The Quarter Mile Podcast
Join Drew Davis and friends on this "Fast and Furious Themed" Movie rewatch podcast. We started by reviewing the Fast & Furious series, and then we just kept going! Come talk films with us!
This Podcast is all about chill vibes, having fun while talking about movies, and connecting with friends and our podcast community. Life Is Short, so live it one Quarter Mile at a Time!
The Quarter Mile Podcast
Los Bandoleros
Ride with us to the Dominican Republic, as we review the 20 minute, directed by Vin Diesel, straight to Fast 4's DVD, "mini banger" known as LOS BANDOLEROS and are joined by fellow comedian and friend, DUSTIN CALLAHAN.
Listen as CJ and Dustin change Drew's mind about how good this movie is!
The Quarter Mile Podcast
Drew Davis
CJ Walton
Special Guest:
Dustin Callahan
Cars and Health Bars Podcast
Welcome back to the quarter mile podcast ladies and gentlemen you made it to episode four.
We're so glad you're here. We have a very special guest with us today. This is the first
season two guest that we've had very excited to introduce you to a friend of mine Dustin Callan.
Dustin, how are we doing? I'm good. How are you guys? Hey, hey, hey, see you, too.
Hi. I'm doing well. So Dustin, before we get into talking about Los Bambanos, am I saying that
correctly again? Los Bambanos. Los Bambanos. Yeah, they're in the middle.
Yeah, they're in the middle. I'm going to the more I try to say at the wider I'm going to sound.
Like my skin will literally turn wider as I as lower down and try to low the
Banderleros. Banderleros. Lower. Low. Spurring.
Lower. You're good. Speed up, so.
I know. That's the best Banderleros.
Very good. Perfect. Well, I'm working to talk about this life changingly amazing movie that
everyone on Earth should see at the end of 20 minutes to kill. At least 20 minutes.
Or maybe one minute with the 20 more. Okay, 21 minutes. Dustin, tell us about yourself, man.
I call myself a natural native. I moved here when I was a year old.
grew up here. Well, you're a natural. If you lived here when you were one, you're a native.
Right. I'm not a full unicorn, but I've got the horn. I would definitely give you unicronis.
You can down a you can down a call yourself a unicorn. So I grew up one of five white kids in the
Joe Johnson projects in North Nashville. And when it was time for my sister to go to the same
schools, we moved to Williamson County. And I went from being one of five white kids to one of five
thousand. I'm from Williamson County. And I can attest. I graduated high school with three or four,
maybe if I'm forgetting someone, people will tell me. Oh, wow. 22. Culture.
Culture. Culture. Is that like a big culture shock for you? Oh, big time. You know, I grew up listening
to Master P and Nelly and uh, then you started listening to Petty Engelman. And then you're you're
in Fallout. Oh, yeah. I was just the things that I was just like who? My boy Blinkman,
Ancient Yellow Tire. William and him was, you know, and they were all over that. But I knew who Dr.
Dre was, you know, so different world and different culture. So I went to Brentwood High School.
Same here. What year did you graduate? 2004. I was 2006. That's fun. I wrestled, played rugby,
football, hockey, all of that Brentwood. And um, after that, I just kind of me and her through life
for a little bit and get over the road truck driving. And I've been to 46 of all 50 states.
Nice. Yeah. Which ones? Which ones do you need to go to? So Hawaiian Alaska, obviously, right?
Obviously. Um, North Dakota. Now technically I drove through it for like 30 minutes, but I don't
count that. And then Maine, every time I've got a low domain, I got turned around right at the bridge.
Okay. So well, I know North Dakota has a comedy scene. Um, I know Alaska has a comedy scene. And I know
why is it going to the comedy scene? I've got Alaska. It does. Yeah. It has a comedy festival. Alaska is
got to have one. Why is kind of surprising. Yeah. It's a small comedy scene, but there is a club in
Hawaii. The question that everyone wants to know when they listen to this podcast is what is your
relationship with the Fast and Furious? So when the first one came out, I was working at Pet Boys,
which is like a car repair, auto shop, type, place, cars like us people love us type of things. Yeah,
I love it. And so I was talking shelves and everything. I just got my first car and then two fast,
two Furious came out. And to me, that was the best one of the whole series. Okay. And um,
great, great answer, CJ. It wasn't a no. It was just a, it's not, but okay. Listen, it is definitely
one of the most fun of the series. Yeah. Like it is, is happy and is like fun. And honestly,
our, our, in our poll last year, it did better than I anticipated. I thought it was going to be
for sure one of the little ranked ones. And no. Yeah. It is higher. It's the music. Yep. You go
back and listen to the soundtracks from all of them. The second one has the last music. Yeah. That's
you know, and I think that's what did it. Yeah. That's a good point. I do feel like in my social media
hosting, I've used ActiveFull so much where actually someone did reach out and I could you please
use different songs? No, I can. Well, let's get into talking about Los Bandoleros. Sure. Let's,
so before we get into the overview and just the, the random stuff, I'd love to hear just,
you know, won't go into more detail. But overall, did you guys like this movie? Did we not like
this movie? Where were you out with it? So I loved it. My wife is Dominican. And the whole movie shot in
DR, I think it encapsulated like the culture very well. The only thing that was kind of weird was maybe
the opening scene with everybody talking in jail, but other than that, yeah, it was, it was what it looks
like. I did not get that opening scene. I mean, I get it. I get what they're saying, but I was like,
what does this have to do with the movie? I think it was just about toughness of life in the DR.
Oh, okay. Yeah, it's a rough country. It was like set world building, letting me know what was going on.
Like, yeah, like the grittiness of the, the ugly side of the DR and actually the pretty side because
that's how people grew up. Yeah, that's it. There we go. That it was setting the stage because I kept
wondering if something they'd said would like come up later, but do they were just telling you like,
this is what is like this is what it is. This is why we do this podcast is I watch 20-minute movies
and I don't understand them and you all help me out with it. So thank you for that. Overall,
broad strokes. Did you like this movie? Did you not like the, oh, no, I loved it. You loved it, okay.
I love hearing that you loved it. I did actually. This little mini-banger was fun for me.
I like that. This movie was a mini-banger. I'm going to do my best to remember to put that in
like some of our promotion things like a little mini-banger. Well, listen to us talk about this mini-banger
of a movie like that. All right, well, I'm going to be the odd man out like I was bored with it. Like,
it was fine. It did, which is what it needed to do. Also, like I was like nobody asked for this. I
would say it was a little slow for me. My new arrows came out in 2009. This was part of Fast and Furious 4.
So this whole movie is leading to the opening credit scenes in Fast 4, which was a train like a
heist where they were breaking out. And then if you remember from the movie, it was all kind of like a
flashback. It was setting up the crew. It was showing you Dom and Ledi. Again, it was really focusing on
their relationship because then the whole movie is about Ledi dying and Dom going out for revenge. So
it was all like a big and then no one was asking the question, what led them to do this train heist?
Then Vin Diesel, like you know what we need? A movie setting up with train heist. So that train heist
was their ultimate what they were doing in the Dominican to help the people of the village out.
It gives you the precursor to how he got Santos and Tadjo out of prison, how he, while Ledi ended up
connecting back with him. What I would love is, and at this point I mean, Vin's probably too old.
But I always thought we, just like two fast two-fearers gave us what happened to Paul Walker,
Brian O'Connor, after the Fast and Furious. We needed a movie where we saw what happened to Dom and
Victor when he was on the run. And I think this could have been part of that movie. I think this
could have been he winds up in the Dominican Republic. He meets these people he gets connected to the
point where they're calling him the godfather. Like we see all this happening and it lead and maybe it
ends in that even with that high scene or leading into that high scene and then we're ready for fast four.
That's where the movie stands in the overall mythology. It didn't come out by itself. It was just
part of the DVD of Fast and Furious Four. I was director of I Vin Diesel. You had Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez,
Sun King, and Tego, Audrey-on, and Dom Omar. And that's Tego and Santos. And this is probably the most
characterization, especially if Tego that we see. They're usually just the fun Hispanic guys that
are bantering and it's like a comedic relief. We see him get out of prison. We see him being like
the, he's someone. People are, you know, he's bringing him as close. He's like he doesn't run for nobody.
Yeah, I love that. I love that about that. So that might have been my favorite contribution of this
movie is to give us more characterization of the usual side character. Yeah, more than just the
comedic stuff. Yeah. Watching them and then everything they translated in Spanish. I'm like, that's not
exactly what they said. There's some stuff that was missing, but yeah, fun. Oh yeah, it was definitely
more entertaining than what the translation show. Well, I mean, just put a word like, yeah, a lot of the
cuss words. Was it like they were censored that you didn't hear the cut like they didn't say the
cuss words in the English transition or like, no, they didn't say the cuss words, but I mean, like it's
it's very Dominican, very Dominican culture. Very Dominican culture. You know, K-L-K, stuff like that
that you don't hear in other Hispanic cultures. Right. And it was very, I thought it was very
accurate. You know, my life is Dominican. They're proud people, you know, it's a poor country. Her
dad's a mayor in DR. Yeah. So yeah, well, so so what's happening when I'll just say guys, you guys
are making me like this movie better. I am changing my overall rating. I can already tell you that right
now. So that's cool. It does go to show you. I mean, we, I know in this podcast, in last season, we had a
lot of fun ripping on Vin Diesel and kind of his diesel isms and weird things that he does. Yeah,
his what? Diesel isms. My God. Like, like, like, I don't think he'll ever direct a movie where he's not
the star of the movie. But one thing he does very well and it seems like he's still is doing
for this movie is the representation he gives to people on them. So like, that was very fast.
The whole team, they're, it's a very racially diverse team and all the movies. And then every fast
and furious is filmed in a different part of the world. Like they, they highlight a different like
hope, stuff like that. And that's very intentional on him is team's part. And so it just goes to show
you that that's something that's very important to him. And I love that. We do have a tradition here
at this podcast. I don't know if you guys know this yet. You do because I kind of pulled you already. But
whenever we have a guest, unless they just vehemently don't want to, we put it on them to give us the
AI plot summary. It's just a way to just break them in. So Justin, we're so happy you're here. And as
our first guest of season two, you get to be the first non-CJ voice to give a plot summary in our
fourth episode. We, we did ask the AI plot summary to give us a summary of the movie from the
perspective of Dominic Toretto. Oh, man. So you are more than welcome to give us your best or
worst vindies own presence. The Dominican Republic. Life is different. It's a place where you got to
make your own rules and family comes first. So when I got the word of a big score that could help
us out, I knew I didn't symbol my crew. It's all about getting fuel to the locals who need it.
But it's not just about knocking over a convoy and calling it a day. There's a lot more at stake.
Familiar, loyalty and showing that we can do good even in our own outlaw ways. Lettys by my side,
always holding it down with the fear spirit. Hans got our backs with his calm demeanor and tactical
mind and their Santos and Tego, the Monty Cones who always keep things interesting. Together,
we're unstoppable. It all goes down under the cover of night. We're taking precision speed and
flawless execution. There's nothing like the adrenaline rush of pulling off something like this.
Fuel tankers aren't just rolling over and we face plenty of obstacles, but nothing can stop the
team united by a larger purpose. Winning isn't just about completing the mission. It's about sticking
together, celebrating our victories and thinking about what's next. In a world that tries to tear us apart,
our bond remains unbreakable. Amelia is everything. That was great. Okay,
locally, I don't know if I heard Vin Diesel, but like, hurt wise. That was, I felt the Dominic
Toretta. If you in Dominic Toretta has a freaky Friday situation and you're speaking as you,
that would be, that was perfect. I also want to say that plot summary looked so much more
interesting to the me than the movie. When they were talking about adrenaline rushes, I was like,
where was the adrenaline rushing? My adrenaline was very sexy and stuff in there.
Well, I mean, it, okay, let's apply it. I can already tell I'm going to get in trouble for this line.
There's only one appropriate time in my mind that we should be watching sex scenes on TV.
Whenever I'm watching movies and it has awkward sex scenes, I'm always like,
who's this for? I get that it's like trying to like, you know, well, they're so in love. Look at how
in love they are, but like, weird. Look at it. I mean, sex cells, right? You're right though, but I
am after when do you think it's necessary? I mean, if you're watching pornography and you don't see a
sex scene, you're going to be a little let down. You're going to be like, what? Turn this on?
I mean, I would be. You've never heard someone be like, I really just hear for the plot.
Like I watched the first 10 minutes of your story then it's like, that's the only kind of anyway.
Last week when we did better luck tomorrow, I was a little bummed that we didn't get a lot of fan
feedback. We didn't get a lot of people. Yeah, no, I was. Hey, um, instead I got to read angry
movie reviews, which was fun. It was fun. It was fun. But so I kind of thought this was, it would be
another died as far as game, but I posted it yesterday and I asked people on Reddit and boy, how
do people show up? I'm only reading a few, but if you want to read the rest of the comments, go check
us out. If you look at the fast and furious subreddit of Reddit, am I using the correct, I don't know if
I'm using the correct anyway. We post every time we do a movie to get, if it relates enough to fast
and furious and you pull the opinions about this and all good. Like they, I was in the minority
because I thought everyone was hoping everyone would like, bash it. It is, it is a, it is a movie.
It is, it is a movie that exists. And God's favorite series. He didn't get it. He didn't get it. It's a,
that's a no for him. That's okay. But here's, here's some things that we heard from some of y'all,
and just a friendler reminder, we love your feedback. So every week we're posting on what movies
were about to review, drop a shit, let us know what you think it might show up in the podcast,
or at the very least we could have an online discussion about it. Yeah. Now people like, I don't
want to post it. I don't want them to talk to me, but, but, um, also we, we have polls going on,
help us figure out which movie celebrity we're going to be focusing on next season. And here's
some feedback people gave us on Reddit. So, Trini Boy, 1, 2, 3 said, a little boring, but it was
cool to give more backstory on his life in the DR. Wait, his name was Trini Boy.
Trini. So that's his username. I don't know if that's his real name. Maybe he's Trinidadia.
Oh, okay. Yeah. It's Trini. Winter fell 11. Sounds like a great, like, D&D character.
I said it was excellent. Slow, growing on, it portrayed the best, Dom and Letti.
Mystery. Yeah. It was good chemistry. Definitely good chemistry. So I will say, I feel like one of
the ways faster for you sometimes has some marks is with all the love stories, but Dom and Letti
is the only one that was it. That one is good. And we do get that this is very happy for this
end in later movies they do allude. I mean, this is where they got married. They do flashbacks
to this 20 minute movie. Yeah. It makes a lot more sense because I actually hadn't seen this 20
minute thing until I've been holding off on watching it before I had to. And so anyway. Yeah.
Uh, something like this one. This is from Jay. You see their J-Draw. Draw. Nores. Like your
drawers or J-Drawler. Because then the J-Drawler. I'm going with draws. I like draws, though. I like
J-Draw. I'm going with J-Draw. Let us know. Correct us if we're wrong or make it your new identity.
Um, anyway, this is what J-Drawl says. I think this one actually is pretty charming. How it goes
into more detail about the characters and what happened before the movie started. This is talking
about for, but also it makes me wonder what Vin Diesel was thinking when he wrote. Then she straddle
me. I mean, um, doll. Oh, yeah. There's that car scene where they get really into it. Yeah. I'm
supposed to be so hard for Dom to act in. That was a, that must have been a rough scene for Vin Diesel.
I was wondering how he was driving. I mean,
probably. Yeah. Well, I had to be on the shoulder and very carefully.
You know, working a lot maybe. If I take myself away from the movie and I ask myself,
how was Vin Diesel driving? That's a valid question. But like you have seen Dominic Toretto drive
through worse than having a woman on top of them. So Tristan Studios said, "I like the back story
and context it gives, but I prefer the turbocharged prayloud." Tristan, I feel you. And if you're like,
"I love the turbocharged prayloud so much, I'd like to watch a podcast episode that is four times
as long as the prayloud." You should check out our episode too. And I think you'd really like it.
Last comment comes from Richie. You guys may not know Richie, but he's, uh, he's a regular for our
podcast. He actually did a fast fan feedback episode where we just interviewed him. And one clip he
said has been like our mega viral clip on TikTok is it is the only clip that we have on TikTok that
doesn't have my face on it. And it's got about like, like, we'd 100,000 views on it. So, uh,
people are like, "What's the secret? Don't put my face on it." That's the secret, apparently. So,
my god. Anyway, this is what Richie said. I really liked how Vin portrayed the common people here
and his style of filming even if it was for a simple little short movie like this. And Novin has
talked about wanting to finally direct again after the mainline series wrapped up. And aside from
his own personal projects, it would be cool to see more fast movies directed by him. Absolutely.
More like little 20-minute things like. I definitely say he, he, he did touch something. He touched a spirit
within in that movie that I like. I would love to hear more about that. I think it was,
honestly, it started with the Jets thing. And I think it was because a lot of people, they already
look at the DR as a hard place, a hard place to visit, a hard place to live. And but he's telling you,
like, "Yeah, come on, here's the reason why. This is what we have to fight for. And this is what,
this is, this is who we are. And especially when they're, when they're walking in, when they're together,
when he, when, when demand is walking, um, and he's yelling at the kids, it's just like, it's family.
It's everyone there is family, no matter who you are, it's everyone there is family because you're
all going through the same thing. That makes no sense. Yeah. We've already gotten to do a little bit,
but this is the place now where we can talk about our opinions, what do we thought? How do we like the
movie? Were things that stood out to us? I liked it. Um, right, honestly, I honestly loved it. I loved
everything about it. Especially I loved how he tried to speak Spanish. And it just did not go over
very well. It was so cute how he did it. Yeah. It is best than they were. You love how he really put
the locals like he was like, no, we're not getting actors. We're actually getting real locals. Yeah.
We here to give it that authenticity. Um, so I mean, I could just go on and on. I honestly liked it.
I mean, I loved it. That's awesome. Yeah. I loved it as well. Um, my wife and I watched it together
just recently. And she'd never seen it before. And I saw it a long time ago. And we're watching it in
both of us thought the same thing. It was authentic. These, this is what it really looks like. Yeah.
We're arguing between the two characters that most would probably say, oh, they're annoying or
oh, they're background characters. That's a DR family. Yep. I mean, it's just constant, loud,
back and forth, thought over nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And just arguing the
whole time and happy. They're not even mad. They're just, you know, they want to pick on each other
the entire day long. And that's kind of how it is. And, um, Vin Diesel Spanish is, you know,
Rudimentary at best. I love it. But it was still good. He looked at that with him acting or like,
because like, he probably does better Spanish in like real life. Oh, I'm pretty sure. Or what's Italian?
Is he not? I think he's got Italian. He is Italian. I thought he was. Or maybe he's, maybe he is
like some kind of like Dominican Hispanic. Yeah. See? His last name, Sinclair. He mixed though.
He's definitely, he's definitely like a multiple things. In fact, he has a documentary, um, where he
talks about, um, experience he's had as being like a biracial actor and how sometimes he's been
able to play any part, but sometimes he's been like, not giving work. Yeah. I think he's
half black half Italian, which side, uh, Vin Diesel is one of the actors in our poll for season three.
So if you're like, man, I would love for them to do more movies about Vin Diesel, including the
documentary about his race. Give us a Vin Diesel, though, you can just tell it's a Vin Diesel,
Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez, or spy racers, the TV show. The TV show. Yeah. Plus.
I can. Which it's very random, but I wanted to throw in something and get someone who's like,
I hate all those people. Give me something different. So, um, right. No, yeah. I loved it. The, the,
scene where he comes in and he's talking to his aunt about cooking and how. Oh, that was one of my
thoughts. How do all the time there? Yeah. I mean, missively hot. And yeah, the women slave
slave over the stove. Kids are in the kitchen. They want them gone. I thought it was spot on. I mean,
okay. Well, all the notes I brought up to bring up is in a song so pessimistic to you guys.
So are we not going to address the fact that right before they got married, Lenny was like, you're
hanging out with two other women. He's had two, he was making all the ladies and he had up and,
and she was just like, well, it's dumb. You know, which it is a reference to the first movie where
when she walks into the house party, she sees him with other women. So apparently this is a thing
Dominic Dredo does a lot and she's like, I smell skanks get away. And she's made peace with it. Yeah,
she's accepted him for his. Yeah. And then literally she sees them with two other women. She literally
left Mexico slash L.A. to find them. Hermann. And then she sees them at the DR. What is he doing?
He went to other women to see if he had married a Dominican woman she had murdered him right there.
You know, yeah. Oh, no, absolutely. But are we are we full of this? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, that's probably one of my
favorite things, especially when she said, I don't want to take states alive. Oh, let's go get married. Let's go get married, though.
She's accepted it, but she doesn't like it. Well, I think that she knows that that's just who
unfortunately who he is. And if I want to be happy, I have to accept him like this. Oh, that's nice.
But you could either any of us. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I couldn't. I don't sure. Letty is a better person than
will ever be. No. Or maybe she should have higher standards like maybe she's standards and Dominic Dredo,
the man who eventually saved the woman. Maybe he's like, you know what? There is no woman for me, but her. And now it's
now to have my fun. Now I'm done. All right, maybe that, yeah, maybe there's a wake-up all you saw, and he was
like, you're the one I want to marry. Right. Let's go pick out in my car while I drive and ride it line
on the highway. Yeah, I'm good. I don't want any other woman but you. You know what I say? One of my
notes, or I literally wrote WTF with that opening scene. And you guys answered that already. Because
like, yeah, that's a beautiful scene that I did not agree. I watched through this twice. This is
me if I missed anything. And I did. Okay, here's another thing that I would have loved to see more of
because going into the before it's actually seen, little Spanoleros.
All right, you're right. I'm getting there. We're getting there. I saw my skin get less white when I say
when we get into it, a lot of times people will tell you this is like the origin story of the
relationship between Dominic Dredo and Han. And so I was kind of excited to see how these two guys
met. That's not you don't they already knew each other in the movie. He's coming to help him with the
job, but he says I helped you in Mexico, which is also the second reference to Mexico. We're
sleddy. Well, it come earlier, but like, letty also said like last time I saw you was in Mexico.
A little 20 minute movie about what happened in Mexico. Now that that that is true. Yeah,
because Han said it to the other girl like, there was telling her something about like, yeah,
I was helping them down in Mexico. Yeah, I know him for Mexico. Yeah, what happened in Mexico? We need a
we need a little Spanoleros. Pretty cool. The second half of the fourth movie was in Mexico. Yeah,
I felt like they should have stayed in DR for the third one and then did a whole different movie
from Mexico. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. There was plenty still left on the table for D.O.
It does make sense just knowing that side tangent that when he gets to Mexico and everyone's
on his side helping him out like because when we reviewed the fast five which happened in Mexico,
we were like, what is everyone know him in Mexico? What? Yeah, he's a legend. He is. And there's a story
there. My critique is fast and furious has never given us that story. Vin Diesel if you're watching
this, if you're listening to this, we need a, I guess it would be a fast and serious three three
and a half, three and a half, maybe three and a half, three and a half or it could debate
it would be a one and a half, but what it is is we're seeing what happened it happens with Dominic
Toretto, three has to leave LA. That's right. It happens in Mexico. How'd you meet Han? Like I want,
either the question. Han's left Tokyo. Yeah, well he hasn't made it to Tokyo. Tokyo happens
after fast six. Tokyo drift is actually a seventh movie in the series. It's how they were able to
justify bringing the character upon back. Oh, see, I misunderstood that altogether. Oh, yeah,
that was like the big part on had to leave after everything in Tokyo. Oh, so the end of Tokyo drift,
he's dead, bull dead. Right. But the actor was so well liked by the director that such a good
relationship. They wanted him in four, mostly in five, but they wanted him in four. And so what they
did to justify bringing him back was they said three opens later. And then they kind of don't address
it till the end of six. And then you see the ending, the scene where he dies as the post-credits
scene in six. And then you see the guy who killed him who's Jason Statham's character,
Nekker Cha. And then seven is all about on-died. Now let's go get the guy who killed him.
Side note, nine comes around. Fast nine turns out Han wasn't dead. And it was all conspiracy
because the internet went crazy that he died for a second time. And they're like, we want him back.
So this actor literally has been killed off three times. That's let's get in a fast in the
furious. But yeah, I would have loved to see what he did to become the godfather, what
I'm like, I know became father. And then then see his reference does the godfather. Yeah.
And I would love to see where Han and Dom actually met. That was, I was hoping we'd see more of that.
And we didn't. And that's fine. But overall, this movie seemed to have two overall purposes
up for the plot of the fast in the figures. But I do think you guys had on an incredible
purpose, the movie, which was showing us Dominican culture. That's not something I knew until
we had this conversation. But that definitely seems like a big point for this movie. And knowing
what we know about Vin Diesel, probably a big point of why he made the movie. But the two things
that this did for fast and furious was it set up that I seen at the beginning of fast four.
And then it also further developed and had emphasis to bloody and Dom's loving relationship.
Add us to kind of character development to their relationship because in most of the other movies,
you just see them doing it. You just see him motorboat and you just see them
change other scars and saying weird things. Yeah.
And in this one, they get married. They have, they have intimate moments.
I have a loving intimate moment. Yeah.
I do like this movie better after you guys. After we see this is why we talk about movies.
That's the beauty of this is you all are able to see and notice things that I didn't. And you
can share it. And then now I have a deeper appreciation for it. So I appreciate that. So any other
thoughts or opinions or things about little spend a little. No, I think we covered it. Okay. We put more
time into this movie than the actual movie itself. Yeah. That's how that's what podcasts are known for.
Okay. So this is our two fast, two furious movie rating. We're all going to be able to share
our ratings here. Here's what just for anyone who's listening for the first time.
What if if we give it a two fast rating, that means we loved it. Our life is better because of it.
It was awesome. And we give it a fast rate. That means we liked it. It was a good movie. We get a
furious movie that can either mean like we didn't like it or maybe it's like a meh, whatever.
You could take it or leave it. And then if you give it a two serious rating, that is straight up.
I did not like it. My life is not better because my life is worse because of this movie. Like it is
the lowest form of lack of enjoyment for a minute. So does anyone want to get started with their
two fast, two furious rating? Let the gas go. Yeah. I'm going to go too fast. Okay. I mean,
the Dominican culture is just underrepresented and they're fascinating. They're very loving,
very cool. And I thought it was great that they did the movie there. Yeah. And I thought they picked
up on the culture. So I loved it for that. Okay. Yeah. Cool. I am also going to give it a two fast.
I really did love it. I loved everything about it. I love how it started off. I love the
explanation of the ventilators. I loved them actually because I love speaking in Spanish. I don't
know. I love when Lady Cat there and was like, what's up? Come on. You mind? Let's go. I don't care
about them with me. Okay. I love that. Yeah. That's all. She took home an event. It was funny. She didn't
even give them an option or like, hey, do you really want this? She was like, it didn't even matter.
Like, it doesn't matter what you want. This is what's happening. This is what's happening. Yeah.
But it does go to show you their relationship. I mean, they've known each other since they were
kids. They grew up each other like they, the level of like, that's not well. They know each other.
Yeah. And my I would only add like, so maybe don't cheat on her all the time. Maybe don't. But I
guess if she's cool with it, you know, I mean, I don't even know if she know her because what's
you with her at that time? No. No, I guess not. Yeah. They tell the thing where, yeah, you're right.
He was just a man on the run. This is the man doing this. The moment she was back, it was like no one
else in the system. No one else matter. Okay. And that is a good way to look at it. He got up. It was over.
Yeah. It wasn't like, I'll be back. Sorry, girls. Nothing. It was straight up. And let
he was so scary. Neither of those women had a problem. Yeah. No. You're good. Yes. All right. So I came
into this thinking I was going to give it a furious rating. My first serious rating of the series
of this, you know, podcast. I'm going to give it a, I'm going to give it a fast. I'm going to give it a
a little bit. You're all, you're all given me more appreciation for this movie. So I do appreciate it.
I like, I like, it seems like what you both said seems probably in my favorite part to the,
the highlighting of the Dominican culture is awesome. It is. And then, um,
anytime you can develop any of the characters and add to the story of, yeah, I'm a fan of.
Who's the problem? It's my turn to do Drew's best bets. Okay. My three scenes suck with the
knowledge of what I know now. Well, let's hear many. So we're going to, we're going to, we're
going to act like this is the prequel to this pot, this podcast episode. So these were the three
scenes I thought I did nothing to the movie. Yeah. And you have to pick my one that I guess I thought
I did the least or the one that I thought was the most out of place. Okay. All right. These are the
three most unforgettable scenes in hindsight. Not so true. But here we go. All right.
Scene one is that opening prison scene. Okay. They're talking about it and then it just shifts right
back into the actual story. Scene two was the amount of time we take a take-off in the kitchen
and how much time they spent on that. Like it would have been done a lot less. I just had it. So
that seemed to be it mainly disagree. So that was a great scene. And then scene three is when it was,
I think it was Santos who was talking to his mother the whole time. Uh-huh. Like a long, like the first
time I watched that I was like, this is going to play into something with the plot and did win or
were so it didn't have a knot. So those are my three scenes and you're picking which one do I think
I did the least to the overall plot. And for fun, I did after our conversation. I have changed my answer.
Okay. Um, what was your second one? The second one was when he was in the kitchen, the
uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, Tadio getting the suit, you know, the getting everything he was like coming back
from out of prison. That's my answer. Okay. You think that's the least for him? Yes. Yes. For him. Yes. Okay.
I got to go with the first one. There's in part. Okay. Because even for me, I felt like this could
be summed up quicker. It can be wrapped up a lot sooner. Okay. Okay. Um, well, uh, your answer is correct.
Before we talked about it, it was going to be the, um, the one where he's talking to his mom. I was like,
what's this? That was to me, but, but I, after you hearing kind of how you guys talk about that,
it's like, culture, that kind of made it more important to me. So then I changed my answer to, although I
think all, in hindsight, I think all three kind of added to the overall 20-minute movie. It does. Yeah.
Had to pick like the least. And that's what I went with. Um, so, uh, for everyone keeping count,
basically, uh, I forgot to explain this, how this works. Uh, if both of them had gotten it wrong,
I would have gotten two points. And then if, uh, or excuse me, CJ would have gotten two points. No.
No. No. I was right. Yeah. You would have got to both of them got wrong. I would have gotten two points.
It wasn't right. CJ would have gotten two points. Uh, you're always adding to one of ours as the guests.
So in this case, uh, it kind of washes out, but CJ gets a point because she was correct. That was correct.
But I also get a point because Dustin was incorrect. So, are we still, so we're back to being tied? No.
Because in our last episode, you were, I was two one. So now we're three two. We're three two. I'm so glad we're
saying this so that I can have it one I hear it later. So all right. Now we catch it. We catch it. So catch you.
I can't sit there. I'm a very interesting quarter mile spotlight for us today. Okay. Let's
say so. Uh, so this one is for, uh, someone reached out to me who I'd never met before.
Okay. I guess they have heard of our podcast or they heard us from somewhere. Uh, but this is actually
another podcast that, um, we're going to spotlight just because that they seem to be doing cool things
and is it in line with kind of, kind of our vibes? Or maybe we have some listeners that want to check
it out. Uh, but today we're, uh, putting a spotlight on the cars and health bars podcast. But what
their podcast is about is it's a 50 50 split between car discussion and gaming discussion. We can
avoid all the local happenings in our car community and automotive news. And you can find them on YouTube
and Spotify and Instagram and all the things that cars and health bars podcast and will as always
in our notes will link will give you links. But if you just type in cars and health bars, you'll find them.
Mom, and then of course the question their thoughts on fast and furious. The first four through five
were incredible. I haven't watched, uh, six to present, but I could watch one through three over and
over again. Nothing beats an nostalgia of import versus domestic watching Paul Walker inspired us
as kids to love cars. I like that. And they're so true. That first and second movie revolutionized
car culture, especially the first one. The second one, not so much the first one. We're really had an
unknown effect. They didn't know what a big deal was going to make and it really did. Yeah.
All right. Well, I just started following them. Uh, tested before we head off. Where can we follow
you and what a course will have it on the notes is someone listening. They can hear it. Yeah.
And do you have anything cool coming up? Yeah. So I'm doing a show at the working man winery and
lebed in on Valentine's Day. But yeah, Dustin.cala.han on Instagram. Dustin.cala.han on Facebook.
Cala.han.com. Listen, if you're listening to this, if you're able to easily click and do follow
a can't stress enough, follow comedians, follow local artists, follow the cars podcast follow us.
If you're listening to probably following us, but if you're not, please give us a follow for all
creatives that makes such a difference. Not only does it make us more impressive to people viewing
us, which is usually the reason you hear about the most. I'll tell you the more personal reason.
It's nice to feel supported. It's nice to have those followers. It's nice to have people that are
checking your stuff out. It sometimes doing what we do, it's easy to feel like, oh, I'm just yelling
to avoid and no one's noticing. But when you have extra followers, when you have shares, when people
comment on your videos and any of those kind of stuff that always just reminds you that like,
there are people that are appreciating it and finding value in what we do, whether that's comedy,
a podcast, any kind of art. So, uh, you know, support your people by liking and following. If you, if you,
with any of your podcasts, this is something I've been getting into more than I run a podcast. I know
it's like, the ones that I really do support a ton by listening and what the ones I find value,
the ones that I keep going back to, I'll add a follow to them. I'll, I'll, I'll donate because it's like,
I've benefited from this so much that this is how I can get back. So, I love fan engagement. Yeah.
You know, I love talking to people after shows and everything. So, yeah, reach out to, you know,
say what's up. I'll respond. Yeah. Absolutely. It's not a bot. So next week, we are talking about
super fast, which is a parody of the first four or five movies. It's a hilarious movie. I remember
seeing it when it first came out. I'm excited to watch it again. If you like fast and furious,
you're going to love this movie. It's just a lot of fun goofiness made by the same people that did
scary movie and other kind of parody of genre movies, not another teen movie. That's another one they
did. And so check that out. And here's just a friendly reminder. Do something fun this week. Let's
know a podcast, go to a common show, have a good time. Go out with friends. Live your life a quarter
a mile a time and have a great rest of the week. Bye.