The Quarter Mile Podcast
Join Drew Davis and friends on this "Fast and Furious Themed" Movie rewatch podcast. We started by reviewing the Fast & Furious series, and then we just kept going! Come talk films with us!
This Podcast is all about chill vibes, having fun while talking about movies, and connecting with friends and our podcast community. Life Is Short, so live it one Quarter Mile at a Time!
The Quarter Mile Podcast
2 Fast 2 Furious
Join Drew Davis and Bailey Jackson as we talk about 2 FAST 2 FURIOUS in the 2nd episode of The Quarter Mile Podcast! If you like fast cars, puns, random tangents, and fun and positive vibes...this is the rewatch podcast for you! Come join us as we speed through the Fast Saga, one movie per episode!
Thank you for watching/listening and we hope you continue to rewatch these movies with us. Please connect with us online and participate in our polls and growing community!
Drew Davis:
Bailey Jackson:
What's up gang welcome back to the quarter mile podcast you are officially here with us for our second episode
ever and I'm joined by goose Bailey Jackson yeah hello welcome back we have a better idea of what we're doing now
don't we yeah for the most part yeah we we're still new we're still figuring out but we're live neither of us are sick
there's no snowstorms we are so glad you guys are joining us we have our act a little bit better
together for the second episode and I feel like in our first episode we didn't really dive into a lot
of kind of our vision and our goal with this podcast so we're gonna tell you right now
we are for sure committed for ten episodes we're gonna be rewatching the entire
fast and furious just the main loonies yeah we're not we're not dealing with
cops and y'all no maybe yeah you know we're here for ten episodes and then we're
gonna reevaluate close to the end of the ten episodes and see kind of like what's
going on after that and if if you guys have any suggestions on what you all want us to
watch that has relatability to the fast and furious series we would be all year we definitely
won't we started this we said we're gonna do ten episodes we're gonna do the fast and furious
and then we'll see what happens after that so but there's a lot of ways you can be part of this
this isn't just meant to be me Bailey chatting right we love hearing from everyone else on social
media the quarter mile podcasts on everything except tick talk and tick talk is just quarter mile
podcast so there's a bunch of ways you can help us on this podcast so first of all just
fact that you're listening to it thank you so much really grateful that you're here yeah also
when we ask questions and do surveys and stuff like that online please participate yes we want to hear
all of your opinions every single one of them especially the controversial opinions that's the most fun ones
those are our favorites and when we post them they get the best views on tick talk yeah they do
and they piss people off and it's wonderful that's the best part yeah so help out help us with that so
you know when we do a feedback and we ask impressions on the episodes we'd love to hear you on that
lastly if you're like man these two people are the coolest this is the best podcast I've ever just
heard in my life I really want to support them and their hot takes on fast and furious
yeah everything in life um we there is an actually an option through our bus route which is how we do
our podcast where you can subscribe and you can give money you can support us financially there's
options to give three five eight or ten dollars if like five of you gave three dollars we'd have a
free podcast yeah exactly support local business and local artists absolutely we love to hear from our
people and so part of our part of our podcast we call it the response recap and where we read a different
people's responses to what we were talking about just based off the last episode we had a few good
hits the first thing we talked about was a Nos right it's apparently nitrous oxide yes so we had a
couple comments a Michael on Instagram I believe it was a friend of yours yeah he said nitrous oxide is
the same stuff you get at the dentist laughing gas so what it does is allow the engine to intake more
air and air plus fuel plus ignition equals horsepower but with overuse it can damage your engine
internals and that's why it's only used for short periods otherwise your car blows up like Paul Walker
so yeah that makes a lot of sense yes combustible also regarding Nos Allen on YouTube you get by the
way Allen you wrote us like a book on YouTube we love you Allen we love you so much and we might
actually we're gonna we're gonna talk afterwards about trying to get you on the podcast yeah so you
might see him yes yeah he's a great guy has a lot of faster furious feedback fast and fear his feedback
and what he said was after being featured in the fast and furious awareness of this product and
brand significantly significantly increased taking advantage of this the fuse beverage company
launched a beverage that licensed the name Nos from Holly Performance products Nos gave your car more
power and energy and that's exactly what energy drinks due to humans yep and that's how they came
up with the Nos energy drink and then we had our real we posted about Mia being underage that that
got some good response I'm surprised yes we got a lot of good positive feedback and then we had a
lot of people that just hated us right off the back a lot of a lot of haters on take talk oh yeah
and we we love you guys for commenting your hate thank you for being haters we love that we need that
we need everyone needs that our life but overall if if this is the first episode you're
training with us what we presented was a different idea in the first fast and furious where
maybe Mia was underage yeah she was drinking a snap once at alcohol she was doing homework at some point
and so we just posed the question like how old was Mia how old are any of these characters what
I think a lot of people had figured out was that she was probably in college so she was doing like
schoolwork college work so she was more possible that she was at least in her twenties maybe yeah
they had good they had good reasons yeah supposedly he came every day to get the tune in the
so like if she was at school she wouldn't be there every day yeah yeah and then the idea that well
maybe she just was trying to make better life decisions and drink snapple exactly and I think the
most plausible theory is that snapple is just a product placement oh absolutely a too fast too
furious that's the movie we're at we're doing yeah fast too fierce together two day two day here we go
we get some um fans that gave us their opinion we always right before we do a recording new episode
we always just get the put out a little picture of the movie and we say like hey what do you guys think
and we're open for comments commentary what you'd like what you dislike favorite quotes least favorite
parts theories out especially rage comments if you have problems with movies we want to hear it absolutely
we do so here's a few things Jeremy from facebook said this was a criminally underrated movie so good
and ludicat getting involved made it so much better the backward driving scene is top notch and then
he said I will fight anyone that dismisses this movie oh that's a threat just see on a zack also
from facebook the prologue showing Brian's race uh his way across the country to end up in Miami
was intriguing and ludicris's afro was spectacular it was spectacular a turize a tyris eating the
detective's burrito always made me laugh that was a funny thing we we chuckled it was that burrito also
looked really good it did yeah so it looked very filled yeah it's a good call and whoever got him a
burrito for that scene thank you in my amy i bet they're good yeah yeah probably let's do that let's
are we our next episode is gonna be a my amy in my amy and we're gonna be eating burritos yes drinking
snapple perfect and yeah yeah what a great what a great day what a great day patent also from facebook a
lot of our nice comments come from people in facebook the mean comics zoom from tiktok the
four-nive Collins are in like instagram or youtube and then just like the friendly people having a
good day show up on facebook i don't know what the anyway patent from facebook called it the second
best in the franchise it is the second it is the second in the franchise that we can all agree on
um second best of that so and he did i went ahead and asked he said the first was his favorite so
okay okay like that good call that was so juggie i can't help you're like okay well if that's how
you want to live your life chronological yeah that's good nothing wrong with that i like the first
twilight so yeah well twilight is a terrible movie so do that to me i can't so do that to me maybe
that'll be our next rewatch maybe it's fine we'll rewatch no i don't want you to hate me over that
that is okay here's um i know this is about fast-fair so we got when i think vampires and werewolves
and supernatural i'm thinking like blade i'm thinking like resident evil i think like tough like
gory killing action movies and then like twilight game and it's like let's not yeah it's your teeny
bopper vampire romance yeah and uh i that was like when it came out so my mom who's not a teeny
bopper she's like in her 70s right she loves twilight oh yeah me and my mom that that was our thing
so that was like in every mother's day i think yeah i've seen all the twilight's in the years
uh and finally in the last one spoiler alert if you're on a fast and furious podcast and you haven't
seen twilight and you don't do spoiler alert uh in the last one it's like because all i wanted to
see was a big ol fight between werewolves and vampires oh yeah that's one like set it up and
like this is it this is the moment i was waiting for me to get all the way they took it all away so
it's not too much of a spoiler alert if we don't go further detail that's true yeah there we go
non-spoiler spoiler alert alert yeah speaking of spoilers spec'd cars yeah
thank you and they had car they had spoilers in this they did they had some nice spoilers in this movie
this was like peak early 2000s cool you could tell yeah uh so and then our last Facebook comment
came from Adam and he said i like that they basically let paul walker wears own clothing for this one
yeah sure it's baggy west chopper shirts t-shirt the pinnacle of costumes yeah that was something else
do you think they were just like you know what show up however you want i mean everybody else was kind
of dressed to the t's you know and then you just had him literally in a tee yeah t shirt just he
he looks like he just you know got off of work from an auto body shop or he looks like he just
wrote that up in one of those scenes he was like did he have this day job and he's a fugitive and
he's like no let me work for a car but that's what i'm wondering there was like no explanation no
he just is guy in his nice shirt from auto zone or wherever i was working on yeah most there was like
the only scene that it made sense that he showed up in like a white t shirt and cargo like was when
ludicrous called and was like hey when you're done it's like i can be there in four minutes i think
it's very it made sense that he rolled out of bed in his white t yeah that that makes more sense
but like when he's meeting the drug cart he had on that black t shirt come on man look professional
he was just chilling like i don't know baili what what we were just in general thought so this
maybe going into it i thought it was pretty fun i mean it had a lot more like funny things in it to
me and it had a lot more of like imagery their dialogue was rough in it was it was rough
what we what i learned ahead of time um is that they gave Paul Walker and Tyree's gipsen a lot of
opportunity to just improv their lines they just hit the camera like okay this will happen you guys
figure it out and then hindsight i don't know if that was the best choice there was just a lot of
bra and cuck at the end of everything it was kind of funny though because it kind of seemed like
uh it was just an authentic reaction to just impromptu because they have two frat boys are like
let's go steal some cars that's what they were and they were they're two fugitive frat boys practically
yeah okay so here's the thing if you were asking me does too fast too furious have an awesome plot
with well-developed characters and an amazing storyline that would just stand the test of time
i would have to say no yeah i don't agree on that one no it does not here's the thing i don't know
a single person that goes into a fast and furious movie and says i can't wait for a great plot
right like i don't know i think um it's the action adventuring jokes and cars like it's and this one
did it better than the first one it did one had more a car chasing more exciting car chases it
was like brighter more powerful more off the top um the thing i like about this movie is yes it was
over the top and ridiculous and if we try to talk about the plot too much we're gonna realize
there wasn't really a cohesive plot right but like it set the stage by a fast five they were
modeling all their movies off of what this one was doing so uh two fast two furious came out on June
third two thousand three uh Bailey was two years old two years old i was a sophomore in school i was too
fast two furious two fast two furious two years two years old love it oh my gosh funny so Paul Walker
returns with an entirely new cast uh because Vin Diesel and the first movies director were actually
filming triple x which is a different action movie he wasn't like going through a phase in this career
um look it up but like we care for how you spell it it's a good movie instead of the regular family
oh in this movie we get tary skirp gipson we get ludicrous we get even mendes so hot
let's see if i can go through this entire podcast without having to pause a moment every time i say
even mendes just take a moment you just have to appreciate you just have to yeah even mendes if you're
listening to this podcast we love you we love you um please sponsor us thank you for your face
or just on a date with yeah thank you thank you for your face what a nice company and your talent
of course yes we're not shallow no like you have a great personality to go with your great face
and uh the big bad guy this movie uh who is a psycho or good lord he just he went up to that last guy
yeah way way more evil than Danny Tran but uh it was played by Cole Hauser um he did
solidly great movie uh workside you get into it we did an IMDb plot summary last time which felt like
it took seven years i know a lot of podcasts do like plot summaries that's really cool to listen to
when you're driving but i don't know if you ever tried to read a plot summary but way less exciting
so this time we asked our friends at hyperwright to give us a fun and relatable plot summary of
two fast two furious in depth and uh this is what they came up with welcome to the sizzling streets
of Miami where the cars are hot and the racing is even hotter which apparently so are the girls
because the amount of exploitation of female bodies is insane but i'm not gonna go too far into
detail this is fast and furious it's just how it is but if you're ever if you're ever watching i can
imagine you listening this podcast and not like in fast and furious but if you have a force
to watch two fast and two furious and you don't want to be there which i can't even imagine
here's a fun drinking game you can play yeah every time you see some kind of uh sexual
exploitation of a woman yeah take a shot absolutely you will not be five minutes in the movie
probably by the time that you probably need to be done taking shots we made our favorite fugitive
Brian O'Connor played by the legendary Paul Walker RIP forever rest in our hearts living
it up in the underground racing scene he's not just fast he's furious and ready to prove it wow
they are so good at killing it the race kicks off with neon lights revving engines and enough
nods to launch a rocket also very true if y'all remember the last movie it blew it up
Brian's slick driving skills snag the wind but not before he dodges cops and jumps a drawbridge
because you know why not i like the drawbridge idea though because that was pretty fun it added
it added a little bit of like uh your trick driving type of deal like your your speed demon
your speed demon driving someone who'd watch that movie and be like that's not realistic well done
it's fast and furious well you know what realistic it was completely real jokes on you yeah
after the dust settles Brian's buddy Tej I think it's Tej yeah Tej ludicrous and cornrows that
deserves their own credit by the way by the way that was an introduction by AI AI thought we
needed to know that I really liked ludicrous cornrows yeah that's I love that we love to support for
that throws him into another challenge in this time it's personal enter Roman Pierce tirae skipson
Brian's childhood friend of the chip on his shoulder and a rap sheet to match they're offered a
deal by the feds helped take down a drug lord Carter Verone played with slimy charm by Cole Hauser yeah
Hauser Hauser yeah yeah and their criminal records to get a clean slate talk about motivation
one of my favorite things about the movie was the dynamic between Paul Walker and
Tej er skipson like Roman and and Brian what I didn't like as much was like how much okay I get they
needed a scene where like they fought it out which I loved the cop in that scene it was just
washing it that was that was a rare reason not enough credit goes to that police officer he was the
only so far he's like the only good police officer he was yeah and he just chilled he was like yeah go
for it I liked the scene where they first see each other and uh Brian and Roman getting a fight and
they're wrestling it out uh very it starts off with a few good punches but then they I think it's
crumbly god but like it looks very like looks like I'm just rolling around like I don't yeah but then
like there was it just was too much like he should have at that point been like okay I'll do it
but then you get him like back at the police he's like I don't know man at this moment or take
their driven them over there they're taking his ankle brace it like is like dude you know you just got
the taste of freedom and now you're trying to back out of it all right cool and I know a common
critique and then we also get theory like like fan thares is but like you never actually know what
beef happened between the two of them like Roman get in trouble and at at at at
at the beginning he's blaming Brian for not getting him out of the trouble but like they never
and they they reference it so many times and you're like I'm like I'm like almost like oh what happened
like they're about to tell me and they never really do they face off in an audition to race to
snag a package it's not audition yeah they need to sing let it go race to snag a package for Verone
it's a pedal to the middle edge of your seat kind of deal with enough twist and turns to make a
pretzel jealous get it AI oh my gosh it also gives a spoiler they nailed it but not without some
bickering like an old married couple I love that the AI also is into the controversy about people
thinking that Roman and Brian have a little bit of a bromance like a little bit of a romance going
I had you you told me about this but it was one of your friends watch our yeah yeah yeah yeah
shout out to meach and cacillius you guys are the original ideas yeah so I didn't know that there was
a theory out there and I'm gonna put this up and we're gonna turn this in the real and get so many
mean people but um the theory is that Brian and Roman apparently maybe when they were teenagers
like had some kind of love and then like and you see and if you look if you go into the movie because
I did this last night on a rewatch if you go in the movie and you think that's the case like if you
just may even if you don't believe it you just like hey let's let's assume what if it was that way
right there are things in the movie that kind of add to like that they're they had some kind of
vicious breakup for example you look at how annoyed he looks when like Brian's hitting on
even men does his characters yeah it's just like you see like what could be misconstrued or
construed if this is how you think as romantic tension so the idea is like maybe I mean I love
their bromance but maybe it was just a straight-up bromance without the beat it sounds like the
Roman knew that Brian was a little bit of a great around yeah because he was always like you always
get into trouble because of women yeah it's like I'm gonna stay around just like he totally does though
he totally does like he wasn't wrong like the first movie he got so much trouble because he fell in love with
me yeah and then it was back to this one woman it's like I always say women ruin everything women do
ruin everything and I can vouch for the I am a woman and I ruin everything the quarter mile podcast
women ruin everything our dynamic duo goes undercover and it's all about fast cars big stacks of
cash and the constant threat of getting caught wow scary oh yeah oh fee they're walking a razor's edge
apparently and you can cut the tension with a knife is it really saying that it does or maybe with
the car spoiler it's that intense so this is also a podcast that makes fun of AI a little bit
a little bit just a little bit because it's it's kind of funny it's gonna be really weird if the
internet like writes a comment back to us like hey stop making fun of us we have feelings too yeah
well you know technology's gonna rise up someday terminator oh god but don't worry we'll have
the family in there to take the stop it with fast cars yeah say hello to Monica Fuentes
even Mendes the undercover agent who's been cozying up to Verone which I mean this is probably
just a saber but honestly right that but at the beginning they're like they're not you can tell
I wonder like they're not sure if she should have if she was like what's the word compromise yeah
you can tell if she was into him or not there was nothing about her performance with Carter the villain
that made me think like oh she's actually into him yeah a lot of times she was kind of just like
yeah really it really showed a lot of like that was kind of some of the darker part of the movie is
like it was you saw a lot of domestic abuse it was and they didn't like focus the ton on it like
it was like a side part like when you think about like their interactions could they could have
made they could have taken this plot and made a much darker movie can they trust her or more importantly
can she trust them that's a good question that is fair you got to see it from perfect perspective
they're like hey we're gonna take two convicts one of which who got five from the police department
for turning on the police department yeah and we're gonna have them join you in this operation yeah
and yeah the guy had an ankle bracelet but you could trust him yeah it's fine I mean he just
stole your boss's cigar cutter think about this is this is why you don't think too much about
these plots because then you go down rabbit holes right like they were already unsure about whether she
was compromised or not you know what we should do we should take two other guys who we can't
really trust and we should put them on the same operation right the stage is set for the big money
laundering job everything's on the line Brian and Roman have to play it cool but the job is more
twisted than a bag of liquorish why why also shout out to my dad for liking twizzlers because I do too
I know a lot of people don't like twizzlers but liquorish is good so I like I like the red twizzlers
but I I can't stand like black liquorish oh yeah that's an off and on thing I like the black
liquorish jelly beans I don't know yeah people will hate me for that comment I'm sorry they've got
to outsmart the cops dodge for owns goons and stick to the plan easy right piece it
yeah another day paradise another day in paradise this whole entire plan with them having to go
get the big money and I was I was nervous at first because that's when they go to the trailer yeah
because these guys had these sledgehamers without any explanation they come up with no explanation
and then there was somebody that stepped out of the trailer so I thought for a second I was like oh my
gosh is this gonna be brutal are they just gonna like I know that this movie is taking a little bit
of a dark turn in certain areas because of the bad guy but also I don't think I want to see this
saw movie yet I don't want to see how get sledgehamered but that didn't happen they sledgehamered a
wall and they got a ton of cash I don't really know if it explained what that cash was gonna be used for
it was drug money he was so the whole thing was Carter's character was moving money for their cars
okay yeah so it was just yeah that was another thing about the movie is like they had so much that
they could have arrested him for we saw we saw this in the last movie too they had so much they
could have arrested these people for yeah but what they really wanted to do is they wanted to find the
money and then like that was the thing like once we proved that he's working with a cartel then we
can rest and he's like yeah how about we prove that he just put a rat in a cop's stomach yeah exactly
like and there's three cops present there well counting the guys and he's ratted but yeah but they
were like nope we got to wait till we can prove that he's dealing with drugs yeah they forced monica to
put her hands over his mouth to stop him from screaming like a resting yeah exactly it doesn't even
bring up really the saying that they went to the club looks like so pretty much like what had
happened was they went to a club there were like a lot of dancers and stuff really weird outfits
there was so much going on there was like ladies and like little floating chairs and stuff just
randomly like they did look like shrimp chairs yeah that was I guess it was like an under the
sea under the sea deal yeah but the problem was what was also under was that rat was under a
what do you call that thing it was like a bucket yeah the rat like I feel like maybe we'll
track this with the different movies there's always that scene where the villain does like the
really villainy thing to remind you that he's the villain so like in the last one he like had the
gas and he was like with the coffee was like putting all the gas on the guy's face yeah making him drink
it and this one he had the mouse thing so which maybe think a Bailey would you rather have a someone
used torture you with a pump pump pump a gas on your face like in fast one or would you rather
have a rat be eating you from the inside in the bowl like in fast two oh my gosh I'd say probably
the pump gas because that guy didn't die and that wasn't as extreme yeah like that was a lot but I
think there's a way for me to fight through that rather than a rat digging into my stomach with a
torch that is being put on the bucket that's heating up the source that's also heating up the
stomach that's also the rats digging into your stomach so you get like so many things going on
yeah I would definitely rather have to drink the gas I feel like I did drink the gas I feel like
neither would be pleasant but that one would be a little bit more short lived and I don't know like
afterwards brush your teeth and maybe you'll be fine I don't know yeah I guess I would
well the yeah yeah what would you so you would rather do the gas yeah I rather than the gas I
think the gas is less you what do you guys think you guys let us know would you rather would you rather
drink gas or would you rather a rat dig into your stomach good question um that's the the question
of the day so the high speed chase to end all chases it's not just a couple of cars it's a whole fleet
complete with a boat because of Miami the whole fleet literally comes out of this like giant garage
this big strip garage the biggest thing is why this is such a big scene is because all the cars are
leaving to cause this distraction with the cops so that Roman and Brian can get away and what happens
is they switch their cars with what's their names they they it was uh sookie yes sookie and then
then it was lituracist test yes yeah yeah yeah yeah it's so tezion yeah yeah so they swapped with them
and they got caught instead but the good thing is I mean Roman and Brian were still doing their mission
so they were able to keep going because the cops were like oh crap yeah now they're they've been they've
been caught and now we don't know what to do and then you know they started waving at the helicopter
camera and that was their point to show that you know Roman and Brian still got this you know going on
interesting because so they finally like don't if you're worried about ludicrouses and sookie like
they were fine they were fine the fvi agents helped them get out of the problems with the being pulled
over by the police do you think at any point they could have called the cops and been like hey
these two guys are working for us yeah don't chase them with your entire police you know yeah the whole
movie it's like that there are some plot issues in the movie that's for sure we've already discussed
that a little bit before we even got on the podcast but one of the things that we're saying is like
they didn't seem to communicate at all like they're all within the United States it's not like you're
just you know over a language barrier or anything you're literally still we're all speaking English
over here so like they had the it was the FBI that's the people who brought Brian a Connor then you
had the customs uh who is like the people with like uh even the death of the air at some point they
could have called the Miami PD and be like hey we kind of have this cartel yeah for some reason they
weren't communicating with the police over a giant drug lord pretty much that they're trying to
chase down like this cop that's been threatening uh Brian saying like you better do this or your
dead pretty much like you better succeed with this hold on to your seat folks it all comes down to
this the final showdown with Barone oh no this is this is when that uh that fancy little ship sales
yeah yeah yeah yeah so the problem is they were thinking they were supposed to go to an air strip um
because that's what the that's what the girl told them Monica Monica told them that and you know
how he knew that is because they were kind of canutling and that's how he knew so which there might have
been so there might have been a deleted scene yeah what have made that make sense because there's a scene
where she tells them hey they're gonna kill you yeah uh and I think that's when you said on your way
to your air strip yeah she said yeah yeah and but when you watch that scene like it like like so first
there's a scene okay so first there's the um the cool race um with uh with the two cars and they
get the muscle cars and then they come back to like Tesha's garage and they're like playing cards
and having a good time and Paul Walker's like well I'm gonna go or whatever he says it waiting
I'm going to sleep yeah and so then and then you switch to a scene where like he's in bed
shirtless of course yeah um and she walks out of what seems to be a bathroom with her right yeah
and then she warns them uh which is either like when did she swim over yeah like I don't know
but it looks like there was probably a deleted scene where like uh she and actually I know for
a fact there was a deleted scene this one of our trivia parts we'll talk about at the end
we know we'll talk about it right now who cares um yeah there's a where there was a deleted scene
or there was a scene where they said they wanted to have like a love scene between yeah even
a minute as a Paul Walker and she straight up asked him not to have it queen I don't know like I don't
know if she was like not with that guy or maybe she was like I don't want my image to have that in my
I don't I would love to either when you come into our podcast I and before our wedding I would love
to know why we didn't want that scene on I get it like it's fine but there might have been a scene
in between the cards and the hanging out with the gang and like her coming in warning because it
seems like completely out of left field yeah so what I never bought in the movie that they talked
about the beginning was that they weren't sure if she was compromised like maybe she really wasn't
yeah that was like an awful long thing but like she never like had any she never seemed to have any
will to you to Carter um she was just there he picked up on it yeah he was not a happy camper yeah I
mean he kept threatening her over and over and over that was like if you let that guy touch you
again or if you touch that guy again you're dead you hear me so it's like okay this dude's jealous
yeah jealous psychopath killer cartel guy I don't feel like he gets enough credit as being a great
good guys like he's just he does need to come back and he needs to be wearing an eye patch that's my
why in my patch I don't know that just makes it cooler it's like an eye patch guy yeah yeah maybe
something happened in prison maybe somebody you know took out his eye or something or maybe he
tried to take out his own eye I don't know I just like random reminder I should
random bodily harm to certain characters where it's like oh what happened there he's like
don't ask don't ask you should have seen the other guy yeah that's the last eleven Carter comes
back with an eye patch I don't ask don't tell policy about it exactly there are twists and turns
and a heart stopping moment that'll make you guess perfect thank you and of course there's
a last minute save that so outrageous you'll be cheering from your couch yes you will which we were
because we were on a couch which he was on a recliner I was still cheering I was cheering from
our recliner so the translation still fits yes so like what happened in that scene like what
what was the the miraculous moments and scary moments to make us gas oh my gosh so there was
that that whole car's chase scene and I don't know chase is the right word I mean there was a chase
but like pretty much that you weren't I feel like the police officers chasing them wasn't the scary part
the scary part was they were in the cars with carters two thugs and like they knew these guys
are gonna kill them they had to take care of them so their plan yeah was to have the ejecto
sitos and Tyres is one word so his work but then for the first time in the movie a Brian O'Connor
is planned in a co according to plan not so his seat didn't ejecto and so that was where the
tension was like your house you're gonna get out of the situation and then the really cool scene was
of course they you know they they brought up and helped Tyres got was able to come and help them and
pull the pull the guy out and then how kind of save the day which kind of cool that was like the good
because you know like in this movie you know the protagonist the hero of the movie is Brian O'Connor
but like Roman was a good sidekick like he was saved he saved Paul Walker so Paul Walker could then
save the day yeah like if he hadn't done his role Brian O'Connor wouldn't have been able to make it
to the book yeah that was really cool though I mean it then it smashed into the ship and then you saw
Eva was the one contribution she had in the whole movie she she finally she finally had her come back
to this bad guy that's been freaking abusing her honestly and I'm surprised she didn't like do more
than just knock them with yeah I mean I it would have been crazy if she just shot them right there
I mean this one they've already done so much illegal things yeah what's another murder exactly
they give all the almost all the money yeah but they keep some for themselves and since we like
the characters well enough we have no problem with that yeah Roman good for them they earned it
Roman pulls up his shirt and he's like look what I get hey hey hey hey he has like stacks every
opportunity he could he took his share of oh absolutely every opportunity I get it you know
whatever he's cool character yeah absolutely I wish I wish I had washed poor nabs wouldn't that be
great what are we thinking about this movie so I think it's a really fun movie to watch I think it's
it's definitely a lot more fun than the other one to me just because it's got a lot of laughs I got
a it has a lot of funny dynamics between Roman and Brian but also funny dynamics between the
bad bad guy as well because like he's just like a creepy creepy guy like really psycho but it's also
it helps for him to be psycho because it just adds to everything yeah and like the whole plot line
and stuff even though the girl and that whole just wasn't it it wasn't as much of him like
chasing the girl which like yes that was involved but it was more so of like following through
with the plan following through with getting the money and getting this guy you know arrested
which is I like that a lot and then they showed a lot of stunts and a lot of racing and it honestly
it's like leading you more into how like the fast and furious movies start to actually be
which is like you know jam packed with action and like wow this is some cool stunts you know so I
liked it pretty well what about you yeah so I I definitely liked the dynamic between Roman and Brian's
character that was yeah it felt like I mean I talked about sequel you went from you know having
like one main character in the first one I don't know you had a bunch but but this one is definitely
like a buddy cop but like they weren't cop movies and they did a good job of that like I believed
their friendship I believe that was I was always my favorite thing did not believe the romance
between Eva Mendes and Paul Walker maybe there wasn't really maybe that's why she's just
just like don't put a love scene no so this is how I would do the movie differently if they
called me back up in 2003 when I was a sophomore in high school and it's a drew we're making a new
fast and furious movie here's what we want to do what changes do you have which you know what
changes do you have so this is this is what I do I think they should have used ludicrous
character a a suki the orange Julius character he was in 100 percent they should have used they
should have used that street team that you know like that should have been the so once they knew
that the cops weren't gonna really help them out we should have seen more of like what could have
been like the new family for me like just like we saw a lot of the characters from the first one
like the side-catures all had their points like you know Michelle Rodriguez's character Mia Jesse
the the random value I feel like was only in two scenes like they weren't part of the helping you know
the um oh yeah Vince he was a big part of it um like those new racers that we saw at the beginning
that was like the new family yeah just even just for that movie that would have made sense
but they really were super side characters yeah they really were and then I would have done something
different with Monica with Eva Mendes' character I I think the most almost captivating thing about
her was whether she was a double agent or not whether she had like um turned to work with the bad guy
and so I think a cool twist would have been if it ended up she actually was loyal to Carter and like
I don't know like maybe at the end instead of like knocking him down she turns the gun to him and
they have to figure out a way to stop her as well or something like that yeah because her being a
double agent or her having turned to like the the criminal side is the exact kind of in the is the
exact same thing that happened to Paul Walker's character in the first movie yeah so that was true
and it would have just added to his whole like little switch yeah like because he's over here thinking like
you know so so maybe back in in high school or whenever him and rum and her friends he did the wrong
thing and he crossed you know the line and didn't let didn't help Roman really could and then he did
the right thing and he helped Vin Diesel and he could yeah but now he's got a situation where he's
he's got another character who's doing the same thing but he's on the risk it just would have added
a little tension and I like I said I really like the villain I thought he was a fun guy to not like
just crazy enough to and in this fast and furious word to make it work so those are my thoughts yeah
so okay so this is where we do some rankings and this is also where I invite you all go to our
social medias come find us on tiktok instagram facebook youtube I would like follow join the things but
especially on instagram is the easiest one but you can also find it on facebook and the other ones but like
we have up their polls where we love to hear your responses so some of the questions that we're talking
about and so for example we're ranking the villains as we watch the movies and there's actually a
section where you can also give all of your villain rankings so we invite you to do that because it's
just fun to kind of interact as a community or a family if you know so the question is compared to
the last one that's been compared to fast and furious one day any train do we have right now we only have
two villains that were ranking so is is is is a carder here where is he standing your rank in I mean
obviously carders law worse yeah I mean the dude's crazy oh yeah I definitely put him right now with
the two that we have he's number one very smart our next section is one of my favorite parts
of Bailey's best bits we've kind of updated this since the last time we did it in the first episode
basically Bailey's gonna pick three scenes three of the best scenes for her yes now she gets to choose
what it's the best at yes so like last time she picked her favorite scenes yes but like maybe she
wants to pick the best things that made her angry or maybe she wanted the best things that were the
funniest scenes or the best things that I don't know the best looking parts of Eva Mendes I don't know
that's great she probably won't pick that one the whole movie so yes but so so and then she chooses
whether she wants to tell me what the qualifications qualifications qualification is and then I have to
pick the best and I'm trying to pick her scene if I win I get a point and if I lose she gets a
point we're currently at drew with one point and Bailey with zero points so rip yeah I'm pretty
predictable unfortunately so we start off can I tell you the topic of the types of scenes that's
up to you it makes my life easier if you tell me do I want to do that I don't know do you no okay so
you have the first scene is like the drag racing not the drag racing the street racing
okay in the very beginning but you would think that I would say it's the ramp right no that's not
what I'm saying the one part is just the split second where you've got what's that girl's name
suki suki okay so suki yes yes thank you for saying that for me so that is one of them and then
you got the second scene where they are at the demolition derby and demolition derby yeah am I saying
things right I don't know demolition derby and Brian and ludicrous is rassling on the ground yeah
you know and then you've got the other scene where he is talking back to the bad guy he's like I'm I'm
hungry I guess so I'm hungry first of all I'm gonna guess that the qualification is like funnier scene
yeah okay cool uh I don't think it's the last one because you hesitated but you don't want to
give me any ideas if I'm correct or not uh I I want it okay if you would said like the cops reaction
when I was like eating the popcorn and just watching it that might have been the funniest scene to me
but since you're talking about the fight I don't think that was that funny other than it was kind of a
dumb fight so I'm gonna go with number one I'm gonna go to the drawbridge no yeah because I didn't
give you full detail of the second one to throw you off oh well thank you that makes sense this
is all in the rules because I did say the scene was when they were fighting yeah and while they
were fighting the guy was eating the popcorn okay so you intentionally mislead me that is I did
it's smart but also at the same time I thought the fight was funny in itself it was pretty funny
because they were just like why would you do that bro why'd you what bra I'm sorry cuh yeah
like then they're just like they're literally holding each other in the dirt they're just rolling
they're just rolling and then you had these two guys in the background that are like it's it's
just extra characters it's you guys and they're just like they're watching and they're like you
could see them doing these hand gestures and stuff and they're like should I guess they were
gesturing over because they're like should we go and break these guys up and then they finally like
disperse and then the guys are just like okay they walk off I wonder if like they like okay we're
gonna hit film but we're not gonna tell those people we're doing a movie so just you know see what
happened just see two guys rolling in the ground in 2003 at a demolition derby yeah yeah
there's like yeah okay and then you see a copy eating popcorn that's so normal yeah okay so that
was a fun when we that was a full picture that was that was a really fun yeah that was a funny
success the loss on that because that's like that's how pretty much Roman and Brian you know made up
a little bit more like that's when you started to see their friendship grow again it kind of it
goes to show I mean like I don't this is what they say about men and women and I kind of think
it's true they have to fight it out guys like if you have beef just beat the crap out of each other
and something about punching that person just lets it out what a women do women hold on to it forever
and they it's not as if it's acceptable for you to go like if you have if you have beef with your
friend like hey let's go over to this demolition derby and just fight yeah that's fair uh and
then so they never do and then they hold on to it and then it like festers I'm gonna be honest though
we hold it in because there's so much that we want to fight and we probably want to fight more
people than the guys do like I've got a whole Santa list of people I would probably want to fight but
I won't come back to our episode next month we'll come out tokyo drift and Bailey sure is her Santa
list all the people that she wants to fight and you the audience get to pick the first three that she
fights yeah it'd be too fast too furious I mean just furious no fast just furious no fast
no painful and furious the Bailey jaxes with the the baby fist yeah that I have just need to punch
a more I'm just kidding I don't actually hold a lot of animosity honestly towards anybody that
unless you're on a Santa list unless you're on my Santa list why Santa is Santa on the list that Santa has
the nice and naughty list oh that okay you know that makes sense I thought maybe you're we're about to
transition to you being like I hate it because it's like I check it twice in my head all the time
before I have a grudge against yeah so well thought out and scary sorry anyway I'm Merry Christmas
well yeah I hope hey you know what just share with who's on your Santa list let us know let
let us know the top what you want for Christmas and you know what maybe we'll start a
patreon where you give us the name and the information and Bailey will go punch them yeah I'll be
your own personal no that's legal issues they're with my Hawaiian shirt and popcorn just watching it
yes it will be our new podcast Bailey Bashin would you put this one over under number one
I put it over over I think it's above I think I do too yeah right now this would right now this
one's my number one it'd be two and then one yeah yeah same way and we'd love to hear what you
guys think in fact our current we have a ranking of the whole movies currently with the people that
voted number one and number three are tied for the top spot and then which one is it is number
10 is currently like dead last it's like it's got like hardly any points that's insane please
for the love of God let's not make Tokyo drift the one that wins everyone's favorite but like come
on I'm just saying like let the people have what they want true but also want better things like that's
damn thank you guys so much for being part of this podcast thank you for watching listening
thank you for all the comments and subscribing and like watching us on the social media be sure
to follow us the quarter mile podcast on most things except for tick-tock it's just quarter mile
podcast there we'll be back next month last Wednesday in March so we can't wait to do Tokyo drift
with you all this is the quarter mile podcast and we're just reminding you live your life a quarter
of mile a time and just have a good time absolutely keep your engines revving in your friendship site
yeah all right see you later
(upbeat music)