The Quarter Mile Podcast
Join Drew Davis and friends on this "Fast and Furious Themed" Movie rewatch podcast. We started by reviewing the Fast & Furious series, and then we just kept going! Come talk films with us!
This Podcast is all about chill vibes, having fun while talking about movies, and connecting with friends and our podcast community. Life Is Short, so live it one Quarter Mile at a Time!
The Quarter Mile Podcast
Better Luck Tomorrow
Drew and CJ take a look into the rear view mirror at Han's backstory as they review the movie BETTER LUCK TOMORROW! This was an interesting watch and the podcast duo has mixed reactions towards this indie film.
The Quarter Mile Podcast
Drew Davis
CJ Walton
The Tip Jar: the Xennial's Guide to Nashville
a little bit of the movie as like I could care less about this main character yeah because he's just so
boring so so just you know versions going over the top act and so like that and you're watching him
but I think he was supposed to be boring because he kind of was like this blank state
blank excuse me he was kind of this blank slate where like you didn't-
he didn't know who he was yet he didn't know what kind of person he wanted me so he said yeah
yeah I don't yeah they got me wondering like because
obviously when you watch a movie like this like the people you're drawn to are the
virtual crazy characters um but you you might know this as an actress is it easier to play the
the over the top characters that honestly we we remember more when we're watching movies
or the characters that are sort of intentionally blanched so that like
story can happen I think I think it's a little bit of a and a little bit of b
okay because when when you're going over the top and whoever's there you don't want to
pull away from them you don't want to take away from their scene by being so over the top um
but when you have to go and just be like you say a bland or be white
he looks like a wall just be like yeah let's stand against the wall it's
I don't even know if that's harder because it just it takes um and maybe it is
or it because it takes more pressure right like I just feel you you have to almost be so intentional
with everything that you do yeah you have to literally focus so yeah so uh it should be no so I
guess we should say uh sunkeng is the one that most of us and joined this podcast
no because he was haunt and fast and fierce he was also in this movie oh yeah well
and so here's the here's the debate um a lot of people will say that this was haunt from fast
and fierce origin story because he was haunt in bedo like tomorrow right my question um and
I mean reactor the director they'll agree this means movies are tied together so in my mind that
means okay they're tied together um and what had happened was when Justin Lin took on Tokyo drift
we liked the character on so much okay on bedo tomorrow he wanted to bring him in to this movie
so and this is not the first well this is the first time he brought sunkeng into a movie just because
he likes sunkeng the second time there was a um the second time was actually in the fourth fast
and fierce movie then uh so at the end of Tokyo drift spoiler alert if you haven't seen this
movie that's been out forever um haunt dies and so they they were kind of they kind of thought they
kind of thought this might be the end of the you know trilogy of the fast and fierce uh but then
they bring it back several years later with fast four and Justin Lin is directing it again and then
and well and he he he was telling sunkeng he was like hey man I would love to have you in this movie but
your character died but uh sunkeng in a true horn fashion simply said then Justin was like you know
what maybe he didn't maybe we'll just and then that's when they decided to make Tokyo drift
the eve of the fast and furious series i was trying okay because it's i'm like how does it
yeah and so so but but you know what it's like a drive yeah it is it is a wild drive
stretches is what fast and fierce movies they just do whatever they want and then they do
you know they'll figure the plot out later so then so then they bring sunkeng back as haunt for fast
four through six and then he dies at the end of six and that's set up seven but that's like it's
going back to Tokyo drift and then there was this big movement online called snesh tag justice for haunt
and all these you know miss i mean it wasn't pretty sure yeah it's not if you weren't choosing the
fast and furious you probably did miss it and it's not because outside of fast and furious it's not
that big a video but it really isn't um but what happened was enough fans were like we want to have
haunt back but by the ninth movie they brought this character who had already died vice in the series
back yeah see that yeah see that that makes no sense no it doesn't except for the fact that
i didn't everything in the fast and furious sense isn't really consideration yeah so it does
make sense for the franchise you know enough people were being like we want to see cars in space
that they were like let's put cars in space you know that's just all I know since so I'm sorry y'all
but here's here's where people get like they'll go the other side because also in Tokyo drift you
saw the character actor who played virginal chase in tobin but he was playing a completely different
character and so they were like well if you brought haunt back why didn't you bring back this other guy
yeah he put in the same character he plays in fast and furious three eventually comes back
briefly for nine nine and then if you want to get hyper specific one of the other actors who's in
this movie um who was um Roger fan who played Derek uh he also was in rush hour I didn't know
it like reddit and it's a credits um and this is like the first one yeah um I think it was just like
an extra whatever the main character but um he also was briefly and fast for as an FBI agent so
it is kind of fun once you notice directors and who's directing certain movies you start seeing
reoccurring there's oh yeah absolutely they bring they bring what they want to bring yeah and I like
that I like this kind of supporting the people your people you know absolutely um in fast and
furious fashion so I really supporting your family so but um yeah I guess we should say in this
movie we had uh so we had some kingness haunt we also had Karen and wing as Stephanie uh and
this was like the corn i m d b this is like the only thing she was in she ended up I don't know if
you just did this one active thing is like I'm good but she wasn't anything else I thought she did
pretty good in this maybe she was fine she wanted anything else I mean according to the i m d website
there was no like credits other things very yeah that was her so hey that that's a pretty big credit
that maybe she was just like but tomorrow that's all I need she was like I'm good so I'm good um I got
paid I'm good and then the one is probably the most known out of this cast was the new played Steve
Chau and his real name was John Chau so so and he's the one who we've seen him in a lot of stuff he's
done a lot of voice acting too and so he's um he's been a lot so he's yeah he got a good i m db
I was it was a good cast yeah that's the thing it was a good cast but I didn't just like the movie
I just was like what are you really about right like what's going on here yeah I just couldn't get like
for a minute I was like okay all right let me watch again let me into this because I didn't hate it
but it just didn't do anything yeah it's it I don't know it planned I think the thing with indie movies is
they have a very specific message that they're trying to tell whereas in bigger movies they're
going to try to reach a wider audience the indie movies have like a specific message and it's for
specific people and if it's not your thing that's fine where my bigger movies are like we're gonna
try to get as many people as possible yeah um and but with this one they they don't mind
driving more into more specifics so um speaking of specifics uh let's let's dive into the AI plot
summary yeah yeah let's get let's get right into it so let's fasten your seat belt folks because
better luck tomorrow takes you on a wild ride throughout the high octane world of overachieving high
schoolers getting a little too extra curricular so our starry our story kicks off with bin your average
straight-a student uh this guy is just acting just a thing his class and isn't thrilling enough
interveral joe his comedic sidekick santics rival any baudville act and mom
stoic one with a hidden pen-pinch and four mischief a regular Yoda in the streets you know
fifth in the sheet but no that is fifth in the sheets I like that through the mastermind guidance
of Derek the gang dives headfirst into the rabbit hole of the scandalist side hustles
from running a cheating ring sharper than a number two pencil escalating into more daring escapades
which are in their high school into a heist school i like that yeah that he's okay no
bands alive gets an extra dash of drama when he finds himself smitten with Stephanie
the every loose of girl next door with a boyfriend named Steve
thief a foil to our nerdy heroes more uh plays a crucial role there's think of him as the cherry
bomb on top of this incendiary sunday as their life spiral into a whirlwind of elicit adventures
we learn what happens when you swap your textbooks for a life of cry
the skim start small but snowball faster than an avalanche in psyche 101
leads leading to dire consequences when one friend goes too far and snowball into a crime that
cracks their pristine facades Stephanie caught in the mists as layers of complications has been
tries to balance love and larceny hoping his tomorrow is just a little luckier
the gang's mantra of winning at any cost to them that life isn't just a multiple choice
comes with a stringent grading curve or real life plot to his harder than any pop quiz
so break out your pom-poms and calculators because this cautionary tale of ambition, friendship
and more dilemmas proves that sometimes the ultimate test isn't the classroom
but is the choices we make after all there's no cheating on the test of life
perfect thank you so much go so uh the things high school movie and it came out in 2002
which i don't know if you remember back to 2002 but there are all kinds of high school movies coming out
i'm well no wonder in 2002 yeah yeah that was so you're talking like american pie you're talking um
um that's the only movie i was about yeah that which i liked the first one i thought the first one
actually was a had a very powerful satiric message and then after that they were just like
they were just like raunchy funny yeah they were yes but lying to catch that but like the first one
like you could i mean oh that would be no stiffly one yeah yeah so we would not have milk
if it were not for american absolutely what a what a weird contribution to society
thanks to fliers mom thanks yeah uh so so this movie in an era of high school wrong poms where you had
some that were like really good and powerful i'm thinking like um walk to the remember right
but like that one has a pretty big message but then you all i mean but then you also have like
bringing on it going so well hold on now you know i'm a cheerleader i know i'm a cheerleader
but soon as those words left on mouth i was like this is not the right audience for me to
smack on bringing on um i don't really say that maybe they made too many bringing on oh absolutely
so after breaking it on they should have stopped yeah but i think they're still making them yeah
but what's interesting about this movie and it goes back to it being more of an indie cult classic is
it is a high school movie with justin lin the director put also like any i guess i guess he's the main
person who's putting the vision of the movie so but justin lin is very specific about you know not
going into normal high school tropes but he brings them up frequently to show you that like we
find we're not going back way to to me that for example that is like the the prom scene like it's not
that big of a deal on the movie yeah but then make sure they include it or like the the fact that he
was like a basketball game the fact that he was on a basketball team not that big of a deal overall
for this movie i did not get a lot of fast fan feedback i got like one comment from someone
but but um i so i added a new thing uh it's it's called um reading bad movie reviews of the movie
there are people out there that hate everything uh including random 2002 movies that were under
the radar and weren't really that big of a deal but people still right um and i don't you know
couldn't movie reviews are nice and well really much joy to read because it's like they're like this
is a good movie okay but bad movie reviews they will oh i am ready to make it into it so i got a
couple bad movie reviews and my favorite thing about these reviews is uh the names of like the
titles i give them so this first one's called out of luck i cannot understand why anyone would want
to see this movie brutal senseless tragic hopeless ugly i could go on when he does what purposes it
and describing the movie life in such a way that we somehow feel good about watching our lives spiral
into depravity it's not entertaining it's not enlightening because we know that that mankind is capable
of anything so where's the dignity where's the integrity where's the possibilities of a life well
invested in making this world a better place i don't understand why anyone would want to spend
their life in the production of this movie let alone viewing of this movie damn more films like
this won't make up make me a former movie goer i'm ready to throw in the towel the profanity is a
virtual sewer i did not see one parent in this movie i actually noticed that child's like what
yeah that is that is a good point yeah that is a good point you're like what you're raising
themselves and is both so is that reality certainly any decent parent but i did their children's
mouths with soap and water they'd urge this language so like how what bothers this person's
a language not that they're like doing cocaine and they killed the guy and like it's all about the
profanity that they don't have parents absolutely i'm like well maybe you know there's other issues
they were dealing with too the whole like Johnny and anyway i don't know who this person is but
if you are hearing this on the podcast and you know who wrote this review please go check on them
please let go see if they're okay next bad review i need tears is entitled wipe tomorrow
good start yeah already i'll say that this movie is well acted good start it is clear from the
beginning that the actors playing the lead has clout the story however pointless commenting on nothing
important and taking itself too seriously the ending blows as well as a vague open ended narrative
what where nothing is concluded it is clear that the makers had no idea how to finish the film
so they tacked on one of those very popular in the most unadmitted and imaginative ways of films
drive off into the sunset looking to the future what might happen we never know because only the
smartest of new screenwriters get deep with intellectual clichés so he didn't like the movie
he didn't like the way i didn't like it would have been totally fine i mean it wasn't that bad i was
just like it wasn't my favorite like right yeah i'm gonna go watch it again
but i'm also not gonna write a manifesto is it like my butt with
it's on it yeah right anymore because that was funny well the last one i have is actually from a
a read it comment and it was a bit more positive okay this next one we had in a couple
but but says i go i think a liddum queso um so queso's coming back queso shut up queso
shut up the queso i hope queso listens to this in comments more well other than virgin's use of
excuse me other than virgin's use of the n-word which out there he wasn't virgin up until the
most of the movies out that wasn't wrong okay anyway other than virgin's use of the n-word i
really enjoyed the movie in the grand scheme of fast movies i like watching between fast one and two
and chronologically i treat them as a trilogy of intro movies i believe he's talking about
this movie the one we're gonna review next week los bandileros and then the turbocharged three-fold
that we watched last week okay so this does he in his he's saying this kind of sets is the three-fold
to roqueo drift which i get all right so yeah that uh we love everyone's feedback so false on social
media please you can even drop comments like fan mail from wherever you're listening this podcast
one of the things you might want to do might be interested in is we already have a poll up for our
third season so we're gonna do something different in a in a few months when we're done with season
two uh which is we we are gonna hyper focus on one of the fast and furious celebrities one of the main
actors that's gonna be you know we'll start watching all their movies and that will be like the next
season so we got a poll up right now i want we've given you four options we gave you vindies all
all walker the co-order egus and uh the fast and furious spy racers season one uh just a little
something a little bit different so you can uh give us your opinion of you'd like to put your vote in
i hope it's michelle well i have one person shout out to jermy long you did vote for michelle so
michelle's currently got one point okay vindies will apparently has two points currently poll walkers
got six points of course so that question can we vote we can vote yeah we can absolutely vote so
you can you can go and make it michelle as a zone of vote so um yeah go yeah go for it um i caught
it right after the episode if you're listening this podcast you have the option of sending in fan mail
and you could literally just say vindies all pa walker michelle harry gets spy racers and we'll know what
you're talking about oh yeah um and that way your opinion can be heard and that can help dictate where
we're going with our movie images so all right let's get into it like uh our opinions of this movie
why are we still processing them so processing are you somewhere between decent and butt wipe
tomorrow no i'm definitely nowhere near butt wipe i'm near um now now that you kind of explain
a little bit more to me like get why it was made i'm just like did it have to be made i'm like no i'm so
i could have done without it yeah could have done without it it's not a bad movie i might
sleep back and watch it again but it's not anything that i'm gonna run hold go right right so i
liked the movie i liked um i liked the story um i i did like the story i just made it
well what was it because they were teenagers maybe those teenagers is there a degree of this that is
like so unbelievable that it makes it hard to hear the message of the movie or like they're that much
into crime that they're making so much money off of doing this stuff was it was that maybe the
underlute with the fact that you're watching teenagers who were making like big mistakes and it was
hard to see kids doing it maybe what yeah maybe maybe that's what it was like like what count
so many of you have that there's uh it's okay but there's a part of me uh i was thinking about this when
i watched the movie uh when he wrote uh Steve Cho down with the baselbot kilson towards the end oh yeah um
as terrible as it is when i was in high school i spent four years being absolutely in love and
friend's out by this one girl she was agent too which kind of thing and that's just um and
what she always was like with the busiest dudes ever and i was always like the best friend
and so and i hated obviously and so there was a bully terrible but there was a part of me when he
was beating the guy down the baselbot at the end i was like i mean i get it like don't do it but like
we've all been there bandits i got get it like me like i mean that's what i'm saying like i
well i think the bully deserves it yeah absolutely i just was like yeah dad is gonna be doing this
crime it's right yeah why maybe they were maybe they were all doing the crime and that's why they were
maybe what i was okay so what i did think was interesting was each of the kids
they're one of their biggest issues that they kind of all bonded over was pressure of their parents
you know right and i do remember in high school knowing asian american kids and there was always that
pressure they have their parents right and so that was believable to me and that you know that's
not only the only thing yeah well it's a hyper realistic movie in that like it's not showing you
reality it's showing you like something where you as a movie watcher especially maybe if you're a
kid who's kind of living in that you could think wouldn't it be nice if i found a way to get out of
this and then make lots of money and go on this crazy adventure and then kill my crushes
boys right the analogy loses it at the end but um i have to agree with that that's what i'm saying
like i didn't just like it i'm just like but i need it right well and and to me i think the biggest
problem that would leave me to ask in a question like did we really need this is the ending of the movie
what did they did comment on but it seemed like it was finally gonna resolve in some kind of way
wow but then it didn't exactly they just didn't like well and i just ended i get the message of the
movie was you know bin has had his life structured this entire for his whole life and finally he went
off the rails because he was you know the structure got him and so he was like so ready to get away from
the structure and then all this crazy stuff happened and for the first time in his life by the end of
the movie he doesn't know what's going on he doesn't know his future and he's okay with it
but like also the rational part of my brain is like bro you just murdered someone that's what i'm
saying like you you you're okay you you you feel like he blacked out and was like i'm good
yeah he's still in shock he's still in shock that's what we don't see him and i think it was i mean
there were some interesting moments i also can help but like with his girl like you're gonna find out
eventually like that so yeah which side note do we think do we think she did the porn out do it do it
intentionally never address it they just bring it up what i went even i went as even as far as
i don't think she did i don't think she did i think she i don't think she chickened out i just think that
she made a different deal it was like i'm not doing this yeah yeah but then there was that
video there watching but i could have been just a different lesson i'm saying i just don't think it
was i think she did something i think i i they did they wrote it in a way where you don't know for
sure but i do think like she cut a deal i think she just um i don't think everything about her
character makes you think like she didn't do it that's what i'm saying yeah so i don't i don't think
she did i think it's a random side piece of the the movie it was interesting watching um i mean
they had some particularly violent moments like at the party when they beat up that guy i see
how's the nice now that was probably that that was your favorite part probably yeah is what what
about that part was like the most fun for you because he deserved it yeah yeah okay i can see
totally absolutely that that was the one thing i'm like you know what as i'm going you have to
learn to shut your mouth yeah yeah and now we'll know was growing up that was something that my
parents taught me and it was a and hence i don't know if it's the correct lesson but it is a lesson
which is like to shut your mouth so you have to know like when you look he can probably
what my ass i might need to shut up yeah yeah she might i might need to know my and then
pushing people around they may pull out a gun they might pull out a gun you know you never know
what that other man got in his pocket we never know so leave people alone you just don't be a jerk
just don't be a jerk and you and that he never left he was just he was a douche yeah so yeah and
that was probably my favorite that was mine that was your favorite that's a good thing it was
interesting to me to see the dynamic between virtual and Han so Han I already have this you know idea
of who he is based off the fast and furious movies and this is all supposed to be like him before
then and like he's a jerk like he's beaten up his little maybe mentally challenged
doesn't like what do we think about that is he just crazy or was there like something
well if he was crazy but please something but if he doesn't if he did not mentally challenge
very definitely crazy like it to me it's like one or the other like either he had something or like
dude was like maybe he's just very introverted not Han I'm talking about Virgil as I'm saying maybe
he's just very like I don't want it okay he's crazy yeah I tried I tried I was like no he's yeah it's
it was interesting but right from the beginning of the movie they were like they were saying they
were saying like when Ben was explaining his friend group he's like yeah Virgil's not that smart
and I wonder if I know what I'm saying like maybe he can kid within himself like maybe he was just
like afraid to speak up or no no because he was he spoke he spoke up he said crazy stuff yeah yeah
right right so and but it was interesting so it was interesting to me I don't know the way I
say yeah he's my I saw that he had someation might have been some stuff under the drunk some
some things going on when like his older cousin was like frequently beating them up I mean you see
that scene where he's just laying into him and it is crazy to me and then of course that all leads
to him have you know him trying to kill himself and making sure Han's present to cure the gunshot
which to me I don't not seem to little over the top for me like it they didn't seem to like
I have to agree with that I feel like maybe they were trying to show you how the different
characters were handling the stress that they just covered up a murder I'll have to agree with that
well it just seems like sometimes when you see all this most extreme things you're like okay this is
weird so and I yeah so but I am glad that it didn't end with him dying though like I'm glad that he was
okay you know just okay like I was like okay he's gonna be in a situation like just okay
the only other thing that is interesting we talked about a little bit but I'm a wonder if this movie would
if we would enjoy this movie or have deeper thoughts about this movie or more significant
like more passionate thoughts about if we were Asian Americans because there was some pushback so
I mean it was definitely an Asian American film made by Asian Americans for Asian Americans
well I wasn't made so no it wasn't made for Asian Americans that's the thing because there was
there's an interesting point about at the film festival that just someone discovered in this
after it was viewed he was at an interview and an Asian American got up in the back and yelled at him
it was like how could you possibly as an Asian American portray Asian Americans like this
like this guy was enraged yeah that was when the the the movie critique guy um um Ebert I forgot his
first name but but that guy uh he yelled at him it's like he's like he doesn't have to make Asian
American movies for Asian Americans he can just make movies like and we you know until they
yeah that's yeah that's good point and so there was within the Asian American community there was like
a movie call yeah this movie caused a bit of a printout because they didn't like how it portrayed Asian
Americans so I guess my question would be did it portray them in in in a like that they didn't like
or did it like like we don't want you to show this because this is this is private maybe I
almost wonder if it showed it in a way that they didn't like were they like didn't like how they
handled this issues and the stresses of having such like parent like stressful parents and being
so harsh wrong and that's another that's a good topic yeah yeah I don't know I that's one of those
things are like I don't know enough where I feel like I have an opinion on it you know but uh which is
funny because we're having a podcast episode I don't have an opinion this is literally just our opinions
like I don't know um okay let's talk about some trivia see if I think we might have mentioned a bunch
of this here's one that we didn't reference that's gonna random but okay in the movie uh when
they're showing been working at his place yeah um this was his day job before it went crazy
in the gangster um on the employee of the month board in the fast food restaurant Justin Lin
is listed as the employee of the month for February oh that's fun yeah it's really really random but fun
I don't know why he would be but that's his employee of the month yeah okay yeah so what do you do to
become employee of the month yeah it is or maybe he never in his life was employee of the month and
he really wanted to be like you know what in this movie I'm gonna be employee of the month yeah that's
the only way he could have got it done I like that I like that and honestly all the other
trivia we referenced earlier so that means we are it's time for us to give our two fast two furious
movie ranking you've seen two episodes you know how it goes uh two fastest loved it he was
serious is hated it and the other ones are the things in between um I go with curious but
nah it's not that I didn't like it but I didn't love it so I'm all with furious okay absolutely
I am going to go I'm gonna go to fast okay I mean I I would see it again because I feel like I miss
something with this movie which is why I'm not giving it a love it um not giving it a two-series
it wasn't like oh my gosh that was great okay I enjoyed watching it and it was fun kind of seeing
like fans backstory from fast and furious okay because like you said that's his origin story yeah
so that that was fun and I did enjoy the plot I did have a good time I've watched some movies I
actually this year was us next week I'm not gonna give it as good of rating because I will watch
that movie it wasn't it was we'll get to the next week but I can already tell you right now
spoiler alert I didn't enjoy it as much so there are sometimes you enjoy you watch release and you
again you're done moving that we're that the next one review there were really so which is fine um
but okay so all right so we got we got we gave it I gave it a fast uh see if they gave it a furious
look at us we're we're just out here reviewing movies we're killing it so we're gonna do
Drew's best bets for this movie I'm gonna call it Drew's best deep down moments for this right so
okay so there is there were there were three ones that and and I mean one that kind of like
cooked me uh just were jarring right so that the ones I so the one the winner is the one that I found
most jarring um which actually weren't no I'm sorry let me say this again so these are Drew's
beat down best beat down bits okay best beat down bits okay some of the beat downs we saw in the movie
and we're gonna go with the one that I liked the most like which is very
sinister but that's that's that's the category there we go let's go so uh you have the scene
one thing I'm doing this in order the scene where they the jock it's it's fully demolished by the
guys okay uh you have the scene where Hawn pulls his cousin aside Virgil and it's just beating him down
okay and it's very calm music in the background and then you have of course the ending scene with
the baseball bat and he is just knocking the stuff in out of them I want to say and I'm gonna win
I want to say it's the last one the last one was with the the bat yeah yeah and just said
doesn't I was like which one was the last one like it yeah um is that your final answer yes fun
let's say to me the jock moment that was the only like even though I know I said it earlier where I was
like I was like I get it but the thing is is the jock one like you were saying earlier like part of
me was like look this was learning lesson for the the jock um bat um that's at that point these
guys are crazy like oh man that's really correct right so um and then I really was sad about the
Hawn beating up Virgil because I really when I watch this movie I think this is a mentally handy
cap kid in this cousin just out and I honestly think maybe the reason why when you see Hawn
and fast and furious later and he's more collected yeah he takes things less personally he's honestly
a nicer guy he gets with gal get out like I think he grew from having regret with how he treated Virgil
if we're gonna believe they're in the same universe that's gonna be something I believe is like
good he's tough went down with his cousin and he felt bad about it and grew as a person
I'll give you that I'll give you that I'll give you that yeah I should say nothing in the series
did I did I get a no you didn't I got a point that time so I'm I'm sorry I'm school at
who what well at least I'm in the lead currently which is great from yeah ha ha ha
all right before we head out we are gonna do a uh cordal quarter mile spotlight we have another
person and thing we'd like to feature whoo um and I'm excited about this one this is a good
friend of mine um so we wanted a feature today a cerebellath shoot and the tip jar Nash have you ever
of tip jar Nash I have not but so the tip jar Nash is the z z z z z zenials zenials
clineos tip jar Nash is zenials guide to Nashville because we still want to have fun but also
good of bed at a reasonable hour oh it's uh so she she has a uh Instagram the tip jar Nash
and website where she highlights all the fun activities new food drinks spots spots old favorites
and everything else that someone in their 30s or 40s might enjoy however everyone's welcome
I love I met her at a comedy show as she was one of the judges for one Nashville's top comic shows
and then when I saw like her Instagram page tip jar Nash and all the cool things that they
recommend and like if you're if you're visiting Nashville or if you're a natural local and you're
looking for something cool to do this is such a great resource because she's updating every week with
like maybe even every day with cool things to do uh one like cool cool features is she'll have like a
what's going on this week so maybe if you're visiting and you're like what do we do this is a great
thing to do like that so our Instagram is the tip jar Nash definitely recommend checking that out
and giving them a follow website tip jar Nash yeah thank you um the website is the tip jar Nash
com uh and uh go and give them follow and they do regular uh giveaways so that's kind of cool too
I want to give away I never win never win I'm sorry well you know when you don't win is today earlier
when I did I didn't win that either I never win I never win maybe you'll win at a tip jar Nash
huh maybe we'll see and I asked of course obviously I asked Sarah what are your thoughts on the fast
and furious uh and I feel like this needs a follow-up answer from her but this was her first answer
she said okay I had a really bad date seen Tokyo drift years ago but it's one of the best stories
so for that the fast and furious will always have a special place in my heart oh isn't that nice
good is nice I would love to hear the rest of that story Sarah can you give us can you write us in
that we can read in a couple weeks like date look we want to know what was this worst date ever and
how did it turn into the upslums I would love to know it is kind of cool though that uh she was
talking about how she went to Tokyo drift to have the worst date and this movie is about the main one
of the main characters in Tokyo drift that we're viewing today so we didn't plan it to land on this
episode but it's kind of cool that it did so anyway tip jar Nash they're definitely a spotlight worth
checking out yeah I'm definitely gonna check them out I'm gonna check them out right now yeah they do it
sounds good so next week we're gonna be watching the movie Low Spendaleros which is a pre movie for
fast and furious for uh no one needed it but they made it anyway and so we're gonna be talking about
that as always feel free to check us out on social media and in our discussions do our polls just
tell us what you think about each episodes if you want we're very grateful I love hearing from you all
honestly um and other than that I hope you have an awesome week I hope you stay warm I hope nothing
bad happens and it's just the best week ever well and just remember have fun do your thing enjoy life
and live your life a quarter mile in a turn I'm following you all right they want to go perfect great bye bye