The Quarter Mile Podcast
Join Drew Davis and friends on this "Fast and Furious Themed" Movie rewatch podcast. We started by reviewing the Fast & Furious series, and then we just kept going! Come talk films with us!
This Podcast is all about chill vibes, having fun while talking about movies, and connecting with friends and our podcast community. Life Is Short, so live it one Quarter Mile at a Time!
The Quarter Mile Podcast
The Fast and the Furious
Welcome to the PILOT EPISODE of The Quarter Mile Podcast! Join Drew Davis and Bailey Jackson as we begin our Fast Saga rewatch journey, with the very first movie, THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS!
Thank you for watching/listening and we hope you continue to rewatch these movies with us. Please connect with us online and participate in our polls and growing community!
Drew Davis:
Bailey Jackson:
Hello and welcome to the very first episode ever in history of the quarter mile podcast. It has been a month. We've been promoting it. We've gotten a few followers. I am Drew Davis, one of your hosts joined with my other the cohost and one of my favorite people on earth.
Bailey Jackson, how are you doing, Bailey?
I'm swell. How are you Drew? I am doing so good. We're going to do our best. Bailey, so okay, first of all, there's like a whole saga to getting this podcast to where it is. So we're going to let you guys in on it.
First of all, we're currently in Tennessee snowpocalypse. If you're from Tennessee, you know, we don't get much snow. Then when we do get snow, we have no idea what to do with it.
Me and Bailey were actually supposed to, you know, I'm in Nashville, she's in Jackson. We were supposed to actually get together to film this podcast, but the roads were like, don't do that. So we didn't. So we're doing our first episode virtually, which a lot of feedback I got when researching podcasts was don't do virtual podcast. Do it in person because they're better.
So we're starting where we do hope I we're open episode two is going to be in person, but this one is virtual. So bear with us on that. Secondly, Bailey is getting over being sick. So she has less of a voice, which is perfect when we're doing a podcast.
So you could not have time to let better Bailey. So yeah, I know because I have complete control over my entire metabolism. Obviously.
Of course, we all do. That's just what it's like to be human. Anyway, she's doing better. She's feeling better. We're glad she's here with glad she's doing better. This is the deal with this podcast. We are called the quarter mile podcast where we watch broadcast.
The first one that we are our first series that we're doing is the fast and furious. And I think a good just kind of way to get going is for us to each introduce ourselves and for lack of better words. Say and talk about our relationship with the fast and furious.
So I'm going to go first and then Bailey can go after that. That way you can see how it's done and then do it like way better. But I'm David. I'm a former youth pastor turned comedian and I may be the biggest fast and furious fan on earth.
I know it's hard to tell and I know a lot of you are going to dispute me on that and you might be right. But fast and furious has been a big part of my life since middle school. Me and my friends used to always go see the movies. We marathon all the movies before news one coming out.
And even though my friends are all over the place now as adults, I still do that. I right before fast 10 came out. I watched all nine movies to get ready for it. It's beautiful. It really gets you.
And they're crazy ridiculous movies like obviously the rock. Spongebob can't redirect a torpedo. But when you watch all 10 movies together. You get in that universe and you think well obviously Hobbs punch can redirect a torpedo and it's just a beautiful way of watching the series.
It's been a big part one of my favorite things about fast and furious is I know there's tons of memes about it, but they're focused on family and by that they mean the family that you make a lot of the characters aren't actually physically related to each other and they have this amazing bond and growing up.
I didn't have like a super close family. So like I relate to that because my friends in life are are my family in many ways.
So I love this movie series. I am a came out when I was in middle school. There wasn't much of my life before fast and furious. And I don't know if I want to live in a world where there isn't a fast and furious coming out eventually. I've never really had to experience it. I don't think it will be as good.
But anyway, so I'm very excited about our rewatch podcast. I'm very excited about this movie. And that's how I'm connected with fast fierce Bailey. What about you?
Bailey Jackson. I'm a musician. So the difference here is I have short spurts of where I speak slash sing slash say things and then drew has longer time.
So that's about the difference. And then I have a little backing track or something that accompanies me whenever I perform. And that's about the only difference between me and drew minus the hair.
Everything else is exactly the same. So if you want to know anything about me, you just immediately think of drew Davis. And then don't.
Oh my gosh. You poor soul. That's the case. Yeah, yeah, basically this is like a podcast with two co host that are essentially the same person. So it will be fun.
Or maybe as we co host together where we'll start learning our differences and be like, and then maybe by the end of 10 episodes, we just decide we hate each other at the end of it.
Exactly. But I got my I got my bachelor's in music and entertainment business. So my profession is in the music and entertainment business.
And I am drew is assistant as well technically. And I'm also a compadre. I'm a friend. We're just here on this podcast. So that's that's pretty much most everything drew you have experience to world without fast and furious.
Here's the thing though, I haven't I have not because it came out in 2001. And I might be exposing myself right now.
But I have had an entire life of fast and furious because I was born then. And you know what? I think that's been my life.
I think you're you're just so much of a better person than me. And the only reason I can only reason I can credit that is you've never had to live life without fast and furious. It hasn't not existed at the same time as you.
Whereas I had a good solid 12 years of growing up with without in a world without fast and furious. And maybe that's why you're just just a slightly better person than me. But that's cool.
Now have you have you seen like all the movies or you like like how would you express your fandom? Because I know when I asked you to do this podcast, part of me was like, I don't even know she's a fast and furious fan. She might not even like watch the movies. But
yeah, so I do really like the series. I will say that because I did grow up on it. I grew up watching it. But since I grew up watching it sometimes nostalgia can get a little muddy once you start taking out and putting in new things.
So I kind of lost a little bit of interest the further on the series got. But that's only because of like just
you know the important guy leaving the earth. So I didn't really like that that happened clearly but nobody I control over that. So absolutely. I just kind of I just kind of was like, well, I guess that ends it for me.
Yeah, but I do like I do like the series. I like the concept and I like the story line. I mean it's a great storyline. So I can't say it's a bad movie series. I like the movie series. I like the majority of the movie series. I just haven't seen every single movie. I probably am only like two or three movies behind though I will say that.
That's okay. We'll be cool and we get there for you to watch them and for us to get your reactions and see what it's like and see how you feel about it. So quarter mile podcast. Here's the deal gang. Yeah, this is our first podcast ever. We don't 100% know what we're doing.
So we welcome all the involvement of any one of you. We love comments. We love. I mean, feel first of all, if you're not checking us on the social media is man, find us on Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube. Basically any of the things that you're not on right now is your list. Please help us out.
And it's really easy. It's the quarter mile podcast on literally everything. So find your favorite social media. Check out the quarter mile podcast while you're at it. If you want to add me and Bailey's own personal artists stuff to it. Yours. The more followers, the better. We're just two artists trying to get out there trying to expand our audiences and are following the podcast is a fun way to do it. But make no mistake. We are in professions where people when we apply to work.
They look at how many followers we have and that helps them to say, yeah, but us are not. Which is sick and dumb, but it is reality. So please follow us. Check us out. But also with the quarter mile podcast.
We're going to be posting reals. We're going to be posting polls. We're going to be posting that we want to interact with you guys. We don't want it. I mean, it mean Bailey are pretty awesome. I could talk talk with her all day. But we want to hear from you guys. We wanted to interact with you guys as well. So there's a few things you can do already. We have one poll going right now, which is rating the rating the fast and furious movies. And all 10 of them kind of your favorite to least favorite.
And we're tracking everyone's votes who put them puts them in and any of the social media. So please get us that information. Bailey, I think it's one of your friends who reached out to us and in his exact quote, Tokyo drift all day every day.
He voted all the vote for the other ones. He just voted for Tokyo drift.
Yeah, I told you I was like, I know somebody this is Tokyo Drift's the best movie. So I'm just saying I will say this and we'll get more into it when we talk on episode three about Tokyo drift. It's grown on me. The last time I watched it, I didn't hate it.
But I am so surprised that there is a following of people that put that one and number four as the best ones because to me, I would put those at the bottom two.
And I feel like a lot of different podcasts and other things I've listened to where people talk about fast and furious. They all say like, oh yeah, four and three are the worst.
Four is like typically at the bottom of the list, but currently in our podcast lists poll that we're doing four is currently winning, which is beyond me. I'm an even more of you all to vote so that we can have a better poll that's not wrong.
I'm just saying Tokyo drift has a great soundtrack and you can't you can't say that otherwise.
I will agree with that. I feel like the song that we all think of from Tokyo drift is absolutely whenever I'm posting stuff that's usually the go to which one I'll use the quarter mile podcast. Make sure you add the the on all the social media things.
We would love for you to follow us and help increase the following and interact with stuff. And sometimes we'll even read your comments here on the podcast.
And I actually have a few from the people that have reached out to us already. And I'm going to do my best to so some Maya Alicia sing or maybe Alicia sing.
I met one person named Alicia in my life. And now every time I see Alicia, I say Alicia. So there's there's that reminds me the key and peel skit.
I think you're a wrong. This is what Maya Alicia says as she says the scene or letty punches all Asian boy at race wars in real life.
She actually broke his nose, which I think is pretty funny that Michelle Rodriguez the actor punch someone actually broke their nose. I will say it's really cool scene.
So for the art totally worth it for us and it definitely looked real. So that makes a lot of sense. Maybe she maybe it was her maybe she said it was an accident.
But maybe she was like, I really want this to be a real thing. So I'm going to punch him. And then she didn't tell anybody right. So yeah.
But it probably has some beef or something.
Maybe the actor was a jerk and she was like, I'm going to punch this guy. Yeah. I'm going to put him in a place. Maybe.
Okay. So where I talked about the guy who ranks a Tokyo Drift is number one. But what we didn't talk about was then I got a comments later from a different friend who was like, can you believe how
you possibly put Tokyo Drift is number one. So GP flag whoever you are you outraged complete random stranger. But I just want you know that I appreciate your support and I hope you keep commenting your opinions on things.
Well, I feel like this is the part of the podcast where we actually talk about fast and furious the movie. So yeah. So not so we're doing this episode we're doing the fast and the furious not to be considered with fast and furious, which is the fourth movie.
I was number one. When I finally got that right. So. Yeah. We all say fast and furious, but everybody like shortcuts. So we all know what we're talking about.
Absolutely. But it doesn't help that I do feel like they make their movies sound so complicated. I mean like F nine instead of fast nine, the fate and the furious, you know, Tokyo Drift doesn't even have fast and furious. And it's like in sub dot, you know, like they know what they're going to do.
Yeah, it was a different place. Yeah, it was a concept almost the same story line different concept. I would I would say that in this just my opinion, but I don't think they intentional were making intentional sequels and connected plots until fast for.
I think they act they kind of brought it all together, especially in the fifth one, but like I think at first the first three movies were kind of stand along. I mean like the second one is remotely related to the first.
But the first one leaves you on a cliffhanger drew what are you talking about? But then the second one and we'll talk a little bit more about this in the second one, but like it is like has come. It's like doesn't do anything. It follows Brian of honors character. And like that's about it.
It's a good feeling movie. The second one's a good feels you movie. I will say.
I love the second one. I'm not going to lie. We'll we'll save our thoughts on the second one till the next. We're here to talk about the first movie the fast and the fear came out in 2001 Bailey when it were you born.
I was born in April of 2001 and it came out in June of 2001. So do the master.
Okay, so like that's just like a month or two, right? Like you were born a couple months. So that's yeah.
So I was I was in eighth grade and you were being born. So your parents were not letting you out into the common public yet because you were a baby that needed to be not out in about.
Yeah, exactly. And I was coincidentally also trying not to be out in the common public because in eighth grade, I thought everyone was terrifying and I didn't want to talk to anyone.
So we were basically doing the same thing. We were both crying crying post to our mother.
We were both crying. Yeah, and sleeping a lot ago. Fast and furious plot summary in the opening scene, a helmeted racer leads a gang of stunt drivers driving three black Honda civics who hide.
A shipment of DVDs and PCR players from moving truck. First of all, I also drive a Honda Civic and I don't think I could do any of those things, especially drive under a truck.
I'm pretty sure those tires are way bigger than they should be to make the truck. I was driving this week and I was looking at the truck.
I was like, could I fit my car under there? And my ultimate inclusion was definitely not. So PSA if you're driving a Honda Civic, don't do that.
Secondly, that's a kind of weird part about this movies. It's kind of hard to tell who the bad guys are. So like in that opening scene, it's so confusing.
That was like the Toretto gang robbing them. Yeah. Yeah. But they're gruesome. Yeah.
Like they do not care. They're like, you know what? I'm a bust in your window. I might bust your head. I don't care. Actually, we're just going to get this thing done.
I think the person that needs the honorable mention, though, is the truck driver because if that was me, I would have said, look, I'll pull over and you can keep all of the deal. I would not put up any.
I mean, one time when I was a 16 year old, I was a bagger at public supermarket and this person came in and stole the big old jar of money.
That was only for like, we were raising money from March and Dimes. This guy stole it and ran out the door. And like, when he ran past me, I just moved out of the way.
I was like, yeah, this is minimum wage. I'm not going to get into a fight over a jar of coins. This guy can he needs it more than I do.
So I can't imagine the truck driver that broke, you know, I don't know if it's the opening scene or the later scene where he had a baseball bat and he was all get fighting them.
Yeah. It just keeps building.
And also, how weird is it that the big crime in this whole movie is they are stealing so much money is worth of DVD players and VCRs?
Yeah. You could tell it's 2001.
Right. Absolutely.
What are they doing? Are they reselling the DVDs and VCR players? Because I don't feel like it's the kind of money that's warranting a life of ground.
That's possible. I'm not quite sure. I mean, it doesn't really explain what they're doing exactly. They just say they get money somehow and then it shows them doing bad things.
And also truck drivers have to be on the road constantly, just in general. So there's no telling how long that guy was on the road defending himself against these crazy people.
He probably was really sleek deprived. Maybe he had to go to the bathroom and he was trying to find a place. It was nighttime. So he's probably just man. I feel bad.
We need a movie about that truck driver. That's the movie about Dom's Tunis shop and the truck driver.
Yes. Truck driver POV.
Brian O'Connor is an undercover police officer driving super charged cars and trying to infiltrate Dominic Torredo's gang who are suspected in all the robberies.
He first did this Dominic's cafe where he's making conversations with Dominic's senior system Mia and routinely orders a tuna sandwich on white bread without crusts which is the grossest sandwich of all time.
What do you think? What are your thoughts on tuna sandwiches, Bailey?
I do not like them.
I like the chicken salad ones. Those ones are good. But the tuna ones, those are smelly.
Yeah. It is. It's routinely disgusting. Whenever I'm visiting my mother, let's her go to it a subway is a tuna sandwich with white American cheese lettuce tomato and mayo.
And I feel like every time I order that the cashier or the sandwich making people look like grossed out by that order.
I don't know. I've never understood tuna and I don't understand why the writers in this movie thought you know what we're going to do? Have them ordered a tuna sandwich with the crusts.
Like because the whole thing is like we'll get into this in a different way, but like fast and fierce part of the thing is they wanted these these characters look super cool to high schoolers.
Like you kind of have like a super cool super sexy super like like hyper realism of this is what the cool underground prime world of drag race and looks like you know.
And then you have the main character out there like let me get a tuna sandwich please and I just I don't get it.
It was making it was making a statement to like you know, portrayed that he's there.
Oh my goodness. Okay, so I guess this is like a guy thing maybe I'm not quite sure I'm just kidding.
So he went to go get a tuna sandwich because no one likes tuna sandwiches and he's clearly going because he's trying to get the girls attention.
Oh, so he's wanting to make it so obvious because like if he got like a brishtromy.
That's the most like yeah, he's interested in me, but like they recommend to not get the sandwich.
So he's making a statement by getting the sandwich that he wants to be there not to eat the sandwich, but to be with the girl.
You know, I have seen this movie 10 or more times and I never picked up on that, which is probably why I'm a single dude that is terrible of flirting.
But now this might go to thing I'm going to I'm going to do that the next time I'm flirting with a woman who works at some kind of food establishment is I'm going to literally pick the grossest thing and try to.
I'll let you know how it works in my that might be how I mean my wife, I don't know, but.
Ask a water favorite meal is and then order that is what you should do.
Okay, that's that's and hopefully it's not a tuna sandwich with the crust cut off.
She would probably do that honestly if it was the perfect person she should do that.
You think so if if I'm flirting with someone.
Yes, 100% asked for a tuna sandwich.
I'm done flirting with them. Well, then she'd be making a reference to your favorite movie series true.
Oh, that's a good point. That's good point.
I'm just saying you got to get on this train.
This train.
Okay, back to the original.
Which interesting Lena one more thing before we move on.
We'll get we'll be about four episodes in before we finish this plot summary.
This was based off or kind of basically the plot was stolen from a different movie point break point break.
Did you ever see point break?
I don't remember.
It's like the same plot, but with less street racing and there's a skydiving scene and it's about a police officer in from trading a crime group.
And they actually they used the same sandwich spot location in their movies.
It's a place called Neptune's I think in like LA or wherever this place is filmed.
And this like if there was any doubt up until this point that they were kind of ripping off point break they made it very clear in this scene.
But I say like we're going to use the same place.
Which kind of weird. I don't know.
I love the fast and furious saga, but like I don't know how to feel about movies just like we're going to do the same plot with a little bit different.
Like I what do you think what do you think about that?
I mean, I don't know because like in music and stuff people borrow melodies and like harmonies and stuff my cat's yelling at me through the door.
That's why I close the door by the way she can be allowed.
Sorry. Anyways back to it borrowing a concept of like a movie and maybe not exactly the same plot line.
But like just a little smidgey part of it is not quite bad. Maybe they just liked the whole like scene or something and they were like oh see there that's that's cool.
That's funny. That's quirky. I'm going to I'm going to borrow that.
Or if he was friends with the director. I don't know. The life is weird people are people.
Life is weird, but why get talk a bog down in these little things?
Maybe it's just a coincidence as well. Like who knows honestly.
Yeah, unless it's not unless it's for sure not a coincidence.
The okay, okay. For sure. Talked about it. They are right. So they yeah.
But they were did off on a purpose.
Yeah, maybe it's like I don't know. We'll look more into that.
But or maybe I don't know who cares really like it. That movie was like the point.
This movie is already 24 23 24 years old. So it's fine. I'm sure the point break break people.
They're all dead or don't care. So.
Actually point of fact, you know, Riz was the Paul Walker character in point break. So anyway.
Yeah, that breaks that point.
So their order in the sandwich then comes in the rest of the fast and furious gang Vince and letty.
And then the other guy Leon who I'm pretty sure is useless for the whole movie.
But Vince gives jealous. He sees a fight breaking out.
And then he drops a very politically incorrect f-bomb that nobody noticed back in the you know 2001.
But now it's so cringey when you hear it. Letty begs down to break it up.
And he does does so and threatens to get Brian fired. He's like what place you work at?
Well, you don't anymore kind of thing. So.
What do you think about Vince's character, Bailey?
I think he's just a little jealous dude. Honestly, he feels like somebody you know came in and you know peed on his tree.
And so now he's upset. And he's like, no, that's not okay. And then he's being mean to him.
But it's just because he's jealous. And that's literally it. He just doesn't.
I can't the more I watch this movie the more I feel for that character, right?
Like now don't give me no.
Yeah. He's a douchebag. He says mean thing.
But he had a crush on her.
He had a crush on her.
It's a broke code man.
And I feel like everyone in the movie just kind of was ex-
maybe people treated him nicer. He wouldn't be such a jerk.
And if you look at the overall plot, the only one who is correct as an assumption about Brian in the situation was Vince.
Like he kept saying like he's a cop and everyone was like, oh, you're just a ghost.
But he wasn't wrong. He wasn't wrong. He was actually correct.
So that night racers gathered for street racing.
What a dumb statement as they do. Racers gather for street racing as is the street racing way.
Brian meets Hector and which Hector had such a stupid line.
Maybe the dumbest line in the entire movie when he was like, I got a last name,
but I can't even pronounce it.
Which is like, yeah, I didn't understand that.
I was like, oh no.
I was like, is he trying to say like because I'm Latino, you wouldn't know what a pronounced by name?
Or like, what's he just an idiot?
Like, I don't.
Or was that like their attempt at like tough guy dialogue?
Like, oh man, he's so cool. He doesn't even.
Maybe he was just making a funny ha ha.
Yeah. That's probably it was probably a joke.
Anyway, but they wait for Dom. Brian offers his car as a bet and Dom's tech Jesse checks his car out.
The spectator's line up the street lighting the way.
Brian and Dom race with Johnny Tran and Edwin, who's played by Jaw Rule.
Dom wins showing Brian superior driving and timing.
A few things about the scene. First of all, I think Danny Tran is like such a basic and kind of useless villain.
When you compare all the fast and furious villains, this guy's got to be in the bottom of the list.
If not the, and that's actually going to be one of the polls we'll post later is like people comparing the villains.
But like, you know, I would put him down is my second to least favorite, the least favorite being the guy from Tokyo drift.
We'll get there. But like, what?
What a useless villain in this movie. I'm not even to sure what aside from being jerks like I don't even know what they were doing.
Bailey, help me out. What are your thoughts on Danny Tran is a villain?
I mean, they were just money people like they were just chasing after money.
That's all they cared about clearly was like the whole just look at me.
I have pretty things. And he's like this pretty boy, you know, that's over here.
Like bad boy, I don't know black at all in black and all that stuff on motorcycles, you know, oh no, I'm going to go and I don't know maybe mess up a semi or do things to people.
But like, it's kind of like through the movie where Brian explains to the cops and stuff saying like, well, I got to have hard evidence.
And I'm over here like, yeah, exactly.
Yeah, evidence is a pretty bad thing. Yes, they're doing bad things. I will say granted.
But I mean up to the very bad thing where they did kill somebody.
It they really didn't do much minus with some like what is it like oil or something in that guy?
Yeah, they did torture guy. That might have been a good thing to arrest her for it.
Yeah, that I can understand that one. But even whenever he was talking to cops, they were like, yeah, I asked nothing much.
You know, whatever. So I mean, the cops weren't even that much impressed with the villain. So yeah, which is interesting in this movie.
There are no real good guys and you find it hard to root.
I mean, you root for Brian for being like a good guy. You root for Dom and his gang because like you like them.
But like, yeah, they're the antagonists.
Danny Trin, his gang are just jerks. He lives at home with his dad and disrespects him when he gets, you know, he gets, he gets arrested.
And then he gets also backhanded by his dad in the same scene.
Yeah, that was the police officers are just kind of there's they they're playing off like sketchy dudes like you're not supposed to like the police officers rarely in any of the fast and furious movies.
Right. They're kind of like the side character almost so like they're there to for you to understand the plot, but they're not really that important.
Mainly enough for you to know that Brian's a cop and that's why.
Yeah, I feel like he's I feel like he's he's a way better street racer and a crime guy than he is a police officer.
Yeah, I mean, that's why they got him in there and stuff because he can really maneuver the car.
Yeah, but like he stinks. I've been an detective. He stinks. I've been like and it was funny.
Yeah, he does.
You're like you're you're up for a promotion. I'm like, how? How is this guy? The person you're like cream of the crop. This guy.
He's doing he's doing crime himself kind of actually. He's he's at least guilty because he's with them.
Yeah, no, but he's undercover. So it makes it okay.
Also, and and then lastly, Jesse is the most developed care one of the most developed characters in this movie who's just a side character just a plot device.
We'll see that. We'll see that later.
The racers pick up a police alert on the scanner and everyone flees. Dom parks his car and flat flees on foot and Brian helps to mitsy.
Dom has research Brian because this is back with the internet was a hard thing to come by.
But as they chat, they are surrounded by easy willing wielding Chinese bikers who escort them to an empty lot.
The leader of the Skeng Johnny Tran, admires Brian cars and references race wars. The worst name for anything ever.
He and his goon shoot up Brian's car, which explodes from the NOS on board.
Isn't that an energy drink? NOS. Yeah. Yeah. It actually came out a couple years after.
Fast and fast and fast and fast and fast and fast.
That's what I'm saying. Thank you. That's sorry. That's all I have to say.
We'll talk about NOS more and fast to the episode because I need to go up all the information about it.
But if anyone is listening to this wants to give us a background on what NOS is actually we would love to talk about that in our next episode.
So I'm kind of curious actually.
So back at Dom's house, a party is in progress. Dom Yose and his gang saying Brian was the only one who helped him.
This bus is the one who picked me up for something when he said Vince is drunk drunk and upset that Brian is back.
Dom and let he go upstairs to get hot and sweaty and Mia is a real jerk in the scene.
Okay. This is one of those scenes where I have so many questions and issues and observations.
First of all, you can tell just how they do the scene about the hyper realism that they're creating in the movie.
So this movie is all they say the cars are the main characters.
That was the original attention of Fast and Furious and they were really gearing it towards high schoolers or young people.
And they wanted all this drag racing things to look super cool and hot and sexy.
So like their ideas are we're going to create the kind of party that every high schooler would want to be at.
So it's not even like a real party. It's not even like a real high school party.
It's not even a real high school party in the eyes of a high schooler.
It's like a party in the eyes of a high schooler if he were to make a fantasy best party ever.
You know, you walk in everyone's drinking and having a good time women or making out by the stairwell.
All of your friends are there. It's like it's like that's not high school.
No problem.
Yeah, yeah, it was it was weird. It was a lot.
Also, here's my question that I don't think we ever get an answer to in the movie.
But right.
How old are all these characters?
Oh, I know.
Okay, so I got I got a little explanation on that because you said that that
Vince was what like 24 or something like that?
Okay, so 24 of Vince is 24.
So the real question though is how old is Mia?
Because there's a lot of evidence in this scene especially that she's a high school student.
First being that she's doing homework when they get there.
Second being everyone is drinking a beer but do you know what Mia was drinking?
I can't remember what she was drinking.
She was drinking a snapple which is a really weird choice for her drink.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But like the point being that like she did it she what so if Mia was a high schooler does that not make Paul Walker's character look so much
much weirder this as the undercover that was offside because then that would pretty much I mean as long as she's 18 maybe hopefully but like we don't know exactly.
Yeah, maybe let's go with let's go she was 18 she was legal but not to drink.
She's graduating.
Yeah, also let's talk about the irony then of they were like well let's go rob these truck drivers but make sure Mia drinks only things that are legal.
And then the the last thing is that seen though a couple things one.
Dom actually makes a quote Henry Ford quote there when he's like you can have any beer you want as long as this Corona.
It's not actually a Corona product placement.
Well, maybe it is but it's it was back Henry Ford used to say like we make tea models in every color as long as it's black is so they were actually like a well placed quote.
By the movie director people to make it more like about cars you know and the last thing is is I have so much bitterness towards Mia in the scene when you know her and Paul Walker flirted in the Vince comes in and he's drunk and he's okay so he is being a jerk I'll give it to him but then she's like oh where's that place you wanted to take me and he says he's like okay well Brian can take me there I still to this day and a little bit or about that 20 years later I'm still not a fan so.
We'll get to that it'll be fine um okay so the next day Brian arrives at a police safehouse where his boss Sergeant Tanner brief Brian truckers are getting nervous about the robberies and apparently arming themselves and the FBI are now involved this is a joint police and FBI investigation over stolen DVD and VCR players.
Yes yes so just it's it's it's a strange but we just we just roll with it when watching movies like this we suspend disbelief a little bit we kind of move past it we're like okay sure yeah obviously how about that safe house they are staying in though Bailey that was that not the nicest house.
That was insane I I wow I would love to just like go there for. Yeah.
Yeah and even Paul Walker's character he was like yeah whoever whoever you compensate this was living real great or whatever you know but I I like how they were like drinking iced cappuccinos because they were trying to make these costs so different than regular run of the mill let's not have a meet in a police station where normal.
Police officers meet and let's not have them drink boring old black coffee let's have a meet in a mansion and drink ice cappuccinos because they're cool cops yeah we're edgy.
So edgy yeah fancy rich cops yeah and not not entirely effective cops either the too busy.
No ice cappuccinos to do their job they probably had a side hustle to honestly yeah they seem like they were really getting down to it either they you hardly any scenes I think there's only one scene is this may be where crime was happening and police cars showed up.
Like if you'd be like what were the positive effects from the police officers in the fast and the furious you'd be like well they make a really good ice cappuccino basically.
So they bring some a wrecked Toyota Supra with a powerful engine and starts working in doms garage Jesse works with Brian on how to soup the car up and we learn about house really smart he is how he has ADHD ADHD and is an all around sweet boy they're building Jesse's up so much so that when they kill him off later we're like oh that was sad I cared about that character.
The they said I feel like they have scenes where they're like we're going to build this character up so you like them and they were in take them away from you real quick.
Well they made them seem even more innocent is the issue.
I feel like oh yeah the in the car so cool i'm just like a dude that struggles with things a comprehension and all that you're like all the baby boy and then you know bad stuff happens you like crap.
Yeah the next day hector by his parts for Honda civics from Brian and Brian get suspicious he breaks in the actors garage but then some time follow them.
Here's the thing about this scene when he when he's in when they're in the garage and they break in Brian goes in first investigated and then Dom and Vince show up and they see Brian and they pull him in to interrogate him.
So I was I was a youth pastor for when he doesn't know for like 15 years.
And any time I was dealing with students who like gotten trouble and any time I was like interrogating them and especially the time to do they were lying to me.
I would straight up say what vindies will sit here I think this is one of those times where you have to choose your words really carefully.
I didn't realize it until I rewatch this but I've said that line probably a billion times to a random teenagers and it and now I realize I got it from fast and furious so that's fun.
It's ingrained in you it is it is I just I was like I've always that's one of my favorite lines of movies where he's like Brian this was times you got to choose your words really now I never came out of the kids with a wrench but like.
I feel like I had vindies little style intimidation on my side yeah yeah you don't sound like that and that's okay.
No yeah I believe it.
Okay Brian convinces that he's spying on the competition for race wars next month.
Vince is suspicious but Dom thinks it's a good idea and they break into trans garage Brian spots possible stolen goods.
Trannon is goons arrive and Dom and Brian and Vince watch as they torture torture the local fence Ted poor Ted they torture him over some stolen engines.
This is like the time this is like when we this is like the only villain this thing we see from Danny Tram like this is like.
Well aside from later when he kills a guy but this is like is this is when you're supposed to be like oh he's a jerk yeah he just seems like a bully yeah but not like the villain of the movie we eventually get way worse villains and fast and furious yeah exactly.
It's like a level one so movie one villain this is definitely a first movie villain.
This is a low key but not a Thanos kind of villain yeah they couldn't afford a better villain yeah so also they all might be somewhere between 18 and 24 years.
There's just a bunch of kids into some things that they shouldn't be exactly this is kind of interesting so we see Brian talking self out of this situation with Vince with Vince and Vince are to say Dom and Vince.
This is a kind of a pot take opinion I have that anyone else can blast me on Bailey you can tell me if you think I'm the like wrong on this but this.
We don't have a great representation of Brian O'Connor in this movie this is the first scene where we see like the fast talking him getting out of trouble him like working the situation to his advantage.
When we see the next movie fast to that's where we see like a Brian O'Connor who's like in charge of things he's winning races he's you know doing cool like you know gunshot scenes and like he's like he's just an all around awesome dude like the Brian O'Connor that like we love and respect in the movies.
We in this movie we're get like he doesn't get the girl he doesn't win a race he doesn't solve this case he just you know like I don't know like he just going for relatability.
Yeah when a race or get the girl.
I feel like you have to have a war month movie at least once maybe you win a race or get a girl right.
Right right they probably had a plan to at least release another movie considering their work yeah that's probably true.
So they're like we're gonna make him seem like a little child right now because he kind of was like he was he was in the building box of what he wanted to do with his life so.
He didn't know what the crap was going on he was just going with it.
He was just he was probably close to his early 20s too just figuring life out.
Yeah he's like oh pretty girl let's get involved.
Pretty possibly under age girl let's let's he was honestly he is the fast and the furious was relationships is what it actually is.
Yeah for sure.
Brian tells the FBI but wants to resist moving in on train and they have more evidence his boss thinks he's too soft and terraro and that Brian is going native.
There's an interesting scene there where the cops ask Brian like who are you real family because like the police force were a family too and that kind of that's the first time we ever see family brought up in fast and furious.
And goes back to that theme like he finds his family from like people you know that aren't related or aren't part of his job just like this unique group but the cops are like well we're family too you should be being more loyal to us which to be fair.
He did go undercover with criminals and the cops are like hey maybe side with the legal system and not these people that are ceiling cars.
So the next day don takes Brian into confidence into confidence and shows his super charged 1970 Dodge charger the one that he never drives don says it's too much power.
And this is also when he throws down the quote I live my life quarter mile out of time which is what we named her podcast over just the whole living in the moment not worrying about what's ahead what's behind but just when you're in the moment.
Here's a thing gang about our podcast we call it the quarter mile podcast because the point is like life is short there's all kinds of crazy things going on we're in a snow apocalypse right now in Tennessee we have our stresses we have all kinds of uncertainty but you know there's also a lot of good things to kind of help enjoy ourselves to help have a good time.
Me and Bailey both creative people music and comedy and art is a great way but watching movies is also fun and a good way to enjoy life to so kind of our motto is life is short watch a movie and enjoy podcast live your life quarter mile time so that's that's why we need to call out podcast so.
Exactly over dinner Brian and me a talk about Dom and then me a shows off her driving skills which is really surprising because neither she nor Michelle Rodriguez had driver's license when they filmed this movie.
At the same time another robbery is in progress and Brian gets a call from the boss that they're moving in on train in the morning the raid goes off with Brian wearing a hood but trans gang gets gets out for lack of evidence this is vicious goods were purchased.
Virtues leave early as sergeant and all our costumes Brian about falling for me and tells him Dominic is his next suspect.
A few things about the same one how stupid is the wrong number excuse that they use so Brian me are in bed he answers the phone and.
His first thing is like yep yes I agree and then he hangs up yeah and then she's like what was that he was like wrong number.
And she was like okay it doesn't even make sense.
Nope why would you say yeah to a wrong number right.
I don't know so.
And I don't know why they decide to bring Brian into that raid hey let's bring the guys been undercover for months that'll be smart.
And here's a fun fact that's just as weird in the original scene after the date and before the bed scene they they had it where Brian and me went skinny dipping and made love in the pool instead of in the bed and.
I for one I'm glad that that's not make it to the movie.
I mean.
Next day Brian and Dom take the rebuild super for a spin and smoke a Ferrari over lunch Brian asked to get get on in on Dom's next job but don't want to see how Brian does at race wars.
And I thought this was a useless poor and stupid scene that could have been taken out of the movie and would have been just fine.
We kind of had to have a little bit of an explanation of race wars.
Yeah did they give it did they give a explanation there did they just say like being race wars.
Well not really but like we had he had to get there somehow.
That's true.
I guess that's the they're like you know what we're just going to hand him a note and be like give it to this guy it's your golden ticket so we'll be watching.
That's true kind of connected us from point A to point B so okay.
I resend my statement of this being a useless person scene this is why this is why we're doing this together Bailey you're helping me you're helping me be a better person.
We're right brain and left brain put together were a full brain.
Right absolutely in the middle of the desert race wars begins let he wins but Jesse loses his car to train refuses to give up his car and drives away which is probably not his smartest decision.
Trans it just don't have been an performer as a result the police raid on his because of the police raid on his place the day of four and a fight breaks out.
What do we think about the scene with Jesse do we think it's believable but believable they would be doing something so stupid and crazy and weird or do we think it's like a little out of character.
I think it was I think it was the right move personally I mean not really but kind of because it was the dad's car right.
So like he was yeah exactly so it was the dad's car he didn't want that guy to get his dad's car so he's like well crap I'd rather just you know go away he didn't know what to do he was freaking out.
I like it because it showed how like freaked out in panicky he was you can see you show he's still a kid brain kind of yeah like it made some a lot of critics will criticize the scene like it was really out of character and just didn't seem logical I'm like yeah that's the character he's a little bit of an odd ball who who's a little skit so so yeah but he wasn't he wasn't portrayed as like the bad guy being aggressive and stuff he was more a fleeting yeah.
Yeah absolutely that night is also upset with don who is obviously going on another robbery revealing that don and is getting where this is the shocker the real hijackers that Brian was trying to nail all along.
I wonder if anyone watch this movie at any point didn't know that because I think they were trying to make it like a big reveal but it I mean it really wasn't barely where you shocked where you shocked to figure out.
Do you remember the first time you saw this movie that they were the hijackers yeah I mean so I think I just got a little bit of confusion going on I think is the thing because I thought that the what is it the to.
Danny train in his group or yeah yeah yeah yeah I thought it was them.
I'm what I'm thinking it that was like that was what the intention of was the plot was like that was the misdirect like these terrible jerks clearly are the bad guys.
What I'm quote are the criminals I mean they still were pretty bad but right but then it turns out it's Dominic in his group but that okay so Brian confesses that he's a cop and asked me to help him warn don about the truckers arming themselves and the FBI operations.
Brian Brian calls for a trace of dom cell phone in a very unrealistic way he calls his phone company gives them his badge number and then they're like okay we can trace that and also I learned that next tell that phone company back in when this movie came out they had to release like some kind of statement after the movie to be like look that's not actually how it works.
We can't have people track your phones which now phones nowadays like what phone is it being tracked but yeah it's kind of interesting but it also shows you like what a big deal this first movie was when it came out like it was a big enough deal or enough people are watching it where they were like yeah I don't want my phone to be tracked like it was fast and furious and I use next tell and they had to be like hey that's not how police work works.
But I thought this scene between Brian and Mia when he kind of tells everything about himself and then he's got that kind of level of desperation of like we need to you need to help me with Dom and help me find I thought this was the best acting scene that Paul Walker had in this movie.
Hey it was good yeah because I mean they all have a bad idea of cops and stuff so he had to really just make sure he got his point across that he was not going to call them in.
It's like just listen to me I'm a cop that means I can help you that doesn't mean I'm against you.
And you can see kind of the panic with her when he said he wouldn't even use a cop shoot I mean not just panic but I mean at that point she probably felt like she had been used.
Yeah I mean because he hid that that was a pretty big part the hard from your show.
Yeah or from somebody else.
And they're they're relationship ended up working out but that would be a tough one to get passed.
I'm in that time.
And you were 100 cover cop.
So yeah but you didn't tell me.
Yeah that'd be something I don't know I don't know if I could could you have been with them after that?
I don't know if I could I think that would I think we would have had to friends.
I don't know.
Lying's not a thing for me.
I can't do that too much.
The climax.
Domin is gang don their masks and cars and set out for another hijacking job.
The robbery begins to go wrong and Vince jumps on the truck but is shot by the trucker that these truckers man they that's what it.
These are all the truckers.
He's got a shotgun.
Not afraid to use it.
I want to say he's the best shot.
I was being honest.
He is driving.
He's keeping his eyes on the road.
He's being a good driver.
But he also has so much ammo for that shotgun.
There's so much shots that happen saying.
So letty crashes her car and Leon restuse her and then set that point that I remembered that Leon was in the movie.
Brian arrives on the scene and risks his life to say Vince as the truckers reload.
He's shot gun.
Dom arrives and here's Brian calling from a medical helicopter identifying himself as a cop.
Dom is stunned but Vince is the first priority after Vince is stabilized.
Dom storms off with me following.
So if I were to change any one thing about this is actually well the truck scene is my favorite scene then maybe like that the action scene the trucker shooting him Vince hanging on for
a deal life in the blood on this is just looks painful Paul Walker jumping to the car letty trying to this is my this is my favorite scene of the movie.
But one thing I would change is when Brian O'Connor reveals he's a cop because Mia's there just chilling and already knows I feel like it takes away the shock value for Dominic.
So like what I would have done if I was the movie person I would have had her doing something else like I would I don't know what she would have been doing calling someone you know drinking a snap or whatever she does maybe catching up on some homework you know like there's a lot of things you could do as well.
And I would have Vince are Vin Diesel and Paul Walker and that scene by themselves so that you could really focus on a shock.
I really thought about that they could have done that better I have to say again this is where we learn Vince was right all along everyone who's so mean to this poor guy granted he's a bit of a jerk.
Okay granted he's a huge here but you know what he wasn't wrong the entire movie about like Brian's character and they just listen to him.
The whole high smile I've gone off a lot better so back at Dom's house a Brian confronts Dom Jesse returns and trans shoots him in a drive by rest in peace Jesse the only fast and furious character in the family that is died and stayed dead.
Yeah, the one that said that had ADD yeah they killed the poor ADD guy yeah exactly.
I would love for them to bring him back at some point I would love to see him in another fast and furious movie.
What is this actor doing like what's he doing this more important than being in another fast and furious movie I would say this one he died in the first one and now he come back is this like Star Wars.
Well if we take ourselves away from the first one a little bit and look at the overall series all those characters like so many characters come back.
Like Hans dies in the third one becomes back one rule men's character Gal Gadot she dies at some point comes back in the day.
Yeah forgot she was in those.
Yeah we'll get to her. She's probably the my preference for best looking character in the show.
Yeah of course yeah she would be one of my favorites on that I don't know how they could bring him back but it would be really interesting if he ended up being like the main villain like he just got so I don't know he was or maybe turns a bionicle yeah absolutely he's a robot he comes back in.
He comes back as a car he comes back as his dad's car in the final.
Yeah this is like Terminator meets meets fast and furious.
He's the furious part we haven't seen a lot of periods he's becomes yeah that becomes his code name exactly.
I think we just wrote fast 11 I think so that's the ending.
Yeah so um so Brian gives Chase and Dom gets in the charger to pursue as well this is they're going after Danny Tran after they kill after he killed Jesse.
Dom stops in front of the one of the motorcycles sending the goon into a field in Brian shoots Tran Brian sees Dom fleeing and pursues in the supra they race because why not.
Um and Dom's car begins to destroy itself from the massive torque in the motor they finish the race but Dom hits a truck pulling out from a side street the charger is wrecked and Dom is injured.
For the first and last time in the fast and furious saga we see Dom actually injured we see him in so many more car decks later in this show in this movies but this is the only time we see him actually being hurt he's still human in fast one.
As the police sirens are heard in the distance Brian gives Dom his car because he still owns a 10 second car and Dom escapes and that ends the first movie of the fast and furious saga.
What do we think Bailey what are your general thoughts reactions feedback like things just fast and furious real what do you think about this movie what is in just.
Opinions I don't know life things well it's very interesting to me because I noticed that like in today's time I will say if you watch it you're like.
At the teeny bit sexist but also there's also anti sexism it's like you got some bad mammoth jambas but then you also got some girlies.
And some guys against the girl is it gets a little confusing but it is exactly like you're saying like with the whole like high school kids this is what they would want it to be but not actually being.
So it's like if you take some like 14 year old boy race cars dream then that's probably fast and furious one right is this is this is what we thought life was like back and forth yeah it's kind of just like an idea exactly so it's a really good movie though I mean like I said I've grown up on them so it's honestly like comfort movies to me at this point.
Yeah the plot line it's the bad guys not that impressive but I will say just because vendee is in it is the reason why I stuck with fast and furious for so long as well absolutely I mean this was his break out role like I mean he was in some he was in I mean him and Paul walker both were in some stuff before this and it was like I say they were pretty famous like you are getting there but this was the one that put them on the map.
Yeah exactly the general public and I mean I don't know if vendee is all their movies nowadays other than just fast and furious.
Yeah honestly because all I knew him for was fast and furious in the pacifier.
Yeah that's I love that I don't know if people watch the pacifier.
It's such a good movie. It is. It kind of gives you a little bit of the similar vibes honestly.
Yeah it's like if like family version.
Dominic Toretto had a side job as a nanny.
Yeah this is a kids version movie of fast and furious.
Yeah one thing you said that I would love to hear more potentially is you were talking about we saw obvious ways of sexism.
Yeah we also saw anti sexism. What would be some examples of anti sexism.
Okay well so the anti sexism would probably be where they were at I believe they were at race worse.
And I'm so bad with names the girl with the black hair that's vendee's all letty.
Letty yes so when she went up against that that guy with the race and he was like crap talking her and just been like I'm gonna I'm gonna win.
All is bull crab and then she just like smacks back out him with such a such a great I don't even remember what she said but she was just playing the game with them and then completely smoked him.
Yeah absolutely.
And I know that's not like maybe a whole sexism thing or whatever more so of maybe proving wrong but he was being pretty sexist about like her being a girl and stuff and like honey you shouldn't be behind we.
Right. Then she showed him.
I was like yeah that's how it should go.
Yeah I feel like the movies do a good job especially as they go on like they do try to like break some stereotypes especially I mean back then I mean the scene where like Brian was like washing dishes and everyone.
I mean of course Vince the jerk douchebag was like you shouldn't be doing that you know like he's making fun of him.
Yeah but no one's looking at Vince and be like let's think like him you know they're flowing like this is a better way to decide where I'm from you know the guys.
And then as the movies go on your cat and even here in this movie back in twenty two thousand one.
You you see a racially diverse cast which back then would have been a bigger deal like all the main not all the main characters are just white men you know yeah so my reaction is movie is I absolutely love it.
I love that it sets up a series and was such a big deal for it.
I will be honest it when I'm in my own rankings of the movies I end up usually not putting this one pretty high because what the fast and furious turned into or something completely different than this movie.
But I love I still enjoy it.
It's all the nostalgia one of the songs that plays during the first big drag racing scene is rolling by limp biscuit.
Did you ever listen to lint biscuit Bailey yeah yeah awesome.
Of course I did of course but to be fair that that me like is is hey day was when you were a baby so that's not exactly a weird question for me to ask.
But I am a music and entertainment business major.
I miss true so you you know you have good days maybe it was a project yeah but I remember I remember lint biscuit because me my friends in middle school we would go to our friend David's house we jump on his trampoline like all afternoon and playing from his boom box with like a big extension cord so that was down by the trampoline we would be playing lint biscuit that was our that was our jam and so every time I that opening scene happens.
I'm just living in living in that memory so such a good so here's a lot of fast facts I didn't write out a ton this time there's tons more so if you're someone who's listening to this watching this whatever you know and you have another fun fact you want to share with us please drop it below we.
These movies have all kinds of weird information and backstories and facts and it's always fun to come up so during the race wars the scene with the race wars they actually used real life drivers and brought their cars and to participate in this huge scene they put out like a big ol ad and they're like hey if you have a cool car and want to be part of the scene come on out and they ended up getting about a thousand five hundred cars there but what school is like those were real people and they're real souped up cars.
Which I just think is really cool. Another fact of filmmakers ask owners of the house in the background to repaint their house with more muted colors to show off the color of all cars.
That's so weird message to get.
Can you paint your house so that our cars will look cooler in this movie that we're making.
Imagine getting a call from your landlord.
Right like hey we're gonna need you to change this door changes the walls can you make it a more muted color if you have like a bright red door that you were so proud of and they're like look your door looks great we're filming a movie but yeah I hope they were paid like I hope someone said like we'll pay for your pay so yeah I'm
the same thing you want to see if like any of the houses are like boldly colored like with any of the neighbors are like no I'm not doing that for your stupid.
This is yeah rejected this is my favorite fast and furious fact mark wallberg Christian bell and MNM were all considered for the role of Brian O'Connor before Paul Walker was cast.
Can you imagine in a multiverse somewhere a different universe fast and furious just as successful but with MNM instead of Paul Walker the real sling shady oh my gosh you couldn't do this movie because he was filming eight mile which is another good movie I've seen a mile honestly I know I haven't actually
actually I think you would enjoy it it's a fun movie has nothing to do with that I would definitely enjoy it but it's a it's a good yeah I love it. Yeah yeah but I I would love to see and so working titles for this movie it was supposed to at first it was called racer X which was named after like an article they wrote about I was trying to bring light to the underground drag racing industry I guess
and that's what inspired this whole movie the the directors read that article or like let's make a movie about it but then they didn't go with racer X and then the next idea was red line they didn't go with that either and then the last idea before they landed on fast and furious was race wars which oh my gosh I like to the
multiverse somewhere the different universe where MNM plays Paul Walker's character Brian O'Connor in race wars that sounds like such a terrible movie. Yeah what would the other ones be called like race wars and the raciest or two races to the racer yeah
the race the rate of the race wars I don't know race that would be so weird probably a good decision that they didn't but you know there was someone who's really
on race wars and they're like oh my gosh fine we'll call the race in the movie race wars and he's like he's a good my friends at my meeting tonight will be real happy
okay are too fast to furious rating system alright Bailey here's how it works where each going to rate the movie to we can say too fast that means it's really good fast means it's good
furious means it's bad and then to fear so be like really bad so okay so so I'll go first I'm going to put this movie only because it started off
everything I'm going to call I'm going to say it's a fast category so it's kind of the good category I will be honest when I when I do marathon these movies every time a new one comes out
and there's a little part of me that's like okay here we go watching the first one again so that's so that's why it's kind of not one of my favorite ones to be fair I have seen it
times so I don't know if this movie was meant to be watched 10 times but and but I have to give credit the fact that it started off everything and if you look at the cultural phenomenon that this movie had the impact it had into
twenty or 2001 so yeah so what do you think I think my rating would be the same actually it would probably be fast only good because like there's always
room in for improvement obviously but it's also not my favorite of the series but also like there's some things in it that I'm not quite like really into but also it is good of a build up of
everything that's to come into the series pretty much yeah kind of really sets the stage it's a solid starter yeah it's a good starting movie yeah
and one of the things we will be doing is as we as we do episode for each movie will be kind of putting them in a order of our Lee favorite to lease favorite right now that's really easy we've only rated one movie so best movie we've talked about so far so
number one maybe yeah number one but we will we will give everyone the options to one or social media and stuff like that to rate each movie so you can tell us your own to fast to fear is rating we'd love to hear it we'd love to kind of keep track and keep the numbers of that and maybe
the last episode will be able to share kind of what in general our whole populist thinks. Okay so Bailey this is our next scene is called Bailey's best bits so ideally you have three scenes three of your favorite
scenes are just three scenes in the movie you're going to tell me what they are and then I'm going to pick what I think is your favorite scene if I guess correctly I get a point and if I don't
guess correctly you get a point person at the end of the 10 episodes with the most points wins I don't really know what we win yet but we win something if not pride so you got your three
scenes yeah I think I do so okay you've got the scene where Brian and Mia are in the kitchen and Vince comes in and that's when they get a little
little mean to him and she's like so where do you want to take me you know to go out to eat and tell her and then she's like okay well you're
gonna take me there actually so there's that one that scene okay there yeah and then there's the scene where they are
there actually at the very beginning of the entire movie where he does go and order the tuna sandwich but it's not when he orders the
tuna sandwich is the aftermath where they're in the fight scene big fight yeah big fight then there's the other one that is at the
the past where they go over the train tracks with the cars and that split second okay yeah alright so I'm gonna review I'm gonna make sure I got the scenes first scene one is the
the kitchen scene scene two is the fight at the tuner store and scene three is the I know I have backwards okay so I'm gonna
get backwards okay so team scene one of the tuna store scene two was the kitchen scene yeah and then scene three was the the cars going that cool camera
chase scene okay we don't let me let me change that one actually oh changing that's not enough so that's not the winner I'm sorry
no okay so it's actually where all Walker Brian is standing on the car while Mia is driving and trying to save this okay and going fast okay I
oh man I don't think it's that thing because you changed it but I was gonna guess the first scene that she said it was
then I'm so glad I didn't because that's there that would have been the wrong one man I think I'm good earlier in this episode you you mentioned you said like oh we'll talk about that more when we're talking about the kitchen but at the time is I thought like oh she clearly
didn't like that but between the two scenes I think that random fight at the end like that's that's a cringe worthy scene for me like I mean Vince drops the F word it's is a quick moment like so I'm gonna go with the kitchen scene is the
kitchen scene is that your favorite scene yeah sweet so it's one point for me zero for Bailey yeah cool I mean I'm gonna go for 10 10 and oh we'll see if we get there it's mainly just because Mia just that's something that I
would do it's something that I have done almost kind of because like I've been told by people before in past relationships to not do something or what I
would ever and then immediately do it just at a spite so like her to do something like that I'm just like man she's trying to be sneaky and snarky towards it you know like she doesn't give a crap she likes this guy she's trying to make a statement.
I love that we have such a different opinion on that scene I think I get so angry at Mia to the point where I think like her actions there kind of a flavor in Alice here in all the movies yeah
yeah I can see from your perspective you're like no good for her it's like a guy in girl perspective thing honestly it's just like okay because both is like both are kind of being but holes to each other not gonna lie
and I think is we can just see ourselves in the different characters like I can do my situation situation where some woman has like played that game with me yeah exactly because I wouldn't like for somebody to do that to me no absolutely not so
I get that cool that's cool that's that's fun and insightful and so as we're kind of closing out our episode we're going to do the way we kind of end out is with shout outs and promotions of me and Bailey both have an opportunity to kind of
promote whatever we want to promote could be about ourselves it could be about anything in general so I'll give you an example Bailey of how it's done except thought about what I wanted to promote for our first episode first most importantly our social media is the quarter mile
mile podcast on Facebook Instagram TikTok YouTube all the things mainly those though those probably remain things this podcast will be out on all the different things people podcast with so if you don't mind
please like it comment on it thumbs up share it with your friends we just want everyone on earth to hear our awesome podcast and we do appreciate you guys being here so my first plug is for or the quarter mile
podcast second plug is for me in my standup comedy at Drew Davis comedy especially next two weekends I will be in Memphis performing different places there the first show will be at a breakfast place called eggs up grill
I think and then the second place the weekend after that is I don't actually some restaurants called like the way of the samurai or something I don't know but I have all the information
that I have all the specials everyone should come out especially from the Memphis area last two things I want to plug green day just had an album come out today this is January 21
we're filming but it will be about for four days since when you hear it here this podcast everyone to check out pretty good and last but not least in fact arguably the most this weekend I was at a
good time and they're bacon are they're they're pretzel baconators out now and I don't know if anyone likes Wendy's or likes bacon cheeseburgers but I strongly recommend the press will bake in
and if Wendy is in green days want to sponsor our podcast for shouting them out we would love it so so do you have any any plugs for us?
I don't really guess so I mean I guess I'm just plugging myself I am my musician name is Bay so it's B-A-Y and that's on anything but it's kind of hard to find me in most places so we might embed a link or something to my stuff
yeah we'll put a link to all the things yeah I mean that's that's a really it there's not really too much going on in my life except a lot going on in my life but most things are just in the works instead of a finished thing at the moment so yeah well we'll as things will come up will for sure plug them and stuff like that but yeah listen everyone listening thank you
so much for checking out our podcast is our first episode will be putting out our second one the end of February I think we're going to go for the fourth Wednesday every month will be posting our new episode will be recording before then so please connect with us on all the social media do the rewatch with us comment on the polls let us know what you think
and most importantly we just we really value all in thank you all for listening so that's our podcast I don't have a cool signout thing yet so I don't know have a great day