The Quarter Mile Podcast
Join Drew Davis and friends on this "Fast and Furious Themed" Movie rewatch podcast. We started by reviewing the Fast & Furious series, and then we just kept going! Come talk films with us!
This Podcast is all about chill vibes, having fun while talking about movies, and connecting with friends and our podcast community. Life Is Short, so live it one Quarter Mile at a Time!
The Quarter Mile Podcast
Fast & Furious 6
In this month's episode, Drew and Bailey talk cancel culture, rant about the Rock, share their Vigilante moments, and oh yeah...review Fast & Furious 6! Join us as we continue the ride down memory lane as we rewatch all the Fast and Furious movies.
Thank you for watching/listening and we hope you continue to rewatch these movies with us. Please connect with us online and participate in our polls and growing community!
Drew Davis:
Bailey Jackson:
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A special thanks to our videographer Alan, and here's his info!
R. Alan Ingalls
@ralaningalls on everything
The Attention Company
@theattnco on everything
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This month's QUARTER MILE SPOTLIGHT was Bryan Upshaw who is the founder and president of the GTAS foundation! Hear all about what this amazing organization does in our podcast episode, and here are the links to learn more and to support!
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[outro music]
Welcome back to the Quarter Mile Podcast!
I don't know if you can hear the ambulance sirens in the background or not, and if you can't it's really weird that I'm mentioning them, but we're here at the Quarter Mile Podcast!
Woo! Sound the alarm!
Oh, that was the sixth! I know! It was such a big deal!
The police, they were like someone must be injured from the awesomeness of this podcast.
Exactly, because we're killing it!
Show stopping and killing it, I guess that's the only one actually that's good.
No, I like show stopping. We're literally, I don't know, we're so glad you're with us on the Quarter Mile Podcast.
Episode 6, we're reviewing Fast and Furious 6, so that's pretty exciting.
Fast 6.
Fast 6, yeah. Bailey is anything exciting or awesome?
Let's see here, awesome.
Yeah, what awesome things do you have going on?
Assum should be the opposite of awesome, so awesome, like good stuff.
Assum is like, this made me feel like an ass.
Some, a little.
So yeah.
Well, I decided to kind of go back to home base with a job.
Not gonna say where I work just for disclosure, because I don't want y'all to actually pop up there.
I'm a sassin.
I'm a sassin, yeah.
A little bit.
A person.
I will, yeah, jab.
So, that's pretty nice, and I'm just kind of finding a balance of that with life again, I guess,
and kind of trying to focus on music a little bit more.
But we'll get there when we get there.
Right now, I'm just kind of enjoying the slow parts and taking a breather.
So, just so y'all know, you need to take a breather.
If you're not taking a break in life, then you're not living.
You're just literally aimlessly going.
You need to take a present breather just to take three seconds right now and just kind of realize your present in this moment.
And then we're good.
Fast and furious.
Twitter mile at a time.
I'm gonna have to follow that.
Go ahead and pause this podcast for three seconds.
Pause this podcast.
Or if you're driving, don't.
Maybe not that.
Just close your eyes.
Just close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
Listen to the voice.
That's cool.
Anyways, yeah, that's pretty much.
What about you, Drew?
What have you been doing?
I've been good.
So, this month in June, it's been pretty chill, but getting a lot of things going on, kind of expanding what I'm doing.
So, when I first started this entertainment journey, it was mostly just performing stand-up comedy.
But now with the podcast, with the Clean Comedy Collective, which is a group of show producers, we do.
We put on clean shows with a teaching stand-up comedy with consulting with Camille.
I guess my everything is just expanded.
So, this month has been a lot of like rebranding.
And actually, I haven't heard of it.
Now, we've branded it a quarter mile entertainment, totally based off of like the name of this podcast.
And the rationale of bringing quarter mile moments to everything.
So, that's something exciting.
And then last month in May, which I know our last episodes at the end of May, but like I hadn't been talking to you since like earlier in May.
So, since then, I went on a bit of a tour and I hit a bunch of...
I was like, "It's a mod in Atlanta.
And Kansas.
I forgot Kansas exists, but it stills there."
And so, I got to do a lot of shows and travel.
And that's the most fun part of comedy for me is.
So, that's cool, but this month and next month is a lot more just kind of staying at home, based.
And kind of similar doing what you're doing, like kind of staying local, kind of recalibrating, figure things out.
Kind of goes back to like what you were saying, like taking it a little bit slower, you know, I think that's important.
We have some really exciting news about just upcoming quarter mile podcast stuff.
I think the most important thing is in September 21st, when we record our ninth episode, when we review fast nine,
we are actually doing a live episode recording in Memphis, Tennessee at the high tone.
And it's gonna be so much fun.
It's gonna be awesome.
There will be opportunity for people to come and be in the audience while we're recording.
You can be a part.
And we'll have space to where people can like interject their opinions.
And we're still figuring out the fundamentals and how to do what we wanna do.
But it's gonna be a really cool episode. It's gonna be interactive for any one in the audience.
Or if you just wanna come and watch it, you're more than welcome to.
Again, this is in Memphis, Tennessee at the high tone on September 21st.
And it's kind of interesting.
Memphis right now, according to our statistics of our podcast, Memphis is our number one place that people are listening to.
That makes sense.
Our top three are Memphis National Unchakson, which also.
That makes a lot of sense.
Right, like that.
Like, are two homes and then--
Yeah, it's demographic.
Yeah, yeah.
So anyway, so we really hope you guys come to that.
I mean, if you're in Memphis, it's really easy for you to come to it.
If you're in Jackson, not that big of a drive.
And you know what?
If you're in Nashville, suck it up and come.
I'm coming from Nashville, you should do it.
There will be information about it on our Facebook page.
And I'm sure other pages, but it's at the quarter mile podcast.
And also, yeah, again, Memphis, if you can drive, do it.
You know, be a part of the family.
And it is a free event.
Join us.
We'll accept donations, but it is a free event.
And you can get your ticket as early as right now as you're listening to this podcast.
Just the phone.
Yeah, so while you're driving, as you're taking your moment, as you're listening to this podcast,
go and pull your phone out and go ahead and get that ticket.
While you're driving.
That's not.
It's cool.
Keep up with us on our socials and all the things that we do, the quarter mile podcast,
on most things except for TikTok, it's just quarter mile podcasts.
Right, because it's--
Yeah, because it's--
So we are on episode six.
We are on movie six of the Fast and Furious.
We are for sure going to be doing 10 episodes of "Face You Have The Season."
A lot of people have been asking me about season two.
I'll be honest with you here on the podcast to be where it falls line this entire time.
Like, actually, we're not even filming.
We're just in the Bailey's room talking to ourselves.
We do have a plan for season two.
We are excited about the idea of season two, and we love doing this podcast.
As Bailey kind of mentioned earlier, we both are busy people.
We have a lot going on.
If you want a season two, if you're listening to this podcast and is literally the highlight
of your life, first of all, thank you.
We appreciate that.
Secondly, like, the most accurate way to guarantee a season two is if you donate or help sponsor
this podcast or share some money so that we can help pay for podcast costs.
Or just gas money.
Like dang.
Some of us will go to six in the morning and drove to Jackson, Tennessee.
So, yeah.
Who wants to do that?
So, here are fast and furious six.
Fun fact about this movie is it actually has two titles, right?
So, furious six is what Justin Lin wanted to call it.
When you watch that really cool trailer at the end, it still says furious six, which is
the way of kind of being like, that's the movie title.
I'm sticking to it.
However, race wars would take, I'm thinking race wars has got to come back some points.
I guess the executives or universal or someone higher up than the movie directors was, this
is so dumb to me, but it's funny.
Was afraid that just calling the movie "Furious Six," people wouldn't understand that was part
of fast and furious.
So, they told them that they had to change it to fast and furious six.
And I just love that there's someone in an office somewhere that looked at the movie poster
with Vin Diesel, the rock, Paul Walker, all the cars.
It was all that was furious six and it was like, I don't know, a man just doesn't seem
like this would connect at the rest of the movie.
I guess not.
I don't think anybody would confuse it with like Ocean's eight.
Right, no, they're like, oh, this is an abandoned movie.
Finally, another Star Wars movie and they're bringing Paul Walker into the movie.
Oh my gosh, that explains them going back to Tokyo during the war.
This is the fourth episode is crazy.
Wait, who's got the lightsaber?
Everything except for the American releases, it's "Furious Six."
And when you watch the American movie, it's still "Furious Six."
However, on all the DVD covers and stuff like that, it was fast and furious.
So, there's two titles.
It came out in 2013.
I don't remember what I was doing during this movie.
I know I'm marathon with my friends.
I was either just back into Nashville, or I was still living in Kentucky finishing up
the youth ministry job I was doing there.
I was probably brand new to stand up comedy.
So, I probably was like, I don't, but I genuinely, I've been thinking about this for a month.
I have no idea.
Usually, I remember what I remember when I saw Fast Seven and theaters, or when I saw Fast Five,
but theaters, I had like a random story for each episode.
But this one is like, maybe I didn't exist in 2013.
I don't even remember.
And I was in surgery most of the time, but this time around, I was pretty much like at the time
kind of just done with most of all of that.
So, that's good.
And good for me for getting through my childhood.
I guess.
But like, I think I was finishing up Taekwondo, like a martial arts.
Did you get like a black belt?
But I was in middle school.
Did you get like a black belt?
Yeah, I did.
I got a black belt.
Like, have you ever had a real life fight scene like they do in Fast and Furious,
or you don't have to do a real life fight?
Have you ever like gotten into a bar fight?
And, or like, do you have any cool fights?
What fight story is this basically a lot of masking?
I have one.
And it was, I fought somebody when I was like in first grade, or second grade or something.
And I think I was like a yellow green belt or something at the time.
I'm pretty sure it was at the new park or new playground that they had built at our elementary
And I first started Taekwondo.
I was like, maybe two years in, possibly.
So I was big for my bridges, so like an eight year old.
You're like, I can, I can call you one up two years.
I'm not thinking karate chop, you know, which is not even the correct term for Taekwondo,
different one, I guess.
But I would also, I don't know, I just had too much confidence.
But my friend was being picked on on the playground and it was a girl being picked on by a little
dude, which we all know now that's probably what he was just having a crush or something
was stupid.
But I was like, oh, I'm, I'm, I'm been diesel, so I'm going to beat you up, you know?
So I went over to him and I was like, I'm a yellow brain bow, I can beat you up.
I'm in catalog, no, I'm trying.
And he's like, no, you can't.
But this was elementary school and it was a boy.
So let's think about this here.
Most of the girls usually got a little bigger than the guys within like the very beginning
of elementary school and middle school.
Yeah, we also are going to like, I was always tiny, but this guy was tiny or the me.
I know.
I had the higher ground.
And he was like, what's up, a small person is this where this story is going?
I was, I've been on your side for a while.
He was beating up a small person.
He was beating up my friend that was a girl and he was a guy and it was in elementary school.
So this isn't fair.
So I just grabbed him and I pushed him down to the ground.
This is all in my baby, Bailey head.
Let's say that this actually happened because did it, I don't know, fabricated at least
in my memory and I pushed him down to the ground and I grabbed his arm and I put it on
his back kind of like they do in the movies with like the cops, you know.
That wasn't even a taekwondo move.
I was just tired of him.
You were a vigilante is what you were.
I was a vigilante.
And I was like, nobody can see this.
I would love to see big, big, big of that, you know, in the playground and then I'd love
to play like, then make a video where I play an action music in the background.
That's going to be part of your intro.
This moment.
We love it.
So I had one vigilante moment in my life.
I did.
So I should say that.
Tell us your vigilante moments.
I love all those superhero shows.
One of my favorite shows when I was on air was Aera, did you ever watch Aera?
I love Aera.
My brother loved Aera.
That was a great show.
And so like I was always loved like when he was like tough.
You don't want to be here and stuff like that.
So like Bailey is like, I loved the salmon lighter.
So I was driving back.
I used to live in an amy-occtinacy and if you know anything about natural amy-occtin, I'm
kind of a rougher area, right?
So I was driving back to my house or apartment at the time.
And I just saw something where you just kind of know something's up.
Like there were these teenagers kind of at night as late at night.
And like he just seemed a little bit more handsy and like, you know, right?
Like I could just tell that, you know, it wasn't a great air.
So I stopped my car and I got out and I was like, is everything okay?
And like the way they said yes didn't make me feel like everything was okay.
So I got looked at this guy and with all like the masculinity that I rarely have in my
voice and stuff like that, I was like, I was like, this doesn't end well if you stick
And they do like left and I feel like such an action hero.
And then like I fell back and now there's just like teenage girl that's just like out
in the middle of the road.
Like I'm without thinking about like, oh yeah, I'm a stranger old dude that she's never met.
I was like, oh, do you need to ride back somewhere?
And she was like, no.
Yeah, no.
And then like, in hindsight, like, okay, that's fair.
Like that's fair.
But I feel like I would.
You still have though.
That was nice.
Oh, that was a vindiesel moment.
What's your vindiesel moment?
I'm not saying the rock because they don't give him good lies.
I'm sorry.
What are those?
I'm not sure about our opinions of the movie.
I have a small tire that I want to go on about the rock.
I would love that.
I'm here for it.
So movie came out 2013 and all the usuals came back.
All the big actors, the big names of people and the things to that awesome trailer at the
beginning of the movie.
You got to like recap like, oh my goodness, we're still going this movie.
Still, this series still happening.
Like I was so connected to these actors and like, and the trailer made me think of that.
And so an actor that came for this movie is kind of a bigger name now.
A Gina Carrano, I might be saying her name wrong, but she played Riley Hicks.
She was the rock's like a rock slew tenant who ended up becoming this.
She was familiar.
I didn't know what else she did.
Did you watch the Mandalorian?
I have seen a little bit.
So she had her big role in Mandalorian.
So I was interested to see if you knew like her old back.
So I mean the Star Wars fan.
So she like, like her role in Mandalorian was like killer.
She did like a lot of good stuff with it probably going off for maybe a possible spin off there,
the way that her people were to see her views.
But she, what started with maybe like a small, you know, like I could see, I, I, I, I thought
was maybe a small because like I think people really wanted to hear her talk about what
her pronouns were.
And for a while she didn't respond, which I mean, that's her, that's her information.
Like and people didn't like that.
But then like she threw out some kind of commercial comments on Twitter about it, that pissed her,
some people off.
But then she went like and though it's one of those, and I'm not going to take too much
of our time on our podcast and talk about it.
So one of the, like then she went super right conservative on a whole lot of things.
Part of it might have been because you got cast for like a, like a, a Binship, a Shapiro,
but some of my best.
But like she like, what started off with just like some pronoun debate turned into like
her saying some real crazy stuff.
And whether you agree with it or not, it's your thing.
But like I don't personally agree with it.
But like also I feel like maybe if you're an actor, you think like, oh, I shouldn't say
this where people can quote it.
And yeah, later.
At the end of the day just don't be a butthole.
So she's example someone who not canceled.
I, I have a hard time with that because I think, you know, sometimes I think like it's
crazy to think like someone's lost work over, I don't know.
But at the same time like when I, the more I write about the crazy thing she was saying,
I was like, oh, I mean, that kind of makes sense.
It's not people's, I will say, I was going to say it's not people's opinions that get
them kicked out of, I guess the appearance of Hollywood and whatever.
It's more of like the extrinsist that they add into it and then they get a little aggressive
with these things.
But I don't know.
Sometimes things are just not at the right time.
But maybe 2013 was way before all of that for, for Gina.
And so she's also a former MMA fighter as well.
And so I really, I like to earn this.
I thought she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she was bad made my day.
So yes.
I have a theory after watching this sixth movie is that, um, which I am a part of this generation.
So don't, don't like me for saying this.
I am a part of this cancel culture generation.
It's a specific type of cancel culture generation that I think fast and furious is kind of a
part of like on the TikTok, especially.
That's a lot of my generation that's saturated in that.
And like, it's like, but honestly, even younger, honestly, like 16, even, and those people are
even more in the whole cancel culture, which like, I get it a lot, but at the same time,
these were made like this movie, I guessed that it was between 2012 or 2013.
And I was when thousand percent correct, it is 2013.
So let's think about this.
This was 11 years ago.
Um, it's just, it's just different.
And also it's one of those movies that they weren't making it to be offensive in that way.
It's literally just one of those stupid bro movies that's fun, fast-paced and all that.
So, you know, this is just like, I guess a really quick disclaimer that um, movies are movies.
They're entertainment for a reason.
So for those of you guys that get upset about certain things and movies, I get it.
That's fine.
Just don't watch it.
Like, it's not that big of a deal.
So anyway, I just wanted to say that for all the people out there on social media that's
dogging people for making a podcast.
Let's start a podcast or, you know, dogging for the movies and all of that stuff.
These movies have been out for a while.
They've made a lot of money.
People are famous for a reason.
And um, at the end of the day, everybody has their own opinions.
So, the thing with cancel culture is, I think the intention isn't terrible that it's like,
there are things going on in this world, maybe things are promoted in media or entertainment
that people are like, this isn't good, let's just, let me guess.
There's a balance, right?
And at the end of the day, if you don't like something, a song or a movie or a TV show or some
kind of piece of art in any kind of way, you can choose not to participate in it.
Yeah, sometimes things just don't hit, right?
There was some things that the Rocks said in the movie that I was like, that's not, that's
not right.
That definitely would not be correct in today's terms.
And it's not.
That's why I say cancel culture, but at the same time, again, it was just a joke.
And at that time, it really wasn't thought about it as much, so.
Now we're ready for the AI plot summary.
You want to help?
You want to help a little bit about this particular plot summary?
So, we did this for use, use guys, my little Wisconsin people, I'm just kidding.
This is an AI plot summary that is in the voicing of anger and frustration with the movie,
kind of more along my character and this role in this podcast, because I do love, I mean,
I like the movies, I dig up on them, like I said, don't remember any of them.
So watching it's like I'm getting new perspective on it, which is even better because I'm
adult Bailey now.
No more childhood beating up boys and recess and defending with a girl salad.
I just don't know what I was doing.
I don't really know what's going on.
I didn't know brain like that.
One last job she's in for.
One last job.
Anyways, short and angry AI plot summary, you ready for this?
Let's go.
Catch a ride with us as we go into fast and furious six is a 130 minute front to filmmaking
that caters to the lowest common denominator.
Y'all are important, by the way.
You're not the lowest common denominator.
The plot is a jumble mess of cliches.
Dom Toretto's vendistle crew is offered full bardents for their past grams if they have
British agent Luke Hobbs dwein, the rock Johnson.
Also he's British, but he's British.
He's not even British.
He's full fled American muscle.
That's just my interjection.
Anyways, so the rock take down a former British special forces soldier turned mercenary Owen
Shaw, which is Luke Evans.
Things get personal when they learn Ledi Ortiz, Michelle Rodriguez.
Dom's amnesiac ex-girlfriend has joined Shaw's team.
But who cares about the story?
It's just a flimsy excuse for increasingly absurd action sequences.
I did mention to Drew that if we were to take out all of the races, that it would probably
be of like about 40 minutes of a movie, kind of like of the drive arounds and stuff like
that, they got like about five minutes to 10 minutes of those scenes.
So I'm thinking we could cut out probably about 20 to 30 minutes of that movie without
that, but then it's not fast and furious.
So cars to five physics is what's going on, jumping between skyscrapers and taking minimal
damage from massive crashes.
Makes no sense, just like the people by the way, they're taking minimal damage from multiple
A tank rampages down a highway, destroying everything in its path, kind of like that last
movie with the bank.
The same thing, except it's a tank this time.
Imagine that.
Bigger and faster.
Bigger and faster.
Faster and furious, sir.
The climax features a giant Antonov, AN-124 cargo plane, wow that's specific.
I did not know it.
Trying to take off on the world's longest runway while the heroes use their cars as missiles.
So this AI is really into planes and stuff, I think.
It's a big aviation fan.
That's cool.
That's cool.
It's like they took every bad 80s action movie and mashed them together.
That hurts me.
I feel like what they meant to say is that it's like they took every good 80s.
The dialogue is cringeworthy.
One-liners and the characters are one-dimensional stereotypes.
Vindy's still mumbles his way through the movie.
Dwayne Johnson is a generic tough guy and Michelle Rodriguez looks confused the whole time.
It's a mighty idea.
She is confused.
Oh my goodness.
Now this is something.
It's a mindless, soulless cash grab that insults your intelligence.
Avoid this trash at all costs.
I get it.
I mean she does have amnesia but she kind of got an explosive car crash and got kind of
thrown into the woods.
So, you know, stuff happens.
But like dang.
That's not fair.
My favorite thing about AI writings, like stuff like this is you can tell it what kind
of tones to be so like.
So yeah.
So we made her sound angry.
If you all was suggestion for what our next AI plot summary tone should be whether you
want sad, confused, happy, another angry one.
I think we can do whatever.
It should be like romance based.
Let's try to do that from that.
Fast and Furious 7.
Because we all know fast and Furious is known for their romance stories.
Especially the fleeting ones.
Oh my goodness.
Like in this movie alone, what were our romances?
We had Dom Letti.
We had Han and Jacelle and we had Brian and Mia.
It's like, I don't know.
Brian and Mia.
I don't know.
At some point, like when they, when they, when they, when they, when they, when they,
I know they have a kid but I'm still not convinced.
I had a moment where like, within the movie when he figured out that she was being
held hostage, did you think for a second?
They're like, good, let her die.
Like for a second, I was really hoping Hawes would be like, that's okay.
Well, it was that and also it was the fact that when they were standing in the warehouse
and he was like, I've got you, you know, I've got her, I guess I got your wife.
But you had both the brother and the husband technically.
There in the warehouse and I was, I looked at Rachel again and I was like, you've got
the brother there.
That's blood.
That's literally tied to this girl's hip, her whole life.
And he's not even flinching and then he's like, I'm going to kill you, you know, Paul Walker's
So I'm like, you know, you're acting a little unhinge.
Like I get it, I get it, I get it.
But I'd probably take lessons from this guy over here, um, try to figure out maybe he's
acting chill for a reason, but I'm just thinking too deeply into this.
Or maybe Dom has lived with me for so long.
He's like, you know what?
Just, just kill her.
I got another family.
I don't need it.
She's done had her miles.
We don't know that sandwich shop together anymore.
She was the one that wanted the tuna.
At any point in any of these movies, I would love for Vin Diesel to turn and it would have
to be me, like, he'd have to turn her and be like, kind of makes you mismanaging the old
tuna shop.
I guess he's like surviving and exploiting like, never had to deal with this one.
I was balancing those books.
Like, I just like, like, and you even this should be you.
When Owen and, uh, Dominic, they meet for the first time and Owen's like, surrogate, stealing
DVD players and now you're doing this.
Like, at least he acknowledges the craziness of like, I think he's like, yeah, so I would have
loved for Vin Diesel, but yeah, I kind of miss the tuna sandwiches.
There's only, I don't know.
Oh my god.
So without any milk.
So we, uh, so this is, see, I, here's the thing about these movies.
Uh, before I make fun of them more, I do the thing with the fast and furious movies is
their fun, their particulars, their over the top.
Uh, and I love them.
And, uh, I love this point in the series where like, they know they're over the top.
And part of the dialogue is them making fun of themselves.
I feel like Roman's character, especially now.
I love him.
He's like, he like, break, he's like the Deadpool of the FU.
Yeah, he is.
He breaks care.
I can't just talk about, yeah.
Anyone who's like, these movies are dumb and have no plots.
I feel like fast and furious, but yeah, we know.
And we do have nice cars.
We do have action sequences.
Fun fact, they also, I don't know if it was for this movie, but I read something where
like, the US military has signed off them using particular vehicles and stuff for their
movies before, which is super fun for the most.
But like, what if he, like, what if in 2013, they're like, we have some kind of like,
battle weird in.
Like, man, we just need one more tank.
Yeah, about that.
It's on the set of fast and furious.
Are we ruined that?
I'm sorry.
We fell off a bridge and a faded kick splot.
We are one tank down.
Oh my gosh.
But it'll be worth it when you see this movie.
So here's some fast fan feedback.
Here's some people, as I said, people said, first of all, one of my friends, our couple
of my friends, Mario and Erica, they are part of a comedy group called the Humor
And they commented on Instagram.
And they said, their favorite quote was when Hobbes, like, if you want to catch wolves,
you got to get wolves.
I immediately held after that.
I love them.
I was like, that was, that was the best thing he said.
That was like fast five Hobbes, such as a fan of.
Like, that was a, and then they also made fun of, they said, the, the love stories were
fire emoji.
I was like, can you imagine if someone's like, my favorite part about fast and furious is
the romance?
Like, that's just the best stuff in the movies.
Like, I don't, every time they try to have a romantic scene in that movie, I'm just like,
I, I don't care.
Like, I, like, the only romance in, it's between Dom and Lety, like, I'm sorry, but I'm
still like, I don't even know how this child appeared.
Like, how, they happened and know how it happened.
They're, we'll see when I'm too seen to, when I'm mommy and daddy.
They, they don't see each other very, right?
And then the miracles, they don't even have to love each other.
They could just be a potentially underage girl at a tuna shop and, God, an undercover cop
who's overage, that just decides to, anyway, miss every shot.
Or you could be on the run from the police and the worst possible time to do it and,
you know, have a baby.
Yeah, baby.
And then you could survive falling through sewers and being attacked by tons of people, but
still a birth.
Because it's family.
Yeah, absolutely.
It makes perfect sense.
So, this, this next feedback, oh, we got, was from Jason T Mallory on Reddit.
Oh, yes, Reddit.
I, you know, I like, I like the Reddit people.
I, I get a little known to the TikTok people, I'll be honest, I've said it before.
Reddit's the most authentic.
But I like, when we, when we post things on Reddit, like I love people's responsibilities,
I've enjoyed interacting with shout out.
Reddit, yeah.
So, I'm a fan of the, even if I've never met you or see you, I'm a fan of your comments.
So, so this is what Jason, excuse me, Jesse, this is not Jason.
Might even be, I might have completely misgendered and misnamed to this person.
Jesse T Mallory says, I love this one.
Owen Shaw and his crew were fantastic foils to the family.
And Letti returning and all the conflicts within her throughout the movie made the story
so good throughout.
I do love Letti.
Letti's one of my favorite characters in the movie.
By far, that she's a bomb actor in general, though, too.
Absolutely, yeah.
And I, you, I forgot about it because like, up and, having seen the whole series, I already
know, like, Letti's one of my favorites.
But I forgot about it until I rewatched this is kind of like the first one that you see
a lot of her.
And she was in the first one.
And the first one that she'll case was like, bad mimage, I'm a girl, fight.
And then like, she was a little bit in the fourth one.
Yeah, I liked her in the fourth one.
And then like, we just didn't see her except for her dying.
Jesse also said, the stealth car was awesome.
The Marshall Arts and Parkour were up once again from previous films.
Yep, they did.
And then, and then they say, I generally rank this one high on my list when I rank on
the franchise.
So Jesse was a fan of Fast Six.
Oh, Jeremy from Facebook, however.
One of our, he's, and he's one of our regulars.
We love Jeremy.
We love you.
He says, this one was a fun ride to the bottom.
But was left a bit wanting with Shah as the villain.
I grew to appreciate him.
A bit more as the film went on, but Hobbs was a much better villain in the previous flick.
That said, with this being the last fully completed film by Paul Walker, it sits in a special
place for me.
Also the plane was a solid action sequence.
That was an iconic part of the series.
That's very true.
It was.
That's the biggest complaint people have of Fast Six and are fear of, excuse me, fear of
And it kind of is, it's kind of dumb because the whole movie is ridiculous.
But the biggest critique I see about this movie is people talk about what an irrational long
runway that is.
That could never happen.
That was, yeah.
That really, that could never happen.
And they ended at the end of the runway.
How ironic.
I actually see people do math to tell you how long the runway would be and how it would
I didn't get it all that other thing because nothing about me.
They were going at least 80 plus per hour.
I'm watching this movie.
I'm not, it's like, well, I saw it actually.
No, of course it's not.
No, neither is.
Most of what they do.
I can't imagine anyone gets to that point in the movie, like, man, they were on board with
everything until this moment.
This is where kind of junk is.
Even the hatch was down, like, literally the ramp was down the entire time that they were
going and nobody flew out besides, you know, obviously purposeful things to show that somebody
died and whatever.
I saw it.
I think this movie does have the dumbest use of NOS in the NOS harpoon.
I think I only, yeah, what?
They literally like, that's out of NOS guns.
What is this?
I feel like it's turned into some sort of, yeah, it's like a K-Mart Avengers.
Avengers, but for the middle.
Avengers symbol.
A similar guns because we don't have any.
We're too far up to finally find.
We're too far up to finally find.
There's like less of a star.
Now we get to talk about our opinions of those movies.
I feel like, do you want to break the ice or should I?
I'm holding on to my rock, right?
Hold on to your rock.
It's just break it.
Go ahead.
So he was, and I didn't think about this until this rewatch.
I've never had this problem before.
But for whatever reason, maybe it's because we're intentionally looking deeper into the
And I don't know, but like, this bothered me so much.
I think I hate just about everything about the rock's character.
Me too.
I, here's my biggest problem.
I really liked him in fast-fived and I loved this whole like, you're just a name.
I'm on my list.
You're just a paper that comes in like, I'm going to find you if you want to get, I'll get
the, like, this all like, I'm going to end like it ends with him like letting Dom go.
But he's like, I'll see you soon, Toretta.
And then like at the beginning of this movie, the first thing we, we see him, we, you know,
it's the most like, oh, is that Vin Diesel?
It's not.
But like, the first thing is like, yeah, I've been chasing these people for months.
And then he's like, going to Vin Diesel and asking for help.
I was like, you should be like, we don't get to, we need like a, a fast 5.5.
Where we see the rock going after Vin Diesel and his crew and for whatever reason.
Like, to me, if I were to rewrite this movie, I would have had more conflict between the
rock and Vin Diesel, well, the, in, in the movie, not outside of the movie, but like, I would
want to see more tension where like, he doesn't want to work with them.
He's not coming.
It's like, it would have been called in the movie.
He started with him still chasing the fast crew, but then a new threat arises.
And then of course, you know, he sees the plot and he, like, because they do have kind of a
flimsy, like if they could, these three pieces together, it's over for us, you know?
Like, so when they realize that, then he's like, I guess I have to work or maybe his superior
is like, I'm going to need you to work with Dominic Toretto where he doesn't want to.
Yeah, because he's still part of the police, right?
And is he not the worst cop that he's supposed to be a part of the law?
He's, he's supposed to be a police officer.
He's a hunter, a criminal law.
But here's what we know about him as a police officer from the two movies.
He sucks.
He sucks.
He, uh, he let the people go at the end of the movie.
Even Smobbuck may have got to respect that, you know, uh, his interrogation scene, uh, that
seemed like a little illegal.
It was so illegal.
And like, and they're, and they're, now I get why I get why when it became clear that Shaw
was holding, you know, me a hostage in the camp, and the, you know, the whole fast family
is like, what we get, like, but he should have been, it's, he should have been like,
not as easy to be like, this changes everything.
He should have had a problem with that.
Um, and then somehow you, there was no like emotional turmoil in him switching sides from
working with the police to not.
Like, he was just a problematic character.
Like, I, I liked him when he was a, a foil to Vin Diesel, the family, but like him as an
ally is a character, like, I don't know, it just, it bothered me also like his, he didn't have
anything goofy lines.
He had such bad lines who came up with those.
Maybe, let me write my own dialogue.
That's what I'm thinking.
He might have, honestly, because he did work in WWE, and I'm not finding that much of a
difference from what he said from Vast of Furious in WWE.
No, honestly, like, he's, like, he just, just, just, just, just, like, we know what the, we know what the, we know in the past that, uh, Vast and Furious isn't, uh, shy about letting the characters do their own dialogue.
Like, in FastTube, Walker and Roman Pierce, uh, did their own stuff, uh, and, and it was fun.
Actually, there's those cute though.
The best scenes that we do see with the rock in this movie, with Hobbs, Agent Hobbs is when he's interacting with Tyrie, Slesherum in.
Like, they do have, and, and, and, and, and that scene at the end of the movie.
He's like, uh, he's like, I smell a boy, baby, he's like, something butchered fat forehead.
That was a completely improvised line.
And so you actually see Ludacris, like, spit his water out.
Because, yeah, we were like, that's an authentic spit it.
Yeah, it was, it was, they kept that, because it was just something to say.
It was funny.
So, so, I don't know.
That was, my biggest problem was just the rock, man.
I had a, I had a hard time.
That sucks too, yeah, because that was another part of my childhood was the rock.
I mean, he was, yeah, and now, for some reason, I just don't feel the same.
He's gotten some, he's gotten to spicy waters lately.
He has gotten into some spicy waters.
And, and I'm like, so for either our next movie, our next podcast, so for the next movie,
or I feel like it might be eighth though, because it might be more relevant to win.
The fake, the fake with fairs at happens.
But like, we will take some time to really dive deep into like the beat of him and Vin Diesel.
We should definitely do that.
Because it's, it's weird.
But I do know in recent years, like, with his whole, do you know the whole thing with him
like black Adam and his character and the one, he got in so much trouble with that?
I don't know exactly what to, I knew that there was controversy though.
Yeah, so he, and this is, but it's similar to this stuff we hear about with the fast and
furious stuff.
So, black Adam is a known like villain to, the Shazam series.
So the ending of black Adam should have, like, the idea was, Shazam wasn't a show
but the ending.
It was gonna, it was gonna tie in or suggest a movie where like, Shazam versus the
black Adam, which is like comic book, yeah, like that's their, their big enemies.
However, black Adam's also been in like some Superman stuff too.
And so the rock himself said, I won't do this movie unless, like, the only person who's
a good enough match for black Adam is Superman.
So like he insisted and the crazy part is like the DCU is like, okay, we don't want to lose
this big name actor.
So that's why they changed the ending of black Adam so the cameo wasn't Shazam.
So it was Superman because the rock was like, oh, the only one big enough to take me on
is Superman.
Um, and he had similar issues in fast and furious and the directors again be like, he's such
a big name.
We're not gonna, you know, fire or anything like that.
We're gonna give them its own spin off movie.
And it says like, can you imagine a world where you are such a big deal that when you pitch
a tantrum, people don't, like, in most cases, they're like, um, you're an adult, act like
it, where the writers, you're the actor.
But it, like, for the rock frequently people are like, oh, well, we don't want to lose
So here's your own movie.
Let's be stronger than the man of steel himself.
So, all right.
And I always do my best to like, when I hear things and read things about like actors, like
I'm part of them, there's always a bias to whatever you're reading or whatever it's like
I don't want.
But like, I feel like with the rock, you, you start reading enough different things that
you're like, maybe there's something.
So, and we'll talk about it in one of the upcoming movies, but like, he totally at one
point and one of the, I think it was fast eight, uh, was having issues with that cast and he
started tweeting about it.
I mean, he deleted the tweets, but he was still like, yeah, he was like, good seems, yeah,
he's like, he seems like I'm not gonna along with certain, like, he called like certain
cast members, candy asses.
He was like, he like lost it, man.
And then you see in later movies, especially him and Vin Diesel are never in the same scene.
It's, uh, similar to that really ridiculous last scene of this movie where they're at
the cookout and they're standing next to each other but looking completely different.
Oh, man.
I can never, though I could trust a cop.
I'm like, who talks like that to each other?
I just wanted to just go off to like a scene with like Mia or Brian or Letty even and just
have one of them like, what the heck are they doing?
I know.
What are they looking at each other?
It's like one of those really uncomfortable moments of like, will they or will they not?
The tension still there.
It's crazy but also at the same time it's like, you're just uncomfortable.
Like what are you all doing?
Um, yeah.
It's like the fourth love triangle.
Also, yeah.
I don't have love triangle.
What did I, uh, oh, let's talk about, so we're right at the beginning of the movie.
Like this is where I confess, I do not, I know I don't know much about the female mind.
So I might be missing something here.
So we're gonna talk about it together.
We're gonna try to help.
Let's go.
Begin another movie, you know, a dominant try to wake up with Elena with a nice smile from
movie one are from movie five.
Okay, cool.
They're a thing and I'm okay with it in his mind.
Letty's dead.
I mean, yeah.
I get that.
It makes sense.
You know, and supposedly we know at least several months have gone by since movie five.
Yeah, so it's not that much.
Maybe longer than that.
You know, because the rock was like, I'm chasing these guys for months.
But um, so Dom and Elena are a thing.
He figures out letty's still alive.
And so I get it from his perspective, man, she's the one I really love.
I need to go after her.
I need to all that kind of stuff.
But from that point forward, Elena is like so chill.
Like, yeah, sure.
Go for it.
At the end of the week, you can be with her.
If she was my husband, I would be doing the same thing.
At one point, Dom is like, you know, you don't have to go.
Like he was proposed like, what do you think about like the three of us?
Like maybe like, no, okay.
Well, yeah.
I just, she seemed so cool about the whole like, I'm going to go find my dead ex-girlfriend
who's actually alive and also not my ex anymore.
Um, I'm going to bring her back.
I'm also going to leave you for her.
And the whole time she's like, that makes sense.
I don't am I missing something.
I mean, I think that, um, the Dom letty thing, although they weren't married, they had
a very like, causal effect relationship.
So like, they were pretty strong and heavy.
I mean, very passionate.
So, but also a lot of background.
I mean, they met when she was like, what, 14 or something like that?
14 or 15 I think is when he was saying at least for like earlier years and stuff.
So, I mean, you're going all the way back to that with a relationship with somebody and
a sexual romantic relationship for that long and there's a lot of that.
She's a family.
And I said, why wouldn't that literally be so like, yeah, I mean, for the girl to understand
and also the woman and see a woman's mind, I guess.
Um, oh, and to a good hearted person's mind, actually, um, the woman is more understanding
of like the situation.
She is understanding the situation because of her losing that husband.
So if that husband were to turn out not to be dead, obviously she's going to run to that
guy even if his memory was completely just could put because I'd be the same way.
Like if my spouse, if my partner had turned out dead or I thought they were dead and then
they ended up not being dead and just having a memory wipe, I'm going to do everything
in my freaking ability to try to like get them to recall me or something or I don't know.
I just, I get it.
I mean, at the end of the day, it's love.
Yeah, I mean, I, okay, I guess the perspective that I preach, I mean, the, the inside I got there
from is the reason she was so cool about this is because similar to Dom, she is a big love.
It's a true love.
So she was able to see that like, um, then it also is really ridiculous that she's like,
and I'm joining the police again.
You've been on the run for months of this criminal and there's like, yeah, come on,
you're going to work for Agent Obbs.
He's such a good cop that you guys be great.
She wants to go to that one now that that one didn't make sense to me.
Maybe she just wanted to rebound, but I don't know.
Yeah, but anyway, okay, that helps it make a little bit more sensible for me.
Let's, let's check in with all the characters because there's a bunch that are a lot going
I did love that intro when you got to kind of see that, oh man, these people have been
several movies where I invested in them.
Quite a few.
So first we got Brian O'Connor.
He is, by the way, my favorite.
He has evolved a lot.
He's probably the most.
We've seen him grow the most.
Not just him, but like Paul Walker is an actor.
Like, actually good.
Yeah, like he's actually doing well as an actor, where do you go bear that to like the first
His rough.
And I mean, the second movie he was more goofy, which probably acting, but like, it was a
little more authentic.
Yeah, like he's, he's got some parts here where he's like, you see some depths.
I, and here's the thing, I, by movie five, this becomes the Vin Diesel movies.
Like he does.
It does.
Yeah, but part of me has a problem with that because like, it started more so the Paul
Walker movies.
And so, like, the director and one, yeah, definitely the main character and two.
And then four, they both were kind of side by side made in characters.
But five was when they were just like, and you know, there's a producer we're all given
to Vin.
So like, so that's when they shift it to four.
So like, I feel like he's, we don't see as much as him, but I feel like he's just as big
of a deal.
I mean, yeah.
One of the things that I wonder is, wait, when did we lose Paul Walker?
Like what?
This is the first one that he was fully in.
And then he died in the seven.
That's what I thought.
So seven, when you see seven, it will be some of him real in, but it will be a lot of CGI
Because during the filming of that movie is when his car crash happened.
So Brian is doing less, but still awesome.
Roman, I love that they keep his character.
I love that he's always hungry.
I love that they're doing that.
That snack, the, the, that is much as a role in this.
He doesn't have as much of a role.
No, he's, but he's comic-related.
But he is.
He also does really good at stating the things to make fun of that.
We're already make fun of that.
Like, so when he's like, when these guys look just like us, like, and it's like, well, yeah,
the kids they are.
I love the scene where him and Han are getting their butt kicked by the, by one guy.
Yeah, the one guy.
I'm sorry.
We had two females that were equal opportunity at home.
Y'all are a bunch of weenies.
I love that.
And fast and furious.
Women are only allowed to fight other women.
Well, unless the one, if the women's winning, those women, but they don't speak in general.
I do not show any scenes where like, or the rock is like beating up a woman.
Like, yeah, the women's fighting skills just were so impressive to me because they were
like kicking out these flying, like, rolling roundhouses or whatever flying roundhouses
in the air and kicking people in the face and like, cracking the back of your knee and
all that.
I'm like, right, I'll show you.
I do it.
But also, thank you.
I'm the, uh, mm-hmm lady from the Mandoleian good fight scenes.
That's a pretty good stuff.
Yeah, that's all I need.
And I like that.
Hey, that's the better fight.
The guys are kind of stupid.
They're not even winning.
No, and they, it's cheesy.
Like, in the wrong hand, that's a good thing.
No, they didn't.
No, she didn't win, but I mean, she should have seen the other guy is kind of how I felt.
Well, they had first fight where, uh, letty didn't win, but then the second one ended with
her, like, harpooning her out of a plane.
I call that a win.
Yeah, that's right.
That's right.
That's right.
She's a wrong team.
Then, Tesh, what do we think about Tesh?
I like him.
I mean, obviously he's, he's also, like, a comic relief, like, comedy relief.
He kind of has about the same, well, he is a little bit more of a role than Roman.
He's more like, of, like, their, analysts, I guess, kind of like their techie guy or something.
The guy that makes the plans or something.
So, he's, there's two things about Tesh that I think.
First of all, they, they never give him any kind of backstory.
We, in the last movie, all we hear is, like, I had a life before this.
Never do we know, like, he's the only character that we don't know anything about.
And it's just so that they can make him do whatever they want.
Pretty much.
The other thing about him is, like, he is maybe the most essential part of the team because
they couldn't do any of that tech.
And he has that tech.
And he has, like, oh, I have something for that.
No, we need a replacement safe.
I can get one.
Yeah, he's like, it just brought down all of their IP or, like, Wi-Fi networks, hect, and
all of their networks.
I'm like, right?
One laptop.
That makes so much sense.
And then, let me, best female character.
Best female character, 100%.
One of my favorites of the, of the whole family.
I think she's genuinely the only female character I feel like is good in the movies, like, I mean,
I don't, I don't much care about Jacelle.
I love Wonder Woman, but, obviously, but she wasn't at her peak yet.
No, she just doesn't.
Her, the thing about her and Hans is, and this goes to just Hans in general for me, everything
I like about Hans is because I know he's gonna die.
I know, like, Tokyo Drift is coming.
Yeah, I'm gonna go to Tokyo eventually.
Yeah, you are.
Cause you have no reason to live anymore with me.
One of the things that just stood out to me for some reason, which is just the stupid random
scene was just the girls, like, in the little subway when they were fighting originally.
And they fell down the stairs.
Like that brief clip was just, it was just them rolling down the stairs like, dude, dude,
dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude.
Yeah, I was just like, how is that?
So, do they change out the actors?
Just like that, two seconds.
We're gonna need you to just roll down the stairs.
Yes, it'll be painful.
We need two strangers to just drop themselves down the stairs.
Yes, it'll be painful.
We need two strangers to just drop themselves down the steps.
That's what I was thinking.
I was just...
What if that was someone's first roll?
I could find the heart of the movie.
What are you doing?
I'm rolling down subway steps.
I'm rolling down subway steps number one.
I have to break my heart, but I'm in Hollywood now.
Like, it's fine.
We have to do it three times that was going too far to the right.
They're like, that just did a little painful up.
Do it again.
Do it again.
I'm bloody.
Like, I don't...
Look at my...
Look, that's okay.
Let me get a little good.
In the scene in London, when Dom is racing, we need to talk about that was a cool scene.
That was a cool scene.
I really enjoyed their chemistry.
That's what we saw.
The reconnect.
But they're so weird as actors.
So that when they're just rubbing each other's scars and talking about them essentially,
I was like, gross, but also this makes sense.
Like, I can see both the character.
I don't want to match.
And I didn't know this because I hadn't seen it, but they were referencing the little 20-minute
movie, "Vindies' All Made" before "Fast Four", where it was like almost like a...
Tells more about the love story between Hammond Lennie.
And so like, when they were like, "Yeah, we got that fall into uncorrel, re-sure whatever."
That was part of the movie.
So, they were like, "Yeah."
That's so cute.
I guess I was squeaking.
I'm not kidding.
Kids, my sap.
That's what...
Interesting about that.
I guess I'm curious.
Are they absolutely ridiculous?
Sometimes they seem like there's no thought putting into it whatsoever.
But then there's moments where you think maybe they know there's dumb as they are and they're
doing it in our person.
And they have them.
And they're still like overall putting...
So the message of this movie, I thought was good.
The overall motif, which was, you know, after the last movie, all the main characters were
They had everything they wanted.
But they still didn't have what they wanted.
They leed it to it at the beginning of the movie and they were like, "Yeah, we don't
have home."
And then, you know, after Vin Diesel had his action hero almost...
And the plane blew up and he drives out of it, but then the car crashed.
And then he still walks out of it.
You know, that was all these big moments.
He was the only one.
Yeah, he's the only one.
Okay, well, that's true.
I mean, but I mean, it's true though.
Like, the definition of unhinged, you know.
Hobbes is supposed to be a cuckoo.
He's literally destroyed.
Not only is he hurting this man,
like, physically assaulting the crap out of him,
to like, almost near death, pretty much.
But also, he's destroying government property, practically.
Like, it's city property.
Yeah, he's going to fix it.
Very legal property.
Who the heck is going to fix that?
Villain ranking.
Villain ranking.
The sun, oh, we had Owen Shaw.
I am.
And I'll go first because I'm going to go ahead and put,
give him the top spot on my rankings for villains.
I'm going to, because I think, as far as the villains
who've seen Zivari, he's worse than all the other ones.
And so, yeah, so currently I have him down for number one
and then the rest of them are Carter, Braga,
DK, Reyes, and Tran.
This guy, honestly, I think maybe is a little bit below Carter for me.
Everything else is the same, I suppose, otherwise.
Is it because the rat scene?
That was like--
The rat scene is just unfortunate.
Like, what are you doing?
That's unhinged, really.
Like, he, innocent people is my thing,
which, then again, well,
the tank scene, that was pretty bad.
He killed a lot of civilians.
And the fact that like he was like,
let he go up there knowing that that, like,
she was putting her as often--
That's also true.
Yeah, he is actually the worst.
Never mind.
I guess I will just be a sheeple and follow what Drew's list is.
I mean, I'm usually not wrong.
That's not true.
I'm usually not wrong about fast and furious related things.
So the movie rankings--
So I'm ranking this by how I've been enjoying the movies
this rewatch.
If you--
I've actually written blog posts about movie rankings of this before
and if you read that blog post day, it would be completely different than what I'm going on.
And that's okay.
So I still think I like five better than this movie.
I also think I like two better than this movie.
So I'm going to put it down for my third spot.
So currently my rankings are movie five, movie two, movie six, four, one, and one.
And again, three is low, not because I think it's less good than one.
I think if you took the movie out of the series, it would alter the least amount.
I mean, it's kind of like-- it's almost like a standalone, like Tokyo drift brought to you by fast and furious.
That makes sense.
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
I mean, for me, I think it would be two, five, six, four, one, three.
Just because I liked the last movie pretty well.
Last movie was fun.
And I feel like it was--
Didn't kill off my gal.
Is your gal?
Good at it.
That was a bummer.
That was a bummer.
And the way that she died, that's why that is in my unhinged because the whole scene, she literally let herself go when she could have just stayed and helped him fight.
I don't understand any of what had happened. Also, she was probably literally just right there on the little run track, whatever, gasping for air, like a freaking fish out of water.
Maybe she was alive, like, letty.
Hello. She survived a freaking explosion and had her memory wiped and now she's back.
Why did you all just assume?
I mean, is anyone ever dead in fast and furious?
Three people so far.
Three people.
But so far.
So, yeah.
So, honestly right now our movie rankings are such where we-- I have five is number one.
You have two is number one.
And then I have two is number two.
And you have five is number two.
And then from that point forward, we're both six or one and three.
So that's cool.
We should--
We should be more different, but--
Or not.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know how to be different, I guess.
So, we have another quarter mile spotlight for you guys.
It's something we started last month.
The point of our quarter mile spotlight is we find creatives that we know local or--
Since it's a podcast, locals are very not defined term.
Locals in that we know they exist or they reach out to us.
And it's just someone doing something cool.
And we like to highlight them and then we like to give you opportunity to learn more
and enjoy what they do.
And it's a creative usually.
And so this spotlight for this month is a good friend of mine named Brian Upshot.
We actually went to college together.
He has a doctorate in education.
He's a Spanish teacher in East Tennessee.
A very cool guy, very good friend.
He started an organization called the GTAT GTAS Foundation.
And which is an organization that helps start businesses in Tanzania,
which in turn creates space and opportunity for work for young adults.
He's starting with three people right now that he knows personally.
And he's partnering with organizations in Tanzania.
And then he's also helping raise money over here in America for the organizations.
It's really cool about Brian and this mission is--
He's done several mission trips to Tanzania at Grand College.
He went there frequently often.
And he also-- he's always kind of had an entrepreneurial--
entrepreneurial spirit.
I remember in college, he actually used to buy DVDs and had--
he ran selling DVDs to other people before.
He's always had a business out of the thing.
He bought them and just sold them for more.
I don't know if that's illegal.
It's not--
isn't that what everything is though?
We buy it and we sell it for more.
But he's always had an entrepreneurial spirit.
He always had a passion for these people.
And just passion for people in general,
but especially the people he met with his mission work in Tanzania.
And this whole project, this whole mission started with someone who he used to know
and one of those trips reaching out to him.
They were in a really tough situation.
And when we-- you'll be able to get to the website.
You could read her whole story if you want.
It's crazy, honestly.
But she reached out to him.
And she said, "I'm not going to be in a situation."
He looked into it, saw that was valid, reached out to people in Tanzania.
They basically saved their life and livelihood.
And that was kind of part of what helped him think, like, oh,
I can start doing stuff to help these people that I know
and build something bigger.
And I know when people think of creatives and how we say we're spotlighting creatives,
oftentimes you think of comedians, you think of musicians, you think of actors,
you think of like art that we create.
But I wanted to highlight him as our quarter mile spotlight this month,
creativity to start a nonprofit.
Anytime you're starting something from nothing, that's creative.
So I'm really impressed with him.
And then here's his words about his business.
We're starting three businesses in Tanzania starting at the end of the month.
We'll be purchasing a Guda, which is like a motorcycle with a truck on the back of it,
to employ young man, his name's Kevin, as a professional driver who will transport goods for businesses.
And then he said, we will either start a hair salon or a partner with a hair salon to employ a train Juliet.
That's a different person.
She's the person who's got the crazy story about on his website.
I said crazy.
And I mean, that's like, she's crazy.
I mean, that is unbelievable.
And it's really inspiring.
We'll also be purchasing a, I'm sure I'm not pronouncing this correctly,
a Boda Boda, which is essentially a motorcycle used for taxi services to employ George.
That's his third person.
All three young adults, some children and Kevin is married.
These jobs have transformed their lives, allow for the reunification of Juliet's family
and will give the children the ability to stay in school and have an education.
Oh man.
Isn't that awesome?
That's so awesome.
I love his words because like he uses, you can tell he's personally invested in these people.
Like he uses their name.
It's like he's, I don't know who Kevin is, but he's like, that's how he's describing them.
So on all of our notes in our podcast or on the YouTube description,
I'll have all the links and the social media where you can go learn more about this organization.
You can learn about the stories.
You can see what he's doing.
There's ways you can give and contribute if you want to.
When we give these people the opportunity to do this survey,
we always ask them, what are your thoughts on Fast and Furious?
And Brian gave me an exceptionally deep answer.
So he said, I like to think I have some similarities with Brian O'Connor,
starting with the fact that they're both named Brian.
Brian is an honest, hardworking guy who believes in justice in the law,
but also realizes that sometimes life is complicated.
Like Brian, I'm a white guy who's lived in a middle-class life.
I trust the law and society to treat me fairly,
but I have also seen people that don't have it so easy.
I had a friend who was a US citizen, but his mom was not.
My friend's mother was dying back in Mexico.
She was the only child.
She had to decide whether to go to Mexico and possibly never be able to return to the US to see her son,
and husband or whether to let her mother die alone.
The first time I ever translated in court, he's a Spanish translator.
The first time I ever had that translate in court was to tell the pastor of my Hispanic church,
that Judd said he would have to go to jail because he was undocumented.
His vehicle registration had expired.
He had a wife and kids and would face the possibility of deportation.
I was shaken as a translator because it was my first time in my life
where I realized the law could be wrong,
and I had to treat someone good in a human way.
As a public school teacher, I have had students who have lost their parents, siblings, friends,
dealt with abuse and trauma, and I can't always expect them to act like a professional middle-class person.
Life is complicated, and like Brian, I feel pulled between two worlds.
I appreciate the safe, honest, dependable, and respectful
and professional middle-class world I grew up in, and still mostly live in.
However, I resent the idea that we should look down on others who live outside of this polite, comfortable,
and often white middle-class bubble.
Instead, we should be working as a bridge to help those who are not born with all of our privileges
to achieve their goals and become the people God calls them to be.
That's awesome!
That was all from me being like, "What do you think about Fast and Furious?"
We want more responses like that.
I love that.
I appreciate that.
The whole time I was reading this, I was picturing that ending scene of Fast 4,
where it has Brian O'Connor driving the charger, but it said it's like my friend Brian O'Connor
driving the charger to go save the people in prison.
That was so sweet.
Thank you guys so much for listening to this episode.
Thank you for keeping up with us.
This has been a good talk.
This is a fun movie.
I think we made fun of a lot of it, but it's all in good humor.
I'm not going to make fun of somebody that's not my friend.
Yeah, we enjoy it.
A couple of reminders.
First of all, follow us on all the social media's, the quarter mile podcast on those things.
If you don't mind, like, share, comment, that helps us get out to more people.
Please do that.
Also, just a special note, come see us on September 21st for episode 9.
We got a little room at the high tone in Memphis, Tennessee, and we're going to fill it up.
And it's going to be a lot of fun.
It is nice chatting with you, Bailey, about Fast and Furious, but I would love to have more people to chat with.
We would.
So, yeah.
So, what do you think, anything else?
I think that you pretty much summed it up right there.
Okay, cool.
Well, this has been fun.
Here's a reminder to everyone.
Have fun.
Live your life for quarter mile a time and have a great night.
(dramatic music)