The Quarter Mile Podcast
Join Drew Davis and friends on this "Fast and Furious Themed" Movie rewatch podcast. We started by reviewing the Fast & Furious series, and then we just kept going! Come talk films with us!
This Podcast is all about chill vibes, having fun while talking about movies, and connecting with friends and our podcast community. Life Is Short, so live it one Quarter Mile at a Time!
The Quarter Mile Podcast
Furious 7
Drew and Bailey discuss their favorite movie in the Fast Franchise, Furious 7! We share stories of 2015, appreciate this masterpiece of a Fast & Furious movie, and nerd out at how awesome Jason Statham is. Join us as we continue our wild ride!
Thank you for watching/listening and we hope you continue to rewatch these movies with us. Please connect with us online and participate in our polls and growing community!
Drew Davis:
Bailey Jackson:
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A special thanks to our videographer Alan, and here's his info!
R. Alan Ingalls
@ralaningalls on everything
The Attention Company
@theattnco on everything
This month we featured Josh Gilmore and Highwater Comedy, based out of Memphis TN. Highwater Comedy creates online and in person (and AMAZING!) comedy experiences and If you like standup comedy, here are the links to learn more, see some funny videos, and buy tickets to live shows in Memphis!
Highwater's official website
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Highwater's Facebook
If you've made it this far down in the notes, thanks so much for watching/listening to our episode and reading all the extra details!
What's up speed demons and Drew? How is everybody today?
We're going to be talking about fast seven today and just before we get into that,
we're going to plug our socials real quick. Don't forget that we are called the quarter mile podcast.
That is on all of our social media except on TikTok because again, TikTok took us down for that
or didn't really give us views and it was just all weird. So now it's just quarter mile podcast.
That'll teach you.
On TikTok because we're different. Let's kick it into full swing with the live episode.
We've got that in September.
Yeah, September 21st.
Yeah, so that is going to be our which one is that?
So, nine, ninth episode?
Ninth episode.
Fast nine, F nine.
And that is going to be in Memphis.
Memphis Tennessee.
At the high tone. If you guys have not gone to high tone before, it is an awesome venue by the way.
Not just for podcast live shows like that. It is for live music shows.
They didn't really ask us to plug it like that, but I have been to high tone. So I highly recommend going there.
They also do live comedy there every week and they have really good chicken tenders.
Which Drenosa about both of those very well because he is a comedian and you should check out his content as well.
Yeah, I'm very excited about the live episode recording.
So anyone in Memphis or in West Tennessee that doesn't mind driving to Memphis, you can go to our Facebook or Instagram or if you're in a place where you can click on the links on this episode will have it where you can go ahead and get tickets for the live episode recording at the high tone.
They are they're free where we don't we know we've never done this before.
So we don't know if like people are coming.
So we're making it as easy as possible.
Yeah, they come.
I mean, there will be the opportunity to donate to the podcast if you want.
But honestly, it's just for people that have enjoyed our podcast and enjoy fast and furious.
I'm very excited because f9 is the movie.
It's between it's a tie between f9 and fast 10 as to which one people hate more.
So I'm very excited.
But I feel like more people don't like f9 and so I'm very excited about us getting together and just giving people a safe space to talk to the trash.
And I have I've already lined up three comedians from Memphis that are going to come.
Oh, good.
And one of them I won't tell you who they are until we're at the actual episode.
But yeah, so show up.
Yeah, but one of them I'm very.
A guy about because he's never seen any of the fast and furious is ever.
And so I've given him very specific instructions to watch none of them.
Except for nine.
The night before we record.
And then all I want is his impressions of debatably the worst movie of the series.
And I just think it'll be a fun little like, you know, whatever.
So he's not going to get much context.
No, and that's going to make it so funny when he gives us his invention of just the ninth movie.
I wonder how, yeah, you know, I myself, I mean, because I can't go back and just let myself forget entirely all these movies.
And though again, I did have to go back and rewatch these details just because I was younger.
I don't remember all of that, but like to not watch any of them.
That's like going back and watching the last movie of like Hunger Games.
Yeah, absolutely.
And just being like, yeah.
And I feel like that makes sense.
I feel like we've talked about this before with fast and furious.
And this is at least my experience, maybe to your experience as well.
But I love watching them at least in marathon and all together because, sure, once you get to the later one,
I mean, their thing is they get more ridiculous as they go.
It's an intentional thing that the fast and furious people are doing.
They always want to do one stunt that's better than the big, the big story.
That's a curious one.
Yeah, absolutely.
And so, but the thing is, is this hits me that by five, six and seven.
And I feel like especially with this one is seven, when you're watching the crazy ridiculous stunts,
you no longer are like, that's not possible.
Like in this movie, when we were watching the past, they're parachuting into onto the bridge.
Like, I think, yeah, when the rock takes down a drone with an ambulance, my key could do that.
That makes sense.
And whereas, but see, and to me, it's because I only want to be the one.
It's because I've started one and made my way to seven.
So at this point, my brain is in like fast and furious universe.
Yeah, we've evolved.
Yes, we let ourselves get into that universe for the movies.
But my friend watching just the ninth one, it's going to be, he's going to be like, what is this?
Race wars.
Love it.
Race wars had to come back.
This is the movie.
There is more.
We'll get to talk about more race wars.
We had to do that.
Yeah, they did.
Bailey's still petitioning that's what we name our podcast.
Race wars.
The Fast and Furious Podcast.
I told her some of our audience went like it, but she says, you know what?
That's the best name out there.
So, apparently true things he could speak for me.
Well, I am a man.
Oh, we are on a Fast and Furious Podcast.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
Let me know my police.
Anyway, we...
What's the land here?
It's okay.
We are all for the grilies and the guys and everybody.
So, y'all, we're just here to hang out, chill out and enjoy some Furious 7.
So, let's kick it into it.
This movie, Fast 7, our Furious 7, you got to get those titles, right?
Because they're so easy to remember.
Was directed by James Wan, who's not Justin Lin, and the reason he didn't direct us was he
was directing a different movie.
A lot of people think he was like completely done by 7.
That's not true.
He was.
He did get done shortly after that, but...
He did get done.
This was...
Yeah, I said that so correctly.
We only use proper grammar in this podcast.
And so, we had all the regular come back.
And then we added some pretty big name actors here.
Jason Stadam, who played Deckard Shaw.
I love him.
It was great.
He's my favorite part to the entire thing.
He nailed his part so well.
And kind of fun fact.
So, he came back as Deckard Shaw.
He was originally asked to be owing the show from the first movie, but he was filming a different movie.
And thankfully, they were like, "Okay, well, we'll have a small scene of you to suggest you for the next movie."
That's how...
But that's kind of cool.
They had him first for the...
Anyway, you know, so that was pretty cool.
They also had...
This is a great addition in my mind.
Kurt Russell, who played Mr. Nobody.
Wait a minute.
Yeah, the Secret Agent guy who with the kind of...
That's right.
...with the kind of thing that he's doing with that current Russell.
Oh my gosh.
Yeah, that's right.
Because I freaked out when I saw him like, "Who? Why?"
I forgot about him until I watched it this time, but now that we're kind of looking at it a little bit more closer, one of my favorite parts of the movie was him.
I thought everything he did in this movie was perfect.
And I just loved that...
So we just said how the movies get more ridiculous when they own it.
Like, they don't even give this guy or his organization any kind of subplot.
There's like Mr. Nobody.
That's the same.
It doesn't matter.
We don't even care.
This is just a guy who has a thing that gets you what you want to do.
And I just loved that his character was them...
The directors or the producers or whoever being like, "This is just a guy who's important, but we're not gonna give you any more details."
Yeah, I really liked how that went actually because he's like, "I'm the shadow people. Like, I'm part of the shadow people."
I'm just Mr. Nobody and that's all you will know.
And he just, you know, was like humorous, but...
I did it.
Yeah, it was cool.
It was cool.
And then we did have...
And I might not pronounce her name, so if you listen to this podcast, all right about it.
Nathalie Emanuel, who played Ramsey, and of course she comes in for this movie and further in the series, so she becomes part of the family.
They also have other actor.
I mean, this one had like, at this point they knew what they were doing.
They were just bringing in actors.
So they had to...
Digimon, Hana Sue, who played the other villain who wasn't Deckard Shaw, the Jiconde.
And he was a big name, I'm not gonna lie.
Yeah, he was cool.
He was cool.
Both of them...
He was scary.
I'm not gonna lie, I forgot he existed until I arrived.
He was very silent.
A ominous...
Good evil dude.
And then of course, when it be fast-facipated, so they had MMA fighters.
So they had Ronda Rousey and Tony Jah, who was the guy who fought Paul Walker or computer ball walker.
Oh yeah!
MMA champs for sure.
One of my favorite scenes was when before the bloody Ronda Rousey fight, when she comes in and let he just beat up the person,
she's like, "Would you believe I beat him up with my charm?"
That was a very under...
I don't feel like enough people laugh at that scene.
I was with my friends watching it and they gave no reaction to it.
And I was like, "Really?
That was funny."
So she's being facetious.
And then of course, this is the movie that Paul Walker died during the filming of it.
So, and I think they did the best they could possibly do with this movie to represent Paul Well, to tell the story well of his character.
They used their technology the best.
I mean, so most...
So we did have actual scenes of Paul Walker before he died.
But then we had CGI scenes and we had scenes where his brothers came in and were doubles.
And it's just kind of a mixture of all of that. And all of that still looked better than the CGI Lucas Blackface.
I'm never going to look at Lucas Blackface for a game.
But when that scene, when they brought it back to Tokyo, drifted a little bit...
He's a man now.
Wow, that was just...
It has been...
...those weeks of drift kinging for Sean Bawkeball.
This was from...
...this movie because we talk about the year every time actually.
Was this from 2015?
This was 2015.
Okay, so because the last movie...
So Tokyo drift, which one was that?
Tokyo drift, 2006, I think.
So it's been like eight years, eight to ten years.
Yeah, and he already was an old man when he was playing a high schooler.
And that was like...
Jerry Ackon was at least a young adult.
He did their best to CGI.
It was just funny because we do...
We have to be honest on this podcast.
They were fantastic with Paul Walker and everything.
Oh yeah.
...and they did their best with Lucas Blackface.
But it's okay, because Lucas Blackface was there.
Yeah, it was still cool to see him.
It was still cool to see him.
I forgot about his accent from other...
...and then he was like, "What are you going to do when you find him?"
That was the worst...
I can't do it.
So this movie did come out in 2015 and I've been holding on to this story since season one.
Or excuse me, episode one.
Because we always talk about where were we in 2015 or when the movies came out.
And I actually have a very specific story about 2015 and this movie coming out like the stage.
So this is...
Here's the deal.
I also...
2015 was a rough year for me.
I got in like three or four car wrecks.
Oh my gosh.
I went through several vehicles.
And in November 2015, which was when Paul Walker's car wreck, I had...
That was when I accidentally drove my car off of a bridge.
I had a highway landed upside down.
It was pretty bad.
Miraculously, my car blew up, but I was fine.
And I know that...
I promise this gets to a...
It's still going to be a dark joke, but I promise this gets to like a nicer...
There's the dark jokes for you people that want true to be charged with being...
...tooed into our podcast.
If you really want it, you really care.
So at the time, I was about three years into comedy and this is actually when I won my first comedy contest.
All right.
So the...
I'm good for you.
It was nice.
But here's how it happened.
Because maybe...
Maybe not good for me.
Maybe I compromised values to win.
But it's still a story.
So it was this weekly comedy contest.
It was called the funniest person in Nashville.
And if you won...
There was like no budget behind it.
So if you won, they gave you a fresca.
And for a week.
And I kept this freaking fresca through three moves.
I'm not even kidding.
Like I had it on my dresser.
I was so proud.
I'd worked so hard for it.
So the way this contest worked was...
So it was a regular open-mic work show working out stuff.
But then at the end, the audience got to give you one topic.
And every comedian who wanted to participate had to come with a joke on the moment.
And then the person with the best joke won the comedy contest.
So naturally, because all comedy audiences have no souls just like the comedians they're watching,
this was the week...
This was the week Paul Walker died.
And so their topic was Paul Walker.
And so I remember being up there and knowing I had a joke come to mind.
But also...
But this is fast and furious as Paul Walker.
Can I really compromise my values for the sake of winning a contest?
And the answer is...
I can!
So this is the joke that won me the contest.
Are you ready?
Let's go.
I don't feel like you're gonna like this joke, Bailey.
I can already...
I just want you to be mentally prepared for you might...
You might like...
This is the closest we've been on a podcast, but this might also be the moment we become the furthest.
Anyway, so easily.
So I tell the audience, "Hey, listen, I love Fast and Furious.
I've been a big fan of it my entire life.
But I feel like me and Paul Walker have always been kind of in a rivalry that he doesn't know exist.
And he's always been winning.
And that kind of bothers me is that he's so like, so, you know,
we both wanted to look like Paul Walker and he won that count.
You know, we both wanted to make out with Eva Mendez to Fast and Furious.
He got to do that.
But you know, this month we both got in car wrecks and I'm still here.
So I guess I won in the end.
And that's terrible!
You did!
And I won the comedy contest with that joke!
And now they're good...
That's fair!
Yeah, yeah.
That's how that feels.
Yeah, so anyway, that was my joke.
That won me my first comedy contest.
And might send me to hell.
I don't know.
Well, so Fast and Furious saved and killed Drew.
But not like...
Not like what?
You gotta commit.
So I need...
Suggling back into your episode of the plot.
So before we get into the...
Before we get into the AI plot summary, what were you doing in 2015?
Where was Bailey?
Oh, what was that?
So how many of you in the hospital?
I was 14.
Because that...
We were kind of like out of that finally.
Like, 13/14, I was finally like...
Getting out of that finally able to start more of, I guess, kind of like...
I don't know, being a normal kid.
I don't really know what I was doing at 14.
14 is a weird age.
I don't really remember much.
Sure, absolutely.
What kind of you must be doing at 14?
I mean, what do you do at 14?
You sit at home and you do your school work.
But you can't drive yet.
But you're old enough to...
I want to drive.
You're also old enough to want to technically work.
But you can't as well.
Because that's not legal because of child loss.
I don't know what I was doing.
I was probably just doing a lot of school work.
What grade are you in in '14?
Is that ninth grade?
Ninth grade, yeah.
Ninth grade.
Ninth grade?
I was probably a freshman year sucks.
Freshman year sucks.
That's all.
I felt awkward.
Just got out of middle school.
Also awkward.
I had long, long, long, long, long hair.
Past my tail, which was crazy.
Going for the home school.
Home school Christian lot.
Pretty much.
That's what it does look like, I guess.
So, really not much going on.
I think I was playing soccer.
And that was about it.
Going to church youth group.
Anyway, so now we're at the Furious 7 plot summary.
We did another AI plot summary.
This time, as recommended by Bailey last.
For you all, it's last month for us.
It's like two weeks ago.
We're filming this.
I want to say July 5th or 6th.
And you all are listening to this like at the end of the month.
So happy.
Hope you all had a great July.
We don't know if it's going to be a good July.
We don't even know if podcasters are still going to be a thing.
By the end of July.
Move so quickly now.
So if somehow in the next 20 days, podcasters become the most offensive thing on earth, I just want you to know we didn't know about it when we auto posted this episode.
Anyway, so our AI plot summary for this month is we asked AI to tell us the Furious 7 plot summary in a romantic manner.
I'm interested to hear your opinions on this Bailey because when I read it the first time, I was like, there's a lot of not correct things, but at least they're trying to be real.
So I'd love to hear your feedback once you as you or after you read it.
You know, just do whatever you want.
All right.
Well, let's dim the lights as we get a little romantic here as we go into the romantic plot summary of Furious 7.
I feel like I'm going to throw in some like, wow, wow, did you want to do it for us?
Yeah, Furious 7.
You have to read it romantically or I don't.
All right, starting now.
Furious 7 is a heart-wrenching tale of love, loss, and the unbreakable bones of family.
The film opens with Deckard Shaw in a former British special forces assassin, seeking revenge against Dominic Tredo and his crew for the severe injury of his little brother Owen.
Deckard's rage and grief drive him to destroy Dom's home and kill Han Lu, a beloved member of Dom's family. That's his last name.
Yeah, his middle initial is S, so they literally made him Han Solo just for fun because it's freaking Furious 7 and they don't even care.
I love you guys.
All right.
Anyway, Dom is consumed by a burning need for vengeance against Deckard for Han's senseless mood.
He sits out to track down Deckard, but their dangerous game of cat and mouse puts Dom's entire family in the crosshairs.
Ledy Orts is, Dom's soulmate struggles with her amnesia and the fragments of her past making her question her feelings for Dom.
That's true. You know, when you don't remember somebody.
Meanwhile, Mr. Nobody, that's actually his name, by the way, offers Dom a deal, retrieved the God's eye.
A surveillance system that uses digital devices to track a specific person and he'll help Dom take down Deckard.
By the way, it tracks him from like every camera and everything.
So he's like, "Yeah, you've got a camera on your phone, boom. You've got a camera in your house, boom. You've got a camera on your TV, boom."
So that's how they find him supposedly.
I feel like nowadays we're like, "Oh, so you mean like every camera and phone out there, but like back then that would have been."
Also, like never, never once when they were like running away from God's eye, did anyone think, "Let me turn off this phone and go and do a barn."
Boom, just solved fast and furious 7. I mean, I would have been cut ears plays off the grid!
Dom agrees, knowing this is the only way to protect his family. It really is though, supposedly.
He reunites with Roman Pierce and Tedd's Parker and they join forces with Mr. Nobody's team. As they embark on their perilous mission, Dom and Lettie's relationship is put to the test.
Lettie begins to recall pieces of her past seeing herself with a different man, further complicating her feelings for Dom.
A different man?
I don't think that's true.
So that's wrong. Dom fueled by love and determination vows to help Lettie remember and reclaim their last years together.
I think then saying a different man was just them trying to be creative with their linguistics or whatever.
If I can speak for AI, which we already said was a woman, so technically by fast and furious standards it's allowed.
I think Lettie was feeling like a different person than what Dom was remembering. And so that's kind of why she's like, "I need space, she's like, because every time you look at me you see someone who I'm not."
Exactly. So it's the same in the other foot too.
I mean, so that makes sense, that makes sense.
Dom fueled by love and determination vows to help Lettie remember and reclaim their last years together.
That's so beautiful.
The team faces unimaginable odds. This isn't really as romantic as I thought.
Yeah, they are not.
I'm kind of disappointed, but whatever.
The team faces unimaginable odds as they battled Deckard and Terrorist named Jaconde, who wants to use the God's eye to gain control over the global surveillance system.
Deckard is driven by his desire for revenge while Dom fights for the love of his family and the chance to build a future with Lettie.
I think it was just focusing on Dom's love for Lettie, really. I think that's what it did.
Which has, like, so little to do with the plotline though, that was mainly actually the last movie more so.
But all right. In the end, Dom and his crew pull off an incredible heist in Abu Dhabi, and Dom finally gets his chance to face Deckard.
Their intense fight ends with Dom emerging victorious, but instead of killing Deckard, he shows him mercy, a testament to his unwavering belief in the power of family.
The film concludes with Dom's crew gathering by the beach.
Morning, the loss of home.
Home, yeah?
Home and on and on.
Han, and celebrating their victory.
Lettie gets back in the car with Dom.
Finally ready to embrace their love in the world.
He doesn't.
I don't know.
Finally ready to embrace their love in the life they always dreamed of having together.
It's about the way.
Brian O'Connor is seeing playing on the beach with his son, a heartwarming moment symbolizing that he will always be part of their family.
The film ends with Dom driving off into the sunset at peace, knowing his family is safe.
And, and that he and Letty have a second chance at love.
I looked at Drew during the family as a part for us podcast, Carla Sinners, because for those of you that haven't caught up yet, Paul Walker's dead.
So, at the end of that scene, by the way, I don't know if people have noticed or if this is me overthinking things, but I am pretty sure they broke the fourth wall at the very end scene when they were like,
"Just look, all you have to do is look."
And I'm just like, "Oh my gosh, you're talking about something else."
They at least twice in the movie that broke the fourth wall and I felt like it was the right one.
Letty, her emotions, sold it for me.
So, I think, there was that last scene where when they do the flashback and they do him talk like Vin Diesel or Domic Trio talking, even though he's talking about Brian O'Connor, you can tell that it's really more of a respect to Paul Walker.
I love that last scene.
And they were very intentional about the scenes they picked in the flashback and how it connected to the different characters.
You saw them break that whole breaking the fourth wall, at least in that scene, started when they were on the beach and all of them were like, "Oh, everything is different now."
I did think everything they did with Paul Walker, the sentiment, it was intentional.
And another thing I really liked, this was more of them thinking about it as a movie versus like the respectfulness to the actor, whatever.
Because I remember this one when we saw Fast and Furious 7, you didn't know how they were going to address the whole Paul Walker's dead.
So one thought, one per...
Provading theory was, there's gonna be an on-screen death for Brian O'Connor.
And if you remember the movie, they gave him so many opportunities.
And so that was...
It is a bit of a letdown to the last thing we see Brian O'Connor do that's like significant and saves the world, is plugging in his phone.
Yeah, so that last scene when he's rushing...
I mean, there was a cool fight scene going upstairs, but the whole thing was he's running with his phone to plug it to a thing, to reinstall God's eye or to re-hack God's eye.
So like his big heroic moment was taking the phone out and plug, like it's a charger.
Oh my gosh.
After all the big things...
Running up a bus?
Like bus?
Whatever, yeah.
Down a cliff and...
Let that be a lesson to all of us, that it doesn't matter in life.
Sometimes you want to do the running of the buses, you want to do the jumping out of a plane parachute in your car.
You want to do these incredible moments, driving backwards in your car, looking at even M&D's with full focus and not looking at you.
You want these epic moments, but sometimes the moment the world needs you to do is plugging in your phone at the top of a staircase.
Exactly, plug it in and then leave it.
No way.
Put your phone away, except when you're listening to us.
Yeah, never put your phone away when the quarter mile box is on.
If anything break up with your girlfriends, tell your friends to stay home, just listen to our voices.
Just listen to our voices.
Speaking of voices, let's talk about some fast-fanned feedbacks.
I've said you all shared with us.
So we had some really good feedback.
I'm going to share some of them.
I have one person dropped us a comment on Reddit.
That was like, this could be the movie review.
This could be the...
I love Reddit so much.
But one of my friends said,
"I think this is the best one by far, hard not to get choked up in the end.
I also loved the villain in the movie as well.
They knocked this one out of the park.
I agree.
I agree to that too.
Good job.
Just on your correct week.
Seven in heaven, Bay-D.
Yeah, there we go.
It's the perfect number and the perfect, fast and furious movie.
Then Peyton also from Facebook, who we hadn't heard of from in a while, so I was glad to hear...
You know, he's still alive.
Thank you.
So he said, "Good action-packed movie with a good storyline."
However, really unrealistic, like hitting each other head on, that was funny.
And then they did it a second time.
I see.
What did you think the results were gonna be?
And then, so like hitting each other head on, then in the end, when the charger hits the Aston Martin
and takes no damage whatsoever.
In the theater, my dad said, "Show room shine."
I don't know if that's how he said it, but when I read it, that's how I picture it.
Sounds pretty legible.
I feel like that's exactly Peyton Lies.
No, if that's how your dad speaks.
I feel like it is.
What makes sense?
And then our buddy Zach also from Facebook said,
"Fast and Furious 7 was one for the ages with lots of emotional pressure to live up to,
as Paul Walker's final fast movie prior to his death."
It honestly felt like they toyed with the audience's emotion, putting Brian in so many scenarios,
which made you think, "Is this the how they kill Brian off?"
I felt the same way when I watched it the first time.
Not to mention, the incredible scene in the end with the white Supra driving off into the sunset,
like the old-fashioned spaghetti western.
I mean, this is our Americans spaghetti western.
This is faster than ours is.
Our is western for--
I mean, we are technically western.
So, yeah, what Americans invented westerns got it.
As you said, Drew, that's me, by the way, the movie completely denies reality with the car
stunts, almost giving it a mission impossible with cars feel, or adventures with cars.
There's so many things.
A pair of shooting from planes jumping between buildings, passing passengers from one vehicle
and another under a small bridge to avoid the aircraft, I could almost see Tom Cruise in
the brainstorming session.
I would love it if Tom Cruise was in a fast-so-fuelish movie.
That would be so much more possible crossover.
Let's do it.
That would be a cool crossover.
Overall, a fantastic ride and tear jerking Andy that whizz Khalifa nails with seal again.
I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it.
That's what you say.
And then Zach Elay is with a nice positive commentary.
Love your work, y'all.
Thanks for another quarter of mile to enjoy.
I think that makes a mile in three quarters now.
Good job.
A mile in three quarters?
That's cute.
I like it.
It's actually a cool guy.
That's cool.
All right.
Then this next one came from Sarah Kwell from Reddit.
And this could have been the plot somewhere, honestly.
I love seven.
It's tight and well-paced.
It has genuinely good emotional, emotional family moments and has a great villain.
Villains, actually.
Deckard Chaud and Mozy Jiconde.
Deckard Chaud was the best villain in Haggard, Dennis, and the entire franchise in my opinion.
He was an indestructible badass who was only stuffed because they blew up a parking garage
and collapsed on him.
I hate it when that happens.
All the time.
He's played by Jason Stam, who is a real-life badass.
So I'm not surprised that Deckard Chaud turned out to be so indestructible.
When they hauled Chaud off to prison in his final scene, he didn't even have a scratch
on him.
And he was doing it to all to avenge his family.
So he was like the anti-dog.
But it's true.
That's what makes him so beautiful.
The best villain is he is literally Dominic Toretto, if Dominic Toretto pissed off Dominic
He's dead.
A lot of people after him, apparently.
He was part of a shadow organization, a rogue soldier.
Just one character.
And I do think Hobbs and Shaw adds to his depth a little bit.
Naturally, they had to redeem him and to bring him into the franchise family in the next
movie because you just can't hit a guy who is motivated by his love for family.
Moe's Jaconde was also a strong villain.
Either one of these guys could have carried the story.
But having two strong villains like this in the film made the story more thrilling to watch.
You never know which one of them is going to pop up.
There were fabulous driving and stunt work scenes through the entire film.
Ramsley's God's Eye device was impossibly powerful, but very cool.
I think the only silly moment.
I'm glad that she only caught one.
The only silly moment for me was Dom driving the car through a couple skyscrapers.
Excuse me.
That was a great moment.
That was great.
I believed that one.
That was great.
A couple skyscrapers, but even that sequence was well shot in fun to watch.
I didn't even blink when they parachuted the cars out of a plane onto a scary mountain to
road to rescue Ramsley.
There were strong family moments throughout the film too.
Letty got her memory back through the power of love.
She literally Brian was recessed already.
She was like, stop bringing him back to life.
My memories will heal him.
I remember.
I remember.
Somehow he came back.
Built time.
That was my worst of in diesel impression.
That's the way that he thought he was going to get her memory back.
He's like, let me just fake my dough.
He probably did it all on purpose.
I didn't really do that.
I'm going to do this to her like she did to me.
How did it feel?
The film ended with a powerful bittersweet emotional homage by two Paul Walker.
The series has not been the same without them.
They could have easily stopped with seven.
Everything after seven feels like a different franchise.
I like eight because it's fun, but nine and ten don't interested me at all.
For me, five and seven were peak fast and furious.
Sarah, I completely agree.
I hope you make it to Memphis to crap online with the rest of us.
I hope that I would love to, what, love your insight on that.
This movie really did feel like they were ending the series.
It had a lot of tie-in to earlier movies.
I loved all the, my favorite tie-in, I don't know if you know it, it was like subtle.
I didn't know it was in this rewatch, but when they were doing the bridge chase scene and
Paul Walker was like, we're going to take it old school and then he somehow drops his
wheels in a way that doesn't make sense.
Then they started driving under the trucks like they did in the back one.
Yeah, like they did in the back one.
That's how I thought.
Yeah, I thought that was my favorite scene in the movie.
There was a couple things though that I felt like we're a little bit of callbacks.
I can't remember all of them.
So when they were on the bridge, they used a lot of scenes.
Obviously they brought up the sandwich thing again.
Yeah, the sandwich thing.
The Hector from Race Wars, who got much better.
Yeah, Race Wars.
And then going to the first one.
Yeah, Race Wars.
Yeah, where he was practicing his driving in Fast One or some of the scenes they'd used.
The house.
The house.
Well, it's not there anymore, but it was.
Yeah, it was.
I loved at the end when they were trying to have the sentimental moment and they were
zooming out in a completely destroyed house.
It was like, speaking of completely destroyed, how many bombs was in that box?
Because here's my thing.
I'm sorry, not to interject.
No, no, please interject.
But let's take a moment here real quick and think about some mathing.
Okay, that box he set at the house, first explosion that we are presented in the movie, right?
We're not really technically the first, but like the big boy explosion.
We're like, okay, that's crazy, right?
All right, so then later on in the movie, we see that they put these big boy explosion things
in a bag, you know, not to ruin this for you guys.
I'm spoiled a little.
I'm afraid.
We forgot to tell you that we're going to talk about the movie in this podcast.
Homs goes and he puts it in the plane, whatever.
There's pretty much like the last of these bomb explosions that is obviously Deckard Shaw's
explosion things and he loved his grenades.
He loved his grenades.
Oh my goodness.
But we saw maybe like what's it's about 10 to 20 in a bag or something.
Yeah, maybe puts it in there, whatever explosion happens.
Here's where I get confused.
How many bombs was in that box compared to the amount of bombs in that bag because I feel
like that explosion that happened with the aircraft was way less than that.
They had a whole vestful grenade in the aircraft.
But I don't know, I don't know.
It's been a while, so I've never bombed anyone before, but I feel like whatever.
Yeah, I know.
I bombed a lot on stage, but I never bombed an actual building.
So that's, you know, that's stay tuned next month when we talk about the fate of the furious
and I talk about my first act of terrorism.
That's terrible.
Is that how we get we're going to get canceled?
So this is the episode.
This is the, anyway, I just feel like maybe like whatever he
whatever kind of bomb or material he used in the box was like a bigger, more explosive,
more CO2, more, I don't know.
He pissed off.
Yeah, he knew what he was doing.
He was like, why waste it on that house?
I loved the scene with that girl, where they found him in the God's eye.
They brought in all the people and he's just in their eating a meal.
And he's like, hold on.
Which I don't know if your brain thinks like this, but like mine does where it's like,
he got there early and set up the food like he brought at some point he cooked food where
he or Uber eat at it and like he brought it there.
And he had to tell someone, okay, I want you to set up my table right there.
Yeah, in this warehouse.
And they're like, do you need anything else like a public place to eat?
Like no, this is, trust me.
This is what I'm saying.
And then I do feel like this movie had the two potentially dumbest lines in the series.
I'm sorry.
That's me.
Wait, is it was it was gonna be your last meal?
He's like, is all you brought?
He's like, I'm insulted.
So when he was, when he revealed, when Decker-Char revealed that he was working with the
other guy, he's like, friend of my friends, my enemies.
And then Dom said like, I don't got friends.
I got family.
I would have loved for Decker-Char to be like, okay.
He literally, he brings in like a scary guy with all these people.
I mean, I'm gonna be honest here, as much as this is my favorite movie, it still doesn't
really make a lot of sense.
Of course not.
How did they win?
How did they ever win?
He has a bunch of terrorist friends.
And seriously, all these people are like, got the military grade smarts experience and
tech pretty much and the bodies to beat them up.
And they have more people than the family that Dom has.
But yet, family wins.
Family wins.
Family wins.
Family wins.
And then to me, the dumbest quote in all of Fast and Furious franchise is in their final
fight when he's like, think about fighting on the street, sometimes street wins.
And then he jumps on the ground.
And then he takes him to the higher grounds.
And then he's like, it's like, but see, we're seven movies in and part of my brain is like,
well, yeah, that makes sense.
So this is the Hulk, but in Dom's body, I guess.
I wouldn't want to be able to speak.
I mean, bullets don't earn them car crashes on them.
Although he did technically almost die this time.
First time in six movies that we see him get hurt.
But by that, he literally reversed his way back off of a cliff.
Do you think anyone?
But almost.
I would have loved to hear like Teja, someone's like, come on, you've been through worse.
You've been through the worse.
Like was it just the last straw?
Like the straw that broke the camel's back?
He's just like, oh, this is way too much for me.
Finally all my pain is getting up to him.
It's like all of his adrenaline, I guess, he just sat down for too long.
And his adrenaline caught up in.
It was a speaking of, you mentioned the Hulk, which makes me think of the rock/hobs.
I thought this movie had the perfect amount of him.
It did.
The daughter scene was pretty cute.
Yeah, the daughter scene.
Every time they, every time they kind of, they used it to make him like humanize him a
little bit.
I like that.
And then I mean, that scene where him and Decker charred fighting, but he's like, hold on a second.
He's like, you're not the IT guy.
And then they get in a fight.
And because of contracts, they don't finish the fight because neither one of them can be
seen losing a fight because after the rock or Vindies will have that in their contract.
All the other action hero actors were like, we want that too.
And so now if there's ever a fight scene with any of the main actors, it always has to
end in a draw or a hero.
Because you could argue the rock didn't lose.
He took a bomb to save Elena.
But technically he didn't die either.
So I do, I do love, I mean, I, I enjoyed Hobbs and Shaw.
I enjoyed that dynamic between the two.
I thought that was a good, they're just goofy, you know, testosterone filled.
They really are.
Fun fact went, so when he's in the hospital and right before he like busts out of the
cast and goes save today, he's watching football footage.
And one of my favorite fun facts about this movie is that footage is a game he was in when
he was in a football player.
He's serious.
And he's just watching his own footage.
Turns it off quickly.
I mean, he did give me game plan vibes.
And that, yeah.
So it could have been very strategic.
Yeah, no, it's just, it was just at this point, they're like, whatever.
Let's have him watch a game of himself.
Yeah, let's kind of throw it back a little.
This is peak like fast and furious making fun of itself movie as well as I like that.
And I, he did have one of my favorite Hobbs lines, which was when he shows up after, you
know, casually crashing a ambulance into, you know, breaking his cast off flexing.
Flexing, yeah.
When Letti was like, did you bring the Calvary and he's like, woman, I am the Calvary.
I loved that line so much.
That might take the cake from my favorite Hobbs line.
And he said some good ones.
Of course, I mean, think finally this movie brought back women being objectified at a race
and tight clothing.
I know that was what you've been missing so much.
I'm glad you brought that up, Drew, because here's the thing about the objectifying of the
And this movie, honestly, when they brought it back to that, the women were way more
I mean, there were, yes, there were definitely a couple of the shots or whatever, but I
probably if I was playing a shot game at the time, which I don't do that really at all.
If I were taking a shot game, I probably would have only taken like a couple of shots, honestly,
whereas if we were in the first or second movie, I would have been hammered after two seconds.
I think we talked about that for the second movie, where I like it.
I think they're getting socially aware.
There's definitely a difference between the eight 2001 movie versus the 2015 movie.
Which is, I mean, it makes sense.
It's growing with the times.
It's having to adapt.
We're in a different culture.
They were making fun of that masculine chauvinistic, so like, the joke, the movie joke was like
when Ramsay showed up, like both Ted Jenner and Roman were like, in honor.
And like when Roman was like, "Dibs," they made fun of that.
Whereas I feel like in 2001, they were like, "Well, he did call dibs, I guess I'll let go."
That is how women work.
It's kind of like that shrimp restaurant, the bar, the third-second movie, third or second movie,
third movie, second movie, fast, too fast to feel.
Yeah, they did have shrimp, yeah.
I think it was like that.
Yeah, where they were.
The dibs, he had dibs.
Yeah, all the women just dance.
Yeah, absolutely.
Yeah, we're not there anymore.
So good job, guys.
Way to progress through the time.
We want to look at how society has progressed, fast and furious, man.
The movie, and you know the movie we're going to keep going.
Once we get to fast and furious, 100, like, who knows?
Like, who knows what life lessons will be learned by fast and furious.
It's all going to be made by AI.
We have 100 fast and furious power.
All awkward, we'll be back.
Yeah, everybody's going to be back, honestly.
One last job.
There is a lot of explosions, which I myself really like, by the way.
Explosions, I love things went like the car racing is really cool fun, all that stuff.
Yes, yes, yes.
But the dynamics of the fight scenes and like the contrast in the way how things like would
go from scene to scene and the way they would change things, I really liked that because
it wasn't just, I'm being this guy up in a race or I'm, you know, beating this guy up
because he's a bad guy or whatever.
But this time we're in a random party scene and we're having to be secretive, like little
agents or I'm in Dubai jumping through three giant towers or, you know, ran after vandees
will picked up the car with his, you know, right?
I will, I will mention that though.
They kind of made him seem more human in that because Paul Walker was making a joke.
He's like, how you got this?
You got this?
He was like taking his own time and Dom's just like, yeah, he looked like it was struggling
and struggling a little bit, but I'm like, okay, I believe that if that car is bulletproof
and heavy, it's super.
And also the fact that it went through all of that.
That was a good job on those muscles, Vin.
That's what I'm saying.
You were talking about the fight scenes.
I thought they do a really good job with the fight scenes and the, I mean, yes, they're
over the top and ridiculous, but you can almost just like it, the original fast and
very serious is like you could tell the characterizations by the cars they drove.
When you watch the fight scenes, you could see the characterizations of the characters through
how they felt like.
It's their own style.
And I thought that was kind of cool.
Like watching Michelle Rodriguez fight Ronda Rousey, you know, you already knew Ronda Rousey
is fighting, but like seeing this like street girl just like go down.
Pulled out that little knife.
And then, you know, Vin Diesel and Jason Sadam were there fighting with the street stuff.
And the wrench.
Come on, Dom.
You know how to use that, buddy?
We know about that.
He brought, yeah.
I love how he, he brought the gun out.
We see this big moment where he's like sawing off a shotgun and getting prepped up for it.
Takes one shot like that.
I don't need this.
Don't bring a gun to a sword fight.
I don't know.
I don't got guns.
I got family.
We've got both guns right here.
It's a lot of guns.
Got thunder and lightning.
Don't be cross.
I don't know.
And then, and then, uh, Deckard Shaw bust out a, uh, windshield wiper blade, which I don't
think could, I don't think that could be a weapon, right?
Like that.
That's like a blaze like a sword.
So I don't know.
Put in the hands of Deckard Shaw, Flash Jason Sadam.
Anything is good.
So whatever he touches turns the gold.
I did have a few things that I pointed out that I, I guess I would call them low lights
or dimmers, if you will.
And, uh, first for me, uh, the movie started with such a focus on Hans death.
And then by the end of the movie, I completely forgot about Han and that they were like starting
to do this for Han.
And like nobody ever was like, we avenged Han or like, what are, I miss Han and less time
and forget about who cares about Jazell at this point.
They were like, right.
Like, like, I think it's because even in the fast and furious universe, they're like, they're
not really dead.
I mean, we come back from death all the time.
They didn't even bury Jazell is my thing.
They buried Han and put Jazell's picture on his burial coffin.
Maybe she was in the coffin too.
I don't know.
Probably not.
That's weird.
I want to be buried together.
I don't know.
I, I think the, I go backwards and forwards because I do think the leadied memory loss,
slash, remembering, thing was kind of dumb.
I kind of forgot about her in the movie.
Like, I felt like she was kind of like, she just kind of appeared at her end of points in
the, we probably could have done without that.
Honestly, like, without the whole memory loss thing.
I don't know.
I feel like that was a weird reset.
Yeah, but I, I like her so much as a character that I was like, cool with it.
I was like, all right.
Let's see.
I, the way she's still here.
So, yeah.
We're good.
I definitely, I just feel like she has, she definitely has the most like character development
of all the female characters.
She does.
And I would say she's like top three, I should, you know, the, all the other characters.
So she's definitely, but she's, I mean, she was one of the OGs.
So that makes sense.
So she's just not a girl's girl.
So, um, which fits in fast.
They're like, we're gonna, we're gonna give her the social status of a man.
It totally fits.
All those action sequences were fantastic.
They were so good.
And the last one they had two big ones.
This one they're like, let's have three big ones.
I feel like by eight, it's just like, it's one big action sequence.
The whole movie is just that.
This was one of the ones that I remembered a little bit more of anyways.
But also like, I wasn't upset because the rock was in it at about like decent capacity.
Just enough.
Just enough.
And again, through in a little bit of funny, little like, I mean, did give me game plan vibes.
So it was kind of like a little dose of childhood regardless.
So here's some, um, furious facts for y'all.
Um, so first one over 230 cars were destroyed, turning the filming of the movie.
I looked at it.
I saw that and I was like, that seems low.
I was pretty low to me too.
Her shooting out of, yeah.
So we talked about Paul Walker and how they kind of included in some of Paul Walker's dialogue
and footage.
We're taken from the purious, purious, previous, previous, fast and furious films.
For example, Brian's conversation with Mia in the Dominican Republic garage is actually
deleted scene from fast five.
Similarly, the playing conversation between Dom and Brian has every shot of Walker rotoscoped
from the conversation with Dom about their father's in fast five.
So that, but think about this though, Mia, the acting still had to act after Paul Walker
died in those scenes.
She was listening from, uh, recordings of him from two movies ago.
That's gotta be not fun.
That's still, yeah.
That would still definitely be pretty rough.
So Furious 7 is the first film in the series to reach one billion at the box office.
Makes sense.
This film is the second highest grossing motion picture released by Universal Pictures in
the history of this studio.
What was the first?
I don't know.
Y'all looked that up.
Someone tell us what the first movie is.
This is my favorite random fact because we both talked about how we enjoyed two fast
two-fieries and goofy storyline.
So John Cena Tiempo, I'm not sure if I'm saying that correctly.
You played Corpy in two fast two-fieries.
The driver of the blue Yenkin 69 Camaro lost to Brian.
So one of like the one of the Puerto Rican guys or Italian guys or whatever.
Oh yeah.
He can be seen briefly as the driver of one of the black Mercedes AMG compressor S55.
Of course we all know what Gar that is.
In the mountain chase scene.
So he was one of the drivers.
Just randomly in the...
I mean, I will say I saw a couple of faces that were pretty familiar to me.
So it could be some sort of thing where I subconsciously...
Good for you.
I had no idea.
Like I...
I'm good with faces.
I'm not good with names.
Next time I watch it, like I'll knowing that that's the fact I'll look for it and I'll probably
notice it, but I genuinely had no idea.
But I think...
But that just goes to show you that maybe this one was meant to be the bow to tie the
whole series together.
You're just bringing in all the stops, whatever to get people in, but that's kind of fun.
That is fun.
I like that.
That's cool.
Movie and villain ranking.
Let's see what villain rankings.
How do we feel?
Also, you tell me how we should do this.
Do we want to count two villains here?
Or do we just want to count Shaw's?
He was the main villain for this.
I mean, I think it's two of them.
I think it's two of them.
That guy was pretty...
He was pretty scary.
He had a good vibe.
He had a good villain vibe.
They both...
They both could do...
We'll give this movie two villains.
So where...
Do you want to look at your ranking?
Well, I even know what...
My number one is...
So I know that Deckard Shaw is number one.
Deckard Shaw is number one.
I mean, he's definitely the best villain.
He's definitely the best villain.
I would probably put Jaconde...
Honestly, he's probably tied.
So he's probably just...
It's probably just Deckard Jaconde.
Carter Owen Braga, DK Tran...
And then Rayas.
Tran like a see...
Tran like a see...
Tran like a see...
Good movies.
Good movies.
Terrible villain.
The good movie.
I'm gonna deviate from what I normally would say.
So my problem is Deckard in this movie.
Even though I loved his character, it was just...
He just showed up at random times.
They could have like avoided...
They could have just chosen not to help Mr. Nobody and just waited for him.
I mean, the argument was like, well, maybe more people were gonna die before you do that.
But like, he wasn't very good at killing...
I mean, it's time for Ron.
He wasn't very good at killing them.
He made a lot of shots.
He did.
Um, really?
And his whole like motivation was, you bruised...
injured my brother.
Not killed.
You put him in the hospital, which I love that scene where the first scene you see, where he just destroys an entire hospital.
And he's like, make sure he gets the best care he could.
And they're like, they're probably like, well, if you didn't destroy our hospital, maybe we could have.
But anyway.
Um, so I'm gonna actually put him under Owen.
So he's my number two.
He's my number two because in my brain, Owen had more of a villainous story.
Like, he was like the anti-dom, literally like, he was all about strategy, um, and all that.
And then he kind of goofed at the end.
He kind of got a little want man at the end as his plans run rambling.
But like, to me, he was a better villain.
I understood him more.
But I do, I do like the other Shaw as well.
So Deckard's going to be number two.
Um, Jaconde, I'm gonna, you know, he was good, but like, I like...
I care about him as much as I did Owen, Deckard, and Carter.
So he's gonna actually be my fourth spot.
Um, but yeah, so, and, uh, I'm gonna have our time with next month's villain because if we just had eight,
to me, she would have been the best villain in the entire series, loved her.
But then like, the problem is, is we have nine and ten, and she's still a little bit in those movies.
And I feel like they make her less villainous.
Ah, she is.
Yes, I, I mean, what, I remember leaving eight thinking that was the best fast and furious villain.
But then the rest of the movies happen and I'm like, well, not so anyway, we'll get there.
Movie rankings.
This is my number one.
I can agree with that.
To quote, semi-quote Parker, Flaak, Furious Seven all day, every day.
All day, every day.
We love you, Parker.
Thank you for being on this podcast.
Yeah, that was a good episode.
But, but yeah, so this was...
Go check out that episode on the episode.
Yeah, number five.
We had an awesome guest who knows more about cars than I...
Both of us.
Okay, I was gonna say at least me, but for sure.
Definitely both of us.
But, cool.
So did you say this one was also your...
Yeah, this one's definitely my number one.
It's the one that I saw on theaters, actually.
That's all this one, theaters too.
So this is good one.
Because I don't know.
I don't think I saw the other ones in theaters.
I don't believe so.
Welcome back to Bailey's Best Bits.
Love it.
Where we realize my favorite bits.
So this is...
I'm actually telling you all what it is.
It's the fight scenes.
So these are my favorite fight scenes.
Because we have a lot of fight scenes in this movie.
And a lot of very good fights.
If I might add, I mean, honestly, what I'm upset about the AI plot summary is the fact
that it didn't make the fight scenes romantic.
It did not do a very good romantic job.
I feel like they nailed happy and angry, but apparently robots don't know much about love.
But instead it was sleepy and dopey.
So, huh?
That was bad.
So anyways, the first one, of course, I'm just going to go in, you know, time relevance.
You got Hobbs vs. Shaw.
Obviously that's a movie.
So, um, them and the, uh, wasn't that like the office?
The co-op office.
He was stamping on the night still incredibly sweaty.
Like, you just had to work out before.
That's where...
That's what it meant.
That is where he was eating his last meal.
Um, whatever.
So obviously since nobody can beat the rock, you had a very large and long, um, fight scenes.
So, that was fun.
And then you've got Rhonda Rousey, Cara apparently is her name.
I don't remember, uh, them saying her name, but when I looked it up, he said Cara.
'Cause I couldn't even remember if she had a movie name.
I was like, what was her...
She thought she was Cara?
Security guard.
She was just a security guard.
Also, they were definitely like red barons.
Um, it was all of these WWE like MMA looking women, um, but I was like, those are the red barons.
I guess I'm red barons.
That's pretty cool.
I feel I don't know what that is.
That's pretty fun.
So, um, so yeah, the Rhonda Rousey versus Lady Fight, that was pretty epic.
And of course, that was off so lengthy one.
Also, I found that on YouTube and I wanted to interject and say YouTube comment that I found
that said, um, the actress who can't fight versus the fighter who can't act.
I mean, I thought she did okay for her part.
If you're a WWE, is she an MMA or WWE?
Or both.
Both, okay.
Well, that makes sense.
Thank you.
I'm gonna be serious.
Because WWE, it definitely has the cheese.
So, that's...
It's so is the rock.
But the next one, Dom and Shaw's fight as well, um, which was like the final street fight.
But they fought each other already.
Um, but I wanted to just highlight mainly the last street fight once.
So, it's the last one.
Um, so you've got the Hobbs versus Shaw, Rhonda versus Ledi, and then the Dom versus Shaw.
Here's the thing.
I know already what I'm gonna guess, but I'm afraid that you're tricking me.
Because I remember in Too Fast Too Furious, I was just a certain about my answer.
And I was like, this is it.
And then you had played me.
Because like, you went through the most detail on the answer that I'm gonna pick.
But that could have been your way of like messing with me to make me think, but see like to me,
even before you mentioned them, I was like, this is gonna be the one she picks.
And like, I'm making the...
I'm potentially making the same mistake that I made, like five episodes ago, which is going with my gut,
which has gotten me into many problems in my life.
This might be one of those, but also that like my tragic flaw is there's a little guy in my brain that's like,
"No, you're right.
Go with it.
Oh, he's...
Go with your gut."
And then like, immediately after I hear a voice, I'm like, "What were you thinking?"
So my gut is firmly telling me, and it's because I also agree with it, that the best fight was Rhonda versus Ledi.
Or, as you think, Cara versus Ledi?
Supposedly Cara versus Ledi.
So, am I right?
Ah, no.
I did the "Dawn" versus "Shaw" one actually.
That makes sense, that was the big thing.
Because it's like the big fight at the beginning that really like puts "Shaw" on the ground.
So, this is the most grand fight.
It was the most grand fight.
Not like, actually dead though.
He survived it.
He literally is like looking up through a sinkhole and he's like, "Hello, you know, you can still see him."
I'm like, "All right, well, we're just gonna forget that this guy is in a giant hole."
Yeah, he makes it through.
He's fine.
We have another quarter mile spotlight for you.
If this is your first time listening to our quarter mile spotlight, basically, we love uplifting and kind of shining a light.
On creatives, we think that are doing well and doing cool things that we like and their friends of ours.
And so, we just kind of let you know.
And then if it's something you're interested in, there's ways you can learn more about it and participate.
So, this month, our quarter mile spotlight is a good friend of mine named Josh Gilmore.
He runs a group called Highwater Comedy.
A highwater started in 2023 as an Instagram account to share event announcements and video clips of local comedians to generate more interest in comedy shows in Memphis area.
In September of 2018-23, we were asked to produce our first comedy show in Memphis at the Memphis Current.
And while producing shows isn't what we set out to do, we decided to accept the challenge and produce the Inside joke on October 6, 2023.
Since then, we've been working with some of the best talents from across the country.
I'm one of those best talents.
To create a unique comedy experience for our growing audience, promote and incubate up and coming comics, and produce YouTube and social media content, and grow our local community.
So, yeah, so he's doing some amazing things in Memphis comedy.
Memphis comedy has a special place in my heart.
I did comedy for six years and I absolutely love their community.
And he has two shows that I've been part of.
One's at Ex Up Grill in Germain Town.
It's a wonderful brunch place.
Also, that's a great comedy once a month.
And he's partnered with the Clean Comedy Collective, which is my group that does comedy there.
And then he has another show, a weekly show at Tony's Trophy Room every Sunday night.
And I just did that one, not too long ago.
The last time we filmed podcast, so like two weeks ago for us, eight weeks ish for you guys.
Anyway, and that's a wonderful show too.
So if you're in the Memphis area and statistically 16% of you are, those are shows to check out if you want to.
And we'll link all of his stuff, Highwater Comedy does a lot of awesome things.
And lastly, Josh's thoughts on Fast and Furious.
He said, "The first film is a classic.
Even though we car enthusiasts make so much fun of it when it came out, the franchise has gotten pretty wide.
But it works well for comedic effect."
It really does.
It does. It's a fun goofy movie.
At this point, no one watches the movie, but well, that's accurate.
But we watch it and we have a good time.
But Josh is a great Memphis friend of mine.
Speaking of Memphis, don't forget Memphis, Tennessee, high tone, September 21st.
We're doing our live action live audio recording, live audience recording.
What do we call those things?
Just a live show.
Yeah, it's gonna be a live show.
It's there.
We're filming our episode in person and we're hoping.
Yeah, all of our Memphis friends.
We hope you come out.
It's a great spot.
If you haven't been to the high tone yet, you really need to.
There's also comedy show happening right after the show.
So like, you can make a whole night out of it.
But our family discount.
We'll give you a family discount.
If you come to the podcast, we'll let you go into the You Look Like show afterwards.
Which I'm in.
I get to roast people.
It'll be fun.
I'll be representing Team Nashville.
I love that.
And it's a roast show.
Oh my gosh.
So show up for that too.
Well guys, that's been our episode.
Thank you so much as always for watching.
Oh, this episode will come out in a few weeks.
But that's not important to you because you'll hear it when it does come out.
So this is episode seven.
We had a lot of fun.
We can't wait to talk about the fate of the series next month.
You all.
So we hope you tune in then.
And as always, live your life a quarter mile of a time.
Enjoy a podcast.
Have fun.
Do something.
Create something.
Just enjoy life.
And I think everyone's hating life right now.
And this is just your friendly reminder that life is meant to enjoy.
Be enjoyed.
So have a good time.
And we'll see you next month.
And Vin Diesel for president.
Let's go.
I'm just kidding.