of the movie.
My video buffers.
The villain was like this terrible human being doing these terrible things.
And then at one point in the movie, you learn what I don't eat me.
He's like, but I'm a vegan.
But I'm a vegan.
So which, so my theory is it's unconferent by literally anything.
But I think the reasoning was so awful because he was like malnutritioned.
And he needed if he had ate a steak, he maybe would have thought things like I shouldn't gamble people.
I shouldn't do all this illegal stuff.
I think you just needed a good meal.
And he really just looking for someone to love them.
But like not yourself.
I don't have a snickers.
I was just thinking there.
He just needed a good meal and to feel loved and to feel the love of a good burger.
It was just too intent on the fact that all the races were either.
I could never pinpoint where the races were.
This is my thing.
I can't pinpoint anything when it was moving.
I watched it three times.
Oh, wow.
It's real.
And I was just like, I give each movie a shot.
I did like the races.
I think it reminded me of the people or the.
What's your favorite?
Honestly, the hot Asian women was my favorite of the races.
But you know, Eddie, Eddie Griffin as the black guy was pretty funny.
He made the movie.
He was so corny in this.
This is not his zone.
He was really writing every stupid thing.
He said, don't because it made me laugh.
And that's the thing.
He was just when I say he was such comic relief.
It was it was overtly that he was there for comic.
Like it was just it was.
It was.
It was like, we won't write anything.
He'll come up with something.
I didn't like how he was a pretty main character for a while.
And then really got shifted to the side.
Or the like that.
Because he was like, I thought he was one of the more captivating storylines.
You would at least thought his and see.
And then he just kind of and then was like, and then by the end he was like, whatever.
I guess it was come one of those races.
Leave it.
Leave it to the.
I think it was a white director.
Leave it to the white man to cut the black man out.
Infinite is not good.
Does he get in the car?
Does he get a cool thing?
Well, he's a he's a bookie.
He doesn't do the racing.
He's the one who discovered Natasha.
And he would be like, man, give me him cheese.
I was.
I thought Drew.
He was going to do one.
Be like, give him cheese.
He was going to get out there.
He was tired of what it may be.
Maybe made the move.
That would be.
And the ends of being a better raster than everyone.
Love it.
I also I got what it made the movie.
And then when he gets out of the car after he won everything, the the Asian girl from the left
in the middle of nowhere comes up and likes to shoot some other sniper rifle.
And he said.
And at the end of the movie.
And that's the movie.
No, that's just that's that's just watch this.
I just I just made that was my.
But like it was just red line to the sequel to all three red lines.
Now that will be nudity.
That part.
No words nudity in this movie.
Was it really?
Where it's stood in the but in the but was it not for was it full back all nudity?
Oh, when she woke up.
Oh, yeah.
And she's just in the in the red band.
The bad of okay.
That would count on eight.
I don't know.
I would not.
Count that as nudity, but I'm needed to check the answer.
Before we read this movie.
Andre tells about also the Asian.
The Asian.
The fold with the well you see when China split.
They made a new king of all Japan in the 13.
I believe 13.
It's the movie.
The driving the movie are just telling us.
So in.
So it's been.
What is this 2009?
There hasn't been a movie like red line 2009 since 2009.
There is no other hand drawn animated.
Weird or rated.
Just for not for kids, but also not a romantic thing.
A movie.
An enemy movie since then.
And it probably is the reason why because it bombed and it killed this whole.
Like we're going to grind take risks.
We're going to try and show a.
A move.
We're going to try and show cars.
We're trying to show alien stuff.
And we're going to.
We're going to mess with the voice actor.
We're going to.
We're going to.
We're going to.
We're going to mess with the voice actor.
The first scene someone does this of the voice actor has to like mess with his mouth and whatnot to try to set the tone.
This is not your usual movie.
This is very.
It's very weird.
It's it's it's not something you have on the background.
If you just show this.
You're going to watch this in public and I have.
And it's right.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I love.
I had an idea that Andre is watching this movie.
This version of red line in preparation for our podcast.
And then he was slaughtered through and seed will do.
You what?
We had to know for a lot of three times.
So watch it as a kid.
I watch them.
Well, you can just see there's different versions.
There's the suburbs and directors ideal because he was there helping with the voice actor.
Which is just like, oh, no, the dub of 2009.
It's not.
It's not.
It's better.
Now, now it's better.
And sometimes it's you're not having her because there's much going on screen.
To the brim is guess you're in this moment.
You've been actually reading, which I know.
Hey, I'm sorry if you're watching.
You got to read sometimes.
But at the moment, you have to.
It's amazing to just view this as a as a dream nightmare.
It makes this.
It's just.
It wasn't based off anything.
It was just like this guy was like, I wanted.
Go over the top and try to push the medium.
And the best way to do that is to have a racing movie where the guy goes over the top and pushes his body.
So what like he puts it, you know, like an investor, they do this thing like a nitrous.
I know what the nitrous.
What's they brought in this movie?
And I'm here.
So like the nitrous.
And you go in and you go in the car.
Or faster now somehow because it goes.
Yeah, the super Mario mushroom in the end.
That's exactly what it is.
It's not a real thing, but like fast and furious is made enough people think it's real.
Wait, it's not.
Like that.
Like we learned this in our very first episode of between the first and second episode.
Me and Bailey were really trying to understand and research.
Nost and we finally just like asked people like through the comments section.
And someone explain to us also we had all these people be like, that's not how it works.
To police.
Am you Drew?
You just wrote.
I'm sorry.
You telling me broccoli aren't trees.
Are you telling me I'm not eating baby trees?
I would never say that out loud to you.
Yeah, this part of it.
Yeah, my feelings are.
Yeah, sorry.
Really not.
No, because like the real.
It's a two.
I don't.
Yeah, it's.
It's no.
It doesn't work like that in cars.
It's used in like dental hygiene.
I want you to stop.
Fuck in to me right now.
Sir, it's yesterday.
They were just.
They were just doing whatever.
Anyway, that's.
I mean, I think it's like one of those.
I know how lasers like.
Oh, then what?
So if it's laughing.
I think that song is you.
So I think what it is is like the idea of.
Nost working like that.
And the thing that exists like they think maybe it like someone somewhere was like.
In theory, this could work.
It doesn't really.
But just that idea was enough that they were like less pretend like it does just like how light
sabers could never work.
But in Star Wars, they do.
No, they work.
They have now.
They made new ones.
I'm pretty sure like if you start a beam of light, it just goes on forever.
YouTube shorted.
Well, they you know, seeing that military light one where you can cut through stuff.
And it only goes so.
Well, I was just talking about a mosquito lamp.
It's what I got in the lights.
I was okay.
All sorts of lights.
And then they have this night.
Nitrous thing in red line.
That's like a jewel that he.
He like has to press a thing and push it down into the engine.
And it explodes.
It's a bomb essentially.
Love it.
Is eyes bleed and it's up into her hair.
Floats back and the whirl pins and stuff.
And it's actually the movie we should have watched.
CJ that.
He does an ale.
Or a guy.
Earl Aaron.
Or Dale.
Or Dale Aaron.
Triple spin.
And just ends up like a cast on his foot.
I need you to.
Yeah, right.
I'm watching that.
We're watching that.
We're watching that.
We'll bring on trade.
We'll be on the podcast.
That's the way we can.
You can lead that.
And then guy has a cute little doggy.
So you don't feel that evil about him.
Sort of like how he has like indigestion in this movie.
All right.
And we're going to rate the movie too fast, too fierce, raking, too fast as you loved it and made your life better fast as you enjoyed it.
Fearless is either you didn't like it like a lot or you cared nothing about it.
And then too fierce is like you really didn't like it.
Your life is less than because of this movie.
Andre, you're more than welcome to rate the three minutes you saw or you can rate like the movie you actually saw because it sounds like that was a really.
You name movie were they sing the name of the movie?
Red is automatically a five automatically automatically.
And you work your roles.
You work your way down.
So red line is a five and red line is like maybe I'll finish it to three.
So I'm sure that's not a rating system though.
I get what you're saying, but I want either too fast, fast, furious, too furious.
This is a fast and furious themed podcast where we don't review that's very anymore.
Dude, you fear you.
Too fast as you loved it.
You're all shoot.
Too furious as you hated it.
I like that title sequence where it goes on on the bumper and then it goes, bam.
It's not like the plate and it goes bam more movies should do that.
It's like on the ground or in the food.
Based off of the three minutes that Andre saw of red line.
He's going to give it a fast.
And I think that's great.
So, Jay, based off of seeing the movie three times, you saw a movie every, you saw the movie
one time per minute, Andre saw it.
What rating would you get it?
Too furious.
Oh, your life is less than we go.
Yes, it is.
It is.
I hated it.
I'm so sorry, but not for you.
It's for you.
For some reason.
I made sure.
You gave it so many chances.
It was like the terrible boyfriend that you keep giving.
Finally, you're like, no, this is like, no, I can't change.
It's not going to change.
I can not change him.
So that's okay.
You know what?
I'm going to give it a fast.
I didn't love it.
I didn't think like man.
This is just the, I'm so glad I watch this movie.
And for half of it, I was like, this is a really dumb movie, but like whatever.
It's fun.
And then I'll be honest, by the end, I was like, what's going to happen?
I'm kind of, is this woman going to die?
We'll see.
So I'm.
I'm Natasha.
I was telling him earlier that I did find.
I did find.
I did meet my new wife with this movie.
So she is so, so beautiful.
Um, so okay.
Well, well, CJ, we're at that time again.
Or, apparently, five, four drowsy leading.
CJ is getting to pick the bits.
Andre, the way this works is she's going to give us three scenes.
She gets to pick the qualifying factor.
She even gets to pick whether she tells it the qualifying factor to us.
But we're going to try to pick her best scene.
And she, she, like, we have different, what constitutes best.
Like, last time I did, like, favorite quotes from a guy at one time, we've done, like, parts
of the movie that we hated the most, you know, like, there's, there's a, like, so it's
different every week, but she's going to basically give us three scenes.
We're going to try to pick the scene that she is her best.
If you, it correctly, I get a point.
If you pick incorrectly, she gets a point.
Same for me.
So it's like two truths in a while.
She's going to pick.
Just to show it to you.
It's like, yeah, and then you just like you have to pick the lie.
You actually have to pick the, like, scene that's her scene.
So I can do that.
So, but if you could help me running, certainly in the lead, if you could not run, that
would be, that would be so good.
Oh, also, which one's real?
All right.
Well, these are the scenes that I actually did enjoy.
If you only found three in the movie, and these are it.
Only three.
And these are the scenes.
And let's see if you can guess the one that I enjoyed the most.
I say, we seen where they were singing.
And she was, her brother was like looking at her and he's falling in love.
Why the weird song?
What a weird, weird.
It was just a bunch of sexual car parts.
Very, very, really singing.
Was it her, or anything?
I'm going to say yes.
She's a soap opera.
So she would have to be almost a triple, hopefully.
All right.
So, that's the thing.
All right.
So that's one scene.
The scene where they're fighting in the very first, the very first fight scene when the
brother comes home.
And we've been spending, said young lady now singing.
You should get in a fight.
And my third one was when, oh, yeah.
And it was, was it night Eddie Griffin?
Did you see her try to act like she was just forgetting the scene?
I'm just saying that, playing, she's playing us.
But I've been doing this for a year now with different people.
Well, Eddie Griffin, when Eddie Griffin was, when Eddie Griffin actually found her from
the garage and was trying to get her to be a driver.
So which out of those three would be my favorite scene out of those?
I'll let her best go first.
That's not the same thing.
It's not the thing.
It's not, it's, it's being convinced that you're the good driver.
It's being convinced because also you, most people when they do this game, they pick the last
one too.
I, I agree.
And I'll tell you why I think that's her favorite scene.
I don't, don't, don't, don't, don't give us any hints yet.
I guess we changed our minds.
But that scene was so close to the beginning of the movie and it was like, it started off
like, oh, this plot might actually be interesting.
And so like that scene itself was pretty good and it gave us hope.
At least that she didn't like that, the whole movie, but that scene by, at the, that close
to the beginning, it makes you think, oh, maybe this scene is going to be, this movie is
going to be something.
So I'm going to go, I'm going to go with Eddie Griffin as well.
You're right.
You're both right.
So, uh, so we're at, so you didn't like Eddie Griffin in those two?
I did.
That was the only thing I did.
Black and obnoxious.
No, he was, he was corny.
But the, my, my thing and now I can tell you the thing that I, um, terribly hated it.
I don't know if everybody noticed, but we never know each other's names.
He never caught each other's names.
He always had like weird names or hair like, he barely, like, did you end up in bed with
this man?
You don't know his name.
He saved you without knowing your name.
You ended up where he was, had happened to be at like a lifetime movie without knowing
his name.
It's all of a sudden you're in the bed without, they're still together.
They don't know each other's name.
You don't need names when you're in love.
You don't need names when you got to, like, it's like, am I crazy?
So that's why I kept watching it over and over.
I'm like, you got miss.
I mean, that's what your name is.
I feel like that might have happened.
It didn't, well, you watched it.
You watched it more than me.
You're the expert on this one.
When I tell you he came and saved her and then the next time she saw him, then, so there
was a scene where they did actually meet for the first time.
No one said like, Hey, my name is, no, the first time they met it, it was like a, like,
you know, I'm looking across the room.
And then, yeah, he got vibes.
No, he names.
He got vibes.
Then when the guy tried to grab her, that's when he came in, we for a long, a particular,
then that's when her boys came in.
And then the next day she saw him at the event.
I like to think there's a deleted scene where at the end of the movie, when they drive
off to the sunset and they're really nice cars, they do a little race, they race to wherever
they're at and they stop by and it's like, maybe some hotel or maybe it's a gas station,
maybe they fill up, you know, and then he's like, Oh, yeah, what's your name?
That is all I want to happen.
No, it's animalistic.
It's primal.
It's red line.
Love it.
That's all I want to happen.
It's, I guess, which will be entertained.
So strap and enjoy because it's all gas.
No brain.
So as we close up, first of all, Andre, thank you so much for not only being our guest,
but we're filling those for a moment.
We love to have it here.
We hope to have you again.
Is there anything you'd like to plug in life or over yourself?
If you search red line, the first thing that comes up is this awesome anime movie for
2009, but if you search red line dub in your hearts, you'll find it.
It will be there.
Love it.
It will be there.
I just got in P.S.
In P4.
No, I got one of this.
I was going to plug that I was in on this.
But that's it.
Physically, it's already here.
Yeah, like, well, yeah, you got, you know, you do a play.
Yeah, I don't want to do a play.
Yes, you do.
Yes, you do.
Hey, play is that going to be up here?
And I can't say stuff that is real.
I can't.
No, I can't like be like, oh, you fell down, dude.
What's up with that?
I can't.
You can't.
No, dude, I'm Dracula.
I can't have to be threatened.
I love that.
No, I can't.
They're not going to let me be Dracula.
They're going to let me be a bishop.
It's an Audi.
Audi bishop.
That's a more fun role than Dracula, honestly.
Well, thank you so much for being on the talk.
We're going to get you back because you are a movie guy and we'll be talking about this
Yeah, really?
So next week, I said this at the game, we are actually doing a special, not that this
movie needed a part two, but we do have a special edition bonus episode.
And so we're going to do a red line part two.
So if you're watching this, especially if this is in the future and you see if there's two
parts to red line, check it out.
You won't be disappointed.
It's very cool.
And then as always, find us on social media.
Whatever you're listening to watching this right now, don't do a like, subscribe, comment,
thumbs up, let us know.
Give us a rating.
Preferably a five star rating.
That helps more people see what we do.
So we need that right now.
The most important, like, go watch a dumb movie, go watch a good movie.
Go watch a sad movie if you want to feel something.
Go do something fun this week.
Go enjoy yourselves.
Take a break.
You've worked.
You earned it.
And hang out with a friend.
Call someone.
Just do whatever you want.
That's a good thing.
Give your life a quarter of an hour at a time and have a great week.
Love it.
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