The Quarter Mile Podcast


Drew Davis and Friends Season 2 Episode 5

Drew, CJ, and their guest Jo Collins get silly this week as they review the 2015 Fast & Furious parody, SUPERFAST!  Bear with us and our audio difficulties this week, as unlike Superfast, we do not have a 20 million dollar budget!


The Quarter Mile Podcast
Drew Davis
CJ Walton

Special Guest:
Jo Collins

Artwork By Samira

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Welcome back to the quarter mile podcast.

I'm so glad you guys have made it to another episode to join us for another review.

We have a fun and weird and dumb review.


This is up like any other episode we have done.

I'm Drew Davis. I'm joined with my co-host as usual.

CJ Walton.

What's going on?

One of my favorite things about reloading Kate and Nashville is now every week I can bring on my friends.

Just whoever I want, this is Drew Davis in Friends podcast.

I just get to pick whoever wants to come talk to movies with us.

I'm very excited to have a friend with me.

And CJ, ladies and gentlemen, is my own energy to joke on.

Communion, talent, extraordinary, show, political genius, literally the smartest person you'll ever meet.

I don't even watch the news anymore.

I just go and listen to joke on and stand up.

That's all I need, honestly.

It's enough, really.

Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, joke on and we're going to give you the floor to tell us a little bit about yourself.

Hello! I'm excited to be here.

I love movies and you can find me listening to podcasts on two-time speed, like all day long.

So this combines all of my interests.

And I do comedy, I do a little bit of poetry, a little bit of burlass.

You know, a little bit of burlass.

You know, a little bit of burlass.

He is a multi-tiered talent.

Oh my god. Thank you.

And you're a fun person and you're very supportive to the podcast, so thank you for that.

You know, I love it.

Anytime it comes up on my TikTok, I'm like, "What the hell am I going to learn a little bit?"

That is a mean thing.

Speaking of these movies, you've probably referenced in our earlier seasons.

I have to ask you to argue as this, "What is your relationship with the Fast and Furious?"

So I saw the first Fast and Furious movie in the theaters.

And it was one of those, you know, when you're in high school and you go with a big group of people,

you're like 20 people, maybe the movie theaters, and then you kind of like maybe are talking through it.

And then I think, you know, it's been such a huge part of culture that you reference it.

Anytime I would like get into a minor car, you know, "What's he, Daisy?"

I'd be like, "I took you a drifted into that car. I'm so sorry."

But otherwise I feel like I was reunited with it through your podcast.

I love it.

I love it.

I've been reunited with people the Fast and Furious one quarter of my whole time.

I'm like, "I feel so good."

That was beautiful.

You're welcome.

Well, for a horse, you sound fantastic.

That was great.

So that's such a dumb joke.

Anyway, so listen, we love having you on this podcast.

All of those of you, I guess, and we love having you listen to us on this podcast.

If I could give any suggestion is that you check us out on all of the social medias at the quarter mile podcast.

We're everywhere.

We're not TikTok. We're on Facebook. We're on Instagram.

We're on YouTube. We're on all the different podcast streaming things.

We're on We're About to Review a Movie. We asked for you to share your opinions.

That's part of our Fast Fan feedback segment.

What you'll hear about for Super Fast, which by the way is the movie we're viewing today.

I don't know if I said that earlier, but that's the movie we're on.

But what we're doing before we get into the movie is something a little bit different.

If you remember a couple of weeks ago, when we reviewed Better Luck Tomorrow,

our quarter mile spotlight was the tip jar in Sarah, our friend Sarah,

who, when we asked a question,

she always says, "Oh, good, you always find stuff on there to do."

Check that tip jar.

Yeah, it's great.

We just say that.

But when we asked Sarah what her opinion or relationship was with Fast and Furious,

she said that she had a bad first date experience.

And then both me and CJ were like, "Well, we need to know more."

So I actually, after we edited that episode, I went back and I sent to jar nasher,

a message, and I said, "Hey, can you get some more information on this date?"

And she actually gave us a video update of how that date went when she went to go see Tokyo Drift.

So we're so excited to share it with you guys, so check it out or listen to it if you're listening to us.

The worst date I've ever been on involved Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift.

I was 21 and had just moved to Rhode Island for grad school and didn't know anybody and watched

"You've got mail, I must love dogs."

And I thought, "Well, I guess I've got to try online dating."

But this was before, it was socially acceptable.

So I was literally on Yahoo personal.

I met this guy and he lived in Connecticut and was going to drive up to meet me,

which was about two hours away.

And I said, "Okay, I'm 21. Like so many things in this story should not have happened."

But they did because I was young and stupid.

So he drives up and we meet at this church that I've just started going to.

This very traditional Baptist church, this is my second week there.

And this man comes in, head to toe denim, ponytail down his back,

and he's wreaking a cigarette smoke. And I'm not saying this is a judgment,

but I was concerned that people would judge me by association this second week at this traditional Baptist church.

So anyway, we get through church and we go to lunch.

And he starts telling me about his kids and they were teenage years.

And I was 21.

I was real confused. I don't remember what age was on his profile,

but it was not old enough to have children that were closer to me than his age.

Also, the ponytail was definitely not in his profile picture.

So we keep talking and he starts telling me about things he did like in 1989.

And I was like, "Well, I was four then."

So I'm not interested, freaked out, but I'm also 21 and have no good boundaries.

So he says, "Well, do you want to go see a movie?" The mall is right there.

And I said, "Sure."

And he says, "Well, it doesn't start for another hour or so,

so why don't we walk around the mall before it starts?"

And he said, "Oh, there's a jewelry store over there.

We can go in and see what kind of ring you would like."

So we went to this jewelry store.

He picks out this little yellow gold band with a tiny little solitaire on it.

And I was like, "No."

So I go over to the platinum case with this honking, big jewel

and bagettes all around it and all this stuff. He's like, "Oh, interesting."

Then we go see the movie.

I honestly don't remember much about the movie.

I just remember being trapped with this man because I had no boundaries.

So anyway, that was a one and done.

He wanted to see me again and I made up some excuse.

And I said, "I was allergic to horses," which is true.

Probably not a deal breaker for the relationship,

but that was the excuse I used because I also didn't know how to say,

"No, politely, but firmly."

So that's my past and the furious story.

Wow, that is a first date.

She's funny.

Is that the first date?

Well, it was the first date, slash Hortula ship,

slash she might have gotten married after I met those guys.

That's what I was saying. I don't know. I mean, like, on a first date though?

Yeah, I wonder where that man is now because Ponytail and Denum,

that sounds like my type.

He's the one trying to do the pop-and-brake.

Maybe the idea.

I'm not watching.

So I asked my question.

If you are watching what made you think she wanted to marry you?

Yeah, like, I've real.

But you know what? I respect the game.

You know, take her to Tokyo Draft and then get married.

No, absolutely not.

Wow, what was she gonna do?

Like, what was she gonna do to hide with it?

Yeah, I mean, that's it.

If a woman says yes to that, you know she's the one.

You know, I mean, she said that he had horses, right?

Yes, that's right.

I feel like he could make a parody movie, a past and furious with horses.

I would love that.

That would be Ponytail.

Are you guys doing the same?

One, two, single and looking.

But I want you to understand, girl, nobody we listen and we don't judge.

I judge.

I judge.

But others, that's I judge.

Yeah, yeah.

I appreciate that's a trend that people are doing better.

I know why they're doing that.

I, because I judge.

Yeah, I judge.

We're not judging you, but.

We're not judging you.

We're not judging you.

I'm judging you.

Why does he smell like cigarettes?


Like, what is that?

Like, how do you know?


I, you know.

I don't know, like, any man who does that.

That's one of the creepy things he did on that day.

That's one of the bad things.

I was gonna say, I would have done that like bottom deer.

But all right, no, no.

Proposal totally fine.

No, if you want to marry me, that's just normal.

Oh, okay.

Got it.

Well, I'm joking.

I'm joking.

Sarah, thank you for that video.

Creepy men for a state's aside.

Let's get into super fast.

How about that?


Did you either of you see this movie before?

This movie?

Was it first for anyone?

This was the first.

And I, I, I, I, and I, ironically had a good time.




This, this was like dumb movie.

Like what?

That's such a dumb movie.

It was like, and here's the thing.

I, can you, I have a hard time watching these dumb movies by myself.


I don't know.

I love, they're like group team movies.

Like, yeah.


Watching them with buddies and laughing at them.

But I feel like when you're watching like a parody movie or comedy by yourself,

there's always something in the back of my head.

Someone's gonna walk in and say,

"What are you watching?"

And you're like, "I don't even know.

I've a star explaining this."



Yeah, I've thought that too, that this is like a good like date or group movie sleep in like

Teehee while you're watching it.


Take the tape to see super fast and then propose to the, and then take it in the right.


I was like, I'm like, I'm okay with watching it by myself because I'm a weirdo.

So if you walk in on me, I'm literally gonna be like, this, this funny movie.


Sit down and watch it with me if you want.

Do you all, do you all, um,

when you're watching a comedy by yourself, do you laugh to yourself out loud?


Okay, I don't.

I think, wow, that was funny.

But I don't know.


He's saying, "What?

That was funny."

I do, but just by myself.

Now, with other people, it's part of the experiences we're laughing at.

Anyway, weird quirks when Drew watches movies aside.

I don't know.

So this movie came out in 2015 and if you all were to guess,

the budget for this movie, what would you get?

I want you to take your first number and go ahead and raise it a little bit.

That's my hint.

Okay, you go first.

A million dollars.

All right.

I feel like the doctor emailed me.

One million dollars.

I was gonna say, you said, raise it, six million.

Okay, great.

Well, this had a twenty million dollar budget.

This movie had a twenty million dollar budget.

Now, what?

I mean, I can see that knowledge or saying it.

They committed to the bit hard and they gave me a lot of props.

I feel like.


Because my next question was, where did the money go to?

They even made a joke at the end of the movie.

Oh man, it's going on.

We're running our budget, running out or whatever.

He did say that.

Yeah, but they'd baby oil.

The cars!

What happened?

That's all the baby.

I feel like the cars are probably the most expensive part of, right?

Yeah, that would think so.

Because they didn't have a lot of actual...

I would imagine the faster figures like the blowing up and stuff would be fun.

This and that is like, maybe the actors just got paid really well.

That's what I hope.

So, I don't know.

Was it twenty million?

Twenty million.

I heard that on our podcast and I fact checked it twice because I did not believe it.

It was directed and written by Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer.

And they, so they're known for their parody movies, Vampire Sox, Epic movies, and you know this.

This was one of the last ones and it was apparently, quote, unquote, good enough to make them stop making these movies.

So, I really did not do well in the box office.

And when you look at reviews, people do not tend to enjoy it.

I think it was fun, but I also have no problem saying not even a movie.

You know what I appreciated about it was I feel like it was really like dense in terms of jokes and references.


But it was like, quote, like, quote, like, quote.

And even ten years later, I feel like the pop culture references that they had,

like I could still relate to them even though I wasn't like a fast and furious like aficioner.

Right, you know?

Yeah, I did like, I mean, what is fun?

So the cast had a bunch of people I'd never heard of.

I was Ashboth, Dowl, Dale, excuse me, Dale, Povinsky, really married, Jynik.

I'm sure this exactly how you say your last name.

And Andrea Noveo, I actually feel confident about her name.

That was the only one I said there with confidence.

And what was interesting about the, that's just the top four of the main forecast.

But even their jokes, even their names, like the character names were play off of fast and furious jokes.

So like Lucas White, the main, you know, the white guy, the Paul Walker, he was named Dr. Lucas Black from Tokyo.

Dr. Don Stretto, obviously, instead of Don.

Was it Don Stretto?

It was Don Stretto.

It was Don Stretto.

So, so Don, you know, it's have Don and it's Dredo.

And then Jordan, she was just named Jordana.

When she joined in Brewster, was Mia and Vazperius, and then we just had Michelle.

And Michelle Rodriguez of course is us.

And then it was funny to me that they stopped naming their characters.

They had cool Asian guy.

That was perfect.


And so, that Black, Black, Black, Black, we're good.

Right, absolutely.

So they, yeah, they, they, I don't feel like it had a lot of huge stars.

But I felt like everyone there had a fun time, or they did good, you know.

I'm just like, would have enjoyed being in that movie.



Yeah, I was wondering.

I feel like the audition reel was probably fun for that.

And I liked like the blooper reel at the end.

Oh, yeah, absolutely.

That happened anyway.

They're having a big, old time.

They're having a good time.

And it should be noted that in Afriacanay, but the guy who plays Caesar,

who was like the henchman to the main villain, he was actually in Fast and Furious 5.

Oh, yeah.

The henchman to the main villain in Fast and Furious 5.

And I kept waiting for a reference to that.

And it never, who was the rock counterpart?

Oh, like who was the actor?

Or also.

I don't, I don't, look at what my film is recording us right now.

So I can't, I don't know.

Yeah, but he did, I felt like he did great.

I felt like he nailed the rock part.

I so enjoyed him.

And we think Michelle Rodriguez liked her part.

Like his, that character was supposed to be her, right?


I think she, like, she got any kind of sign off on it.

Michelle Rodriguez is pretty openly bisexual.

So I don't know.

I don't, I didn't ever hear about any kind of like, like, pushback that she had from it.

But I also, that to me was the lamest joke.

It was maybe funny the first time and maybe at the end when she was going to an all women's prison.

But like, that was all her character was doing.

I'm a closeted lesbian joke.


It was maybe funny the first time for me.

And even that, but he was a thing.

It'd be interesting.

This was in 2015.

I would have thought it was more funny in 2015 when I was, honestly, less developed as a person.

But back then, we would have probably been laughing at stuff like that more.

Although the hot cop that she got with watching her was my favorite person.

I'm on an AI plot summary.

This week we asked the AI to give a, I believe I phrased it board and annoyed it.

A plot summary of super fast.

And as always, I always ask the AI to do as many puns as it feels comfortable.

And the quarter mile tradition is we always have our guests read the plot summaries of Joe, the story.

I feel like my swordless is going to kind of sound like the main hymnbo.

In the movie.

Love it.

Alright, a battle up for a ride through super fast.

A movie so riveting.

Am I just put you to sleep faster than a little bit on night well?

This parody of the Fast and Furious franchise is like a car running on empty.

It's got the engine, but it's severely lacking in horsepower.

From the get-go, super fast roves up with a plot that's shakier than Angel Loppion, a bumpy road.

It's a scissor that tries to take the Fast and Furious formula and inject it with humor,

but ends up with more flat tires than punch lines.

The storyline is as predictable as morning traffic.

Get ready for street ray to sing, impossible highs, and a lot of missed opportunities for genuine laughs.

Yeah, and this AI is brutal.

But he is having our conversation.

The characters are as two-dimensional as cardboard cutouts mimicking their Fast and Furious counterparts

with all the charm of a parking cone.

We've got our $1 store of the diesel, who must have taken charisma lessons from a brick wall.

His sidekick, the wannabe paul walker, has the emotional death of a kiddie pool,

and lets not forget the supporting cast, who seem like they're doing community service instead of acting.

The humor and super fast is like an old transition, clunky and outdated.

The jokes are so forced, they make that dad jokes look sophisticated.

I found myself cringing more than laughing as punch lines landed with all the grace of a tire blowout.

Imagine watching a comedian on the stage.

A real homie.

Yeah, I don't get to imagine.

Lived it, a wall being trapped in a slow-motion car chase, painful and internal.

That does sound like a stand-up sometimes.

Special effects, more like a not so special effects.

The action scenes are shot with all the finesse of a teenager's homemade YouTube video.

Most kids are pretty excited.

Explosions that looked like they came from a 1990s video game,

and car chase is the defy of physics and the limits of my patience.

Watching super fast is like taking a joyride and a car with no breaks.

It starts off with the sense of misguided excitement, but quickly devolves into chaos and regret.

If you're looking for a high-octane action and laughter,

you'd be better off rewatching actual fast and furious movies.


But if you're into movies that leave you feeling like you wasted a perfectly good hour and a half,

then super fast might just be your speed.


I was that sick!

I feel like they said everything that it needs to say.

It's fun that you can make it have whatever tone you want.

I like to do different ones.

If we just had bright, peppy tones, I would get point.

I do feel like the AI missed an opportunity to give a shout out to the musical sequence.

That's true, definitely.

It wasn't all that.

The musical sequence I feel like was a fun moment.

Yeah, every movie needs a dance off.

At the bar, we say follow my link.


Or as soon as they were like, "You all need to audition."

And my head was like, "They're not gonna start."

Yeah, they did it.

Yeah, yeah.

I love that.

What's the way it goes?

That's it.

That's when it fasts actually, like, what if that's the most factual thing about the...

That's actually how they get into underground street racing.

Yeah, that's like my...

I don't know.

I thought that it was like a funny script.

So like, when you first drags up and he's like, "Excuse me, I'm looking for the illegal car racing."

I know.

I mean, this is so stupid I like it.

Yeah, absolutely.

And that's the point.

That's the thing is, so we're gonna get into our fast-fanned feedback.

We're gonna be people's responses.

But what a lot of people would write was like, "Oh, what a dumb movie."

It's like, "Did you not think it made an idiot dumb movie?"

Like, if you go into this, "Baking is gonna have a plot."

It's on you.

Like, dumb ass promise.


So here's some fast-fanned feedback.

We always ask, before we knew everything, we would be like, "Just what are people's things?"

What are their thoughts?

They liked it.

They liked how connects with fast and furious.

Our main source of feedback is often the wonderful and nice people from Reddit.

No, honestly, especially with this movie, we got a lot of good and positive feedback from Reddit.

Next week, we'll only talk about the Italian job.

I'll have a different story entirely, because I thought I might have like, almost not canceled by alluding references of fast and furious in the Italian job of them.

It got brutal.

But hey guys, tune in next week for that story.

Here we are.

This was fast-fanned feedback for Superfast.

So, Jay Smoke 814 says, "It should be canon to fast and furious."

And I remember responding to that, "Look, give 'em time."

There were about two movies away from a corporate.

There was Superfast.

I think that would be fun if those guys came in for a heist or something in the actual fast and furious.

CFT-Shift said, "It was funny, I enjoyed it, but I'm not gonna re-watch it a dozen of times."

I feel that, honestly.

I watched it once a while, and I thought it was really funny.

And then like, when I saw it this time, I was like, "It's funny."

So, but then again, maybe I watched it before with friends, maybe that was my problem.

I watched it by myself, was that.

Nora Adams says, "I loved this movie.

You can feel the love of the writers and the actors for the franchise."

It's pitch-perfect.

That's a different movie.

If you liked Superfast, you would love the musical parody that is currently playing in Los Angeles.

I'd wait three years to see it, but it was worth the wait.

Now I remember, I put this comment, "I have beef with this musical parody.

I wanted to see this musical parody so much, I wanted to have it on one of the episodes of our season two.

I wrote the writers, I emailed people, I went to the websites, I checked it, and no one responded.

I would, and with CGF, like my new co-host, you know, Miss musical actress, I was like, "This is the perfect person."

Turn to a musical parody of Fast and Furious, and they never got back to me.

If you're listening to this, please listen to me.

You know, I think the comment or reference pitch-perfect probably because they had the cup song in the...

They forgot about that, they did it.

That was like, "What? Good job, nor Adam?"


So close.

I love this movie.

I woke up my girlfriend a few times because I lost my shit laughing.

It's not a funny, rantable, and...

I just fell asleep immediately and started moving.

And he's like, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you watched this with me."

You are missing this golden dialogue.

Plot twist, this is the guy that wanted to date with Tip Draw Nash.


This is like, here's later we found his woman.

And he watches Super Fast and Furious, but she can't stay away from it.

But he laughs so hard and she wakes him up.

This was from Annie Tomatillo, 1323.

I wish they'd make another one now, with the world building that would make it so much more for Prostris.

The first movies are so tamed compared to what we have now.

I think they should make another parody Super Fast and Furious, and they should call it like, "too super too fast."

And she'd do "Sing-Sing-Sing-Ten."

I would be up there.

Yeah, I'm just trying to think, "What is the last time you've seen a good parody?"

I think, like, so this was in 2015.

That was like the era of parody in the movies, and then this one was the parody so bad, the company stopped doing them.

Yeah, it's almost like, you know, like, SML, and then like a lot of like, TikTok parody accounts and stuff,

but I haven't seen like a full feature film that's a parody in a long time.

Yeah, I wonder what the last one was, like, we don't get them that often.

I would love a West one one, because that's the something West play one, that's it.

What a throwback, but you're right now being a great one.

That would be fantastic.

That would be fantastic.

That would be a little bit too, because that would just look like the cast.

Yeah, are you looking up a West week parody?

No, this is a parody.

Most recent one.

I don't know if there is one.

In this last comment, I just have to share because I thought that was dumb.

This person in the reddit, Fast and Furious, that wrote, "Never even seen one Fast and Furious movie."


It's like, "Why are you here?"

Right, absolutely.


How did you find yourself in this comment, please?

Yeah, absolutely.

I hope there was in this podcast, if you'll, is equally lost.

But anyway.

I hope they're watching right now and also commenting on...right?

And if you're watching your movie on a whole...

As if you're rage-commentable.

I've only been watching movies with cars.

Why are you live?

I hate on top of you.

Well, that was their opinions of Superfast.

Now, I'm interested in hearing our opinions.

So, does anyone have any glaring things that they want to...

I had a few thoughts, but I was like, open it up if you all have any thoughts and prayers.

Well, I don't have any prayers, but I do have some thoughts.

But you go, "Hey, I opened it up."

Because I want to...

You want to find out what the latest, the most recent parody movie is.

So, okay.

So, the first thought I had was...

I already referenced this first thought.

I put them a shell...

Yeah, it was a Michelle.

All the lesbian jokes.

That was a low point for me for an image of the character.

It was maybe...

Maybe it was referenced once and then at the end, it would be cool.

Or maybe like...

But it was like, that was her entire character.

Yeah, it felt like lazy writing and like, her character was not very developed compared to maybe some other characters.

Oh, yeah.

I'm with you on that.

And the character of Levy that she was parodying, that is...

There's so much in that character that they could have done with her.

And I'm the writer, I could have told you what to make fun of it.

But that is the...

Debatedly, the only good female, faster, furious character up until maybe eight.

But that hadn't existed at the time of this movie.

So, where I thought Michelle was the weakest part of the movie,

I thought the actors that played the rock parody and the actors that played the Vin Diesel parody were by far the best.

And so, my question was, which one did you find better?

The rock parody or Vin Diesel parody?

Vin Cerenzo or the rock Johnson?

I feel like it's Vin.

Because I feel like he...

I don't know, I feel like he was sort of like the person who kept the story moving forward in the beginning.

And I feel like he was supportive of the Hymbo.

Yeah, no, he was...

Downward then a box of rock.

Right, so yeah, nobody.

But he was like, yeah, he was racing about the end.

He wasn't upset.

Although in typical Dominic Tredo fashion,

he could care less that his woman laughed at him.

Yeah, I was, honestly, more...

And it could be because I'm like, I can't, I'm silly.

Like, that character moved.

Cerenzo moved, but the rock's character stuck out to me so much.


Because it was just such an absurd.

Like, I'm sure Duane Johnson was like, I can really write.

I can even venture to guess he has not seen those movie.

Oh, he has.

Because he has such a good sense of...

I hope he has.

I've not seen someone...

Just the man who was a little bit sick of humor.

Listen, Duane the rock Johnson, if you're a little sick of the rock,

and you haven't seen him super fast,

which makes this a really weird episode that you're listening to.

You really need to go see that movie.

So, between the two of them, I laughed more at the rocks at parody.

Although I do really agree with what you're saying, Joe, as well.

But the rocks character...

He had the man of the weird over the top of the wall.

Down like that.

And I look at me like his face moving around and being oddly alike.

And I love the paradigm with the other cock who was like,

she was like, this actual serious cop in it.

And so it just made everything he did so much stupider.

And it was funny to me.

I have to agree with it.

A million ways.

When did this movie come out?


We'll figure out what the most recent parody movie was.

I've been like scary movie or something.

I'm not scary movie came out before that.

Because isn't there like 600 scary movies?

Is it there like scary movie 2, 3, 4?

Maybe maybe I don't know.

The scary movie started coming out in 2000.

And you know what?

I'm lying to you.

They're about to do another scary movie.

So they're bringing it back.

I'm scared if this will be, I literally think I just read that they're about to do another scary movie.

I'm going to look that up too.

Scary movie 400 and 7.

Got it.

Seriously, those movies keep coming out.

They're not in the fast and furious.

But it's weird that if I'm getting on to a series about that,

I feel a little hypocritical.

If I'm getting on to a series about that, I'll be in the next step.

So the question I had for all of us was, which part of the movie or which joke

made you laugh the most?

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Let's see which part of the movie?

If you had to pick the favorite joke or funny part.

I'll tell you mine while you guys are thinking of yours.

I, this is, and I feel like there's funnier parts in the movie,

but this one got me chocolate so much.

When, when they kept killing the guy before he gave them all this information.

You know what I got into that.

I got to say that that was my favorite part.

I was like, but I'm not done.

Let me see it before he, and he was like, I'm sorry, I have a bad temper.

Yeah, yeah.

And really, I like the dynamic with the main villain is his henchman too.

Like when they're in the car and they're working out their trust issues,

the temperature and see.

But I think even though I said earlier in this episode that I don't really laugh,

at the beginning of that scene where he was killing the, the, the, the, the,

the information, I did let an audible laugh out of that one.

So I think I had to, uh, so the musical number, but specifically when he,

uh, he started doing the mockarena.


I was like, absolutely.

Or ever in a dance battle and you don't know what to do.

Do the mockarena.

It'll carry you through.

The second part was it was, because this was just like,

such like a trope when they're driving the car and he's with, uh, the love interest.

And then they just start like making it look in the car while the car is like driving.

I was like, for whatever reason I was like that is so typical of these movies.

Like this one never happened in real life.

You would take a drift into a wall.


But it never, and it also makes one of the same things they do in the fast and furious

those while they're in the car.

Like to the moment when they're having full-on conversations with each other while they're in different cars speeding down.

And no one's ever been like, why are they, how are they, how are they hearing each other?

Or like when, uh, it wouldn't, uh, last, last week when we were reviewing Los Vandaleros.

And they're like, she's just straight up like making out with a blocky and all that.

One of our other little quirky parts was, um,

I don't know why because I do love guns.

But when they were having to shoot out and when they stopped shooting and they were like, bye.


I know that was a fun.

That was so cute.

That was so cute.

I was like, that would never have it.

Oh, we're done.


That was a nice touch.

Or the, the, the, the, the, the, the ridiculousness of that whole action scene where they're just shooting the night.

Like, they're like, is over the top.

Uh, and they did frequently play off of the whole like Vin Diesel seems to never get hurt in these movies.

Oh, yeah.

So, so like, because we're sketching bullets with his teeth and stuff like that.

The last thing I was going to say was, uh, I did like that this one parodyed, uh, movies one, four and five very well.


I was a little bum that there wasn't enough from Tokyo Draft and Good Lord Too Fast Too Furious is right for a parody.

Like, that is the most comically dumb movie ever.

And I would, I would like to see one.

I don't know if you guys are into Fast Warriors enough for you.

Remember how dumb Too Fast Too Furious was, but it, it was a movie.

Yeah, it felt like it was a good like, parody of the genre as a whole and then also like, parody of culture at that time.

Like even like the portrayal of women felt very like the man show, you know, like, uh, but-

I love the drugs in it, the whole, this is right.

Like, it's, it's, it's it like, there, it was no drugs, but there were drugs and guns and everything,

all of that money, which is so weird.

Right, or sometimes they just had a box that said, this is the drugs.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I love it.

Alright, so, I guess I should share some super fast trivia.

Just have a few three things.

First of all, this movie was actually temporarily suspended when news was given about Fast and Furious actor Paul Walker's death.

But this movie was released on the same day as Fiorida 7.

And honestly, maybe that's why I didn't do so all because that movie was setting records for how much money it was making.

And I'm like, who are things?


Yeah, but I mean, that would be a fun movie.

And I'd go see Fiorida 7 and then just slide over and go see Super Fast.


I don't know, that's, that's good.

So, and then one of the things we already said, J.J. Sora, who played Caesar, he was also in Fast and Furious 5.

So, actually, I'm incorrect.

I thought he was in Fast and Furious 5, but it turns out he was just a drug runner in the fourth Fast and Furious.

No one is just a drug runner.


No, he was just a minor drug runner.

No, just like you're not just a drug runner.

If you're not, you're not.

No, you are.

You have value on drugs.

You're so much more.


You're helping me economy stuff.

Yeah, keep running those drugs.

Someone else will do it if you don't.


And you have a family to take care of.


Okay, and then the last fun fact is Dalpavinski who played Vince Sereto or Dom Sereto.

He also starred in the last ride as a villain named Dom.

So, this is like his in-lease the second time being a Dom character.

It's time for our movie, "Raining Guys."

Two Fast and Furious movie rains.

Two Fasts as you loved it.

Your life is enhanced because of it.

Fasts as you liked it.

Furious is either you didn't care about it.

Didn't like it.


And then two Furious is straight up your life is worse because you've seen this movie.


Well, I am going to live our esteemed disco performance.


I'm going to give it a fast for commitment to the bit.


But like the editor commenter, I don't think that I will see it dozens of times.

I think what wants her twice.


You know, it was a good time at the theater.

They really spent some time on that script and I actually had that.


I spent $20 million dollars.

They didn't take that.

That is no joke.

Patip to the writers of the screenplay for Superfast.



I am going to go with two Fasts.





It made me feel good.

It just, I don't know what it took me back.


I've never saw it.

So I was like, you know what?

I needed to see something dumb.

So that took me back.

Well, I honestly would have wanted to get just to have a good dumb laugh.


You have a rough, rough, rough.


A good chuckle never hurt anybody.


No worries.

I'm going to be different than you guys.

Because I thought about giving it a fast.

But I want, I feel like if I'm always giving it every movie a fast, it just doesn't.

I need to be a little bit more critical in my movies.

So I'm going to be a Furious in that not that I didn't like it.

I just like, okay, did it.



It was fun.

I remember seeing it once and thinking it was like kind of funny.

But really parody movies aren't really my thing.

I love the better movie.

Like the real movies.

Better movies.


But like, so when I, it's just, it's not that I thought it was bad.

I'm not giving it a two-furious.

I just, it was, it was good for like a one-watch.


And then this time was my second watch.

So I was like, oh, okay.



So while different, I like them.


And different opinions, different views of it.


I like them.


I like them.

So CJ, now we're at your best bits.

So you're turning.


Oh, yeah.

What do you got for us?

Okay, so you got, okay, you got to guess out of these three, right?

Or these two?


Yeah, three, three.


So let's see.

Do you have a particular category we're going for?

Or is the part of the game is she could just not tell us the category.

And we still have to figure it out.

No, the category is which one did I laugh hard is at the most?


When he first walked in and his pants fell down because he was trying to be hard.


That was good.

That's what I was talking about.

The part where they started a distraction with the money and the money thrown out.

Oh, yeah.

Because very theatrical.

Very theatrical.


What happened?

We went to the distraction with the distraction.

Was it all the naked women?

Oh, yeah.

Okay, okay.

You probably didn't take the money.

You just saw the lady.

You didn't.

She saw the lady.

She's that lady.

I thought it was the one who left.

Okay, go ahead.

Are you really?

She could get tissues.

Or did I laugh hard is at the baby oil?


Where he could get ahold of the baby oil?

So reminder for everyone, we're currently three, two is our score.

I'm currently in the lead.

If we guess correctly, I get a point.

And then if we don't, yes, directly, see Jay gets a point.

Or if we both guess correctly, I get two points or whatever.

So no pressure, Joe.

I do want to win.

So what?

So do you want to go first or do you want me to go first?

I guess.

I'll guess the baby oil.

I'm also guessing the baby oil.

Oh, you both are wrong.

I'll laugh hard is at the baby pool.

His baby.


I mean, that was the, I was trying to do it this year.

I didn't know it was the naked women's in.

No, I just wanted to throw that in there for you all.



But that was funny to me because he was just like, I got it.


I got it.

And I honestly chuckled at that.

Like, the fact that he was old fans.

He's trying to be so hard.

He was trying to be, I don't know why, but that was a chuckle for me.

I used to have to be like, I do remember when low riding and sagging.

And that was like this.

And I remember white guys doing that to look cool.

Like, I went to school with basically all white, high school.

Like, it was all white guys.

And there were still any saggy fans.

Like, showing that, like, that was like MTV rap videos.

Oh, wow.

So like, that was a weird scene.

And they were, and it was like, suburb with Tennessee.

Like, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, I don't know why that tickle beam.

But I was just like, why is he doing that?

It's, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, I don't know why that tickle beam.

But I was just like, why is he doing that?

It's, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that, I don't know why that tickle beam.

But I was just like, why is he doing that?

But I was just like, why is he doing that?

Uh, and I was just like, why is he doing that?

So I was just like, why is he doing that?

I was just like, why is he doing that?

Well, next week we're going to be covering the Italian job, which is taking a very different

movie from this week.

We do hope you guys come and join us to check that movie out.

Watch it before and then we can talk about it.

You can be more on the know.

We are all over social media and the internet, the quarter mile podcast and most things.

Quarter mile podcast on TikTok because they hate us for my first game out.

So we have to get a different name.

And, you know, everyone's in a great life.

Oh, I do have something to say before we leave.

Just in case, because I know he's not the biggest parody person, but I am.

There is a scary movie, six.


Six, right?


There is a beginning working late June 2025 is coming out, 2026.

Love it.

And so the fun fact about scary is the scary movies, which I think we should, because they spooked, starting from the first scary movie all the way down.

All the different genres of scary movies.


Always putting something different.

Oh, you know my favorite is a repossessed, which was a parody of the excerpts.

Yeah, that's fun.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Supply space balls was a parody.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

So that's a good, so it's like over 50 different.

So it's a genre of parody.

So much of certain podcasts and just can't be with the script.

I think we should do that in the next season.

Yeah, definitely make sure you check us out next week, because the Italian job is to it.

No, I was gonna say do it fridge. It's, it's being, it's being, it's playing with being.

Yes, it's being, being.

Y'all, y'all come back and watch the challenge job.

Y'all come back here.

I have a great time.

Thank you so much, y'all.

Hey, y'all, where can we follow you?

What can you do?

Yeah, try and see what you can do.

Tell us me at Sluffy Joe Productions on Instagram and other socials for a sloppy good time.

All right, thanks.

You're all been a great life.


(upbeat music)

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