The Quarter Mile Podcast
Join Drew Davis and friends on this "Fast and Furious Themed" Movie rewatch podcast. We started by reviewing the Fast & Furious series, and then we just kept going! Come talk films with us!
This Podcast is all about chill vibes, having fun while talking about movies, and connecting with friends and our podcast community. Life Is Short, so live it one Quarter Mile at a Time!
The Quarter Mile Podcast
The Fate of the Furious
Kick it into high gear with us as Drew and Bailey review THE FATE OF THE FURIOUS, the 8th movie in the Fast and Furious Franchise! Just like Cipher with her Zombie Cars, we try to breathe life into this movie which isn't the worst, but it's far from the best!
Drew Davis:
Bailey Jackson:
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R. Alan Ingalls
@ralaningalls on everything
The Attention Company
@theattnco on everything
This month we featured our friends at DND (Do not Disturb) Fitness Apparel! Check out this clothing line with unique, flattering, and functional attire for those days when you go to the gym just. for YOU!
If you've made it this far down in the notes, thanks so much for watching/listening to our episode and reading all the extra details!
What's up gang and welcome back to the Cuban mile podcast.
That's the quarter mile podcast. That's what we meant. We did the Cuban mile this month as we reviewed and I guess we're reviewing right now.
But we watched the fate of the furious, the eighth movie in the Fast and Furious franchise. So if you are here now, this is us being eight episodes in.
It's been 14 years. No, it's been eight months.
Eight great months as we started this podcast rewatching all the Fast and Furious and we are rating and revealing, interacting with you guys when you watch or listen to us but also come find us on all the social medias.
We are at the quarter mile podcast on all the things except TikTok. What are we on TikTok, Bailey?
Quarter mile podcast. Just quarter mile podcast because they hate us but not as much this month. They've been enjoying the Furious 7.
So we've had a really great month. In the quarter mile podcast world, we had our first sponsor come in and help donate to us.
It's just a reminder if you guys love what we do and want to help support what we do, there is a way that you can either do a one time donation or you can do a monthly donation as much or as little as one dollar. There's other options. We'll take all your money if you want.
But you don't have to but we do appreciate everyone that helps donate to the podcast. It helps us with new equipment. It helps us with getting the episodes out there and trying to promote more to get a wider audience.
And man, it would be super nice if we started an account to create a Furious Week in National Hall of A. It only takes $10,000 is what I've looked at.
I mean, there are so many better causes. It only takes $10,000 just $10,000 to your local charity.
We're very excited about our next episode because we are doing our first ever live episode recording in Memphis, Tennessee at the high tone on September 21.
We will be going over Furious 9 or I guess F9 is what they call it. That's the movie that apparently everybody hates like across the board. I'm so and you haven't seen it yet, right Bailey? Nope. Nope. Well, I'm so excited for you to watch this and to see if it would be so weird to Bailey is like this is actually my favorite one.
This is they hit the mark on this movie. So we'll see. But I'm interesting. I don't know about them.
It's fine. It's okay. We'll get to it. That's next month. But we would love for you to come if you're in the Memphis area at the high tone.
It's a free event. We will accept donations, but also we've never done a live episode recording. So share this experience with us.
So yeah, come join us. Join the human experience at high tone. It'll be fun. There's also a comedy show happening afterwards. There's a roast battle. I'm in a roast battle.
That's right. I brought to I'm bringing two of Nashville's best comics to support Drew roasting. Yeah, it'll be it'll be something.
So if anything, if anything, it'll be something. But we were talking about how F9 is currently everyone's least favorite, fast and furious movie.
And that's based off an ongoing poll that we've been doing since the first episodes before the first episode.
And it occurred to me that we haven't talked a lot about on our podcast about the ongoing poll unless we've said like, hey, we have an ongoing poll.
That's true. So I wanted to share with you guys some of the results. We are going to be doing this all the way up to episode 10.
We have been ranking the movies per each episode. And I'm going to give us permission on the 10th episode to completely redo our rankings if we want.
Cool. You don't have to. But we can. But currently here's how it stands. And this doesn't count me and Bailey's rankings yet.
But currently in the number one spot movie, everyone's favorite based off of popular vote is fast five, which currently has 541 points.
The second favorite is the fast and the furious is in the first movie, which is at 534 points. So they're pretty close. They've been alternating all that.
And I'm not going to read all the points scores. So though, we'll have a little thing where you can see it over here. If you're watching on YouTube, if you're on listening to us, then you have no idea what I'm talking about. But that's okay. We're glad you're still here.
But in third place, we have furious seven fourth place to fast to furious fifth place Tokyo drift six place fast and furious six, which is kind of interesting because it's the six movie on the six spot.
Sevens place. That's not interesting that literally anybody on earth. I said that like, hey, the whole back and people like, no, it's that's anyway.
So the most interesting seven place is fast and furious the fourth one. That one was rough. Eight is the one we're doing today. The fate and of the furious and then ninth place is fast 10 with only 204 points, which is pretty low.
But then holding down the 10th spot confidently is f nine, which has a solid 154 points. So if you like those, I mean, like we'd love to hear you just come a DM any of our socials to just the message. There's even a fan mail option. Now that we had our first fan mail last last week.
Last month actually from Collinsville Illinois and all she was saying was fast seven is the best in the series and should have ended year with that being said, I still watch the movies after seven.
Yeah, I feel like we agreed in the last episode. So whoever you are and Collinsville Illinois, thank you for that response.
Thank you. We'd love to hear your opinion on fast eight if you're currently listening, but anyway.
So there was like that in case you're wondering if you're watching us, you saw this, if you're listening this again is nothing to do with your life.
I had a huge spit water on my microphone and it was very distracting and so I rubbed it, but if you heard a static, whatever, just know it would have been worse if I had kept it there for me.
Anyway, okay, just spitballing.
Yeah, just spitballing over here. We're just spitballing it. See when it's going on. So who knows if that's going to make it to the podcast.
It is going to make it podcast. This is what makes our lives.
So before we move on, just for we we already shared our cool fan mail and we we'd love for anyone to appreciate share some more fan mail.
Let us know what you're thinking. It's as easy as pressing a button on whatever you're listening to unless you're watching us on YouTube.
And you can just drop a comment and it's basically the same thing. If we hit 30 by the time that we're done, I will sing you the blues clues we got mail or we get just got a letter song.
Yes. The original one just so you know, I did not realize there was multiple versions.
They came out with a new blues clues. I'm not going to talk about it.
Okay, yeah, that's not worth our podcast time. 30 fan mails in the next two or three episodes and we'll get a full song for it. I think that's great.
We had a real where we showed a talked about Mr. Nobody and we posted on TikTok in our on our one of our favorites now stark responded on it. He says I have confessed.
I've never trusted Mr. Nobody. I feel like he's the final villain twist waiting.
And I thought that would be so cool.
That would be cool. That would be in my vote is that the villain from eight and we'll talk about it more later.
Cypher is should be the behind all the things that are going on because she kind of is established in this villain as a big bad. But it would be funny.
It's true. 'Cause Mr. Nobody is like psychotic in this one. He's like he's on him.
They're literally infiltrating his base of operations. They're like, huh, how about that? That's actually right here.
Not like, hey, let's move and leave and not get blown up. He's like, that's funny. Yeah. Or like when they're when they just they just realized have to go against Dominic Taredo.
They have all these high tensions because they're main guys left him and he's like, well, have a ball in New York. Have a ball in the big apple.
He's having a blast. He loves his job.
I honestly think that Mr. Nobody is kind of like Switzerland in this whole thing where he's kind of like a but like and tag and a Switzerland where he's like, yeah.
Fire. If he was a duck and a dragon's character, he'd be chaotic good. He's like, he's gonna be chaotic good.
Yeah. He's mayhem from their commercial.
I just that scene when the rock and Jason Statham is breaking out of prison and they make it to the end and they see Mr. Nobody.
Yeah. And like he's like, well, it took less time than I thought.
It's like people just police officers were just murdered prison outbreak. There are probably criminals and he's like, hey, gang, let's let's go be Bob over here and save the world.
Okay. Let's talk about that for a second though. The fact with the whole prison break situation and they were literally shooting at them with bullets that weren't bullets.
Right. They were a high security.
Yeah. I don't know what they were thinking about. I would rubber bullets.
We had terrible plays for rubber bullets. You had like terrorists that were under lockdown and he's a rubber bullet.
Oh, that's a bad mistake. And I'm like, why is it a rubber bullet? Why is he real guns? This high stakes prison.
What are you doing? It's got to be a hoax.
Yeah. Maybe, you know what? The reason is that they're like, we need this movie to continue.
So let's not kill the rock off in this high stakes prison. Yeah. That's gonna be too expensive.
But at the same time, you're right. That seems like a great place for some real bullets.
That's funny. So the movie came out in 2017. I remember seeing this movie in theaters. I was in seminary.
I went out with one of my seminary friends. We did the whole Fast and Furious Marathon and then we went and saw the movie and then driving back.
He got a speeding ticket and I remember making the joke. I guess you're fast and furious now.
And that was not the right time for that amazing joke because they just made them faster and furious.
But I do remember that that's my I've had a story for almost all the movies. That's one house.
I don't remember what was going on during this year, but that's my 2017 fate of the Furious story.
What were you doing in 2017?
You know I'm gonna ask you this question every month.
I was 16. So I got my license. I got my driver's license.
Do you remember the first place you went once you could drive on your own?
Probably a sonic. Same. That was legitimately the first place I went to as well.
Yeah, that's what you do. It was like a sonic or a taco bell because I know like in Milan, Tennessee.
I don't live there anymore so I can say it. Literally there was a taco bell before it burnt down.
But it didn't burn down. It caught fire, but then it didn't burn down.
But yet they still made another taco bell and put it across the street because that makes sense.
Every city needs a taco bell. It's in the Bible.
It was like now I shall have a taco bell.
As soon as you get into the city though from leaving my parents house.
So it was like the first thing you see minus the church.
So it's like do you want Taco Bell or do you want Jesus or do you want both?
Because most of the time it was both.
I feel like I feel like in the bathroom of Taco Bell there's been a lot of prayers.
Oh God save me.
You're a real Christian if you didn't like Taco Bell.
I don't think so. If someone ever says they don't like Taco Bell, I don't think I trust them.
And I used to be a church worker. If I heard if I was giving a kid do a youth pastor that said they didn't like Taco Bell,
I wouldn't feel safe with my kid in that youth care. That would be a deal breaker for me.
So I'm glad we speaking of Taco Bell.
So in this movie, so it came on 2017 like we said, we have a lot of the regular cast returns.
The add-ons were a church. I'm sorry if I mispronounce her name.
I'm basically a literate but Shirley's Theron playing cipher in the main villain.
And Scott Eastwood playing Little Nobody.
What do we think about Little Nobody?
Well I'm assuming he's related to Clint.
Yep Eastwood.
Yes, no maybe so maybe.
I thought so because they definitely have like the same face.
I was like something similar here. Then I figured it out.
But I don't know. He's okay I guess. He just seems like one of the guys that joined the football team at the end of the year.
I'm on the football team.
He's going around talking to people like, yeah, I'm a star of Fast and Furious.
Why does he break? I don't. He's like, break the rules and he like broke the glass.
I'm like, I get it but you could have opened it.
You could have just been like, you can actually take any car you want.
But this time he just broke the glass.
They probably like that seems excessive. Someone's gonna have to clean that up.
Someone's gonna clean it up exactly. It's glass.
But they don't care. They're nobody.
The rumor behind a little nobody is that when he was put on to this movie, he was supposed to be like almost like replacement Paul Walker.
I figured.
Yep. And so there were like some similarities in the car that he drove.
It was like a Brian O'Connor S car. Also being a Laman who's like realizing by the end of the movie that sometimes you need to break the rules like it was.
And also, like both of them were friends in real life.
So it was like a cool fitting thing. But if that's the case, it seems like it was very terribly received.
He, I think he mentioned as a small part in fast ten according to people from Reddit.
I have forgotten about that. But that's what they said.
We don't seem in fast nine. And I don't think anyone like misses him. Anyone.
Yeah. So.
But I think that was an interesting idea to try.
But I think they could have done it way better.
I mean, he seems like he would have been a good character. And he's a good actor.
It's just the story placement of everything seemed kind of off.
I don't know. It's like a little bit too soon there, bro.
Yeah. I think read the room.
No way anyone could have been a replacement Paul Walker and done it well.
Yeah, especially at that. Like if you're going to do it, do it at the very end or something.
And speaking of the end that it was weird to me how like they tried to give respect to Paul at the end where like he's like I'm
finally going to miss my perfect fiends. He's on pressure.
I'm finally going to name a baby.
I'm going to call him Brian.
But in the movies, Brian is still alive. Maybe on his way to the barbecue or out hanging with me.
He's not dead. So it's like I'm going to name him after my sisters.
Husband who's also still alive. Maybe even living in that house.
Well, they were their house blew up.
But like, um, they could have maybe said name on Paul, but maybe that just doesn't roll up.
I'm going to name Paul.
I don't know if that works.
So what did you think of Cypher?
The character.
The Blanchick.
Yeah, the Blanchick.
Um, she's cool. She was crazy.
I don't know actually she kind of has mixed reviews to my brain honestly because I feel like I'm watching a little bit of the snow white and the huntsman of the evil queen.
Bibes making Vin Diesel the huntsman.
Or but also like mixed with like, Valkyrie or something like a Viking because she's got those dreads going on.
That was an interesting choice.
I don't know why they were like let's make her evil.
I know.
Let's do the dread.
Let's look at Game of Thrones because I'm pretty, cause like Rachel had mentioned that, uh, that guy was in Game of Thrones.
Yeah, they did.
So just through the whole thing, I was kind of just sitting there like, I don't know.
I feel like I'm watching one of Vin Diesel's like, um, X movies or something instead of, yeah, instead of like actually fast and furious because the whole thing is practically the plot line about this guy fighting against this evil chick.
But the evil chicks like off the rails, but also kind of predictable with everything she's doing.
Cause we've already seen practically everything that she did.
And her motivation was so weird.
She was like, I want to steal this missile to hold the world accountable.
She was gonna already do what she could probably do a lot more with the technology you were representing.
But I don't know what she was doing honestly.
Like they had literally one of those, um, what is it called where it was like the thing that he went into Russia with to like stop all of the electrode electric stuff.
Yeah, yeah, they turned off all the crap.
What's that called?
Yes, that you can do so much with that.
And what did she do after that with it?
I don't know.
Did nothing really that all?
Yeah, that was what she used to get into the security.
That's all she did with it was to use it to get into this, to get the nuke.
You could do so.
I like to get the nuke.
Yeah, at least do something with it and the nuke.
I don't know.
Maybe that's too crazy.
I think I think they could have given her more, I think they could have given her like a more evil dastardly plan.
She confused me.
But I liked the idea of her character.
I was tracking with the character.
It was definitely hands down to me the best villain so far.
Yeah, because the depth and the quality of just the maniacalness, how she was.
But at the same time, she's also just like,
she's predictable.
She's predictable.
She had about the personality of like a rug.
And not even like a fancy rug.
Like, when there was mats that just say welcome home.
But with a sad face, but angry face.
Not welcome home.
Not you're not welcome home, but not this one.
That would have been an interesting mat though.
Yeah, with a bomb.
Yeah, right.
And the Viking man just shaking his fist.
This movie was directed by F. Gary Gray, who's known mostly for Friday, straight out of Compton and the Italian job.
What was the other guy doing?
Justin Lin, he comes back for the ninth movie.
He directs that, but then he doesn't do the tenth.
I think he originally wanted to be done by the sixth movie.
Paul Walker talked him into the seventh movie.
And he was just like, do you know how much we're being paid for this?
Like, let's do it.
And then, and then, so that was like, he was done and then we'll get to it later, but potentially a rumor is
when he knew the ninth movie didn't have the rock in it.
It was like, okay.
Wait, the ninth movie doesn't have the rock in it?
He gets to spin off from this, that's another fun thing if you're listening to this podcast.
This is the episode where we go into detail about the beef between Vin Diesel and the rock.
And you can comment below or send us a fan mail about your opinions of it all because
please, it's all a little murky.
We can give our opinions and we can read the stuff, but at the end of the day it's just two alpha males fighting it out.
I do love the good tea.
Yeah, it's fun.
I feel like I'm reading a high school drama.
It has nothing to do about me.
No, give us an intro today.
I plot somewhere that I can cut to.
All right.
I meant like something like, hey, here's the AI plot summary.
But I guess a click with your mouth is just as good.
Okay, fine.
Let me do this.
And action.
Still not what, okay, yeah, perfect.
It's true.
Here's the AI plot summary.
All right, folks, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride.
We're shifting into high gear and taking it up to a notch with the most action packed,
adrenaline fueled and down-road ride, explosive installment of the fast and furious franchise yet.
This is a lengthy sentence.
The fate of the furious.
Wow, that whole thing was a sentence.
And it works on a grammar.
Oh, sorry.
Maybe they were just so excited to talk about fast and furious, so they forgot good punctuation.
I get like that sometimes.
It was rough.
This ain't your grandma's road trip.
So strap in tight and let's hit the gas.
Okay, Dom Toretto, the king of the streets and the heartthrob of the highways.
That's debatable.
Has gone rogue.
That's right.
The guy who always preached about family has turned his back on his crew and joined forces
with the best of the bad girl.
I said bad girl, but you can get it.
The cyber-terrorist bomb show has gone, um, wrapped tighter than a roll cage and a rally
And he's ready to burn some serious rubber to get the chop done.
I mean, you only need to watch the movie because I don't think the same thing.
That was it right.
But don't count out the old crew just yet.
Roman, Tej, Ledi and the rest of the gang aren't about to let Dom drive off into the sunset
without putting up one hell of a fight.
And they've got some new tricks up their sleeves and some fresh faces on their team.
Enter Decker's shot, the tough-as-nails.
Take no prisoners.
Former British Special Forces assassin with a serious score to settle.
It's not technically new, but he is new to the team.
These guys got more gadgets than a Swiss army knife and can take down bad guys like their
bowling pins.
Great, right in.
I'm not quite.
And let's not forget about Mr. Nobody, the charming but deadly government agent who's always
playing both sides against the middle.
That's true.
Actually, this dude fickled.
With Dom behind the wheel of Cypher's crew, the stakes are higher than ever.
And the icy streets of Iceland to the concrete jungle of New York City.
I thought Iceland was grassy.
No, yes, it is.
Yeah, Iceland is grassy.
So they were in Iceland?
Were they in some Arctic place?
I don't know if they were in Iceland.
I think they were just, they were on ice.
AI took a lot of...
It's taken some liberties.
Yeah, that's cool.
To the concrete jungle of New York City.
I don't forget that one, a fact about Iceland and Greenland.
Let me just...
It's from the mighty ducks.
Is that we got in the mighty ducks too, where the heart lady was like, "Island has grass."
That's grass.
Greenland is icy.
The action never stops and the thrills never end at that right, Drew.
It's so right.
Thank car-shaces, explosions, fist fights, and enough twists and turns to leave your head
spinning like a donut and a parking lot.
Oh wait, not that kind of donut.
Sprinkle me with fun.
It would be nice.
But at the heart of it all, it's still about family.
Can Dom find his way back to the good guys?
Or has he crossed a line that can never be uncrossed?
Will the crew be able to stop cipher in her evil plans or will they get left in the dust?
And what's up with Dom and Lady?
Are they onigin or off again?
I think they're married.
Pretty sure they're married.
I think they're married.
Vianza knows it best.
The fate of the furious is more than just an action movie.
It's an experience.
It's a roller coaster ride of emotions, a fire hose of adrenaline and a healthy dose of
good and a good no.
And a healthy dose of good old-fashioned cheesy fun.
I'm laughing because this thing is just so interesting.
So grab some popcorn, buckle up and get ready to ride shotgun with Dom and the crew on their
wildest adventure yet.
The end of that, though, for real, for real.
Because it's just Dom.
The entire movie is practically like, it's about Dom.
This should be called the Revenge of Dom.
I mean, there's a lot of other Star Wars references I could technically make.
You could just replace it with Dom's name.
I mean, the movie, like Last Hope, could just be Dom reaching his end out to lay.
Attack of the Torreto.
This movie bored me until about midway into it.
And then I really like the action sequences and the fun like car chases and like once
that they were on the Iceland Greenland area.
That was a fun, like that was a cool to just, that host all those things.
That was pretty cool.
Yeah, that was action packed.
Because it was pretty icy.
I did like the intro where they had the Cuban mile and they reminded us like, oh, remember
when these movies did races?
Like, that was, that was cute.
That was like a callback.
And it was interesting to me.
I don't know if they did this on purpose or if I was just reading into it.
But like everything Dom was doing seems to be a reaction to like Brian O'Connor and
the first one where he was like, I just want your respect.
And he's like, respect means a lot of things are like, or like when he was like, that's
the car you're going to be doing.
He's like, sometimes it's more about the driver and like back when Brian O'Connor had a
car and stuff like that.
So here's some feedback that people share with us about this movie, which always again,
you guys are we love hearing what you have to say.
We always want to hear your responses.
We check in.
However, the next movie will still hear your responses, but we have a very special thing
that we're going to do when we're doing F9.
We'll ask people's feedback who are in the audience and stuff like that.
And instead of an AI review, I have a friend who's coming to be a guest.
And he's never watched any of the Fast and Furious movies.
And I'm just going to ask him to give us his opinion or his plot summary of F9 with no
context of any other movie.
That's amazing.
And it will be very funny.
I'm so excited.
Yeah, I'm excited about that.
And I'm like, because he's messaging me a few times.
Like, should I watch the other?
No, absolutely not.
So anyway, so this first comment is from our friend Zach from Facebook.
Just in talking about Fast 8, he said, I really liked the plot change to add some mystery
to Dom's motivation and try to figure out what exactly was happening with him.
I mean, like, his son was kidnapped.
He was his family.
We get to see, we get some more of the awkward love triangle between Dom Elena and Letti
with a devastating edding.
I'm glad they brought back that creepy love triangle between them.
That's so weird.
Yeah, that was weird.
We keep adding to the family and calling back to more family members who somehow managed
to shield Dom from a nuclear blast between four vehicles.
That's true.
That's on how cars and nuclear blast works.
And it's even like, she went through all this trouble to get a nuclear blast, our nuclear
bomb, but the blast didn't stop the four cars that were protecting Dom.
Seems like she should've used more of that EMP like you were saying.
That's what I'm saying.
It's what we've come to expect of the movies though.
Crazy or stunts, unrealistic outcomes, plenty of drama and action.
We also get to see the bromance, mature between Hobbes and Shaw as they fight their way out
of prison only to wind up coming together and testosterone oneness.
I love that.
I think make someone an argument with a friend who's a male.
I just think we need to come together and testosterone oneness.
And then they'll be like, I don't think I want to have this conversation anymore.
And I will have lost a friend.
So, um, we had a lot of comments.
If you guys were like checking out our post on Reddit, like everyone on earth was giving
us, they're still posting opinions about the faith in the furious of the furious.
And here's some of my favorite shorter ones.
Maverick said, "Love the ciphers hair in this one.
The dreads really worked.
Charlize is a great villain."
Chloe and Timmy, I don't know which one of you wrote this comment, really underrated
in my opinion.
I really enjoy most of the set pieces.
I think the interplay between Hobbes and Shaw to be very good, loved the prison scene,
and the entire third act onice is really fun.
That makes it something like it's a musical performance, faded the furious onice.
Also, respect any fast movie that's killing a character rather than bringing one back to
I'd like to pretend those movies have staked somehow.
At this point, every time a character dies in fast and furious, I'm like, we'll see.
I mean, to share a line is dead.
You see my come out, actually, I was in charge of the whole thing.
Me and my nice smile.
And then the username, didn't make a username, responded with.
It's actually not that bad, which is always a great way to start talking about anything.
How's that new girlfriend?
She's not that bad.
It's actually not that bad.
I like the redemption arc of Shaw, even though it's kind of weird since he still killed
their friend.
That's a good point.
That is a very good point.
No one, and we talked about this in the last movie.
At no point was anyone was like, hey, remember Han?
That was, we're so bummed about like, hey, don't trust him.
He killed our friend.
They're like, oh, I will say I did enjoy the back, like his backstory, which made him seem
like where he was like framed for the corruption fired and dishonorably just charged
with like that.
It was believable to me.
It was pretty believable.
I was okay with it when I watched because I really don't like how they redeem all the characters
and join the family.
Like pick a few of them.
Shaw would be a good one.
Shaw is a good one.
But like, at some point it's like some people just need to be bad and evil.
Some people need to stay dead, you know, that kind of stuff.
But I found his story as to why he joined up with the crew.
Honestly more believable than Hobbs.
Hobbs at some point, I'm like, he, like, that scene where he's like, after this beer is
on me.
Okay, you guys aren't that close.
That's weird.
You two are very different in your beliefs.
You just destroy an entire place and then you, but the criminals go.
But hey, seems like a great time for a drink.
You probably, after all that carnage and failure, probably is a great time for a drink.
Join the family.
Fast 11 Hobbs, the alcoholic.
It's because of Wendy's old spief.
And then here's a different opinion than what a lot of people said.
This person said, also he didn't make a username.
I'm big anything.
That's actually when people don't make usernames.
They say, comment, that's how little I know about Reddit.
He said, I liked little nobody.
Kind of wish they kept him as a running character for nine and ten.
So maybe he'll come back in 11.
Maybe he'll be the anchor to their ship of success.
Anchor to their nothingness.
Nothingness, yeah.
For nobody.
No, listen, nobody's still every scene he was in and I still laughed.
He's still my, I think he's like my favorite part of the movies in a weird way.
Not like, if you're asking me like, what's your real favorite part of the movie?
I wouldn't say Mr. Nobody.
But if you're like, what part brings you the most smiles of the randomness in the movies?
Mr. Every scene.
Anytime he opens his mouth, I'm like, I want to go hang out with this guy.
Yeah, he's just got one of those familiar faces.
Yeah, like he just doesn't care.
Or he's like, he's just like, I don't know.
He might, according to an all-star, he might be the villain by the end.
He's also just comfortable wherever he's at.
He's like, if it goes, it goes.
Yeah, he's like, let's go try to stop this international terrorism as it is.
We'll see what happens.
But like, maybe let's start it.
Or like, let's keep it going.
You know how I'm going to stop this international terrorism, higher terrorists?
Yeah, perfect.
Yeah, perfect.
What's the worst that can happen?
More terrorism?
More terrorism.
Yeah, more terrorism.
So those were other people's thoughts.
So what was your, in general, love, hate, likes, dislikes, thoughts, prayers, condolences?
I think my biggest dislike was the naiveness of the family.
Because they were like, oh my god, Dom just loved us for this girl.
And she's kissing on him and he's kissing on her.
Even though he had just gotten back from his honeymoon, they also just had something pretty
traumatic happen, be.
And then also you just came back from Cuba.
Was it Cuba?
Yeah, they were in Cuba.
See for Cuba.
See for Cuba.
And then you've also got a new villain that just entered the squad and she's, I mean, you
don't even know where the heck's going on here.
I mean, Dom just left randomly.
Also is being pretty freaking weird and saying to letee, you'll know at the end or something
or I'll be back at the end or something to that nature.
And I'm just like, brah.
Come on.
First, letee, bro, you lost your memory and then you came back.
So you're one to judge, okay?
Yeah, come on, letee.
Like, I just don't understand how it's like the whole premise where they're like distraught
and trusting over this whole situation or whatever because he's not hurting any of them whatsoever.
This movie's the plot was like, I dig the action sequences, but the plot was kind of boring
to me.
Which is kind of interesting because the people I watched it with and this is their first
watch through through, they were like, this was the best one.
So it's just kind of fun to see.
And that's what I've been noticing with like doing the ongoing poll is everyone has
strong and different opinions about what the best one is and stuff like that.
So it's really kind of your style.
But like, but for me, the things that I liked about it were like the action sequences were
super fun.
Like, I enjoyed that kind of at the end.
Like one of the comments was like the third act of the movie was when I was like, okay, I'm
digging this.
But I think, I think they could have done the overall plot differently to make it more
interesting because they should, I mean, at any point, they could have been like, this
seems a little bit off.
Maybe someone called Elena.
Where's she at?
Maybe the rock who's works with her is like, hey, I'm not going to do that.
Hey, I haven't heard back from my second in command.
Let me check.
Oh my goodness.
She's kidnapped.
Maybe that's why Dom's acting so weird or like, or like, or at some point, maybe he could have
like dropped it, even if he couldn't drop a hint of them, which was as much work as he
did to connect the child's family.
I think he could have like sent them kind of a, I mean, yeah, I mean, I get he was risking
it, but like, he's been through some.
He's already been risking it.
And they should have been like, something's clearly wrong here.
And so maybe, maybe the better plot move would have been if throughout the series, or throughout
the movie, they know something's wrong and they're trying to figure it out and they're asking
him to open up and like, let them work with, but he's too like concerned with them, but also
with, you know, and also they could have made Siphon more scary, but to make that because
like, yeah, it didn't seem like she, I mean, it didn't seem like there was a lot of consequences
to like, you know, messing around.
I guess I was there.
I guess he could have killed his son or whatever.
Here's my favorite inconceivive, or what not inconceivive, I mean, inconceivable plot point.
I don't know.
I don't know the word I was trying to go for, but it is so fun to try to look at that baby
and then try to figure out how old it is because there's not been that much time between
fast five and fast eight.
So like we know between fast five and six, there were 11 months.
She says that like, hey, we, it was during those 11 months was when the baby was conceived.
And then fast seven happened pretty close after fast six because I mean, it's like the end
of the movie is him shooting, you are running our wrecking Hans vehicle and the fast seven's
all about them.
So how much time it happens between fast seven and the fast eight and how old is that
Couldn't be like, it's like, it's weird.
It sounds like about two months, two months, sounds like two months.
Maybe that is a, that is a massive two month old, two to three months.
That is all the Vin Diesel test toaster on that is Jean Vin Diesel, James right there.
I mean, it was all that Alvin and the chipmunks it was listening to.
Yeah, that's much of it.
That scene might have been one of the best movies I've seen.
I'm not going to tell you.
Oh, yeah, that will, that's actually my bonus feature, but yeah, we'll get, we'll get
there when we get there.
But it was, that was, that was a fun scene, a lot of action, but something that a lot of
people will say before and I agree with this, Jason Statham is fantastic at being like
the serious guy assassin with some humor as well, right?
It's hard to like, like all of these other action heroes like Vin Diesel, like, perfect
example, someone is like basically solo action.
He's not cracking.
I mean, the best witty one liner to you guys is when he says something that's not funny,
because he's saying it's funny.
He's like, sometimes the street wins.
I laugh at that every single time.
I was like, I don't got friends.
I got family.
It's like, it's dumb and that's why it's funny.
But like, Statham, he had a perfect, and that scene, especially, he had a perfect mix of
like killing and being awesome and then like throwing in some jockey remarks and his acting
and stuff like that.
Yeah, it was, it was fun.
So I'm trying to remember what the, that her like henchman guy did.
So yeah, I, what did he do?
He was basically the, if you mess up anything, this is going to be that, the guy that kills
your family.
And then he was with Dom at the end, which that was pretty cool.
I, I loved watching once Dom had the okay that his family was safe.
Then he went to full bad ass mode.
And like that scene where he kills the Viking dude.
And then joins is the rest of the people at that point when like he dries up in front.
And see, that was the thing too is like, and everyone was super cool that he was back on
the side. And I think if they built it up, were they knew from the beginning that something's
He didn't betray us.
But he's, we have to figure out how to help them.
Then that would have made a lot more sense because, you know, according to the plot of the
movie, everyone was like, he's gone rogue.
It's true.
And then he just drives up next to them and like, oh, cool.
I mean, he did just say their life.
But like, I don't know, like they could have, they could have done something to make all
that more meaningful.
It just doesn't make sense.
But it did look cool.
It was great, cinematically.
The movie was really good, cinematically.
Like they definitely had money put into it.
The acting was really good.
The lines were good.
The rock actually wasn't annoying to me, which is so shocking actually because he had been
so freaking annoying in the last two movies.
So I mean, everything lined up pretty well.
Like you had all the right ingredients.
It's just the fact that the storyline of it, though, was kind of like, I don't know what's
going on here.
I don't know.
I feel like this was one of those things that was like, we're putting something out because
we know it's going to make money.
And it did, I mean, it did make a ton of money.
It made money.
It made so much money.
Now, nine and ten, that's a bit of a different story.
They did not make as much money because I think people, like after eight were like, we'll
And then we went to nine and they're like, never mind.
What was that?
One of my favorite things about the, well, I don't know if I want to say it's my favorite
thing, but I did find it interesting.
What's the concept of zombie cars?
That technology seems like you could do a lot more damage than a nuke.
Like I think you could use that to like do a lot more things in the different countries.
But what was interesting to me, and I remember because they made, it was part of the trailer
where they mentioned like zombie cars.
And so that was also 2017 was during the time of a lot of like zombie movies.
So they were really playing to like, we know this is what people like to see.
How can we do a zombie chase scene with cars?
And like with, I didn't know that up until I kind of looked at it before I, you know, did
this free watch.
But it kind of, it kind of made it, it made it be a better scene with all the chase scenes
where like you could kind of pretend like those cars were zombies and they were breaking
into the houses and they were chasing them like a zombie wood and a zombie movie.
And like, I thought that was cool.
I thought that was like kind of what you're saying very cinematically good.
So I mean, they did a pretty good in that format.
Um, I think I just got confused because I wasn't, um, I didn't think that all of those
cars were smart cars.
And the sense of them being able to be controlled like that.
Some of them were like too old to be controlled.
It would have been really funny if someone had like some like really old van.
And it was just in the way and they were like, well, we can't control that car because it's,
you know, it doesn't have a computer in it.
Well, they have to like drive around this or run over it because like, we can't control
that guy.
I could use car a lot that has cars that are completely useful.
And they're like, well, we can do anything there.
But instead it was literally a mass exodus.
But it, what I liked about Cypher versus Van was our Cypher versus Dom is, you know, he's,
he's all family oriented.
He's also like big macho.
I'm going to punch in the face.
Look, where's my wrench?
Let me take care of things.
And like, and then she's very like doesn't trust anyone is all computer oriented.
I mean, all of her big action moments were her typing, which is kind of weird to think
about in a fast and fear.
There was a massive type off there between her and Ramsey.
Like, it was just you watching two actors.
And it was as exciting as that sounds like.
But like they are polar opposites.
Where's Vin Diesel and Deckard Shaw?
I did it again.
Like Dom Toretto and Deckard Shaw.
At this point Vin Diesel is the main character of the movie.
Yeah, he's like, it's not even Dom Toretto.
It's just Vin Diesel.
And there is going to be a triple X crossover where he has to fight himself.
I mean, it would make a lot of sense, honestly, because I don't think that I've seen one
movie where Vin Diesel hasn't acted like this type of character.
He's even the same type of guy in pacifier.
There's going to be like a multiverse of Vin Diesel where all the characters have to come
Like everyone is original fast family is dead, but then Dr. Strange comes in and is like,
don't worry.
There's one way we can solve this.
And he opens it up.
And he likes to pacifier, triple X, and Brick, like all the way into the diesel version.
He's like, are they clones?
No, they're family.
They're me.
I love it.
But yeah, it's a fun movie.
At this point, we're watching these movies and I don't know if I'm ever like me and that
is a life changing.
Yeah, it's like a meme, but an enjoyable meme.
I mean, I did not enjoy myself.
I mean, I said me about the villain and all of that.
It's not like it's an enjoyable movie though.
That's true.
Yeah, there's no mid or post credits seen at the end of the movie.
There have been rumors that there was supposed to be a scene in the end credits that set up
the spin-off movie between Deckard Shaw and Luke Hobbes, but it was cut by Vin Diesel.
Imagine that.
So yeah, that was the big rumor.
I don't know.
There's no way to know if these things are confirmed, but like enough people have said it
where I'm thinking there might be something to it where like, I mean, we're talking, they
made the end credits scenes.
They finalized the production of everything.
And then Vin Diesel saw the last part and made them go back.
And like, refinalized everything without that scene, costing the film a lot of extra money
for doing that.
But his thing was like, it's not a rock movie.
It's a Vin Diesel movie.
And I don't know if I think on one hand I get it because like he is the star of the franchise
and a director producer.
But on the other hand, like, they didn't have another end scene.
Like, that just points to more of just believe it.
Thirty seconds, man.
I don't know how long it actually was, but it definitely wasn't the length amount of time
and that Vin Diesel had a cut of the movie.
Can we just share?
Share the crayons.
That is, and that is a perfect, perfect like a transition to Robo Rock vs Vin Diesel.
Can we just share the answer is no.
No, they cannot.
They can't share their beef testosterone.
So we've been talking about over the past few episodes because from five on, we've been
talking about that there's beef between Vin Diesel and the rock.
And eight is when it's really like formed.
We saw it within their characters, but five, they seem to get along.
Six, there wasn't as much of, rather it was seven, which was the one where he shot down
or thing with the seven, it was where he was in the hospital the whole time.
So he wasn't as much there and then six he was more into.
But you know, they say you can confirm this when you watch the movie, the Vin Diesel, the
Vin Diesel is what I thought to say.
Vin Diesel and the rock are never in the same scene.
If you ever see him close to the same scene, it's, one of them is using a body double.
They legitimately at this point could not work together.
So I have, I have some information about their beef.
I did a little bit of a YouTube deep dive.
First, first I thought it would be fun to ask, just ask the, Kyora, just ask the internet
and get random people's responses, which is more fun to me than the actual, but these, these
are what a couple people said.
So I asked the question, why do Vin and the rock despise each other now?
And this is the first response I saw, because they are man children with massive egos, especially
Vin Diesel.
So when they reached the fifth movie and brought, Dwayne the rock Johnson to play the part
of the big meathead federal agent, it seemed like a great fit.
Of course, there was a scene where Johnson and Diesel needed to fight.
And let's just say that when a six four behemoth is going against a five 11 tough guy, the
odds don't really favor the smaller dude.
Vin Diesel's ego didn't allow him to appear to get punked by Johnson.
And a lot of camera tricks were used to make them look like they were roughly the same size.
Which I remember when we were talking about five, we were talking about how awkward that
fight scene was.
We couldn't completely pinpoint why it looks so weird, but now it's a good point.
Like it looked weird because they made them look even size.
And our brains are like, that doesn't seem right.
So it wasn't.
The problem is anyone with eyes can see that Vin Diesel is not anywhere near as big as Dwayne
Their egos, however, are both roughly the same size.
At roughly the size of the moon, their egos don't fit on set together.
And eventually they both had clauses appended to their contract.
What I think you might have meant amended the contract or put in their contract, whatever.
Which remains for all the movies it seems that stated that they cannot seem to lose in a
fight on screen.
And not only do they have those in the contract, but so does Jason Statham, like any big action
He can.
Yeah, they have, they can never lose a fight because it goes against the action hero character
as a actor that they're going.
So as a result, all the fights always end in, you know, like the rock saved someone.
And so that's how like quote unquote ended the fight or like something else happens
that interrupts it.
Which is so dumb because like a great storytelling device would be if Vin Diesel lost the fight
to Decker Cha, and then and the second fight ended up winning it because he had some kind
of personal growth, right?
But Vin Diesel is like, I got all the personal growth I need.
I don't need none of that.
So you've got like three guys in one movie that can't lose that.
Can't lose a freaking fight.
Are you kidding me right now?
Another comment, you know, again, the question being, why do Vin and the rock despise each
other now said these two Hollywood heavyweights have been throwing verbal haymakers at each
other for years.
And the reason behind their hatred, well, it says clears mud.
Some say it's due to jealousy.
Others say it's a clash of the egos and still others suggest it's all just a publicity
I used to think that.
But the one thing is for sure, it's better than any stupor out there.
Their feud has been documented extensively and it's hard to keep up with who said what,
who did what and who started it all.
But it's safe to say they are never going to be best buds and we are all the better for
It's like a real life Batman versus Superman.
But instead of capes and tights, we get bald heads and bulging biceps.
I love that comment.
Okay, or not.
I didn't like that to script you.
You know, bald heads and bulging biceps.
That's the one.
That's it.
Yeah, that's it.
Next time someone asked me to describe Mr. Clean and like bald head and bulging biceps.
So, here's what we have for like as far as Instagram posts and stuff from the actors that
leads us to wonder like this is how all the conclusions are being drawn about what their
beef is.
Okay, there's a lot of speculation, but there's also like things that these guys have actually
said and done where you're like, that might be true.
During the filming of the fate in the furious, here's an Instagram post made by the rock.
Yeah, it's good start.
There's no other franchise that gets my blood boiling more than this one Johnson wrote.
My female co-stars are always amazing and I love them.
My male co-stars however are different stories.
Some conduct themselves as stand-up men and true professionals while others don't.
He then added the ones that don't are too chicken shit to do anything about it.
Anyway, Candy asks as I feel like he's the rock now.
When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I'm not acting in the same of some
of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling, you're right.
That seems so professional.
So probably, okay, I got you.
This is my predicted, my predicted context of the movie then.
That moment when he was like, yeah, he went rogue when he told the whole team that and
he pretty much is really trying to get them to understand that he hates him pretty much.
In that very moment, his eyes told me, I hate this guy.
Yeah, he was throwing on a motion.
He's rogue.
Someone was like pretend like you hate Vin Diesel.
I don't even know.
I don't know, I'm pretending.
I mean, maybe the biggest thing that pissed him off about the scene was like, I got in
a car wreck and he got out.
My fictitious character lost a battle.
Sorry, buddy.
Then a Vin later posts, I think some of these things maybe, excuse me, sorry, that's not
I think some of these things may be blown out of proportion.
I don't think that was his intention.
I know he appreciates how much I work this franchise.
In my house, he's uncle Dwayne.
He's a lot of that protecting the franchise extends to his relationship with John sex.
John sex is what I said.
I unpacked that later with therapist.
He says, I protect the franchise.
I protect everyone, a body, including Dwayne.
I protect Dwayne more than he'll ever know.
And it doesn't even matter.
He doesn't have to know, but he appreciates it.
He knows it.
Dwayne has only got one Vin in his life.
Dwayne Johnson only has one big brother in this film world and that's me.
And then Johnson's response to that was, I have one big brother and it's my half brother.
And that's it.
And then later in 2021, so those all are like 2017-ish when the movie came out.
Vin releases an Instagram post where he's trying to get the rock to join the Fast Ten universe.
Because he wasn't in nine.
We'll see that next month.
He says, my little brother Dwayne.
Good start.
The time has come.
The world awaits the finale of Fast Ten.
As you know, my children refer to you as Uncle Dwayne in my house.
This is not a holiday that goes by that they and you don't send well wishes, but the time
has come.
The rock's response is I was very surprised by Vin's recent post.
This past June when Vin and I actually connected not over social media, I told him directly
and privately that I would not be returning to the franchise.
I was firm yet cordial in my words and said that I will always be supportive of the cast
and always rooting for the franchise to be successful, but there is no chance I would
He said, I privately spoke with my partners at Universal as well, all of which were very
supportive as they understood the problem.
He says, and then he said, I didn't like that he brought up his children in the post as
well as Paul Walker's death.
That's fair.
Leave him out of it.
We had spoken months about this and came to a clear understanding.
My goal all along was to end by amazing journey with this incredible Fast and Furious franchise
with gratitude and grace.
But then if you've seen Fast 10, he's in the post-credit scene.
June 2023, he wrote, "Spidus having our differences.
Me and Vin, we've been like brothers for years and despite our differences, when you
lead with number one resolve, but also you think about the future and plans that are
bigger than ourselves."
Then he says, "Daddy's got to go to work."
And then that also promised him a standalone Hobbs movie.
I cannot do this.
I'm done.
Give it a hug, a bone.
Here's a rhyme out with all of it.
No one's asking for my opinion, but you all at the quarter mile podcast, you're going to
get it.
I'm asking for your opinion.
Here it is.
First of all, I get that this is Vin Diesel's franchise.
And he's like a producer and a director.
So if the rock is like, this is what we should do.
And Vin says, no, even as dumb as I think is is, if it's ego-based, he's the boss.
We all have bosses that us as stupid stuff and we got to do it and it goes out work.
It's crazy to me that throughout the franchise of these movies, they've been bickering, they've
been fighting, Vin wants it done this way, the rock wants it done this way.
And then it always ends with, so they had such a big beef and fast eight and it resulted
with a Hobbs and Chog getting a spin off movie.
They had such big beef before fast 10 and the way they got the rock to come back was they're
making a Hobbs movie for just the rock.
And it's like, so he's causing problems at work and he's such a big deal in stardom that
is actually getting him more work.
Like I would love to have a job where if I pitched a fit every time something happened
that I didn't like, they were like, well, how about a promotion?
How about?
I don't know.
I'm kind of confused about that entire dynamic because this whole thing is just so confusing
for me.
Because like, yeah, Vin Diesel is the boss, but is he really the boss boss?
Is he the guy that's like the boss boss?
Like he can fire the rock.
So then why is he just dealing with it then?
I imagine he's the stardom.
Pretty big boss, but like, I don't know if he has the firing capability, but also like
that might look really bad for him if he fires the rock and then they go public with like,
hey, do you know why I'm not in this movie?
Because Vin Diesel fired me.
It's just all dumb.
I don't know.
I don't know.
It's the social media posts for me.
They're grown men.
Honestly, I think that's--
I think that's--
That's actually what has solidified this confusion in my brain.
Because they are acting like weenies.
What are you guys doing?
You're 13 year olds.
Yeah, their ego is definitely our-- but it's interesting because we see-- nowadays we see
the rock in similar situations with other movies where like he was like-- like we talked
about this before, but in Black Adam at the end it should have been a post-crat sitting
with him and Shazam, but he's like the only one who's worthwhile to fight Black Adam
is Superman.
I mean, clearly we know who the ego problem is.
So it's when you look at all the things, you know what?
I think the true root of the problem is, Fast Date was the first movie without Mia and
she was the one that was holding them all together.
And maybe that's-- you know, so can't disprove that theory.
There's not a lot of proof to prove to theory, but you can't disprove it.
So let's talk-- let's talk-- let's talk villain rankings.
Yeah, villain and--
Mia is my number one.
She's me is number one villain.
This movie is so great without her.
So great.
So yeah, where are we putting Cypher on this, Bailey?
Let's say, probably number one.
Also, like, what does that sound to me?
I don't know, I'm really trying.
It sounds like we're stepping on a man in tea's tail.
There's one.
I'm trying to think, because I don't know if she's actually better than Deckard actually.
For those of you listening or watching-- I mean, if you're watching you see it on the screen,
if you're listening, Deckard is currently Bailey's number one in life, but also in villains.
Honestly, though, I think-- yeah, she'll just have to be my number two forever.
I'm sure she doesn't mind.
She's fine with that.
That's still pretty high up there.
I mean, what did she do besides, you know, kill somebody?
Well, here's the thing.
If we're just-- so I'm gonna put her as my number one.
But I realize that when we look at F9 and Fx, she kind of downgrades the villain.
But in this movie, we were led to believe that she was in charge of Owen Shaw from 6.
Owen Shaw was in charge of Braga from 4.
So then she was in charge of Jiconde from 7.
So twice Vin Diesel's character has, like, intruded on her business.
And so she's been like the overarching villain in at least three of the movies.
And then in this one, she does, like, her whole thing is, like, she does control him to, like,
practically get away with what-- he almost completed the job.
And she definitely sexually assaults him.
Yeah, like, yeah, yeah, also, HR could have a field day with that.
I'm gonna put her as number one, just because the idea-- I think they ruined her character.
But I think, however, if by the end of the series it turns out she was in charge of all
the villain stuff, I would be totally cool.
Bad Mame and Mame and Mame.
Her or Mr. No Bobby.
I'm okay with either of them being the main villains.
Yeah, both of them.
So I'll start with the movie rankings.
And I'm gonna put it--
So in between six and four for me, which puts it in-- so seven is my first, fifth is my second,
second is my third, sixth is my fourth.
So that makes eight my fifth.
So in then fourth, one, and three are under that.
So it's a mid-movie.
Like I enjoyed it, but honestly, like, it didn't really peak my interest until about mid-way
into it before I was like, okay, this is fine.
I'm probably gonna put it between two and five.
Ooh, okay, so it's number three for you?
Yeah, because I get-- still, I get Jason Statham.
I see.
That's your man crush.
Man crush Monday.
I was Vin Diesel until I realized that he acted like a little baby.
That's right.
He looks so much older than me.
He's also the poor Jason Statham enter.
That's true.
Yeah, that's true.
I swapsies.
Yeah, it's okay.
He's a sophomore.
Sorry, gentlemen.
If you're listening to this podcast, sorry Vin Diesel.
Don't like ride his hate mail because you're like, he can't be more manlier than me.
Like, so yeah, so in with movie rankings, by the time we get to 10, we can total--
It's weird, by the way.
What's interesting about our rankings compared to everyone else's rankings?
Totally different.
Yeah, also like we're giving-- apparently we're giving too much credit.
Like people are like, why is that so high on this?
Like, it was a fun movie.
I like to.
Yeah, it was good.
It was enjoyable.
It was, you know, fine.
It was funny.
Yeah, and I'd even be in death.
I think it was just the fact that to me, it was the funniest movie.
Yeah, all of them.
It was the comedic effect.
Yeah, it was a more lighthearted movie, especially this one.
This one in four are the darkest ones.
So let's talk, let's talk Bailey's best bits.
Bailey's best bits, let's get it.
So this is called Bailey's most predictable.
These are the scenes that I find to be the most predictable moments.
So you've got one with the Hobbes and Shaw being taken out of prison by Mr. Nobody, being
that Mr. Nobody was over that whole thing.
Then you got to the car zombie scene where she's controlling all of the cars somehow.
Yeah, it makes sense.
With hacking.
By hacking them with all their computers in 2017 as they do.
When guy was typing and controlling all of them makes perfect sense.
I didn't see one Tesla.
I'm just kidding.
Where's my sub or truck?
Yeah, I'm just kidding.
And then you've also got the third one, Dom's Carpoon scene is what I call it Carpoon.
Oh, he had one, they were holding him down.
The Carpoon.
So when they were all shooting their carpoons at him and I'm like, we've been through this
I'm going to pick the Carpoon scene final answer.
Kill it.
I mean, it's just because the whole thing is about Dom, much the whole movie is about Dom.
And he's the Dom in the Furious.
The Dom in the Furious.
Dominating fast and furious.
Yeah, so he's obviously able to get out of that whole thing.
World domination.
Yeah, exactly.
I don't know.
I mean, okay, there was, this is like a actually have a couple bonus.
I love it.
I said obviously they kill Elena.
Come on.
You come on.
You knew that was going to happen.
Somebody's got to die so that he can feel a stupid void with a baby.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I mean, no, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Feel a stupid void.
One more family.
I'm just explaining that, you know, they have people that's got.
So they have to fill it with a baby.
Where is that age?
Because who's what's going to happen?
Because you can't have a love triangle when he just got married and just got off of, you
know, his little vacation.
What a, what a week.
Can you hold that?
I wish they did another, another scene where, so, you know, at the beginning of the movie,
"Letty's Leg."
I want a baby.
And then he finds out later in the movie that Elena had a baby.
And then he brings the baby to let he, he was like, hey, you're, I'm glad you said you wanted
a baby.
There you go.
There you go.
I got this for you.
I did this for you.
How was it?
Six months.
He looks, he looks 14.
That's dominating testosterone is what that is.
Toretto, terrestrizone, terrestrizone, terrestrizone.
Toretto's throne.
It's like a pizza.
So, um, then you got my bonus features of Jason Statham's best scene.
So, uh, you get the prison break and then the airplane baby.
What do you think is the best one that I like?
Airplane baby or prison break?
I think it's the airplane baby.
Yeah, absolutely.
That was a good one.
That was the best scene in the entire movie.
If anybody tries to disagree with me.
You're wrong.
I don't care.
I don't care.
I agree.
I, and I love the scene who's like, uh, is that you?
I'm not a crafter fan.
See what I mean?
He's like, eh.
He's like, yeah.
Or he's like, did you just try to shoot a baby?
That's your shit.
I love them.
That was great.
And the baby was great.
Very charismatic baby.
Good job, guys.
I don't know.
I don't know where that baby came from.
What's that baby doing right now?
Someone that baby did well.
Someone that I am be right now.
See who played the baby and if they're still acting.
On the baby.
That's funny.
And that's what I'm doing.
That's funny.
And that's on, baby.
Love it.
All right.
So, uh, that was awesome.
Great, great, uh, regular, uh, bits and then great, like bonus bits, Bailey's bonus bits.
Isn't that some weird, like, uh, uh, and I, inside, I should have come up with a better
name than Bailey's best bits, but we've held on to it for eight episodes now and we're
going to keep holding on to it.
And I hope if you ever open up, uh, a restaurant was just appetizers.
You call it Bailey's best bits.
I didn't even think about it like that for a second.
It's a mouth.
Until you said the extra bits.
Yeah, extra bits.
Thanks for the extra bits, Bailey.
Hashtag bits, extra bits.
Hey, so how much you tell us about the quarter mile spotlight?
So the quarter mile spotlight is this, um, you see this gym creep that me and Drew, me
and Drew both have on.
It is D&D apparel.
Dungeons and Dragons, no, not Dungeons and Dragons.
It's the very first gym wear brand of its kind, the only gym wear brand that makes clothing
for those days when the headphones just aren't enough.
Some days you may go to the gym, socialize, and there are a million other brands out there
to suit the occasion.
The Do Not Disturb brand for you gym creepos.
It's so that you don't disturb us or those people when we're working out, of course.
The fitness apparel's here with unique, flattering, and functional attire for those days when
you just go to the gym just for you.
And D&D will be at the German town festival and the Memphis Fitness Festival.
Those are upcoming events.
So look into that.
And the thoughts on the Fast and Furious franchise from them says it is quite the prolific
That is so ridiculous.
That is generous.
Way to, yeah.
Yeah, so prolific.
It is very prolific.
You know, I was thinking about this.
We make fun, I make fun of the Fast and Furious all the time and I know plenty of people
hate on their backo.
So it's dumb movies.
But there is a lot of prolificness if that's the right word of it.
2001, that movie defined car culture.
This movie was the first one American movie filmed in Cuba.
It's got a lot of culture.
Yeah, there is more prolifics of it than we often times get.
And it involves so much.
Eight and seven set records for making a ton of money.
And then they broke their seven set records and then eight broke the records.
And so it's like, they're pretty good at what they do.
They know what they've got so many.
They have more movies than most franchises at this point.
And that's a great thing.
We hope that you keep going.
Until I'm ready for a fast 107.
Oh my God.
Never mind.
So I won't be alive by then.
No, wait, but AI will have our likeness.
Our AI grandbib and small people.
And it'll still have AI versions of us doing podcasts.
I love it.
Should we call it?
Should we call it tonight?
Well, what should we continue to talk about?
Well, let's see here.
We covered Fast 8, which was our main objective.
Is that all?
I think that's it.
Yeah, I think we knocked out all the things.
That was the corner of our spot.
Yeah, unless you had any other random--
Well, one last thing.
OK, one last thing.
We've got to plug our socials one more time.
Don't forget, we are the quarter mile podcast on most
everything except TikTok.
Take out the V and just put quarter mile podcast.
And also don't forget of September 21st,
we will be at high tone and Memphis.
That's right.
I'm so out of it right now.
I'm so tired.
I have not been getting sleep.
That's also your extra fact.
Fun facts with Bailey.
That would have been such a nice, super once.
That's with Bailey, no sleep at night.
Anyways, for all you summer-loving people
that also can't sleep during the hot days,
you'll have a lovely one with the old trail blazing tires
on them, roads into the suns.
We love your live one quarter mile at a time.
See ya!