The Quarter Mile Podcast
Join Drew Davis and friends on this "Fast and Furious Themed" Movie rewatch podcast. We started by reviewing the Fast & Furious series, and then we just kept going! Come talk films with us!
This Podcast is all about chill vibes, having fun while talking about movies, and connecting with friends and our podcast community. Life Is Short, so live it one Quarter Mile at a Time!
The Quarter Mile Podcast
Fast X
Drew and Bailey speed into Fast X with returning special guest Alan Ingalls! The trio pick apart this poor attempt at an Avengers Infinity War and have the best time reviewing the worst of the Fast franchise.
Join us for our Season Finale, as we talk Fast X, share our overall Fast movie rankings, and hit the brakes on our wild ride through God's favorite movie franchise...until Fast X-II comes out!
Drew Davis:
Bailey Jackson:
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A special thanks to our videographer Alan, and here's his info!
R. Alan Ingalls
@ralaningalls on everything
The Attention Company
@theattnco on everything
Additionally we want to extend a special thanks to RUSTY'S TV AND MOVIE CAR MUSUEM in Jackson, TN for allowing us to use their space AGAIN to film our episode
Rusty’s TV & Movie Car Museum
Rusty Robinson
The ride's not COMPLETELY over yet! Join us next month as Drew and Bailey do a Season 1 Recap and share about their podcast experience and favorite moments in the past year. Thanks as always for listening!
What's up gang and welcome back to the quarter mile podcast
welcome back to episode three we did a major call back in so many ways we're
here at the Rusty's car and movie no sorry TV movie car museum here in
Jackson Tennessee this is where we filmed our third episode and it's also
honestly in my mind kind of where we it felt like we found our voice as a
podcast so it kind of made sense to do our season finale here and of course
we always have Bailey who's right here in our on our podcast but we brought back
a special guest who we had just like Han was in Tokyo drift and just like
Han returned for the ninth episode and then came back for the tenth episode
yeah fast and furious we brought Alan Ingalls back for our tenth
I don't know if there's like an applause thing anymore on here
no it's turned out oh yeah there it is
oh yeah Alan welcome back to our episode I'm not as cool as Han so sorry to
disappoint debatably cooler oh okay I see I I I mean I listen we can talk about
it but I liked Han from three through seven and then when they brought him
back I was like we don't we don't need to and then in ten and then I'm ten
I was like I feel differently like when you back in episode nine I was like
good and then and then ten I was like better so nice and nice save dream yes that
was a good save you know let's just get right into it you know like fast fast
acts fast and serious show up right into it this movie had bigger than usual
cast it already had an all-star cast I don't feel like we need to go through and
explosion oh my gosh so many explosions it was basically rocket league with cars
it was the end of our intro song is rock rock it he said it's rocket league with
cars rocket league is yeah so yeah I missed that we're right what I'm gonna say is
basically fast and furious rocket league I had mentioned it was like marble with
cars yep but that's cool too yeah so this movie in addition to Vin Diesel Michelle
Rodriguez Tyrese and Ludicrous Nathalie Ramsey let's see who else do we got
Jordana Brewster John Cena Deckard Shaw Jason Statham I'm not okay in addition to
all the my characters that have been in the first nine episodes and movies we
also added some big names we had Alan Richardson from Richard we had Brie Larson
from so much mostly like Marvel but also like community we forget she was in
community oh I do forget that who was it she was like a obeyed's love and love
interest are you serious yeah it was like maybe your first row and then we also had
who's the last one oh Jason and I feel like he carried the movie oh yeah I got some
major thoughts about that he's the one you forget he's so forgettable but he's
still this is not gonna end the way I'm we're starting off strong yeah we talked about
every other movie other than FestiCris I forgot one of the main leader actors
and debatably the best one in the movie this movie came out in 2023 I remember
this this kind of a sad story but like I just move yeah it was just last year I
so I moved back to Nashville and I've been living there for about a year maybe a
little bit less and I I just didn't have any friends yet like all my regular
friends that I used to hang out with and watching like they all had the
adacity to get like get married and have kids and have a lot of and they didn't
want to spend a whole weekend watching Fast and Furious with me so like I just I
just a solo bit man I just I just got all the
and it's all about family you should just brought them all exactly what better
holiday so you just wait till we make this a national holiday again where it's
gonna fat Furious weekend it's gonna it's gonna replace it's gonna
replace Easter that doesn't seem right
oh Lord he risen right then diesel would be cold
I feel like I could get you know he already acts like he is Jesus so he tries to act
like he thinks he's just like I could get him on board
I thought so many times if whether he would like this podcast or
absolutely hate it because of all the jobs we make
you know I don't know I don't think he would support this podcast
no I think he's I don't yeah we love you've been
diesel yeah he's one of these he seems like one of those kind of guys they can take a
real cake yeah I feel like you have to I mean I was already talking about how much I
loved him for half of the podcast and then immediately rerouted my brain so
here we are here we all want Jason Statham in her the
it's true he's a different ballgame from bald man to bald man yeah but never on the rock
the rock was no the rock is just not that was rock bottom that was my
childhood I had already gone through the rock that was when I was like
he was a forehand yeah yeah yeah vindies will have to be a good sport because
there's no telling how many memes and stuff of course yeah he's he's had to
sing them all right just like to be a good sport about it like we know he's like a
dungeon master we know he's in the dnd and really geek nerd oh yeah he's a cold
every guy right seeing who's like a dungeon master would have fun with it like
yeah like anyway fun vindies will fact and this is like my
most interesting fact for me that I've learned in this movie for this movie rewatch
his real name is marks and Claire wait what yeah I just don't know that no it's
marks because diesel is like a gas joke so yeah I just yeah but he but I mean
been number is a long before five years no is the actor name real names marks and
claims I don't know I really think it was a reason why he called himself in diesel
though like both of those are car references maybe it's like action hero type I don't know
yeah but he the fast enough furious I guess well maybe this was his plan maybe fast and
furious was his entire ego and he said this is my universe my name is vindiesel
venn number diesel and I'm a superhero every time you get that's how you got cast
because they were looking through the list and they're like wait we gotta get this guy he's like
on brand I've often thought that when they made the first I always said the first
vindiesel the first fast and furious movie the different the director's
meds for marks and Claire or vindiesel and we're like let's make a movie about the guy this guy
thinks he is the rest is history that would be fun the so I went and saw this movie in the same
theater that I saw like the first few and except it's like way nicer now then oh right
I could do jiffrication and Nashville so this feels different looking at these teenagers
watching this movie like you're not having the same experience that I did the first movie
I also had a really raw like you look at it now it was really raw really yeah you know guerrilla style
but like I was looking at the lot it was an early t.a exactly it was already 2000 so they didn't have
they didn't have cameras like they do now but also that movie didn't warrant the best cameras
at the time they're like let's just use those ones over in the corner there you know seepia and then
you get right and then you have and then you in the theater was kind of run down and now you're at
fast x and you're like the theaters nicer and the graphics are better like crazy yeah a lot of
the more serious movie yeah it was pretty it wasn't as pretty to me as Tokyo drift Tokyo drift had
a lot of colors and a lot of the cars were more characters than this one but it's but it's a
production yeah yeah but from from a from a like because I'd make movies I want to make short movies but
and music videos and stuff and from a production value I remember watching this and going wow they
they gave fast and furious 10 there's like the same budget as Iron Man like oh my gosh
it looks good and all right yeah back to the marvel I have sand guys I don't know
they're the crossovers happening right here the f/o is happening it sure is a few and they're
they're gonna be the first franchise to bring you what's about family they're gonna bring the MCU
and Jurassic Park Jurassic World into the fast world I would just do it you know it would be the
biggest movie of the summer I can't barely would you go see that quarter of my life you would have
to be serious I just thought it would just be so it it would be a roller coaster and a train wreck
and it would be so confusing two hours of I would definitely I would be there I would be there it
would have to be like a live shooting but I don't know if that's even possible because I would
probably go against all movie theater policies but I would come watch come watch us film
come watch us have our reactions only where we don't give it some time we don't show the
screen the way reaction videos are like on tick-tock like give it some time it'll it'll pick up
so what do you guys have any fun 2023 stories of what you were doing last year last year I
I mean I'm pretty I don't remember actually do you remember the month that it came out exactly April
April yeah I saw it a little bit later I did I had a crazy schedule
I think it was um I don't really remember what I was doing actually I can't remember if I was in
the new place or not but I was trying to get to a new place regardless or I wasn't a new place so
so in some part of the mid-range it was getting better if not already but I don't remember
it's happened so quick yeah it's weird that when we first started this podcast is like what were
you doing in 20 like 2001 20 23 we're doing last year yeah exactly like I don't I don't even know what I was
being born was was there a life before this podcast I don't remember who was I before yeah I was
no one doing last month I was missed before this podcast right
y'all shouldn't I think honestly I was just the same but I've just brought more people into my
hysteria of fast and fierce I think I did my uniform yes you did I think I was basically this
but by myself here's the ranked master I did do anything special last year I was doing just making
music videos making short films I love how he says that like oh yeah well to me it's normal uh
other people are like oh that's super cold I'm like yeah you don't know how much I sweat on those
it's not a fun time it's a lot of hard work the end result is cool yeah but people always think
it's way more glamorous than it is let's get into it gang we so we decided before the show we
decided to because we're we're kind of just over AI plot summaries and we're like we're not it's our
podcast we can do whatever we want we don't need to do another podcast AI plot summary yeah but we
came up with something that I think's better uh Bailey offered to do a Bailey's dialogue of the
podcast she she kind of had a running thought list her live reaction as she was watching um and so
she's gonna take us through the movie and then me and Alan have been invited to fill in any blanks
as we see fit so uh that being said take us to our newest section of our podcast Bailey's dialogue
all right so you start off it's got a this entire movie first of all just think about this they
put an EDM music in here instead of like what was going on with um either it was either like
maraja music or it was like rap music uh or both or both or nothing in between but now it's EDM music
so I think they're really just trying to get to us young folk as people's lay I guess um so anyways
just imagine just um a lot of base going on and then you have this black screen pop up and then
you start to see um what is his name reyes you see re reyes and um the scene opens up and pretty much
you're noticing that oh my god they're back and reyes has a son apparently that was uh this is a flashback
by the way um you're confused as a viewer in the very beginning that it's a flashback because you
see Paul Walker and you're like oh my god that's Paul Walker so here it is um Bailey's
dialogue after seeing uh reyes son and paul walker at 425 of the movie starting I say um paul walker
exclamation and question mark there's uh more vaults and stealing and then feels like I'm in an old
movie with jason memoa I'm not sure what I'm watching um flashback apparently this is a title scene
and now there's vindiesels uh triple x movie on the screen except it's just one x instead of triple x
and this is fast and furious but somehow I feel like I'm watching triple x with one x and then
oh god he has a kid that's right and he's grown how many years have passed apparently is 2023 when
was the last movie uh one e21 okay that makes sense but why is this kid that big all right anyways
I don't think it's the same actor exactly but really thinking about this time frame that kid shouldn't
be that big um also they mentioned about how this kid has been drifting um in a conversation with
him and his dad and they're like working on the cars or whatever like that and they talk about how
he had been teaching him drifting and I said oh young kids drifting that's crap so then it goes over
and there's vindiesels mom apparently I have to figure out that it's vindiesels mom though so I
was figure out that it's vindiesels mom literally blonde hair and a lot of chains because that is
vindiesel it's a woman with hair and chains so it's vindiesel is a woman so obviously that was his mom
and then somehow we see her maybe one more time in the movie again I don't even know I can't even
remember I had to remind myself that it wasn't queenie right oh yeah I thought I was like this is
not wait no what is it he's so he's so comfortable with old women he's so comfortable with old women
I thought wow they re-cast queenie with uh who is this yeah so then they go cheers and they're at the
little barbecue um instead of the end of a movie where it shows their barbecue it's the beginning
of the movie but it's because it's from the recap of the flashback that they just showed you so then
you're like oh okay cool then you go to that interject interjection it the the cookout with grandma
yeah mom was was part of the beginning of the movie okay it wasn't part of the flashback maybe I
would no no the cookout wasn't flashback but I was saying it was after the flashback yeah yeah
because to me that was I didn't notice it because by the nose at this time because I knew how
they movie ended that was like foreshadowing of like something's happening right right that doesn't
evolve a cookout exactly it's like they were putting a cap on what they just showed you so that they
could be like are starting their new chapter happy and enjoying things was about to change different
anyway sorry I thought that was a cool part of the like I was like oh it's starting with how
they usually that's fine I need to make sure that I'm on the right track anyways because I don't
know I don't know every scene by scene on the road on the right track the race track for fast and
yeah literally so then of course they get out of the barbecue and then vindies will walk to I guess
the shed or his shop so bummed out it is family barbecue I can't so here's where also confused as a
viewer is it his dad shed or is it his that he made into his shed that was that shed I think it was
his shed because they were at his house and he had like a nice little like memorial um trying see
this is where that comes that I think that's where him and his dad built that charger right yeah
yeah where he keeps rebuilding the charger yeah are we still the old house has been blown up
multiple times so there's still at the old house that got blown up um and then he's walking in his
shrine shed in his trophy room um of his dads and him area that he made of mainly himself so um
and then it cuts to cipher and that's where I say ug cipher so I know it cuts to the cipher uh
scene so then it shows that cipher has a better haircut so thank god cipher's hair looks a lot better
than what cipher's hair typically looks like so I was really happy about that part um but they're
in like the secret base that looks like the avengers literally looks like the avengers it shows this
a floating in this big old room with TVs and I don't even know what they're called does anybody
know what they're called starting with an a wait the the TVs the TVs they're called they had a
literally symbol on the TVs on the displays whenever it was like those big old rooms that that
big honky guy yeah yeah that scary guy or whatever was supposed to be yeah and it was a floating a
it was a floating a on the screen yeah this is just my theory is he's trying to make fast and
furious look like marvel slash star wars um any home so flipping to that um you have uh
whatever her name is again um and I don't guess letty is in here yet not yet no she was she was at
the barbecue yeah yeah yeah she was at the barbecue yeah Jason's jumping in I think this is where I
get confused oh right she says that Jason Mo Mo is the devil or somebody says Jason Mo Mo is the
devil pretty much so I wrote Jason Mo Mo is the devil named don't call yes but here's the thing
I know he's don't day but he's just as much as like vendizel is vendizel in this movie as much as
Jason Mo Mo is Jason Mo Mo in this movie he is playing himself yeah I don't care what name he has
right now he is forever he's for the purpose of this movie he's Jason Mo Mo he is definitely just Jason
Mo Mo so he's playing this uh split type-esque character in this movie um where he has very
interesting personalities so just put that into his perspective after it goes to the Jason
Mo I'm not quite sure where else it gets to I'm pretty sure it's where cipher goes to the house yes
but does the flashback but it does a flashback you go ahead with that one because I don't
even remember I really I really enjoyed this there's so much that it has maybe the best joke of the
whole movie in my opinion but so what's interesting is he pulls a cipher on cipher so you've
remembered fast eight cipher controlled vendizel by you know capturing a family member his son and
then he had to do the whole plot of the fate furious uh so Jason Mo Mo just walks into this room uh all
the guns are turned to him and he's and then everyone's phone buzzes he's like oh you guys are
gonna check that so they do which is really we're not gonna imagine having a bunch of gun like you
have your gun on somewhere then you get a text and I'll put on a second but they all did maybe it's
because they don't happen at the same time and then they look at the phone and it's for each security
guard it's someone they care about and so then they turn all their guns to cipher is for one guy
and so Jason mimo it just kills that guy and he's like he didn't even have a cat he loved he had
nobody and and it was just an impassant comment it was so sad and hilarious to me so that's
and then so that's how then cipher narrowly explains the cheat yeah cipher does the ciphering
and then escapes the same way apparently she learned ninja moves right between the two movies right
that's right yeah and I really don't understand how she escapes in a lot of ways in this the this
movie I really don't she puts on plot armor yeah she sure does put on plot on the vest of
I'm a maker and I'm exactly I'm just gonna get through this because I have to
because this is other stories meant to be maybe maybe in addition to Marvel and Jurassic Park
they're throwing some Harry Potter in there to yeah she's a wiser cloak of invisibility yeah I mean
like it we see how she does it in that series but it's like so many things have to happen for that
to work out yeah but again we've said this before I'm at this point I'm nine movies in I mean
they're not gonna explain it in third detail or anything sure that makes sense yeah she did have a
really cool car though that she drove up to vindiesel's house and it was like where's that been so yeah
was it Delorean like fast in the future that was so interesting looking I was trying to read what
it said but I could never figure out it said on the car well I think it's one of those things though
we're like all of these spies now because they're all spies yes I'm really have these disposable cars
hidden all like like that it started with the Civic he had none of the bridge yeah and now it's
like they have half a million dollar cars just like where they can have a car guy they just call
we need right yeah exactly yeah the little personal uber guy exactly yeah from nowhere from nobody
because speaking of the cipher shows up to their house now after that right yep yeah she so she's
stumbling on this layer she's like I'm at the devil himself where she's like I'm just as surprised
as you are opening the door to dom how did she not know that I'm assuming she knew this with doms house
like yeah she had his address definitely had his own up on the level of the fact that she said that
she was just a spirit that's a little crap so also once she gets in there she's on the couch and then
let's he's like we have an unwanted guest so let's leave and then they're surprisingly chill with her pretty
crazy I'm not quite sure why they even let her live actually well I think it's because she said she had
she had she had she had something to tell him that she said let me spill the tea she had some sort of
leverage um yeah somehow mr. nobody enters the scene at some point yes so if no actually no with it
we're two movies we're two movies without mr. nobody but where people are referencing them like where's
mr. nobody we don't know maybe not no they uh talk about it so they they talk about whatever is
going on with her and then fendee's was like whatever and then the next scene my husband has like
and you know nobody yeah yeah yeah that guy and so also before that though they talk about how
a tedge roman hon in rams you're going on our mission and romans in charge he's the leader
yeah in rom in rom in rom in rom really on the nose the Dante the devil roman lead in a mission in
rom they're like you know let's do this cute thing where you don't even try it and let's just
let's just do the biggest of the big ones and so they so they think they're going on a mission for
little nobody played by eastwood eastwood brother not brother son what's his name oh my gosh
something scott eastwood scott eastwood yeah go me and so scott eastwood's like yeah they're oh
scott eastwood shows up because they talk to the he heard about cipher and then vindies will like yeah
well roman in the gang are doing a mission for you because i'm saying just like that but it's
basically that it's stir stir and then he's like oh they're not doing a mission for me it's like oh
my gosh there's a setup something happened plot and shoes do you want to take it from there or
you can keep going actually because i'm kind of confused at this point um i mean because they're in
Rome and then um i see a gold Lamborghini because of course roman has to have a gold Lamborghini whereas
who was also was driving with them a haun had a beat up a car but it was a version of cars that he's
driven into it yeah it was kind of a little callback yeah a ramsie and taj were somewhere hacken
probably no truck i think honestly the whole time like the storyline with them i just was not
i wasn't following you could take it out you could probably run just as smoothly i was not following it all
yes so they were in this thing that was orchestrated by Dante and so it ends with all of their stuff blown
out we're gonna be remote we're promoting or they're promoting in yeah and letty and dom come to help
but the whole gang gets separated letty gets captured uh roman and and crew have to
go through sewers because they're on the run uh dom does save the Vatican and miraculously stops
in exploding right right right right without hurting a single person they actually made a bomb exploding
whatsoever oh i think it i think it did explode well well well well yeah in the water after the time
or went off yeah he uh he so he saved the day he saved the whole holy city of the Vatican all by
himself uh and ever and there wasn't a casual they made a point to show a news station where the guy
is like surprisingly there were no gotten right i actually have a comment about that as well
and um it's the fact that they haven't done that in any other movie and they are global terrorists
yeah so the fact that they have done this in any other place as well and it shows it's just now showing
this at the tenth movie yeah i had this thought when i was watching it that so like it shows their face
on the tv screen like do you know the bad guys and like part of me is like like do you think there's
someone watching who remembers them from past five and like again like one one day
it's like why are they keep getting involved in these random explosions yeah so uh so then you have
like three storylines you have yeah letty getting out of being held captive with the help of first
is with the hyper yeah ends up being with cypher but brylarson's character who's the daughter of
mr nob and that's right somehow me stil also lost with her a little bit it's it's okay as she's i don't
you know like he throws me out the storyline one question we can ask later is like did we bring in
too many new characters i think they brought in too many characters so especially considering that
they're bringing back a returning cast that just be ballooning right like it in a certain point
and i think baleys right they're trying to make marvel because it's this is their Avengers
right it's like pick me choose me movie maybe they were trying to do their version of infinity
yeah even to the point where it ended with a cliffhanger like you know i didn't think about that
you're totally right they're like you're right they're like fast and furious i'm just saying
i think you nailed it i know i'm a stuffed it would make sense too because in previous movies we've
been talking about how they've copied the culture of yeah eight they had the zombie cars during the
time as zombies it's the hero's tragedy as well yeah like the hero's tragedy and the hero's journey
like through pop culture and everything literally vendeezeal right now his origin story we've been
seeing it since day one it wasn't about paul walker it was about vendeeze this entire time you know
so i think i think for the first four movies especially two's and paul walker within it
yeah only one in it i think they were on even keel well maybe not not tokyodraft
i have a theory okay i should really really redirect my statement one in four they were even keel
five when there five was when it which was like the massive revamp of the whole series five
was when they came to vendeezeal right now but i felt like they were kind of even on on four
and one vendeezeal that's actually the antagonist and paul walker was the protagonist yeah so and then
i i wonder if i wonder if vendeezeal's character dominant terretta i wonder if that is a stage name
and he is actually zander cage and he did like oh my god though he did like it was a spy so he was like
i want to retire from this and go back to my family that's crazy and and he's like i'm retire
from this and that we're watching the the fascinah furious is him getting sucked back into yeah
that life and that's why all the sudden this guy that had a grocery store and worked on cars can do
all this and has all these instincts is because he was probably bred to be a spy we just didn't know
it i think so there i that could be it uh letty gets help escaping by cipher and they find themselves
in anartica and somehow jazel's soul live um romaine and teige and hann and ramsey uh try to escape
but then they wind up in a plane and it blows up um and they might be dead uh but they're probably not
because it's fascinah furious right uh john cina does help get uh hit uh the little b of
brazil's son back to dame in the process he does die maybe um he purposely flips his car
on some sort of track road area to i think blow it up and cause rap to take it out to take them from
getting them but instead of that actually happened and it didn't happen at all and so he just died
for nothing yeah for nothing because it's john cina and you don't see him yeah and then yeah
i was thinking you don't see him actually die because that's the way this movie works is we
we don't know if he's dead now and then it clicked oh wait a minute john cina is still there yeah okay
so he's also in care yeah he's in care that's funny and then Jason's um uh his
has been being a jerk to dame uh because of the whole you killed my dad thing which okay
fair you have a lot of weight so long he was learning everything about him he was following him he was
i mean history his little place where he had all the pictures of stuff was like too so crazy
bad i love to have to he definitely had some personality problems i love which appears when boy
he was great i actually thought i was a real fun character yeah he gave me criminal minds like his
character reminded me of one of the episodes or criminal minds that was literally a person that
had multiple personality disorder um legit was like a serial killer with multiple personality
disorder and i was like oh my gosh even though he wasn't technically with multiple you know
that's not really what it was i was just like i'm kind of getting this style right he's a he's a
darker criminal character but with like a bubbly attitude yeah he's like on shantay and i'm like
oh that's so that's so great so the theory is that when he crashed his car and fell into the water
he suffered from brain damage which has made him more crazy that's why he okay and but we don't
check out for real but it's a brain damage but what's interesting is i feel like what makes him a good
villain is in many like there's similarities between him and vindiesel and that like they're all
about family yeah but he is also very different than vindiesel and i mean you can even argue the
flame boy and see versus the masculine right right you could look at the i mean just every the way they
look you can look at just the the the different lack of moral compass like all the things he's
gonna be willing to do for his plan and like vindiesel has like you know standards or whatever well
and there's a there's a clear divide too and how they feel about family um don't say is blood
to family yeah and then is very much you don't have to be blood to be family yeah absolutely so
it's so he's a good villain for the he's a I I don't want him to be like the big bad of the fast
universe but like I think he's a good villain for this movie yeah and for the next apparently yeah so um
we'll share more of our thoughts but let's first share some of your all's thoughts about fast
and furious this was just a question was what do you think about fast x and this is what some friends
on reddit said a positive example 30 78 says i liked it fun the movies get more crazy as they go on
but that is part of the fun it's just entertainment after all I like that that like with people that
are like this movie has a terrible plot and like have you watched the last like all of nine
and then in the similar manner safe surprise 3,0001 said it was stupid and I loved it same thing
so that that pretty much sums up my thoughts about the whole franchise at this point the first one
I was like young enough to not realize how terrible of movie it was but I was so into it
and then like the second one was just super fun yeah but the rest of them is just like this is just a
wild ride and I just got to turn this off to go enjoy something absolutely I feel like one in three
and debatably four had plots yeah um now whether they were good plots or not is up to the subject but
you it was like the writers like let's make a movie with a plot after that uh I don't know five
kind of anyway well as soon as I start I'll start like I don't know really we'll go one three
second years from the Avengers uh I wish we forgot we could forget nine existed and just pick up
with X me too. I'm just kidding you know I like it better than this one oh no all right but okay
let me clarify nine was yeah I did like my own this one what do the fans want and let's put that
into a movie yeah uh so it was fun and ridiculous uh but ten was like it just for me if it like
ten was like nobody really wanted to be there except for Jason Mo Mo was like this is my side
project. I think like I don't have to get jacked for this one I'm gonna relax like he's chilling
we say that but this other random guy from reddit I think I couldn't pronounce his username so I
just wrote guy from reddit guy from reddit um um mo moa is a weak villain to try hard with the crazy act
listen guy from reddit when you're true to try hard for the comment yeah I'm just gonna
you're a bit scared and we disagree and uh no yes weed or these weeds or these weed uh honestly
or just weed for short um honestly the worst movie I've ever seen it was not even entertaining
taining which at least four through eight were one were three were also one through three were also
entertaining but they were good quality movies I like how nine also didn't make it so good.
We just don't talk about that. I guess not yeah so man y'all are gonna hate me. And then uh
well I have a longer review and I'm gonna read it and the question I'm gonna ask you guys is how much of
this do you think was intentional in the movies part and just how much of this is us reading into it
so this review comes from Richie who if you guys haven't seen our previous episodes of bonus content
episode and it was just me interviewing Richie he's a big fast and furious fan uh and he reached out
to our podcast he saw us through reddit he found us on instagram and he just shot me a message like
hey man I'd love to do an interview uh and I was like sure why not so if you're someone who wants to like
talk more in detail about fast any of the fast and furious movies or or when you go into season two
any of the movies we do there uh you could message me we can try to make it happen so the quarter mile
podcast on instagram quarter mile podcast on tiktok and uh really just typing the quarter mile podcast
anywhere and something will show up so this is what Richie said about fast acts is the most positive
review this movie has ever received in its life so uh I actually loved fast acts I know it gets
bumped to the bottom of a lot of people's list but this movie had a lot of references and callbacks
to the past films I like how ten started with the high scenes with fast five and then directly cuts
to little Brian spiraling out of control in the parking lot this is how the first film stars off
they they showed the highest and then they cut to Brian O'Connor spiral out in out of control while
trying to master his eclipse speaking of which there's a clips behind us yeah that one right there
I did not pick up on that actually I have a few more points of respect for this movie for that
listen he's he's he's going to get he's he's he going to turn me he gets he gets he gets he then he says
the four-way street race is a reference to the first and second movie even the way they set up
the characters and the cars on the line they brought back dog of a deago from fast five and he was
driving a green Porsche this time instead of the blue that Brian and Dom won from him and the green
Porsche can be reminiscent of Brian's green eclipse again behind us uh that was positioned all
the way to the right just like when they when where deago was uh in that four-way race isabel
naeves was was put all the way to the left to the race and she can be reminiscent of suki's
character why i really want them to bring back suki's character who was all the way to the left in
her four-way race and two fast-due fears suki also made a name for herself in the streets of my myami
just like isabel made a name for herself in the streets of rio when isabel first appeared on screen
she said what's up who's next who's next this reminded me of jacob saying the exact same thing
during the flashback scene before he raised dom when they were younger then dom talks to isabel
about the personalities and similarities of a cop and a street wearacer he's letting her know from
experience that two unlocally unlikely and opposite identities can bond dom and Brian from the
first movie monica of wentays and Brian in the second movie agent sasic and Brian in the six
mr. nobi and dom and seven etc then the hideout aisle that was in f9 was used in f10 the
four must-a in that jacob had in the nineties is f in f9 is also used in f10 this is a random
peat davis's character is bowing that's right peat davitson is in this my god for about that
why anyone a peat davis's character bowing calling roman an astronaut and asking if left his money
in space was a nice little nod the silly fight scene between tajan roman reminding me of the funny
fight scene between brine and roman in two fast harn was driving an alpha row rom romo that he
he drifted in and the alpha romo was orange and black which was a nod to his original orange black
Mazda 3x7 and his orange Chevy c10 truck from fast forward harn also had an orange and black
harley that he drove in fast six the computers give me a second okay the computer stream that ramsey
hacked into also showed past characters of the monitor that don't they plan to track down
taego lego ricos santa's queenie shaw which he did truck down shan boswell suki monica fwintez
ellie and buddy i don't know half of those who are by the way wow then the scene don where dom was
apprehended and he had his armored truck with agent aims where they were getting attacked was also
not the team that was apprehended intact in fast five and we had and we have the more obvious
reference like the car backing out of the plane like in fast seven and the submarine from fast eight
movie goes high in my list because of all these callbacks and references dang
you know i think the reason why fast x is so bad is because they just overloaded us
with a bunch of stuff at once like you got so many different things you have references new people
new situation jace momo with the personality really terrible villain but also great villain
but also terrible actors but also good actors really interesting plot summary but no plot summary
at all it's just confusing it was it was a good attempt at making an Avengers movie yeah but it
was an attempt it was not success yeah i think it i mean that it was because your characters and
fast and furious including domic treto none of them are of like superhero quality right not so like
doing adventures movies all about the characters also maybe some of the writing and the maybe it's like
we had a lot of actors having to read bad dialogue you know yeah i do feel like we from maybe six
or seven on they stopped developing characters like if you had the ten movie series and there's been
good character development among the main characters but it's really just vindiesel and then like
side characters that help them out in this thing like yeah exactly what about Dante that i mean
bringing him a couple movie from several movies after his dad does and coming back and
having been studying been this whole time i thought that was interesting i thought that was very
interesting but i don't but is it development or is it just kind of like moving this plot along
to where you know why who he is real quick and then we can we get into it was there development in his
character it well i would would argue in Dante's villainous character from ten we didn't see any
development but usually you don't need to see development from the villains in the movies but the
ideas we've seen development from hit you you know that from five to ten he's getting to where he
got to but what we should be seeing is development in domic treto or and and again they try like so
like the whole but when he's all gloomy at the beginning of the barbecues because he's like worried
about how can he protect his family yeah and this whole thing is about his family being in danger
and so you're seeing him having to deal with that fear very real time um but you know it's it's we it's
because he has all he you never see him in a scene with hardly any of the other characters
debatably because before we know from earlier movies maybe he's really hard to work with maybe they
don't right maybe they make points to it's but that there's a reason aside from like trying to
give them screen time that you break the characters up in a different plots and uh but like with as
much history as Dominic treto has with all these other characters I would like to see more interaction
like like characters like Roman we've had eight movies with Roman right or maybe seven movies with
Roman like there's a story there you know right or intense yeah same with that we've had so how many
movies with him same same thing yeah and like when did he become a hacker he just all the sudden
wasn't it like by five yeah I was kind of yeah exactly and then like you know you I hate to keep
bringing up Marvel but it's clear that this is the direction they were going with these last
couple of movies I mean that's not just me right yeah because because it's like especially since you've
mentioned it in other regions or like it feels like the nobody organization is like she'll yeah
it really does so it's it Thanos had a ton of character development in the two you know film arc that
he was in and then we have the ability to do that with cipher who is she she's in three movies and she
could have had that villainous art that not thing was exactly something like that and they just so I
actually learned really fun and frustrating fact uh in my interview with Richie about how they
wanted to end seven before Paul Walker died and they ended seven with the tribute to Paul Walker
the post credit scene for seven they wanted they were gonna introduce cipher okay so at this point
you know Dom's team's uniform they were gonna introduce cipher they're gonna have her walk in into a room
with characters like Tran from the first one Carter from the second one I would hope DK would
somehow be there I don't know where she's like assembling like a legion of doom of villains and she's
like they have their team and now we have to build ours and like so then eight was gonna be like
this group of villains versus this group of that would have been pretty good that would have been a great
movie and like sort of been more sense yeah yeah but they they changed it up also part honestly part
of it is part of the problem it seems like with these movies I'm bringing into this a little bit but
like it seems like all the big actors have problems working with vindiesel because they're big actors
and he's like I don't want you to be bigger than me you know and they're all like but we are
I also still feel like that Jason memo I was like a villain bandage on him because he was like the
most gruesome of it all I mean technically they showed the most gruesome and like that's why
I say criminal minds ask because he kind of had more of like a sinister he was more unhinged but
it was a more eventful villain I wasn't bored yeah he definitely was like and when we talk about
more exactly yeah he made me forget literally everybody else I feel like he had the most stage time too
like he did like he did you could have argued this was like a Jason memo it yeah it felt like he
was also a replacement of the rock in a way too yeah yeah like one big guy for the other yeah I
almost wondered if I was I always felt like John Cena was a replacement for the rock like yeah
and that's what I had thought until Jason Moa entered the chat well they ruined they ruined
John Cena's character though yeah he's like a wet towel yeah him being a bad guy and then
becoming a good guy but he went a good guy that's just a wimp is it oh what is he oh Decker
Charles is Jason Jason stays on right yes okay Decker Chal went from being a bad guy to
to to the part of the team but his character never change yeah like he stayed the time John Cena
became a comic relief limon noodle in this second one and it was like yeah yeah that was I had that
problem too because that's why I don't like that character much because I I preferred the
characterization in the second one like I thought I was he was fun to watch and yeah him and little
be their dynamic that was fun very much but like it was pull he must have had good that character
must have gone through so much therapy he was in session emotionally healthy place at that point
speaking of therapy one of my biggest problems with this film is little B oh my gosh straight
kid murdering people literally crazy no one bats it on he's just doing anything he's having a good time
yeah life's all the wrong decisions like just killing people yeah and they're like oh yeah
high-fiving about it and like I'm at no point when they're like in the mr. nobody's eight secret
pays is he like sat like the only thing he said was like where's my dad like maybe because I need to
talk to someone the fact that I just massacred a whole yeah I'd be so proud of me like the thing is
is like you have to turn off your brain in these movies right and most of the time I can go in turn
this off and then just then just enjoy this ride right but when that happened I was like okay okay
now you've gone too far and I did anyone else watching this I'm curious how many people
other had the same revelation I was a wait a minute did he just straight murder people in the high
five musical here's what I also felt right it was the fact that he wouldn't let him literally curse
yeah he just he just handed the kids explosives yes pretty much like he's like you want to pull
the lever shoot it yeah that's fine now you can curse because you exploited some people so you've
now you're all out just fair after you murder someone I feel like right they just doesn't make any
sense to me you go from wet noodle uncle to no now you're letting him do explosives and curse he's
the cool uncle also because now he's the cool uncle maybe he's just confused what he wants to be family
members when Mia sends them off she looks at her brother and she's like protect him with your life
yeah literally I think a nicer sister move would have been like y'all please be sick y'all y'all
be safe that's what you should have said y'all be safe if fast and furious Jackson Tennessee
but yeah now I'm gonna take your drugs I uh a West Tennessee fast and furious would
definitely be exotic for the rest of the world sure would be you know what it would be I thought
about this uh several months ago I was doing a show in Gatlinberg uh the same weekend that Jeep
invasion oh yes it was just a whole crowded streets of jeeps and like red next it's a part of
their a lot of American flags a lot of jeeps and I was like if fast and furious happened in Tennessee
this would be it I pictured like that scene in two when all the cars like left the warehouse and I was
like it would just be a bunch of jeeps yeah but it'd be like all full willing going over the curves at
two miles an hour throwing ducks out the window yeah here's a rubber ducky for you
of leddy and ciphers relationship and dynamic going on that was interesting to see
yeah they did I would they had a pretty cool fight scene but she said trust me they squandered an
opportunity though to really develop ciphers cares yeah they did they well I think they were trying
to but she went in the whole wrong direction like I've said the several reviews I do not like that
they're turning her into a good guy the she made now unlike jones and it's like she maintained her
character she's still a bad guy she's in survival mode and hates that she has to team is it's almost
like the different y'all thing but I hope that she doesn't end up like ducker char and become a team
member who turns back what she's good here's here's what really bothered me about her in this movie
it was actually the last scene when they figure out gal Gadot still alive right and leddy is so excited
to see her friend and she's smiling and then you then that and you're working in the same shot ciphers
smiling like she's so proud of this good deed that she just had and I'm like no cipher doesn't
smile for good deeds cipher unless this like that it was an evil intention yeah I want there to be I
want there to be but it looked like a genuine like oh I'm happy that nice things are happening
I hope it's in the I hope I hope joselle's like robot or double agent or something like that and
that turns out that ciphers in charge of everyone or that or that cipher knows something that those
other two don't and she's just like yeah I don't know I feel like she's just like yeah go ahead
and reunite I can't wait to watch what happens next I really feel like they're just make cipher good
because they made her look like her face in this movie looked like AI like genuinely just looked like
AI this whole movie seemed like a video game as well their lines were very video game-esque like
he got away I was like what's going on the whole franchise feels like a video game it's just crazy
really it really it really is there's actually actually is a fast and furious video game that is in canon
with the I've never played in which my sense they probably made great games like this is crazy
I've played a couple of the racing games like the one oh yeah one to hundred and then also the
they had one for like PlayStation 2 that was almost like need for speed underground and then it
had storylines though I haven't played any that actually had plotter but I mean they did the games
definitely came out when those racing games were in style so they played it off the fast fears one
thing that I feel like we've never mentioned in our podcast but it's come up and so I made a point
to put it in notes knowing that this is the last episode yeah can we just talk about that freaking
cross oh the the the the the the the the dumb and let it cross that has gone it has been passed it's
like the the traveling pants the sisters the sister of traveling pants or something well there
there has to be multiple right because like the last one I think it might be two of yeah one
point they did have a tracking device so that was that was a but it's not it didn't have a travel
so that was the original I think Jacob and Don have a cross Jacob and Don both have a cross I think is
the deal it was like wait what if wait no Jacob was the bad guy the one that he used no wait yeah
so cypher in the plane was that wasn't Jacob working for her in that one or was that the one for that
that was a foot before one that was when she was the main villain yeah yeah okay so that one I
tracking device which they might put on yeah yeah they just made that I've been there nobody or
somebody made that or something it's just so funny because like it like this is when we
re-rear-watched with my friends we've whenever we see that cross it literally looks like a cheap
piece of like so it just looks like I'm gonna throw it at a werewolf right that'd be fun
right yeah I take a shot every time the crosses yeah absolutely yeah you it's it's it's significant in
all the movies and it's like it's pretty good what they use is objectifying women or every time
you see the cross because like there was way more objectifying women in the first half yeah and then
there was way more cross though you're getting you're getting yeah you're right wow or when they
say family but then that would just be alcohol poisoning what if they realized halfway through they
needed to change their ways and they're like let's stop objectifying women start putting this cross
in this movie they made a point to be like you gotta have faith like this whole thing and I was
like that's why all this crazy car that's what a Christian movie fast and furious was because like
growing up oh do tell they used to talk about how if you have the faith of the mustard seed you can
move a mountain right turns out the reason all these people would survive in all these crazy car
accidents is because they have such strong faith that they literally don't get hurt what do you
think about that Bailey I mean like you told me in this very same configuration several months ago
that's in I don't know about that true I'm pretty sure that from watching the last 10 movies a lot of
people have gotten hurt including cities being demolished by a false faith like Dominic Toretto no
because he had a contract that he can't talk little be murdering people I don't think he's the God's
like I don't know the more than diesel went to the crossroads and sold his soul to the devil yeah so
he can't die there we go there is faith when he was when he was when he was in the cage when he was
in the name means yes that is his superpower that's crazy but it's funny because and there was this
one we always talk about how they use the cars to catch people but there is a scene that I wrote
down because they used a car to catch another car that is so fast and furious that is almost
peat if they hadn't gone to space that would be peak fast and furious but going to space was then
going to space and that's the thing is every one of these movies tops the big crazy stunt you
can't pop space you can't pop space they tried to know man that ball bombing the Vatican
that was for rip at the beginning of the movie was like oh right they came close they didn't talk
it but it was definitely a valid effort yeah I was like of course the Vatican yeah I what else are you
gonna say yeah they're trying to destroy the faith is what they were trying to do yeah but they
saved it they did say that they did say that they did say that the picture it was all right he might be
on the some that's true you know what I'm if I call it himself I'm gonna go back in time to when I was
a youth faster and that's every year I'm gonna show my students fast and furious movies and make
like god I think I what a wasted opportunity have you watched these movies with that in mind no this
it was just this last time when I was because he makes that line so you gotta have faith when when
other Christian movies like let's find either either when fast eleven comes out or since it's not
coming out for another year and a half or so just sometime next year you might I'll just do a
little run to do that in mind and just pick out all the things you know make a episode
faster than just the Christian lens honestly like make a killer episode that would be pretty
killer maybe I will maybe I will what we know about the upcoming movie okay and this is some of
its rumors some of it's confirmed it's set to come out in 2026 it's currently called because you know
they do great with the names all the time it's not called f 11 or fast 11 is currently called fast x
part two excuse me I'm sorry I thought this was supposed to be a trilogy there might be a fast x part
three because right into this is not triple that would be amazing that's what happens it's the
vindiesel verse would have the back story and he gets a new name for zander cage because when it
when triple x starts he's already like an established criminal maybe like a lot maybe a lot of bad
stuff happens in the next two fast movies so you think instead of zander cage in triple x being
the prequel to fast and furious like my theory you think is the other way around you think the fast
and the furious is his origin so you could do another fast x part to make the does check out and then
and then the next time is a reboot of triple x is just called fast triple x and it's so now we got
so now we got that furious triple x Harry Potter MCU and Jurassic World yeah yeah I mean they're they
knew they need to be stopping some they they referenced our words in the last movie though they start
yeah Star Wars was in this one like the dark and light did you know that's right now yeah vindiesels
taken over and he has taken over so scary I hope that I'll take the double I hope everyone who's
hearing our podcasts as they're walking around the museum is like wow this is the most interesting
I'm gonna tune into the rest of the episode or they're like what is this I'm gonna tune in
there's just a bunch of it's been a much busier day to day yeah that was the last time we said I'm loving it
okay so so then the topic of who's coming back in fast x part two probably everybody
no death is in permanent if you have enough faith do we have we know we know gal Gadot's coming back
the right yeah here's an interesting return here's an uh we they haven't confirmed and so no one
who's died has confirmed that they're coming back vindies will probably be back right um Cody Walker
might come in for some CGI Paul Walker scenes oh so I don't I think I'm gonna I think that'll be
cool if they do it well like I I don't know how I feel how much faith you have that they do well
you know what I have all the faith and pacifism I would I would I have I believe that's what better way
than body family than bring his family into play him absolutely posting so well speaking of that
there's a fun tidbit the on the plane when uh when when it was John Cena and little b and they were
getting the supplies to parachute out of the plane or get out of the plane oh those are the
waitress was met oh that was Paul Walker's daughter who is in that scene that's met oh Walker what yeah
so do you so remember when they're in the part the stewardess is Paul Walker's better stewardess gave
them like alcohol hmm to fill the rocket with yeah that was Paul Walker's daughter what is that for
fine fun the more you know that just adds another to what what Richie was saying like there were so many
little things absolutely they almost topped f9 and like I think this is like another I thought it
was like juice that she gave them no alcohol because they need alcohol they need alcohol for fuel yeah
okay I don't know if you're ever stranded on a plane and you do have another plane I don't know
if that will actually I just don't see how alcohol could even help because wouldn't it dry up
not necessarily I mean not vodka per se like what they did that was definitely some plot
yeah but uh most race cars run on what what's called alcohol it has pretty much it's not what you
would drink but it's like very potent form of gasoline yeah I mean like it was like if you suspend
disbelief you're like that makes sense yeah so for someone who's seat heard of race cars go oh they
do I think they remember saying something about they run on alcohol it's not beer it's not
yeah hard liquor but it is it is a it's like a form yeah that makes sense I think another thing is
or another this is this is potentially a bummer but there's a rumor that Dante won't be back in
fast x part two he's busy because because they are it's very expensive and their their funds are
less than what they used to be commercials for like state farmers but what they're talking about you
know that post credit scene where uh he calls Hobbs and Hobbs like come get me you some bitching
crushes his phone yeah they're talking about that there might be Hobbs and Ray has spent off
concludes the storyline with Dante okay and then when they do fast x part two uh the rumor is
that they're going back to the basics and becoming more well-rounded as a street racing movie oh my
god they did replace the rock with him they literally replay he got his little he got his feelings hurt
that the rock and Jason stay them wanted to have their individual movie so then he was like no
and then planned and then went ahead and grabbed Jason Momoa and then now he's gonna have his
second movie as well yeah but yeah I hope not you have to finish the story
he's never gonna finish the story he doesn't want it to be finished then he's like the story's not
finished it's not on the show he's dead yeah literally that's exactly what I feel like it's gonna be
a whole lot faster fast 20 is gonna just be vindies oh my you think there's gonna be 20 of them oh yeah
I can only hope I was filled I was photographing I'm gonna be 40 years old still watching a faster
care yes and make yourself want but you can't but you can't not you're too invested in these care
I was I was photographing a wedding last night and ended up talking to one of the the coordinators
about fast and furious just movies and journalists she was like man I wish they would end those
or we do not have the same opinion but also kind of do in many ways they have
okay so let's talk about our what if you could if you could write the perfect ending for fast
and furious hmm who wants to go first okay barely looking at me so come on Alan all right so
how it should have ended they should have ended it in 10 when they said they were going to yeah
but no I think that and was supposed to be the last one I mean I went into 10 thanking this was
the end and that what I heard was this was gonna be end of this storyline and then they were
gonna start doing spin-off movies like cause of y'all with other characters so at one point they did
say this was gonna be the last one but then not long before it came out they said it's act there's
actually it's the two-parter and now there's rumors that it's actually a three-parter I didn't know
was a two-parter one I went in so I was really upset when I got to the end I know me too like really
but more about that later when we talk about our rankings I think that so we ended on a cliffhanger
right where everybody's pretty much dead not take wins essentially vending zone son don't think
going to the water yeah they so they end up underwater right they make it underwater and then
well that's always see we don't know what happens after that but they're they crash land into the water
okay so I did I think this movie was just so beyond me there was so much stuff happens hard
so much happens I watched it last night yeah you're just like a brain hurts my reaction is like okay yeah
I was mad I was like so I think that Jesse should come back and save all of them yes all of them
the plane who's Jacob all of them we find out that he saved everybody right he's the brains
and then they turns on them oh well yeah what happens then does he kill him on that's how the movie
is working he's working with cipher and and and they are trying to take down Dante
and now you have the fast and furious crew against Dante and then you have
heel Jesse and cipher against Dante but also against all of them against them so it's just now instead
of a a clear one-on-one you have this three-way fight going on where there's not a clear good guy
or bad guy and they all have similar goals and they all have one of go against each other too so
I think that could make for a very interesting huge Marvel-esque ending to the franchise
and then that's where you also bring back Nila and no he's not coming back to your feelings in our
good I wish though we capture I feel like yeah I feel like after this fast we can have an odd
connection with Nila like I know I can't wait for someone to be like I don't have any weird facts
about that like well the thing is is that for you know with with suki and and her character
you know Eva Mendez like there's been a lot of great female characters these movies but they don't come
back no they come back a little bit yeah why I have little bit of roles but they don't have significant
roles unless it's in a show rhodorigas it's like she's pretty much yeah and even they even killed her
off for men like many many we have all male cast here maybe we should bring back like one or two of
them do you have any theories on why don't they don't have a lot of female representation yeah that
was there was something behind it I don't know this is just one of those movies that's like a
a bro movie not particularly just that but like even more of I'm in a college dorm watching this
with a bunch of bros so I don't know it's just a different vibe yeah this is different so maybe the
women were there for a second season of their lives yeah and decided otherwise I don't know I think
that the the theory of like just three way issue with Jesse and everyone was cool but like also
what I what I want to happen though is I want it to go back to the car movie yeah yeah
it's going to back it through and in that case you can bring Jesse back you know and they you know
some reckless way and he maybe he does say something like they all just go back to normal lives Adam
from last one episode you guys remember Adam he has a theory and he didn't send me this video but his
theory is that because the only thing they haven't done in these movies yet is time travel right
oh no so he that's a start of the movie is there's some kind of situation where they need some kind
of genius car mine to fix some kind of thing right insert plot there and then they realize the
only one that they know that could have possibly done something this awesome but when is Jesse so they
go back in time to the first day and they save them and then so that he's be there yeah there's
the Doloran I guess yeah Siphon already has the car for Siphon but then if you think about it if you
think about it think about the second second it does have the electronic movie yeah it was just
time travel well at the end of dude at the end of both the movie war and this it's total impending to
literally everyone's dead yeah well that movie have half over there but in this one like yeah so
like how do you where you go from here and everyone was thinking that and both who went to see both
these films like where where do they go now how do they fix this and that's how they fixed it there
so many they rewind it they're good yeah I don't know so Bailey you're you're in the director's chair
now how are we ending fast and furious all right so for fast and furious I think that mr nobody's
gonna come back because he's been missing for like two long movies yeah and they didn't they didn't
explain where he was necessarily but the last time we saw him he was on the screen looking like he
was getting like I guess punched or something beaten a little bit I don't know but then again maybe
he was just in a random place that was just hidden or something I couldn't tell if it was something
that was like a ploy trying to make them think that he was getting hurt or if he was actually
but I don't really think so I think that this is this plan all along and I think they're trying
to set this up to where he's actually the villain and his whole plot line is just chaos because he
likes chaos because this is nobody's world only yeah like Joker right where where where where so I'm
thinking mr nobody is the dude that's like got the strings that he's pulling because he's already
been doing that anyways he literally was able to get them out of one of the biggest prisons with
big ol guard with rubber bullets that makes no sense for the fact that that high security prison
has rubber bullets mr nobody is involved therefore he probably owns the high security prison and then
I don't really think they're gonna bring back I do think they'll bring back people I do
I hope they don't bring back Paul Walker because can we just leave that how it is please
this was a real person yeah do you think that by not it obviously him being gone for real
has left a hole in the franchise yes as a person but also character wise it seems weird
that he's been missing for like for movies it's so strange he's just like hang out with the kid
and there's just like the case if he was alive yeah they're literally milking the crap out of the
situation because that's fair having a family and taking care of kids instead of instead of being
a spy being a spy is like death yeah right I that's wow that's dark but I feel like I feel like if
you if the if good writers and a good you know producers could make a case and bring them back
and finish the story in a way that that pays homage and gives us the true ending that we all deserve
right with that character don't don't know that I hate the fast and furious writers are producers
of the ones that will handle that well so not in not in the movie or directed so not in the movie
that I'm directing but I'm not saying that he's not in the storyline because he mean like Alvarcent
he's disappeared but like also at the same time he's already he's still in the storyline anyways
he's just not really like talked about strangely and I but I mean we know why but we didn't you know
don't know why but mr. nobody's pretty much in charge of like him because he used to be the police
and the involved because like in the very beginning he was involved with this agent
see that was fancy and it was like that nice little house and stuff that would actually be an
interesting way to bring that being his house yeah and it be and end up being hit the place that he's
hiding and it's that little house that he's actually hiding it and it'd be like a basement or something
okay anything else in your I don't really know exactly how it would end minus the fact that he would
yeah the fact that he would just own everybody is my thing because I think he's the true like
puppet master but that's just because he has the most recognizable face to me and it would be the
opposite of what we've been getting right we've been getting a bad guy turns good yeah and we
find out on the very end that it's a good guy that was actually the bad guy I would rather have that
yeah that'd be you said the time travel something they hadn't done yeah something else they have
done yeah opposite well because they the few times they've brought in double agents it's been really
weak and it hasn't been more than major yeah I think jazal could be a good double agent jazal could
be a good double agent maybe she's mindwashed yeah because why else would siphere every smite when
she sees jazal and we also have hawn that came back exactly we don't know that he's not making
his come back now we're just an nobody and maybe he's a because he was working on this you know
yeah maybe he's a bad guy too exactly I hope that he is because he would be so good as a bad guy
so cool well he wasn't a good guy that's true he was never a good guy really he was terrible
yeah it was about a good bunch of it was about a bunch of rich Asian kids who didn't wanted to break
out of the rich Asian kids stereotype having to go to be doctors and lawyers and get jobs and make
lots of money is like no we're gonna do crime we're gonna do legal stuff see he's the cool bad guy
there you go and it goes all the way back to that that's when he got picked up yeah there we go okay
so i'm gonna i'm gonna add i think i'm gonna take baili script and i'm gonna use that as part of
mine uh yeah i am gonna bother you you're there's something about my script that you won't like and
i apologize in advance uh but and if you were if you were with us for the seventh no it's definitely
the eighth movie uh it was when you were very high stop it it was definitely the eighth um i've already
alluded to this theory but i've i feel like i've increased it since then so this is this is my theory
but i like starting with where you're at so mr. nobody's in charge of everything there's a lot of
bad guys at play cypher has been bad from the beginning so she's working with mr. nobody jason
mamala is also working with mr. nobody but it's you know it's personal for him that's like he's he's
crazy but the and so the start of this movie like this you have this incredibly powerful villainous gang
and so this is the end of the series so they do the one thing that they've never done any of the series
which is keep death permanent and the start of the movie is just about all of the main characters
being murdered oh because it seems like the bad guys plan is working and so um okay i want to
key i'm gonna keep one obviously vindies will stay alive you can't kill vindiesel um uh that is
the diesel first is that it's a he has to say live i need another characters for dialogue so
i like ludicrous guys i'm gonna get ludicrous is gonna be the only one that survives right
where that's fair so everyone else dies in a tragic way it's bummer but that's the way what about
little b you see going yeah for like yeah you're wanting to um yeah i don't know that's tough i mean
it doesn't make any sense how did he get that big right yeah turns out he wasn't even there was
he was a double agent too no not that quickly he's like nine so then so so that there's a scene where
they're just looking at all the turmoil and it's just dominant torreto and ludicrous and ludicrous is
like oh man what are we gonna do and they's like i don't know and then suddenly dr strange portodil
first one grute walks out second one zander cage walks out third one the pacifier walks out fourth one
honestly i want to be surprised if vindiesel playing himself as vindiesel walks out
and body double right you know he's just like i'm vindy i'm i'm marksinclier and i'm here to help you know
and like so then you know of course ludicrous you know that this is when they somehow become aware of
variance in multiverse he's like it's like damn dumb you got a lot of variance of course doms it's
i don't got variance i got family and that's like the whole group of and then uh and then
uh so they they fight and they almost save the day but then the second to last battle they
they lose and like what are we gonna do they have to retreat and like what are we gonna do we
don't have enough people and then if the last a final multiverse doctor strange ring opens up
and and the real paul walker comes out no like because it turns out in every fast and furious movie
they've always been like we have to upper stunt but this is the last one and how are you gonna
up space how are you gonna up the the way you up a stunt like that is you fake fake a real life death
and it turns out for the past 20 plus years like michael jacks paul walker has been alive
witness protection bill will be called protection you know building to this and come back and
and and and fast and furious goes out of the hit first movie in history to fake a main characters death
in real life to have a stunt in the movie wow and so with paul walker's only then diesel yeah
turns out everyone knew about it who like worked for fast and furious and they've just been keeping
big and that's why all the women don't want to work for it anymore because they already know and
they're annoyed yeah they they got more empathy for some reason what if they didn't tell everybody
and that's why they had to kill everybody off because oh yeah like like like tirey tirey and say come
like oh my gosh like like we don't want to give the plot away so we're gonna have to like up the
end of the movie y'all did so like ludicrous and vendy's are gonna be the only people that know when
we go to film this super secret insane that makes sense of course is ludicrous and then diesel
I like I just feel like the first two movies yeah right and then the soundtrack be only by ludicrous
of course yeah I honestly I would have been okay with that would be okay though that'd be fine yeah
anyway so that's my that's my perfect unrealistic ending I like that we're gonna jump to our villains
and movie rink if we're new villains first but the rule we gave ourselves for this episode is we
now that we've seen all time of the we're allowed to change them completely and I know I changed
all of mine completely we're new villains first and then we're gonna do our movie rankings and
before we talk to our about our movie rankings we're gonna share about the big on-going poll we've
had since January so uh who wants to start with villain rankings I got you so I don't know if mine
has been exactly the same or not but I think I changed it up pretty decently I don't know but uh
I put Dante and then I put Owen cipher Carter DK Deckerd Braga Tran Jacob and then Reyes
all right any any opinions on to why why like they were the best or the worst or um Jacob went to
the bottom because of this movie yep Reyes was at the bottom because he's been at the bottom
Tran is same Braga for the most part the same for everybody else Deckerd um he's in the middle
he's a good ol fighter but you know I feel like the more you learned about his character
he's not really a bad guy necessarily so DK was technically a villain so I mean to be above Deckerd
so Deckerd's kind of like a chaotic neutral in a way so um Carter obviously was just worse than
him because he killed people um so did Deckerd but I feel like he was more of just his own self so whatever
cipher and then Owen and then Dante I don't know I don't only have much more expression
and Dante the reason why I chose him is just because I was actually excited to watch somebody as a villain
yeah he didn't really great that was uh that was pretty enough
debatably he was the best part of 10 yeah he was the best part of 10
I feel like yeah that was definitely true
we're right you're right can you down?
I agree with that I think that he was the best part of 10 so I'm gonna start from the bottom
number 10 this is due to clarify 10 is like a terrible villain
yes and one is like a great villain yes because that can be confusing when you're talking about bad guy
yeah the best bad is bad guy and 10 is a terrible bad guy
yeah right in a bad guy right so for me 10 is Johnny Tran even though he's the OG he really was just
uh when you when you look at the entire franchise it's like oh he was just you know he was just a
a kid doing some gangster stuff kind of like you there right so so he's
worse at being a bad guy in a in a playing gangster then the actual Tokyo guy playing gangster
so I put Johnny Tran as 10 and then DK is number nine uh braga number eight I felt like
braga was an interesting character when we found out that it was not he was the him with a whole time
but you know uh her hernan is hernan raised was his Dante's dad is it hernan or herman i don't
feel like it's herman herman sounds like hernan i think it's hernan raised uh anyway you know i feel like
he was like a drug lord but he was but he was he tried to be scary but he was like pretty clueless
um that all this stuff was how he was not a good bad guy um card of a ron was vicious
and and a really really great bad guy for the between the first three movies maybe even the first
four i'd put him at the top of the list right but he quickly got surpassed uh i think Jacob
i put Jacob at number five because i think Jacob in the bad guy movie in f nine was a pretty decent
equal to to to to vindies will dominate treto's character he was a very because literally
was his brother i thought that was an interesting dynamic i thought that was a good play you know
and then they ruined it in ten but i i really enjoyed him as like a super spy you know he would
make a good bond villain i think that he was pretty decent um but oh and y'all i felt was a little
bit more hearted than than jakekup was and decarchall i felt like was a much i mean he was big brother
that was like okay now you've made me mad i'm about to take you out for messing with my little brother so
i thought he was even above oh and y'all in this movie when like can you think of anyone worse to
kidnap the mother of then decarchall right when he was loading all the stuff i was yes
they're like oh it's not so bad for what he's about to do yeah really sorry um and then
for number two i put cipher i think that cipher was a a very very good villain and could have been
better and mace and there's hope still that cipher could bring it back around and and really be a
decent diabolical really twisted villain but to me i agree with baili that danthay was a fun
villain to watch i bought into everything he was doing the flamboyancy of it all was
it was it was done in a way that it was like it was like kind of ominous the way that he
carried himself so freely so lightly but it was he was so malicious that it was like he just didn't
give an f like it was like this dude is seriously mentally twisted and is and that makes him very
very dangerous excuse me when i was in the car with a little bee and talking to him as he
was doing this terrible thing yeah it was so weird how calm he was talking to him as he is
painting his fingernails and a robe hanging out with two dead guys like and having a conversation i
mean like which bother that was an improvised scene oh what is it of course i kind of figured that to
me i don't i don't want to you know i want to be carefully comparing that character to the
joker that we got and knowing that man films but i think you know when the joker is like sometimes
you just i just want to watch the world burn or whatever that you know like you just the the chaos
of that character that's what makes those dangerous you can't predict what they're going to do
they they don't really care about anything they have nothing left to live for so they just create chaos
those to me are the most dangerous and most monocle villains and i think Dante was very much
that in this film we'll see if they're ruined at going forward yeah i swear if he becomes
the good guy i swear great so i'm gonna go i'm gonna go i don't even put that out in the universe
because now it's gonna have to be because you said something i hope no some of the fast and
fears we were gonna pick up oh that's what the fan wants okay i i'm gonna i'm gonna go from top to
bottom uh just see my brain that's organized is better but uh so i did put cipher as number one um i
so you're you still think i hope you're holding on hold on i hope that she still stays
for if she doesn't say evil then she lost her good villainess by eight yeah but but if she does
she could talk yeah she she is um i but i put Dante's number two i thought i mean he carried this
movie he was one of the most interesting villains we saw i loved watching the like i know when we
talked about two uh which is so funny because i think that's like our worship i've referenced it so
many times yeah uh when we talked about two we talked about how how fun it was watching
carter as a psychopath yeah but honestly compared to Dante carter is like small potatoes so uh
so i have Dante's number two i put o and shaw's number three i thought he was a good even match that
him and his crew versus the insects that was a good uh i did put carters number four because i
thought uh he he was crazy that rat scene uh is still something i think about all the time um i put
decade as shaw's number five uh he would have been higher but he's become a good guy like he's uh
like i don't feel like he's his villainess and the truth is is if you think about it the seventh movie
could have happened without him yeah except for like a few key scenes like he never anyway um check out
our seventh movie review if you want uh for number six i put decay i actually thought uh the only one
of the redeeming factors of Tokyo drift was the character development in it and they actually
made you feel for him as a villain but also not so it's not like with shaw de kerchaw where you're like
oh i get it with him you're like no you're still a jerk but i always understand how you became a jerk
and then the kind of last few revealants who didn't do much for me braga is after decay um i thought
he was a good villain compared to the other three jaycup um i didn't even think he was a good villain in
nine like i think uh if the way they could have saved his character in nine is if they made cipher
in charge and she hired jaycup then he would have been a good henchman um but asking like such a big name
to be a henchman he's probably not the way to do it um and then tran for the second to last villain uh
he was good for our first movie and then reyaz like kind of like you were saying i don't
he had one scene where he tortured them and then other than that he was just like he seemed like
he was the cartel's accountant is what it felt for everything yeah he was not the one step ahead
like the others i never knew that he was the bad guy whenever i was watching it because he wasn't
good at what he was doing let's move on to movie rankings and um so what i'm gonna i'm gonna share
the overall overall poll that we did for the past few months and the results for that and then
we'll do our own movie rankings uh so for context uh since we started this podcast we've been
inviting people on reddit reddit reddit reddit instagram facebook wherever uh anyone who wants you to kind
of give us um their rankings of the movies and then we've been uh if someone says it's their number one
movie we've been giving it 10 points and if they said it's their number 10 movie uh we've been giving
it one point so uh so we've had 80 people over the past few months uh give their opinions and so
now i'm gonna read the list of movies uh and then i will tell you and i'll tell you how many points
they have the almost here at the peristamine um so for number one of the fans have rated a fast five
as the best movie with 613 points uh number two they ranked uh the fast and the furious with 610
points so there's only a three point difference between those two i don't have a fun fact about that
here in a second uh number three they ranked fast of assuming furious seven at uh with 509 points
for number four which is the big uh debate in the reddit polls people don't believe that this
way we got this high but for number four they ranked two fast two furious with 472 points
uh number five tokyo drift for 462 points uh number six uh fast and furious six for 429 points
for seven it's fast and furious is in the fourth movie for 333 points uh for number eight they
picked the fate of the furious for 266 points uh for nine they picked fast x for 243 points
what right and then for 10 f9 the fast saga uh they put for 186 points uh so 10 so so so what do
you guys think about their ranking so far that's different from mine yeah definitely but all but
i totally expected eight nine and ten to go in order at the bottom yeah no they
uh nine nine and ten but ten it's still a little yeah that's what that's yeah that surprises me that
nine is considered the worst over x i would have i would yeah i don't understand that
well in reading the comments it doesn't surprise me because everyone crops on nine really like in my
opinion watching the two i it surprises me because i thought nine was so much better than 10
i did too so here's a few fun facts about the poll um so 25 people voted fast five as their number one
movie but 26 people voted for fast one is the best movie so if i did the poll where i just cared
about your number one pick the fast and the furious would have won the poll but by doing it with the
scale that's how fast five won um i don't i'm gonna try to phrase this how i wrote this and i don't
think it will make much sense so we'll help me clarify if i need to 31 people voted f9 as the worst
movie and that was our highest number in the poll like that was the most people put it as number 10
over any other more people were passionate about it being the worst than any other movies
right there that's crazy wow here's something that's interesting and i like this because it's
is testament to my favorite of the series that nobody ranked not not as in Kurt Russell actual
nobody in the polls ranked furious seven as the worst or second worst so nobody ranked furious seven
as the worst or second worst and nobody ranked fast x as the best we did have one person ranked
fast nine is the best i remember because i commented like you were a brave person for writing that
media did anybody pick tokyo driptest number one oh so many people picked really picked yeah so i'm
not the only one yeah no there are a lot of people picked uh that that that that there's a there's a
there's a lot of people that would tell you the first three movies are the only ones who work with
worth watching and that number three was the best um and the last little fun fact before you
get into our rankings uh that checks out that's what uh too fast too furious among all these movies gets
a terrible rap like when when people talk about it when i was listening to podcasts like everybody
was talking about how terrible this movie was but only one person in our ranking ranked it the worst
out of 80 out of 80 yeah all right so fun facts with our folks but we do appreciate you all giving
your online polls and stuff like that uh feel if you want to comment and so share them i know i
actually know a few people that are watching the movies right now and sharing with me their rankings as
they watch them so you can do that if you want but officially our poll is over but what i'm now very
interested in is what are our what are your all rankings what are our rankings i think i got my
number switched what number was tokyo dript that was the third one was the third one yep i took i
i'll go first okay we go go reverse then other way i'm fine so fun so uh in my brain i broke
these up as like gold medal movies silver medal movies bronze medal movies yeah because
and i have to always say like these are all my favorite movies so even when i'm like this is the
worst i i still enjoyed watching it but in my opinion seven was the best uh it was would have
been the best possible time to end it it was i enjoyed it the most it had the it what fast and
furious does it did it the best um i think five was the second best um and i think six
of the third best so seven five and six gold medals those were great um and i just and i feel like
five five could have been the ending six could have been a better ending and seven was like the best
ending if they ended it there so you picked the highest movies as your favorites when we go into the
super hero stuff you're like yeah yeah well and the origin i'm gonna give my silver medal
okay i'm ready to so i so my fourth favorite was the first and it's because it started everything
it's set the culture i got i mean i have watched it too many times where i don't enjoy it as much now
but like on the other hand there are some like that scene with vindiesel when he's like at the race
and he's like you had you was well you never had it like yeah like i think i can quote that whole scene
it's like peak vindiesel make sense so one i put his four two i put his five just because it was fun
like i you know what a weird ridiculous fun movie i know that me and baili enjoyed that it's it's
i'm surprised but happy to hear you also just like that was a super fun time that is just a fun time
like and that's why you want and i think two was ahead of it time in fast and culture fast
of here's culture two did what we started seeing five six seven beyond it but at two we're like well
that's dumb my five were like that's amazing so uh and then i put three as number six uh it has it
i have a hard time saying nice things about three but i'm going to do it um it does have the best
character development of the whole franchise it does have the best attempt at a plot um and
you you could argue i would say number one and two if you just look at brine o'connor's character
there is character development between those two movies but but aside from that once you get to
three is where we actually start seeing any character development and debatably the only one
that we do see character development in um and then uh so seven this is where i started getting in my
movies that weren't that great like this is my bronze category i'm gonna go uh nine i thought i
thought was a fun movie i thought it was is for the fans they did all the ridiculous things
everyone been wanting they did a lot of callbacks it was a stupid plot but like it checked out
yeah okay whatever so four i didn't much care for uh i did love that it brought the series back
i brought that love that brought the main characters back it tried to go dark which doesn't do well
in fast and furious so that when we got dark dominic territo and just we saw them a little bit in
eight but it just didn't work well um eight i put as my ninth favorite one uh kind of same thing
still dark uh but like still you know so fun and ten i put at the end because uh i just
it's just not as good as the other ones like there's i'm trying the jason memorial is the redeeming
factor yeah other than that i was like eh it looked like none of the actors were enjoying themselves
it really did accept jason memorial like that he was having a blast yeah so he was just having fun
a little bit apparently was yeah exactly but all the other actors it just looked like it felt dry
it felt like i was watching a movie of stale cheezets like good but like they would have been
better if i didn't them for earlier yeah yeah that makes sense so yeah that's my thoughts all right so my
my my number one is Tokyo drift uh that introduced a world to me that i was was not previously aware of
being a car guy wasn't aware of drifting and i think that that kind of kick started
it made drifting a lot bigger in the united states and it's now like ten years well when did
that movie come out oh gosh uh two thousand four yeah so yeah six a decade no two almost two decades
later two decades later that's a big sport in the automotive world in the united states and so
I think that has something to do with it so the cultural impact of that movie as far as production
goes it was so pretty it was so well shot like they they really really took their time with that
movie to make it look cool and because they knew they were bringing Tokyo to the united states and
they wanted to show it off and make it even though they didn't film it all in Tokyo but anyway it was
it was it was that to me and then i think maybe the plot the character development being the
better of the series in my opinion uh the time of life that i was in i felt like has something to
do with that you know being in a car club going with a group of people to see it that that to me
was it's kind of like the the Star Wars movies like the Phantom Minus is most people's like they hate
that movie but to me it was my first experience called Star Wars so it's different for me and I think
that even though i'd seen the first two movies just where i was at in life when that movie came out
definitely skews my perspective some but to me that was that was my personal favorite um
two-fastive furious is my second and it's because it's just such a peak fast of furious from a fun
standpoint it was Miami which was also kind of exotic you know compared to the LA you know one
was more greedy and it was just a super fun time uh i felt like you're saying that it was still
crackers and tin i feel like in two was peak like they were having fun yeah yeah they were having a blast
they were hanging out in Miami they got to run a car on a boat they got to be on a boat like you know
Paul Walker and Tyrese in those movies just looked like they were having a blast yeah
three i tried to keep like the cultural like the original fast and furious is number three for me
and it's not number if it we're talking about importance of the films that film has done so much
we're literally in a museum of cars yeah that might not exist if it weren't for you know i mean
there's movie cars there's always going to be the back mobile and stuff but like this place has
bunch of traffic come through here today and a lot of them we're looking at the car behind us and the
blue it wasn't that they were looking at the random people having a conversation they definitely did
that but i noticed i noticed that people like were like kind of mad that we were in front of the car
because there's like pictures of the car first i'm thinking oh they're getting pictures of us and
then they walk around i can't see the car because you know so it's like you know that you can't
deny the impact that that first film had on car culture and bringing it to people who might not
of like you who wasn't even a car person like like it just got you in this world right so and now
you got a homesteading you got your fast and furious forward was it you got a focus or fiesta focus
focusing yeah i had a focus was a focus in any of them oh wait that's uh well Paul Walker eventually
jyre like a or maybe not no i i don't think i don't think so i know that i'd probably recognize it
if they did had one because i drove a fort focus for a long time and it was very fast and furious
out but but but it would be number one if we're just going based on that but it's number three as far
as like my favorite of the franchise and that's kind of that kind of rounds out my top you know
like like you had yours broken up in just in the in the segments so it's it's three to one and then
for me everything else in order because i'm lazy and i really i could really make a passionate
points about the first three and the rest of them i could if they ended it three i would have been fine
but i'm so i'm so invested in the characters now that i just can't keep kind of like bail
it's like oh god they make twang gonna have to watch them now but and they're fun rides and then
i just wish that they would pick a genre and stay in there yeah stay in the lane i'm a car guy so
yeah so then first three for me were the epitome of what the fast and furious and car movies were
and i i really hope to think it back to that and with ten like i was i have a little bit more respect
for that movie now after listening to richie's thought i mean all of those callbacks i didn't get
half of those i wish all less could view the fast and furious through the lens of richie
the main reason that i put ten at the bottom of my list is for one reason only
and this is very personal to me it's probably not a popular opinion of people i don't know but
for me when i go spend an hour and a half or two hours at a theater or at the house and give my time
to a film i want a story yeah and when you end a film in the middle of a story that straight
pisses me off i love it either yeah i'm glad i'm about the only one and that ruined ten for me
because i also went into it thinking this was the last one yeah and i was so ready for like the
you know the climax the ending of this whole franchise if they never make another movie and that is
the last one oh that would be that would suck it would ruin the whole franchise for me it would
i put seven was the first one that i did just because everybody comes back and then one is for number
two because that's fast and furious me you got to have that um and then nine is number three for me
this is where i say for you guys not to hate me because i think this is a new-word generation thing
i really do and i'm gonna call myself out for it i am but i think it's just because it it caters to a
new-word demographic a little bit so that might be it and the current demographic hates it
because that's the base of the fan base so that's probably why people hate it but then three is
number four um two fast two furious is number five uh six is number six okay uh five is number seven
four is number eight nine is or eight is nine okay and then ten is the last one
so if y'all are confused you'll see but um yeah it was honestly the biggest thing is the
in-betweeners um like six i don't remember fast and furious six very much sadly yes again
you can rewatch it if you want i'm good um that's a good point there were movies that like you
remember five yeah i remember five and i remember the first three i remember the first they were very
distinctly they're all yeah and i differently and the rest of morkana
yeah maybe that happened yeah trusting my emotion is what i had to do so i was like think about this
one okay ten yeah that's why i feel gross when i think about this number of movie maybe i didn't like
yeah so i can't remember everything thank you guys thank you guys for these rankings that was
it was fun um and that's the thing is these movies are just meant to be enjoyed uh people get very
get very passionate about why movies are good or bad or whatever but at the end of the day
it one of the one of the comments that said the same thing like it this meant to be enjoyed yeah
so so it's cool if you like them if you go it's cool if you don't uh you know whatever
anyway speaking of things we like we're now gonna talk about Bailey's best bits yeah
that's so Bailey's best bits um so this one is Bailey's i want mamoah of it
okay because this movie did you know this i had a problem no i never know i never have any idea
this movie was saved by Jason mamoah so am i playing this time oh yeah absolutely okay
soos team and my best team here's the thing you can be on your own team uh the reality is is the
competition is technically over okay uh you and my life is Bailey I did i didn't want to i didn't want
i didn't want to bring too much okay i didn't want to talk about the how badly yeah uh i'll bring it up
i'll share but it was it was a bit of a it was a bit of a sweep um okay but uh this is just for fun
but this was just your fun so we're all we're all in our dreams best bits though so that's that's
next month's episode just for what one nice this one oh i'll be like i'll pick three scenes from the
entire franchise oh that Bailey won't remember right right one of them didn't actually happen but i
was kidding pick the one that didn't happen yeah well so here here we are um i put this in chronological
order i think thank you i tried to at least um i think i did i don't remember okay so you have the
first scene literally the opening scene i think it's the opening scene and it's Jason mamoah's like
origin story pretty much okay so it was like plugging him into fast five plugging him into fast five
but also him falling into the water and his luscious hair coming out then you get the second scene
where he's painting his confidence nails while they're dead in the chairs and he's talking to them
and then you've got the third one where he licks her face and then he yeah then he like
burps and then says family and then immediately goes into a deep voice and then immediately is like
making fun of indiesel with the deep voice for some reason yeah and then it goes into like
swan lake yeah so those are my three i forgot about that last thing but that was a fun
one yeah i was gonna say the one where he did the remote control one too but i i'm only a three-scene
person so three is enough three is it crowd i don't know four is it crowd so is this your favorite mimoza
moment is that what these are these are my yeah my i want mamoah of it so it's what scene i wish was
actually longer oh we know number one i don't think it's number one either you want it do you want
to go first or do you want me to go first i think uh you already have your spict right i'm not going
to sweat your answer i don't think you'll say my answer i think i know what i think one mind is okay
i think it's the second one okay so i think it's paint the fingernail i thought that that was my first
pick but then i i heard about the second third scene and i think i think i think in leanin toward
three i think i'm leaning towards three but i i'm also i'm open to being wrong if it's two if it's
one i'm throwing this table and lepon tables i'm i'm i'm a lepon table if it's if it's so that
here's the deal if it's one she wins if it's two i win this round yeah this little fun little game
and then if it's three then three you win so yeah so that's kind of fun she go change your mind now just
if she wins she's nice it's it's it's there's a heart that's not fair and Bailey's best best fair yeah i was
about to say i'm too full of a person i can't just switch it up like that if she does that then then
then she's sending something like if i switched it up because then i'd stumble over myself
there would be signs and there would be signs of me build yeah so what was it so i picked three
i'll pick two and where it was it was number two uh good job yeah because that's i kept saying
criminal minds ask i actually criminal minds was like one of my favorite shows for a little bit in
high school so whenever it showed that whole scene where he was literally just sitting there like an
unhinged little curly pal but like a giant dude acting like a girly pal like tiny little tiny tiny
little rowing his nails it's like you're having literally dressing up a bear in a
dress yes and then giving him a machine gun and then um and then having a conversation with two dead
people so have you gone from a ball headed guy to the guy with luscious locks are you
oh crushing on statham i'm on a momo and air or statham still your guy no statham still the guy
yes no momo is too brute okay that's like a giant i don't know treatment not Aquaman
yeah literally cool well those are good those were good bits um i'm surprised we've gone a whole season
and haven't changed the name at least that's best we we come we come in it just like the fast
series we kept going with it and i love that for us so we're not objectifying no not at all so
no but kind of like the bear naked ladies if you put that on a marquee yeah yeah we're gonna start
selling these best bedstay shirts if the waiter if it was shorts brought to you today by
drew an on yeah absolutely no i got a part of it so as we close out a few things one we want to
give a special thank you again to russes tv and movies car museum uh they are russi himself is the
coolest guy ever he's got a whole museum of awesome cars i mean as i'm looking around uh there's a
batmobile there's the ninja turtle one we have two faster furious cars go ghost busters you can
kind of see behind you yeah so it's um it's great if you're ever in jackson's nsc and you like tv and
movie cars this is the place yeah there's delorean ciphers car from fast and i just need you all know
i know it from back to the future uh yeah so uh what a wonderful place and he's so nice to let us do
not one but two episodes here actually three episodes because we're about to uh when we end this
episode film our recap episode which you'll see in november um most important thing uh about uh
not actually i say this is not the most important thing so like mediumly important thing that i'm
telling you right now uh check out our socials keep the conversation going reach out to us dm
us if you want to do an interview or whatever um the quarter mile podcast on facebook and
instagram and most everything uh quarter mile podcast on tiktok you can see our viral 16 second real
that is incredibly random but people comment on um and then uh so we are gonna do we are gonna do one
more episode for the season this is technically the season finale but we're gonna do a recap episode
we where me and bailar gonna i don't know tie a bow on this whole fast and furious thing in our
lives uh i'm gonna fight him we're it's gonna be a battle uh we're we're gonna race and then we're
gonna that it the crash the cars and then fight um it's gonna be really cool and uh the most common
question i get is uh people because people know there's 10 fast and furious movies and they're like well
what are you gonna do when you finish fast and furious like i literally had someone text me are you
getting nervous you're nearing the end of the series like what are you gonna do uh and rest assured
we have an amazing plan for season two uh and we're gonna tell you about that uh next month all right
Alright, have a good one.
(upbeat music)