The Quarter Mile Podcast
Join Drew Davis and friends on this "Fast and Furious Themed" Movie rewatch podcast. We started by reviewing the Fast & Furious series, and then we just kept going! Come talk films with us!
This Podcast is all about chill vibes, having fun while talking about movies, and connecting with friends and our podcast community. Life Is Short, so live it one Quarter Mile at a Time!
The Quarter Mile Podcast
Season 1 Recap
Drew and Bailey look through the rear view mirror on their wild ride through the Fast & Furious saga! Join them as they laugh and reflect on all the highlights of their podcast experience, spill the tea on Season 2, and bid adieu to Race Wars!
Drew Davis:
Bailey Jackson:
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A special thanks to our videographer Alan, and here's his info!
R. Alan Ingalls
@ralaningalls on everything
The Attention Company
@theattnco on everything
Additionally we want to extend a special thanks to RUSTY'S TV AND MOVIE CAR MUSUEM in Jackson, TN for allowing us to use their space AGAIN to film our episode
Rusty’s TV & Movie Car Museum
Rusty Robinson
Lastly, thank you to all of you who have made it this far down in the credits and have watched or listened to our podcast! See you in a couple of months for Season 2!
Welcome to the very first episode of the quarter mile podcast.
I'm Drew Davis.
I'm Bailey Jackson.
I may be the biggest Fast and Furious fan on earth.
That's about the only difference between me and Drew minus the hair.
Everything else is a bit of a factor of the same.
You poor soul.
That's the case.
There wasn't much of my life before Fast and Furious.
I have had an entire life of Fast and Furious.
Life is short, watch a movie, and enjoy a podcast and live your life a quarter mile of time.
Welcome back to our quarter mile podcast season one recap.
What you just heard was our first trailer for our first episode, which aired in January of 2024 this year.
So I come so far.
I come so far.
Bailey, who are we before this podcast?
I had such a different style of hair.
At least it was a different color.
You've had a different color of hair I think for every single episode.
I did.
Was that on purpose?
I don't think so.
We're going to talk a little bit about the series we're going to talk about.
Our podcast journey as a whole.
This was a journey.
This was.
We started in January.
We started on a computer.
We did.
We did.
We were in virtual because there was a snowpocalypse.
There was a snowpocalypse.
We planned on being my whole.
We planned on being in Jackson.
Yes, it was cold.
It was my car was in the shop.
Like the cold open.
Yes, it is.
It is.
The weather was as cold as our cold opening.
We're currently in Tennessee snowpocalypse.
If you're from Tennessee, you know, we don't get much snow.
Then when we do get snow, we have no idea what to do with it.
So me and Bailey were actually supposed to, you know, I'm in Nashville.
She's in Jackson.
We were supposed to actually get together to film this podcast.
But the roads were like, don't do that.
So we didn't.
So we're doing our first episode virtually, which a lot of feedback I got when researching podcasts
was, don't do virtual podcasts.
Do it in person because they're better.
But we, I feel like we've grown since that episode.
We're more comfortable talking.
I feel like we do better episodes.
I think so.
We adopted another person.
We did.
We adopted Alan by C.
We have a child that's older than both of us.
Yes, we have our Fast and Furious child, who's our videographer and he's a great rapper.
Yo, yo.
I ain't much, propie-stylein', but I gotta let go.
Let go.
What I know about the world today, it ain't goin' the way.
Destiny has to hold.
Fate has to close.
And another thing, can the world not see it?
What I believe to be pure laziness, pleading is an fatigue.
And a world full of hate, and greed, the end, fast and serious for life.
That's been one of my favorite part of doing this podcast is our interaction.
Speaking up, Alan, Interactive them.
We had a couple of guests we have at our fiat.
Our guest interactions are fun.
Yes, those are fun.
We did the ninth one away at an army of guests, that was cool.
Yeah, that was so fun.
He makes him noise!
Alright, thank you all so much for being here.
Thank you, Hi-Tone and Memphis, for having us.
We are at episode nine of the quarter mile podcast.
This is our live episode recording, just like in every Fast and Furious movie,
our cast has gotten bigger.
We have some all-stars here tonight.
We are so happy that we're here with you guys in the Hi-Tone,
and we're so happy that our family has grown.
Is it weird when I look at you and say, "Our family"?
I feel like maybe we shouldn't have raised that.
Yeah, they look like our family.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean Bailey's family has grown.
And I'm so excited.
We have several guests for this episode, and you'll see a couple of them right now,
and you'll see a couple throughout the episode.
And if you're listening to us, you won't see any of them,
but you'll hear their voices.
Do people come up to you and randomly talk about Fast and Furious?
I mean, it's not really like random people per se, but it is co-workers that all get surprised
that they actually care that enough.
So they're like, "Oh, that's sweet.
That's cool.
You see me more than just co-workers."
I have to watch my reaction out because it used to be when someone would be like,
"I listened to your podcast.
My first question was like, "Why?"
"But now I'm very complimented by it."
And also more people like Fast and Furious than they let on.
People are always telling me what a bad series or whatever it is,
and now that I've done this podcast, it's like a...
It's so interesting.
And I can agree, because I mean, like I said, in the very beginning,
that I had grown up on Fast and Furious, and I have.
But I mean, I guess my perspective now is a grown human of pop culture,
and everything is just the fact that I enjoy entertainment and pop culture.
But that's just from a lot of my weird learning and all that experience and being a musician and all that stuff.
So I have a different, like, I guess viewpoint now,
just because now I like to see things in a more unbiased perspective, like music.
I'm not really a big fan of, like, say, country or rap, but I like country and rap,
because it's music and it's art.
So it's an artful taste.
But same with the movies, they're not my favorite, but I enjoy them because they're an artful entertainment.
And, like Alan said, our episode that we just filmed, that you'll see at some point when you take a look,
he mentioned that the visuals were really nice in this, and it's true.
I mean, it just gets better and better and better because our technology gets better.
So it's like you get to grow with the movie series, we all grow together.
So that's cool.
I love that.
And this, doing this process kind of has helped me with this, but like, I just, like, enjoy movies.
I like to watch stuff.
I like to have fun.
Whether it's a really well, like, what people would be like, man, that was a great movie.
Or if it's like a dumb movie.
And let's be honest, some of these fast and furious were dumb movies.
Like, this is true.
But if someone said, what do you think about fast and furious?
Now that you've been forced to watch all time of all this?
Now that I was forced to watch all 10 of them in, like, a pretty close sitting,
even though it's been in the span of like 10 months, it's the diesel verse.
It really is.
It's all about a vendizo.
It's the first three movies were definitely the original trilogy that they seem to have planned in mind.
And then after that, it seems to that vendizo was like, oh my gosh, I'm making money.
And I'm popular over this.
So let's maybe dive in a little deeper.
Or maybe he already had in mind this entire time, his whole storyline and origin story.
He is the god of fast and furious.
Like, he is over.
It's very interesting.
Yeah, I feel that.
I love these movies.
And a lot of it hasn't changed since doing the podcast.
In fact, and a lot of the reasons I love this movie, I've further exported and doing this podcast, which is,
I love the idea of your family or just the people that are close to you, right?
And they don't even have to be related.
A lot of the fast family, they're not related.
But there's this bond of people that are close to you.
And so in enjoying these movies over the years, I do that with people that are close to me.
I enjoy it.
And even if it's watching it and making fun of how dumb it is, you know, like, that's part of the fun of the movies.
It's ridiculous.
I don't look at it.
This is an amazing plot.
It's a, you know, at this point, the more ridiculous the better.
And so I do enjoy the movies.
I'm not one of those people in doing this podcast.
I've met some of these people now, and I knew them beforehand, but like, we will sit here and say,
like, these are the most in every kind of masterpiece movies you've ever, like, rare now to people still say that.
But a few of them do.
I feel like we're taking for granted the fact that everything in these movies is intentional.
When you think about doing this podcast, what were some of your favorite and/or least favorite moments?
Oh, yay.
So my favorite and least favorite.
Well, okay.
My least favorite was probably the Snowpocalypse, just in general, just because we were kept up.
And we had to kind of figure out, like, we would have to take breaks here and there for Zoom, cutting out.
So I do free Zoom, everyone doing the right thing.
So I didn't realize that Zoom wasn't even free anymore because of COVID, because I was a student during that time.
So Zoom was free to me.
But then when we did that whole thing, we figured out that it cuts out after like 45 minutes.
So when we were trying to, it was like our first episode, trying to figure things out, obviously,
it takes more than 45 minutes to figure out technology and when you're distant like that.
So that was definitely kind of rough, but not really at the same time.
I mean, if I have to pick at least favorite, that's probably my least favorite, but my favorite is probably,
which is really, really, really hard, would have to go between either the third episode with Alan or the episode with Parker, my friend Parker,
just because I do enjoy having extra people there and a balance idea is off of, I don't know, three brains or better than two.
So, and it's also just interesting to hear somebody else's dynamic.
Whenever you bring in a guest, they add in the line, I just have to be like, "Guests being brought in."
And I liked the whole table of people for sure.
I mean, obviously, the live podcast was just a totally different thing in general.
Like, you have to go check that out, but yeah, I really like getting people involved.
That's really a huge thing for me.
The ones that are hardest for me to go back and listen to are one and two, as far as like editing and stuff like that.
Second one, I had it in my mind that I wanted these to be 45-minute episodes.
So, we record our normal recordings about like an hour and a half, and I cut out about 45 minutes of it.
I know it's not like, "Oh, maybe they'll get directors cut or something like that."
But then in the past year, my old computer died and I got a new one.
So, like, the 45-minute episode that we have is what we have.
Like, there's never gonna be a director's cut.
But that's a bummer because when you listen to that second episode, it feels like we're just racing through upon chance.
That's so funny.
Because I cut so much to it.
So, like, I think sometimes it's hard for me to look at the second one because I'm like, "This could have been better."
I could have put left one.
This could have been better.
But that's because of the editing.
So, I guess you were a little too fast, too furious.
I think three was my favorite episode to record.
We would own it, but we also brought in cooler technology.
We just had a better idea of what we were doing, and I think that's pretty awesome too.
Yeah, exactly.
And you all, you all have said some nice things about our podcast, and I wanted to share a few of the positive reviews we've gotten.
So, here they are.
So, this is from Anthony Hammons, who I believe is here from Jackson.
It's an awesome host that are relatable, funny, and put in time learning facts to make sure the audience always picks up a few tidbits that they may not have already known.
Must check them out, and again, that was Anthony.
So, thanks, Anthony.
Thank you, Mr. Hammons.
So, Matt Atkins, you said, "This podcast can cure your dislike for the fast French."
Well, it's fine.
I don't care.
I like to think we're doctors on that kind of way.
That's a good day.
This is not liking Fast and Furious, we're curious.
Yeah, exactly.
And this actually came from one of my friends, kids, Steven Hughes, who's also a really big supporter of my comedy, and is just really encouraging.
Just to let you know, I love the quarter mile podcast on TikTok, which is he might be the only person on TikTok that loves it.
He's like, "I have also watched Fast and Furious movies one through three, and I've loved all of them, and I can't wait to watch the rest."
Right, yeah.
So, thank you.
Isn't that fun like this?
That's nice.
This is encouraging other, for better first, we're encouraging other people to watch, I bet you there movies like being seen a skyrocket because of our podcast.
Thank you all for being a part of our family.
Of course, not everyone has been satisfied with our work as podcasters.
Of course not.
You got the hecklers.
You got the hecklers.
You got the haters.
We love your comments because it increases our algorithm and helps our self-esteem.
We're a drummer.
The first episode we talked about, Mia being underage, and all the people on the hate comment.
Of course, I remember that.
The real question though is, how old is Mia?
Because there's a lot of evidence in this scene especially that she's a high school student.
First thing that she's doing homework when they get there.
Second being, everyone's drinking a beer, but do you know what, Mia was drinking?
I can't remember if she was drinking.
She was drinking a snapple, which is a really weird choice for her drinking.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So if Mia was a high schooler, does that not make Paul Walker's character look so much weirder?
That one was the first trial by fire.
Yeah, that was right.
We posted that and got so much, so much Parker Flack from it.
It was so much Parker Flack.
In the second episode, we posted about a fan theory about Roman and...
The bromance.
Yeah, the bromance between...
That's right.
We got her in Roman and you would have thought we asked people to sacrifice her firstborn job.
So sorry guys, we had to make it gay.
The theory is that Brian and Roman apparently maybe when they were teenagers had some kind of love.
There were things in the movie that kind of add to that, they had some kind of vicious break up.
For example, you look at how annoyed he looks when Brian's hitting on Evelyn as his character.
It's just like you see like what could be misconstrued or construed if this is how you think as romantic tension.
I love their bromance but maybe it was just a straight up bromance without the beat.
That was a big, I don't know.
All these testosterone-filled men were like no, not our...
It's called a joke.
Thank you.
In episode eight, we had a clip where you were talking about the prison scene and how they used rubber bullets.
And tons of people really went into like, do you guys not know how guns and prisons work?
Like there was a very strong opinion about gun safety and prisons and how dumb we were for...
I don't know, noticing something.
For the fact that they had rubber bullets for a high security prison for people that were like ultimate killers.
Okay, let's talk about that for a second though.
The fact with the whole prison break situation and they were literally shooting at them with bullets that weren't bullets.
Right, they were...
And it was like a high security.
I don't know what they were thinking about.
I were like rubber bullets.
So I had like terrorists that were under lockdown and he said, "Rubber bullets, that's a bad mistake."
And I'm like, "Why is it a rubber bullet?"
Yeah, I'm sorry for being ignorant.
I'm not bad.
And also to take into this as well, even if that was like a realistic approach and they're actually that's a thing that they're doing.
So my bad.
This is fast and furious.
People are flying off a freaking skyscrapers and cars, flying round mountains, tethered to a tiny little cable apparently.
They're jumping out of airplanes and stuff.
They're going to space in a trash can.
So none of it makes any sense.
So for the fact that you're asking why we even ask that question, "Why are you getting mad about something that's not sensical anyways?"
Yeah, really look inward.
Really look inward.
Or don't watch it all.
And my favorite real kind of response to that was at one point.
It was the episode we were pissed at.
Oh my gosh.
This episode and Bailey decided to finally address a lot of TikTok haters.
And I loved that clip so much.
This is just like a really quick disclaimer that movies are movies.
They're entertainment for a reason.
So for those of you guys that get upset about certain things and movies, I get it.
That's fine.
Just don't watch it.
Like it's not that big of a deal.
So me and Bailey have come up with a top ten list of moments in our podcast over the past year.
And so now we want to share them with you.
And I'll let Bailey go first and then I'll go after that.
I guess these were what made me just laugh overall because they were just funny.
Kind of like the director's cut, like we were talking about earlier.
Yeah, I agree.
So the first episode is Drew not knowing about flirting with women.
I had to go through a whole conversation with Drew where I had to explain to him that he definitely was flirting with me
because he ordered a crustless tuna sandwich.
Okay, so I guess this is like a guy thing maybe.
I'm not quite sure.
I'm just kidding.
So he went to go get a tuna sandwich because no one likes tuna sandwiches.
And he's clearly going because he's trying to get the girls attention.
The second one was, so I pretty much have them per episode for the most part,
was the second episode where Drew, this is the beginning of when he started roasting my twilight taste
throughout the entire season of our podcast.
So every now and then twilight gets brought up because that was my fast and furious series pretty much, I guess.
So he just would roast it all the time, but he loves fast and furious as a series.
So we're kind of one in the same.
Nothing wrong with that.
I like the first twilight, so.
Yeah, well, twilight is a terrible movie scene.
So do that to me.
I can't do that to me.
Maybe that'll be our next rewatch.
It's fine.
No, I don't want you to hate me over that.
What's funny is one of the more common comments I get when people are asking me about season two are,
so you guys are going to do twilight since you did fast and furious this year.
Like that's been like the, we'll talk about more in season two, but unfortunately I'll just go ahead and let you know
in case you want to stop listening now.
That is not twilight.
I don't know.
We might have a twilight podcast at some point if I really really come into it.
So if you all wanted that badly, just let me know.
Yeah, I would be open to consider.
Oh, for a son.
There's no consideration.
So the third one is the third episode.
And that is when Drew messes up my parents name.
My parents didn't really watch it.
Thank you, Karen and Rodney.
Rodney, I don't know if they're okay with their names being disclosed, but that may or may not be their names.
Yeah, also it could be Roger and Baron.
So probably not.
Probably to hit the sensor button on the board.
Number four.
This is from the third episode as well.
That is over race wars.
And this is when again throughout the series, how even Alan jumped in to talking crap about how I would call the series race wars instead of fast and furious because of actually how stupid the name is.
By the way, my son pointed out that race wars was a terrible name.
He looked at me and was like, Dad, what are we watching?
I was like, no, no, no, this is like 2001, bro.
So calm down.
It's funny because that was actually Bailey's first suggestion for the name of this podcast.
Shut up.
What is it really or is that a gentleman?
Come on.
Race wars had to come back.
Race movie.
We'll get to talk about more race wars.
Yeah, they did.
Bailey still publishing that's what we name our podcast race wars.
The Fast and Furious podcast.
I told her some of our audience went like it, but she says, you know what?
That's the best name out there.
Yeah, apparently true things he could speak for me.
I'm just kidding.
Well, I am a man.
Oh, we are on a Fast and Furious podcast.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
Let me know my place.
I remember it.
You were very pro at being called race wars and you really were bummed out in the first episode of where you're talking about how that was the name that they clearly denied.
Did I?
Not even a little bit.
I'm making that up.
Oh my gosh.
See, this is the problem.
I have a terrible memory and they can do stuff like this and I'll believe them.
That's not okay because I changed my mind that easily too.
I'm like human mood rings.
So I'm bound to literally have an opinion tomorrow differently than I have an opinion today.
So her opinion tomorrow is going to be race wars is actually a pretty good idea for.
No, I still stand on it being terrible actually.
He drew like Vince and keeps trying to explain to me how Vince is a good guy or a good character.
Vince was right all along.
Everyone was so mean to this poor guy.
Granted, he's a bit of a jerk.
Okay, granted, he's a huge jerk.
But you know what? He wasn't wrong the entire movie about like Brian's character and they just listened to him.
Their whole heist might have gone off a lot better.
Vince, I kind of like Vince for some reason.
No, I was like, let's talk about.
He's just, I don't know.
He just, he has weird vibes.
It's all I got.
He just says weird vibes and he, he's skeptical in all the wrong ways.
Okay, in this movie he, he has a lot of flaws.
He was working for the bad guys, but he's also just trying to pay for his kids in a corrupt country.
Like he had a family, his name, all he knew in life was being a criminal.
Like he was doing, and sure he was double crossing them again.
Okay, so that, that, I don't have any doubts.
Oh my gosh.
Thank you.
That was real bad.
To be fair, he was stepping them in the back again.
But it's fine.
But like the funny thing is like to me, and a lot of people looked at Vince as like he was a villain, but really Vince was the hero the entire time.
I'm sorry.
Can you say that louder so Bailey can hear it?
Justice for Vince.
Justice for Vince.
Anyways, so next is our cold intro for the episode six, where we have the sirens and the really awkward cut to our killer intro, because it killed the mood.
Welcome back to the quarter mile podcast.
I don't know if you can hear the ambulance sirens and the background or not.
And if you can't, it's really weird that I'm mentioning them.
But we're here at the quarter mile podcast.
Oh, soundly alarm.
Oh, that was the sixth.
I know.
It was such a big deal.
The police, they were like someone must be injured from the awesomeness of this podcast.
Exactly, because we're killing it.
We're killing it.
Show stopping and killing it.
I guess that's the only one actually that's good.
The seventh episode?
Drew goes Batman instead of Vin Diesel.
Somehow he came back.
Built time.
There's so many Vin Diesel impressions that Drew has tried to do.
I don't got friends.
I got family.
And then an eighth episode is she had the personality of a rug.
And she was like, "Drew Davis."
Who was I talking about?
You were talking about Cypher.
She's predictive.
She had about the personality of like a rug.
And not even like a fancy rug.
Like, it was Matt that just say, "Welcome home."
But with a sad face, not angry face.
Not welcome home.
You're not welcome home, but not this one.
Oh, yeah, she has a personality rug.
I stand by and say, man.
But that's just fun.
I don't know.
I guess it's mainly just our dynamic.
That's my most favorite because it's almost like, um...
I don't know.
We've just gotten more bold.
At the beginning, we were like, "I mean, if you're cool with this one, I'm gonna have a--
If you're cool with it, and now I'm just like,
You sigh.
But I love you.
I feel like, too.
We're like, "Can you do that again, but just less?"
But less bad.
Yeah, less bad.
Yeah, I like that.
You know what?
And as it should be good for--
We were just talking about the podcast.
And you're like sarcastic with your friends.
Sometimes you say meaner things because you care about them more.
And so, yes, we speak terribly to each other, but it's made out of love.
Yeah, absolutely.
So I feel like I've learned a lot about Bailey over this podcast and experience.
And here are the things I've learned about Bailey based off the episodes.
But maybe my favorite Bailey Fun Fact, we learned it in two fast, two-furious.
She has a holiday themed hit list.
I've got a whole Santa list of people I would probably want to fight, but I won't.
Come back to our episode next month with a lot of Tokyo drift and Bailey sure is her Santa list.
All the people that she wants to fight.
And you the audience get to pick the first three that she fight.
The reason it's called Santa is because she checks it twice.
But, are you still--have you updated that list lately?
It's mental.
Oh, okay.
So, yes.
Nobody has a better Alabama accent than Bailey.
This is where we all needed to our best Lucas Bragg.
Oh, man, I can't even--
I thought, Donkey Kong.
Donkey Kong?
Donkey Kong?
I can't do it, yeah.
Donkey Kong.
We all gave it our best shot.
And I feel like she won.
If that was a contest, she definitely won.
So, you are the most Alabama of all of us.
Hope that brings you joy.
That looks.
This is just against anyone's wondering.
Bailey is not a foot person.
There's that guy that was sucking on a ton of random women's toes.
And this is not me exaggerating.
The cops come in and they get 'em, but it's like, what did I just watch?
This is a fun fact.
Bailey actually in her earlier years was a vigilante.
My friend was being picked on on the playground and it was a girl being picked on by a little dude,
which we all know now that's probably what he--
He was just having a crush or something, he was stupid.
So, I went over to him and I was like, I'm a yellow green bell.
I can beat you up.
I'm in trouble, no, I'm trying.
And he's like, no, you can't.
But I was always tiny.
But this guy was tiny, didn't he?
I know.
I had the higher ground.
Did you get up a small person?
Is this where the story's gone?
I've been on your side for a while.
He was beating up a small person.
He was beating up my friend that was a girl and he was a guy.
And it was in elementary school.
So, this isn't fair.
So, I just grabbed him and I pushed him down to the ground and I grabbed his arm and I put it on his back.
Kind of like they do in the movies with like the cops, you know?
That wasn't even a taekwondo move.
I was just tired of him.
If you like Batman and Vin Diesel, you would also be a fan of Bailey Jackson.
So, here we are.
I talked about this one.
Super fan of the term race wars.
In fact, she's looking to rename herself race wars.
It's her vigilante name.
That sounds so...
Sociedally wrong in so many ways.
And yet, it sounds so rare.
I'm kidding.
The emptiness of everything in my ears and here in the echoes is like my brain exactly when you say something like that.
It's like television static.
I've heard women tell me that a lot that when I speak they hear television static.
Sorry, what?
And then I just offer them a tuna sandwich just to see what happens.
And they look like I'm a weirdo.
But it's funny because you mentioned our best intro into an episode where you have.
But I have to give you props.
I think on our eighth episode you had the best outro.
You were very high.
And the way you ended the episode had something to do this next time you're riding off into the sunset or I don't even know.
Anyways, for all you summer-loving people that also can't sleep during the hot days.
You'll have a lovely one with the old trail blazing tires on them.
Rhoads into the suns.
You love your life one quarter mile at a time.
It was legal.
It was because we had a whole day of working out.
I had to take something to take off the pain.
Okay, no one's gonna believe that I spent a whole day working out.
So the truth is we were filming wheels for D&D fitness, shout out to them.
And it was at a gem and we worked out for maybe twenty minutes.
Or fit.
Yeah, it was enough.
I was stored the next day and it was embarrassing.
Yeah, that's fine.
Okay, so a few more things for you wrap up our episode.
I think most importantly, we want to thank everyone who's been involved in this episode.
So right off the bat, Alan Ingles has been our camera guy and special guest for three episodes.
He's been filling us from three to ten so he's been a big help and we just really appreciate him and everything he does.
We've had several guest appearances.
We've had Parker Flack in episode five and he was awesome.
We had Alan in three and then ten.
And then in nine we had Adam Malalando and he's got a cooler last name than I'm saying it.
Nathan Jackson and Zach Williams and they were fantastic and though so if you've done any kind of special guest for us, we really appreciate that.
We actually have a sponsor, a D&D fitness, who we have in their reals.
They're one of our sponsors.
So thank you Kelly and D&D fitness and it's not Dungeons & Dragons fitness.
Although I think that's a different idea for a gem, honestly.
That would be cool. We've had a lot of people jump in on the conversations with us on social media.
So I want to think Nile Stark on TikTok who's regularly commenting on our reals.
I get worried when I don't see a comment from him.
I'm like, is he okay?
I know.
Is he not enjoying this right now?
Are we not good enough for you?
Yeah, he's pretty.
Richie who's commented on our Reddit who's given like an actual interview that you can check out of some of our bonus contact.
We appreciate him. We've had a bunch of just a lot of other people.
Some of our frequent commenters, Zach jumped in on Facebook and gave us a lot of responses.
And just there's tons of weird user names, but like awesome people that were commenting on Reddit.
So if you've just participated in this podcast anyway, it's been a new experience for us.
It's been fun and you've the community is what makes it the fun part, like responding and interacting with people.
So thank you that for that and thanks to everyone who's obviously listening or watching this podcast right now.
So most common question I get about is for season two.
They say what season two is gonna look like and there's two big things you should know about season two going forward.
Number one, I'll tell you about the premise of the each episode because I don't know if you know this, but Fast and Furious only has 10 movies currently.
But the story is not over. There's still a lot of other weird and random things around the Fast and Furious Ward.
Well, I don't know what war I'm fighting with Fast and Furious, but the race.
Race, race, race.
Bailey has been around me.
Bailey's brought me on to your crusade. I am now fighting in race wars.
So for season two, we are gonna jump ship a little bit.
We're still gonna be Fast and Furious themed, but we're gonna do what I'm calling Fast and Furious adjacent films.
So there's so many movies around Fast and Furious that add light to this franchise.
For example, like we said already, they ripped off Point Break for the very first movie.
So our first episode in season two will be talking about Point Break.
We'll be comparing Point Break and Fast and Furious.
And then we have other movies in store.
Han came from the movie Better Look Tomorrow.
So we're gonna be talking about that.
Did you know the Fast and Furious has bonus movies like the Turbo Charge Prequel and Los Bendo Laeros, which is a 20 minute movie?
That Vin Diesel made just to set up for.
And we're gonna talk about those.
Obviously Hobbs and Shaw is gonna be part of it.
So we're gonna talk about that.
And there's just a lot of different movies that are around Fast and Furious culture.
So the first thing is the content.
And we're talking about Fast and Furious adjacent films.
So we do hope you stay plugged in and listen to us.
The second thing, one of us is not returning to this podcast next season.
Bailey has been awesome and is stuck with me for 10 episodes.
So she started, we committed to 10 episodes.
She started as working as my personal assistant.
And then she ended as just a personal friend.
I guess this is a regular person.
Well, we used to work together, technically, I guess.
Yeah, you worked at the club.
I got a few of those ads.
So we went from comedy club to comedy and assisting and working together.
And then podcasting.
And Bailey has the audacity to have like a life outside of all this.
Which, you know, I can't even imagine.
But she does.
And I can already see the comments in my head, people.
Because the most common comment I get about this podcast is Bailey is so cool.
She is.
And so I feel like people are gonna be like, man, the wrong host is leaving or whatever.
But listen, if I have learned anything from Fast and Furious,
sometimes you don't need all the lead actors to come back to still produce.
I mean, what if Paul Walker had quit after Vindy's a left for too fast to furious?
What if, what if Fast and Furious quit after Paul Walker left after too fast to furious?
You're telling.
You know, like so there's still a story to be told here.
There's still a podcast to be had.
I'm very excited about where we're going.
I hope you guys are.
I'll be on there eventually.
I'll miss.
We're gonna bring her back to like everyone from the family comes back.
We'll bring her back on like, especially when fast 11 or 10 or 10 or 10.
That's gonna be so interesting.
We're gonna have to bring her back for that one.
Whenever it's either that's coming out or Jesus is coming back.
One of those is happening first.
Which ever happens first.
Maybe Jesus will be on the line.
Maybe they'll just both be at the same time.
We don't know.
What if we had a podcast at Jesus and Vindy's all?
I think that would be a fun.
Yeah, you can't have two in the same room.
No, I'm gonna do it.
But we are super excited about season two.
We are super thankful that Bailey has been with us for season one.
And we hope to get her back at some point of her guest appearances.
But going forward, we will have some new hosts for season two.
So we'll want to say we'll let you know about that closer to when the first episode comes out.
So that being said, Bailey, this is your time.
You're gonna close out our recap episode.
You can give us any final thoughts, some words of wisdom, the fairy wills.
Or if you just want to tell us all the F-off, you can do that too.
Thank you guys for asking for to see my face multiple times.
Thank you for harassing us on TikTok.
And being a friend.
And family.
Yeah, anyways.
Yeah, rev those engines and make good decisions or don't.
Just be smart about it.
And we're always here.
Yeah, you have a wonderful time.
I don't really know how else to really wrap this up.
You say something about like, live your life a quarter-mile.
Live your life a quarter-mile at a time.
Alright, cool.